270+ Highway Engineering Solved MCQs


A barrel camber consists of

A. two straight slopes joining at the centre
B. two straight slopes with a parabolic crown in the centre
C. a continuous curve either parabolic or ellptical
D. none of the above
Answer» C. a continuous curve either parabolic or ellptical

A camber consisting of two straight slopes joining at the centre is called

A. barrel camber
B. sloped camber
C. composite camber
D. none of these
Answer» B. sloped camber

In India, a curve is expressed in terms of angle in degrees subtended to the centre by an arc of

A. 25 m
B. 30 m
C. 45 m
D. 60 m
Answer» B. 30 m

The rate of change of radial acceleration governs the

A. length of a transition curve
B. extra width of pavement on the curve
C. length of the tangent of a simple circular curve
D. all of the above
Answer» A. length of a transition curve

If R is the radius of curvature of a hill road, the maximum grade compensation (in percentage) is equal to

A. 65/R
B. 75/R
C. 85/R
D. 95/R
Answer» B. 75/R

The Border Roads Development Board was established in

A. 1934
B. 1948
C. 1951
D. 1960
Answer» D. 1960

On cement concrete roads, the comber generally provided is 1 in 70 to 1 in 80.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The longest distance at which a driver, whose line of sight is 1.2 m above the road surface, can see the top of an object 10 cm high on the surface of road, is called

A. crossing sight distance
B. stopping or non-passing sight distance
C. over taking or passing sight distance
D. lateral sight distance
Answer» B. stopping or non-passing sight distance

Roads only meant for slow moving traffic

A. must
B. must not
Answer» B. must not

The flexible pavements have self-healing properties.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» A. Right

At a road junction,

A. 5
B. 7
C. 9
D. 16
Answer» D. 16

On kankar road, the camber generally provided is

A. 1 in 24 to 1 in 30
B. 1 in 30 to 1 in 48
C. 1 in 48 to 1 in 60
D. 1 in 60 to 1 in 80
Answer» A. 1 in 24 to 1 in 30

Carriage-way is protected by

A. 0.5 to 1.25 m
B. 1.25 to 2 m
C. 2 to 4 m
D. 4 to 6 m
Answer» B. 1.25 to 2 m

The overall length of the vehicle effects the

A. turning radii of the curve
B. time needed to overtake
C. off-tracking of vehicle
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The maximum spacing of contraction joints in unreinforced concrete slabs for a slab thickness of 20 cm is

A. 4.5 m
B. 10 m
C. 15 m
D. 20 m
Answer» A. 4.5 m

When the bearing capacity of soil is poor and the intensity of traffic is high, an additional layer is provided between the soling and sub-grade. This additional layer is called

A. wearing layer
B. sub-base
C. road surfacing
D. all of these
Answer» B. sub-base

The type of transition curve recommended by the IRC is

A. cubic parabola
B. cubic spiral
C. lamniscate
D. none of these
Answer» B. cubic spiral

The reason for providing curves on a highway is

A. to provide access to a particular locality
B. restriction imposed by some unavoidable reasons of land
C. preservation of existing amenities
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Traffic-actuated signals may be

A. full traffic-actuated signals
B. semi-traffic actuated signals
C. speed control signals
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

According to IRC, the minimum length of the summit or valley curve should not be less than

A. one-half
B. one-fourth
C. two-third
Answer» A. one-half

The value of ruling gradient in plain, as recommended by Indian Roads Congress, is

A. 1 in 10
B. 1 in 20
C. 1 in 30
D. 1 in 40
Answer» C. 1 in 30

For walls less than 6 m in height, the thickness of the retaining wall at the bottom is equal to

A. 0.2 times the height
B. 0.3 times the height
C. 0.4 times the height
D. 0.5 times the height
Answer» C. 0.4 times the height

The value of group index of a soil varies from

A. 0 to 10
B. 0 to 20
C. 20 to 30
D. 30 to 40
Answer» B. 0 to 20

The strength and durability of a road depends upon its sub-grade.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

If the traffic detectors are used on all the approaches to an intersection, the control signal is known as

A. full traffic-actuated signal
B. semi-traffic actuated signals
C. speed control signals
D. all of these
Answer» A. full traffic-actuated signal

The joints, parallel to the centre-line of the road, are called

A. longitudinal joints
B. transverse joints
C. expansion joints
D. all of these
Answer» A. longitudinal joints

The longitudinal joints may be

A. tongue and groove type
B. butt type
C. weakened plane type
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The shape of a vertical curve is

A. parabolic
B. spiral
C. elliptical
D. any one of these
Answer» A. parabolic

An gradient on a road is said to be an exceptional gradient if its is

A. less than the minimum gradient
B. more than the maximum gradient
C. more than the minimum gradient
D. less than the maximum gradient
Answer» A. less than the minimum gradient

The length of the tangent of a simple curve having angle of deflection ? and radius of curvature R, is equal to

A. R sin ?/2
B. R cos ?/2
C. R tan ?/2
D. R cot ?/2
Answer» C. R tan ?/2

A complete signal-time cycle constitutes

A. red timing
B. yellow timing
C. green timing
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Alignment of a road is finally decided on the basis of

A. selection of route
B. field survey
C. trace cut
D. none of these
Answer» B. field survey

A curve at the ridge of a hill having a convex shape is called a

A. valley curve
B. summit curve
C. re-entrant curve
D. salient curve
Answer» D. salient curve

The super structure of a road is called

A. wearing layer
B. wearing course
C. road surfacing
D. any one of these
Answer» D. any one of these

The natural soil on which the pavement rests and to which the entire load of structure is ultimately transferred, is known as the

A. base of road
B. sub-base of road
C. sub-grade of road
D. all of these
Answer» C. sub-grade of road

For jeepable roads, the width of pavement adopted is

A. 3 m
B. 3.75 m
C. 5 m
D. 5.5 m
Answer» A. 3 m

According to Indian Roads Congress, the maximum width of a road vehicle is

A. 1.85 m
B. 2.25 m
C. 2.45 m
D. 3.2 m
Answer» B. 2.25 m

The longitudinal joint in concrete pavements, as recommended by IRC, is of

A. tongue and groove type
B. butt type
C. weakened plane type
D. hinged type
Answer» B. butt type

The major function of reinforcement, in concrete pavements, is

A. to strengthen the slab
B. to hold together the cracks
C. to control the development of cracks
D. all of these
Answer» C. to control the development of cracks

The volume of traffic, that would immediately use a new or an improved road when opened to traffic, is known as

A. generated traffic
B. development traffic
C. current traffic
D. all of these
Answer» C. current traffic

The longitudinal joints are provided when the width of road is more than

A. 3 m
B. 4 m
C. 5.5 m
D. 6.75 m
Answer» B. 4 m

The Motor Vehicle Act was enacted in

A. 1930
B. 1934
C. 1939
D. 1948
Answer» C. 1939

The average number of vehicles per day passing on a section of the road during a particular year, is called

A. peak hour traffic
B. average daily traffic
C. design hourly volume
D. any one of these
Answer» B. average daily traffic

The reaction time of a driver

A. remains constant
B. increases
C. decreases
Answer» C. decreases

The fundamental condition for a perfect transition curve is that radius of curvature at any point should be

A. directly
B. inversely
Answer» B. inversely

The traffic capacity of a highway is always

A. equal
B. more
C. less
Answer» B. more

National Highways Act, 1956 came into force from

A. 15th April, 1957
B. 15th April, 1958
C. 15th April, 1960
D. 15th April 1961
Answer» A. 15th April, 1957

Super-elevation is expressed as

A. the difference of heights of two edges of the carriage-way to the width of the carriage-way
B. the difference of radii of curves
C. the difference of the road gradients
D. none of the above
Answer» A. the difference of heights of two edges of the carriage-way to the width of the carriage-way

Design of both summit and valley curves is based on the assumption that the

A. curve is so flat that the length of curve is equal to the length of chord
B. two portions of the curve along the two tangents on either side of the point of intersection are equal
C. angles made by the tangent with the horizontal are very small and tangents of those angles are equal to the angles themselves (in radians)
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A parapet well is usually constructed on the

A. hill side
B. valley side
Answer» B. valley side

Summit curves are required to be introduced at the situations where

A. a positive grade meets a negative grade
B. a positive grade meets another milder positive grade
C. a negative grade meets a steeper negative grade
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Class-9 roads are designed to carry

A. jeeps
B. 1-tonne vehicles
C. 3-tonne vehicles
D. 10 tonne vehicles
Answer» C. 3-tonne vehicles

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. Where the traffic flow is uninterrupted, the design capacity of a road is numerically equal to practical capacity.
B. The design capacity, normally, is a term applied to existing highways.
C. The practical capacity, normally, is a term applied to new highways.
D. all of the above
Answer» A. Where the traffic flow is uninterrupted, the design capacity of a road is numerically equal to practical capacity.

The stopping sight distance depends upon the

A. reaction time
B. braking time
C. speed of vehicle
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The parking of vehicles is usually preferred at 75? to the aisles.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

Kautilya got constructed a National Highway connecting North West Fronter Province and Patna in about.

A. 295 B.C.
B. 300 B.C.
C. 310 B.C.
D. 337 B.C.
Answer» B. 300 B.C.

In large cities, especially in congested areas, one way streets are provided in order to

A. reduce to a minimum the possible conflicting points
B. increase the carrying capacity of the street
C. eliminate, at night, the glare from head lamps of opposite vehicles
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The camber, for the drainage of surface water, was first introduced by

A. Telford
B. Tresaguet
C. Sully
D. Macadam
Answer» B. Tresaguet

For transportation purposes in India, the first preference is given to

A. air lines
B. roads
C. shipping
D. railways
Answer» B. roads

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A summit curve is provided where a positive grade meets a negative grade.
B. A circular curve may be a reverse curve.
C. A transition curve tends to counteract the swaying outwards of a vehicle.
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

The slope of the line joining the crown and edge of the road surface is known as

A. cross-fall
B. corss-slope
C. camber
D. any one of these
Answer» D. any one of these

For the water-bound macadam road, the recommended camber is

A. 1 in 24 to 1 in 30
B. 1 in 30 to 1 in 48
C. 1 in 60 to 1 in 80
D. 1 in 80 to 1 in 120
Answer» B. 1 in 30 to 1 in 48

The total rise or fall between any two points chosen on the alignment divided by the horizontal distance between the two points, is called

A. average gradient
B. exceptional gradient
C. ruling gradient
D. floating gradient
Answer» A. average gradient

In water-bound Macadam roads

A. small broken stones are laid in two layers
B. voids between the stones are filled by stone dust
C. camber for drainage is given at the formation level itself
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The opportunities to cross slow moving traffic at intervals is not provided in case of

A. two-lane highways
B. three-lane highways
C. four lane highways
D. all of these
Answer» C. four lane highways

The Central Road Research Institute is controlled by

A. Shipping and Transport
B. Science and Technology
C. Planning
D. Finance
Answer» A. Shipping and Transport

For walls more than 6 m in height, thickness of retaining wall at the bottom is equal to 0.4 times the height plus

A. 10 cm
B. 20 cm
C. 30 cm
D. 40 cm
Answer» C. 30 cm

The side drains are provided on both sides of the roadway, when the road is

A. in cutting
B. along salient curve
C. along re-entrant curve
D. all of these
Answer» A. in cutting

The longest road constructed during the time of Shershah Suri was from

A. Delhi to Kolkata (Calcutta)
B. Lahore to Delhi
C. Lahore to Kolkata (Calcutta)
D. Lahore to Agra
Answer» C. Lahore to Kolkata (Calcutta)

The value of maximum gradient for hill roads is

A. 1 in 5
B. 1 in 10
C. 1 in 15
D. 1 in 20
Answer» C. 1 in 15

The height of the parapet wall is usually kept as

A. 25 cm
B. 50 cm
C. 75 cm
D. 100 cm
Answer» C. 75 cm

While deriving the formulae for the length of valley curve, it is assumed that the head light is

A. 0.25 m
B. 0.5 m
C. 0.75 m
D. 1 m
Answer» C. 0.75 m

The Indian Roads and Transport Development Association (I.R.T.D.A.) was set up in

A. 1927
B. 1934
C. 1947
D. 1951
Answer» A. 1927

The main object of providing a camber is

A. to make the road surface impervious
B. to make the road surface durable
C. to drain off rain water from road surface, as quickly as possible
D. all of the above
Answer» C. to drain off rain water from road surface, as quickly as possible

The length of the side of warning sign boards of roads is

A. 30 cm
B. 45 cm
C. 60 cm
D. 75 cm
Answer» B. 45 cm

A vehicle while passing from a straight to a curved path, is under the infludnce of the weight of the vehicle and the centrifugal force.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

The number of vehicles passing at a point on the highway in unit time is known as

A. traffic capacity
B. traffic volume
C. traffic density
D. all of these
Answer» A. traffic capacity

Tie bars in longitudinal joints in concrete pavements

A. ensure firm contact between slab faces
B. prevent abutting slabs from separating along the longitudinal joint
C. act as load transfer devices
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The thickness of base, in no case, whould be more than

A. 10 cm
B. 15 cm
C. 20 cm
D. 30 cm
Answer» D. 30 cm

The portion of a road surface, which is used by vehicular traffic, is known as

A. carriage-way
B. shoulder
C. express way
D. all of these
Answer» A. carriage-way

The maximum number of vehicles that can pass a given point on a lane or a roadway during one hour under the prevailing roadway and traffic conditions, is known as

A. basic capacity of a traffic lane
B. possible capacity of a traffic lane
C. practical capacity of a traffic lane
D. all of these
Answer» B. possible capacity of a traffic lane

The minimum thickness of the base of a flexible pavement is kept as

A. 5 cm
B. 10 cm
C. 15 cm
D. 20 cm
Answer» B. 10 cm

The practical capacity of a highway is

A. same as
B. less than
C. more than
Answer» B. less than

Class-3 roads are designed to carry jeeps.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

A curve at the valley between two hills having a concave shape is called a valley curve.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» B. Wrong

The increase in traffic volume, due to the general increase in the number of transport vehicles, from year to year, is known as

A. normal traffic growth
B. generated traffic
C. development traffic
D. existing traffic
Answer» A. normal traffic growth

The factor which governs the installation of signals, is

A. minimum vehicular volume from different streets at an intersection
B. minimum pedestrian volume of an intersection
C. need for interruption of high volume continuous traffic on main street
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Transverse contraction joints relieve

A. compressive
B. tensile
C. shear
Answer» B. tensile

According to I.R.C. recommendations, the absolute minimum radius of curve for safe operation for a design speed of 100 kmph is

A. 100 m
B. 200 m
C. 300 m
D. 400 m
Answer» D. 400 m

Class-5 roads are designed to carry 3-tonne vehicles.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» B. No

Exceptional gradient should not be provided in a length more than

A. 10 m
B. 20 m
C. 50 m
D. 100 m
Answer» D. 100 m

The depth of relinforcement, below the surface of pavement, is kept as

A. 25 mm
B. 50 mm
C. 75 mm
Answer» B. 50 mm

The design capacity is also known as

A. basic capacity
B. theoretical capacity
C. practical capacity
D. possible capacity
Answer» C. practical capacity

A cement concrete road is an example of semi-rigid pavement.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» B. No

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Seasonal cycle of traffic volume during April and November is usually near the annual average.
B. Mid-summer seasonal cycle of traffic is the least of traffic volume.
C. Mid-winter seasonal cycle of traffic is the highest of traffic volume.
D. all of the above
Answer» A. Seasonal cycle of traffic volume during April and November is usually near the annual average.

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The amount of camber depends upon the rainfall of that area in which the road is to be constructed.
B. The steeper the camber of road, the more inconvenient it is for the traffic.
C. On a pavement with parabolic camber, the angle of inclination of the vehicles will be more at the edges.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The overall width of a vehicle determines the

A. width of the pavement needed for the highway
B. width of the bridges on the highway
C. lengths of the valley curves at the underpasses in the city area
D. height of the tunnels along the highway
E. Both (a) and (b)
Answer» E. Both (a) and (b)

Formation width on curves of motorable road carrying a total load above 400 tonnes per day is kept as

A. 4 m
B. 5 m
C. 7.25 m
D. 11 m
Answer» D. 11 m

Plastic cracks due to shrinkage are developed immediately after the concrete starts hardening.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

The length of the vehicles does not effect the widths of shoulders.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» B. Incorrect
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