270+ Highway Engineering Solved MCQs


The cost of construction of rigid pavements is

A. same
B. less
C. more
Answer» C. more

Clothoid is the ideal shape of a transition curve.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

To prevent the development of excessive compressive stresses in the concrete pavements as a result of expansion caused by increase in temperature, the type of transverse joint provided is

A. construction joint
B. contraction joint
C. expansion joint
D. all of these
Answer» C. expansion joint

Dead slow' is a

A. regulatory sign
B. warning sign
C. informatory sign
D. none of these
Answer» A. regulatory sign

A horizontal curve on a road provides

A. change in the direction
B. change in the gradient of road
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» A. change in the direction

The higheay capacity is expressed in passenger car unit (PCU). According to IRC, for a passenger car, the PCU is

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» A. 1

In the absence of super-elevation on road along curves, pot holes are likely to occur at the

A. centre
B. outer edge
C. inner edge
Answer» B. outer edge

Highway density is defined as the total number of vehicles

A. that can be accomodated on a unit length of the road
B. that can pass a given point in a unit period of time
C. that can pass a given point in a specified period of time
D. none of the above
Answer» A. that can be accomodated on a unit length of the road

Level crossing' is a

A. regulatory sign
B. warning sign
C. informatory sign
D. none of these
Answer» B. warning sign

A cubic spiral is

A. superior
B. inferior
Answer» A. superior

In Telford construction, the side portions were made up of only one layer of broken stones and levelled off to give a camber not greater than

A. 1 in 40
B. 1 in 60
C. 1 in 80
D. 1 in 120
Answer» B. 1 in 60

Steeper camber may cause deterioration of the central portion of the road surface.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

The city roads which are meant for through traffic usually on a continuous route are known as

A. carriage-way
B. express way
C. arterial streets
D. sub-arterial streets
Answer» C. arterial streets

The maximum number of vehicles that can pass a vigen point on a lane during one hour without creating unreasonable delay, is known as practical capacity.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

The importance of roads in a country is comparable to the veins in the human body.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The thickness of the parapet wall, on the valley side of the roadway, is usually kept as

A. 20 cm
B. 40 cm
C. 60 cm
D. 80 cm
Answer» C. 60 cm

The minimum length of a valley curve should be such that the head light beam sight distance is equal to the

A. stopping sight distance
B. passing sight distance
C. braking distance
D. none of these
Answer» A. stopping sight distance

An essential gradient, which has to be provided for the purpose of road drainage, is called

A. maximum gradient
B. minimum gradient
C. exceptional gradient
D. floating gradient
Answer» B. minimum gradient

A breast wall is usually constructed on the hill side of the roadway.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The maximum number of vehicles can be parked with

A. parallel parking
B. right angle parking
C. 45? angle parking
D. 75? angle parking
Answer» A. parallel parking

A circular curve may be a vertical curve.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» B. No

The design criterion for the summit curves is the sight distance to be allowed on the highway.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

The dowel bars are used in rigid pavements for

A. resisting tensile stresses
B. resisting bending stress
C. resisting shear stresses
D. transferring load from one portion to another
Answer» D. transferring load from one portion to another

A road within a city or town in called an urban road.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

The most efficient traffic signal system is

A. simultaneous system
B. alternate system
C. flexible progressive system
D. simple progressive system
Answer» C. flexible progressive system

The flexible pavement distribute the wheel load

A. directly to sub-grade
B. through a set of layers to sub-grade
C. through structural action
D. none of these
Answer» B. through a set of layers to sub-grade

The shape of the camber provided for cement concrete pavement is

A. straight line
B. parabolic
C. elliptical
D. none of these
Answer» A. straight line

The Central Road Research Institute (C.R.R.I.) was started in Delhi, in

A. 1951
B. 1955
C. 1964
D. 1965
Answer» A. 1951

A cement grouted road is an example of

A. semi-rigid
B. rigid
C. flexible
Answer» A. semi-rigid

Of all the forces stressing a concrete pavement, the most significant are those imposed by the

A. change in temperature
B. change in moisture
C. wheel loads
D. force of friction
Answer» C. wheel loads

Super-elevation should not be

A. more
B. less
Answer» B. less

The highest point on road surface is called

A. crown
B. camber
C. gradient
D. berm
Answer» A. crown

The foundation of a road is also called

A. soling
B. base
C. either (a) or (b)
D. none of these
Answer» C. either (a) or (b)

The average speed maintained by a vehicle over a particular stretch of road, while the vehicle is in motion, is known as

A. design speed
B. running speed
C. spot speed
D. overall speed
Answer» B. running speed

The group index method of designing flexible pavement is

A. an empirical method based on the physical properties of the sub-grade woil
B. an empirical method based on the strength characteristics of the sub-grade woil
C. a semi-empirical method
D. none of these
Answer» A. an empirical method based on the physical properties of the sub-grade woil

Steep terrain is a terrain with cross-slope greater than 60 percent.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

Transverse joints are provided at right-angles to the length of road.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

Gradients more than the floating gradient result in the

A. decrease
B. increase
Answer» B. increase

Longitudinal joints in concrete pavements

A. divide the pavement into lanes
B. take care of the unequal settlement of the sub-grade
C. help in laying out concrete in convenient widths
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The value of ruling gradient in hills, as recommended by Indian Roads Congress, is

A. 1 in 10
B. 1 in 20
C. 1 in 30
D. 1 in 40
Answer» B. 1 in 20

The selection of design curve in Wyoming method of flexible pavement design, is based upon

A. annual precipitation
B. water-table
C. frost action
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

To prevent the overturning of a bullock cart on curves, the maximum value of super-elevation as prescribed by the Indian Roads Congress is

A. 1 in 5
B. 1 in 10
C. 1 in 15
D. 1 in 20
Answer» C. 1 in 15

According to IRC : 52-1973, the first stage for fixing up alignment of a hill road is

A. trace cut
B. detailed survey
C. preliminary survey
D. reconnaissance
Answer» D. reconnaissance

Class-5 roads have a width of

A. 2.45 m
B. 3.65 m
C. 4.9 m
D. 6 m
Answer» C. 4.9 m

The suitable gradient within which the engineer must endeavour to design the road is called

A. limiting gradient
B. ruling gradient
C. average gradient
D. exceptional gradient
Answer» B. ruling gradient

The colour of light used for visibility during fog is

A. red
B. yellow
C. green
D. white
Answer» B. yellow

In hill roads, minimum sight distance required is

A. stopping sight distance
B. passing sight distance
C. braking distance
D. none of these
Answer» A. stopping sight distance

A road sign is generally installed above the ground at a height of

A. 2.75 m to 2.80 m
B. 2.95 m to 3.00 m
C. 3.15 m to 3.5 m
D. more than 3.5 m
Answer» A. 2.75 m to 2.80 m

In order to give satisfactory service throughout the year, the road surface should

A. have a good carriage-way
B. have smooth gradient
C. have a good wearing surface
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Greater the super-elevation, more will be convenience to the slow moving traffic.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» B. Wrong

The structure of a road is composed of

A. sub-grade
B. sub-base
C. base
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The joints, for forming satisfactory constituents of a concrete pavement, must

A. continue to remain water-proof for all times
B. not induce structural weakness in the pavement
C. not result into deterioration in the riding quality of the pavement
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

As per IRC recommendations, the sub-grade or sub-base layer whatever underlies the concrete wearing slab, in concrete pavements, must confirm to the requirement that

A. no soft spots are present in the sub-grade or sub-base
B. the base or sub-base extends to atleast 30 cm wider on either side of the width to be concreted
C. the sub-grade is properly drained
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Highway capacity is defined as the total number of vehicles

A. that can be accomodated on a unit length of the road
B. that can pass a given point in a unit period of time
C. that can pass a given point in a specified period of time
D. none of the above
Answer» B. that can pass a given point in a unit period of time

The sub-grade is the final load carrying part of the structure.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

The stopping sight distance is always

A. equal to
B. less than
C. greater than
Answer» B. less than

The purpose of traffic surveys is to

A. know the type of traffic
B. determine the facilities to traffic regulations
C. design proper drainage system
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The rate of rise or fall of the road surface along its length, is called

A. cant
B. super-elevation
C. gradient
D. banking
Answer» C. gradient

The traffic census is carried out to study

A. speed and delay
B. traffic volume
C. road parking
D. origin and destination
Answer» C. road parking

In case of multi-lane road, overtaking is generally permitted from

A. left side
B. right side
C. both sides
D. any one of these
Answer» C. both sides

The gradient of a road depends upon the

A. nature of traffic
B. nature of ground
C. rainfall of the locality
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The overall height of the vehicle determines the

A. width of the pavement needed for the highway
B. width of the bridges on the highway
C. lengths of the valley curves at the underpasses in the city areas
D. hight of the tunnels along the highways
E. Both (c) and (d)
Answer» E. Both (c) and (d)

A vertical curve on a road provides change in gradient.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

The main advantage of providing transition curves on highways, is

A. to obtain transition from the tangent to the circular curve and from the obtain transition from the tangent to the circular curve and from the circular to the tangent
B. to obtain a gradual increase of curfature from a value of zero at the tangent to a maximum at the circular curve
C. to have a gradual increase of super-elevation from zero at the tangent to a specific maximum at the circular curve
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

According to IRC : 52-1973, for a single lane National highway in a hilly area

A. the total width of the road-way must be 6.25 m
B. the width of the carriage way must be 3.75 m
C. the shoulder on either side must be 1.25 m
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

According to IRC recommendations, the width of transverse expansion joint should be

A. 10 mm
B. 20 mm
C. 30 mm
D. 40 mm
Answer» B. 20 mm

On horizontal and vertical curves, crossing sight distance must be provided to avoid any collision of two vehicles coming from opposite directions.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The parapet walls are usually required on the valley side of the roadway, in order to

A. retain the earth from slippage
B. properly guide the vehicles to the roadway
C. provide a good drainage system
D. keep the road dry
Answer» B. properly guide the vehicles to the roadway

If the width of cariage way is 10 m and the outer edge is 40 cm higher than the inner edge, then the super-elevation required is

A. 1 in 25
B. 1 in 100
C. 1 in 400
D. none of these
Answer» A. 1 in 25

A terrain with cross-slope less than 10 percent, is called

A. steep terrain
B. mountainous terrain
C. level terrain
D. rolling terrain
Answer» C. level terrain

The speed that a driver adopts on a highway depends on the

A. Physical characteristics of the highway and its surroundings
B. weather conditions in the area
C. speed limitations placed upon the vehicles
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A curve which consists of a single are connecting two straights is known as

A. simple circular curve
B. reverse circular curve
C. cubic spiral curve
D. lamniscate
Answer» A. simple circular curve

The longitudinal levels, in detailed survey of a hill road, should be taken at

A. 4 m
B. 6 m
C. 8 m
D. 10 m
Answer» D. 10 m
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