230+ Supply Chain Management Solved MCQs


......... can increase customer value to the product

A. supply chain management
B. transportation
C. handling
D. processing
Answer» A. supply chain management

Supply chain management control or link the production to.........

A. directing
B. distribution
C. finance
D. human resource
Answer» B. distribution

Moving goods from suppliers to the production unit is called as......

A. downstream
B. upstream
C. horizontal stream
D. none of these
Answer» B. upstream

Moving goods from producer to the distributor is called as........

A. downstream
B. upstream
C. horizontal stream
D. none of these
Answer» A. downstream

Proper inventory can save the........

A. the cost
B. labours
C. space
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

A warehouse manager have to keep the proper updates of the...

A. stock
B. finance
C. marketing
D. none of these
Answer» A. stock

SCM includes..........

A. transportation
B. material handling
C. storage
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Different machineries are used for material handling......

A. yes
B. no
C. can\t say
D. none of these
Answer» A. yes

....... Plays important role in supply chain management

A. finance
B. marketing
C. information system
D. none of these
Answer» C. information system

In the previous era the proper attention was not given to ........

A. marketing
B. finance
C. supply chain management
D. human resource management
Answer» C. supply chain management

Now a days organisations are paying attention supply chain management for...

A. proper supply
B. value addition
C. transportation
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

In the today's competition world every organisation want give proper service to the customers with the help of.......

A. supply chain management
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. supply chain management

Many times organisations cannot do .... on their own in such cases they Outsource

A. supply chain management
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. supply chain management

Supply chain management includes..........

A. transportation
B. distribution
C. material handling
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Moving goods from suppliers to manufacturing company is part of of....

A. marketing
B. production
C. finance
D. supply chain management
Answer» D. supply chain management

Handling material in the organisation within the production process is part of......

A. production
B. finance
C. supply chain management
D. marketing
Answer» C. supply chain management

Keeping stock updated in the warehouse is the the function of..........

A. supply chain management
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. supply chain management

Handling material with the help of proper instruments is also includes in......

A. production
B. finance
C. supply chain management
D. marketing
Answer» C. supply chain management

Bulldozer can be used in the organisation for..........

A. material handling
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. material handling

An elevator is used by the construction company for.........

A. material handling
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. material handling

A moving belt is used in assembly unit for.....

A. material handling
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. material handling

Many times........ is not included in SCM

A. material handling
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. material handling

Use of automatad sealing machine in a milk processing industry is.

A. material handling
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. material handling

Movement of goods within the organisation is also part of.......

A. supply chain management
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. supply chain management

Return of goods in case of defect is also part of..........

A. supply chain management
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. supply chain management

Transportation services also called as.........

A. financial
B. marketing
C. logistics
D. none of these
Answer» C. logistics

If a customer return the product if it is not matching with ordered one then picking up of the product is part of......

A. supply chain management
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. supply chain management

Reena order for 1 dozen of mangoes but she found that mangoes are rotten does return process is included in .

A. supply chain management
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. supply chain management

SCM now a days providing........ To the customers

A. transparency
B. production
C. storage
D. none of these
Answer» A. transparency

Transparency of SCM definitely helpful in building the.......... The with the organisation

A. infrastructure
B. machinery
C. trust
D. none of these
Answer» C. trust

For service industry like SCM bonding with..... is important

A. manufacturers
B. customers
C. landowners
D. sellers
Answer» B. customers

Information technology is helpful in improviding right.......

A. information
B. westage
C. over production
D. product packaging
Answer» A. information

Different......... It can be used to get connected with customers

A. tools
B. software packages
C. machineries
D. none of these
Answer» B. software packages

......... With the customers is very important in today's era

A. connectivity
B. organising
C. productivity
D. leadership
Answer» A. connectivity

........ Customers can be helpful to make positive changes in the product

A. connectivity
B. organising
C. feedback
D. leadership
Answer» C. feedback

Well-designed SCM always go along with the organisations......

A. production
B. objectives
C. marketing
D. finance
Answer» B. objectives

Pre and post inventory can be kept in the control with the help of..........

A. production
B. supply chain management
C. marketing
D. finance
Answer» B. supply chain management

Proficient supply chain management variance should be.......

A. high
B. low
C. medium
D. none of this
Answer» B. low

SCM should follow.......,,, method for working

A. known
B. unknown
C. standardized
D. can\t say
Answer» C. standardized

A fixed proper method of working which is used on day to day basis is called as....... Method

A. day to day
B. standerdised
C. planned
D. none of these
Answer» A. day to day

In production process SCM have to follow the........

A. production quality control
B. product design
C. product method
D. none of these
Answer» A. production quality control

Reducing number of defective units is also included in..........

A. finance management
B. marketing management
C. supply chain management
D. human resource management
Answer» C. supply chain management

Reduction in wastage order affected units can reduce.... Of production

A. efforts
B. cost
C. design
D. nature
Answer» B. cost

A proper material handling definitely can reduce.........

A. production
B. westige
C. design
D. movement
Answer» B. westige

SCM always strive for to give.......... Time for the material handling

A. maximum
B. minimum
C. moderate
D. can\t say
Answer» B. minimum

Supply chain management plants are go hand in hand with organisations..........

A. production
B. business strategy
C. finance
D. human resource
Answer» B. business strategy

Supply chain management has its interface with all the.......

A. the task
B. departments
C. nature
D. duty
Answer» B. departments

Working as per the schedule are keeping importance of time for customer service it challenge for......

A. production
B. supply chain management
C. finance
D. human resource
Answer» B. supply chain management

Global supply chain management means providing the the products and services all over the.........

A. village
B. city
C. globe
D. metropolitan
Answer» C. globe

Nowadays......supply chain management is also becoming familiar

A. city
B. global
C. metropolitan
D. none of these
Answer» B. global

The ultimate goal of SCM is......

A. high productivity
B. cost reduction
C. better service
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Many time people has confusion between SCM and........

A. finance
B. transportation
C. marketing
D. human resource
Answer» B. transportation

.... Is part of supply chain management

A. material handling
B. retail management
C. sales management
D. none of these
Answer» A. material handling

“ Zero defects in manufacturing …”

A. is a relevant goal only in electronic assembly
B. is readily achievable in all areas
C. is the goal of tqm
D. is an unobtainable and misleading idea
Answer» C. is the goal of tqm

A ____________ encompasses all activities associated with the flow and
transformation of goods from the raw material stage, through to the end user, as well as
the associated information flows.

A. production line
B. supply chain
C. marketing channel
D. warehouse
Answer» B. supply chain

Which one of the following is not a typical question dealt with by an operations managers?

A. how much capacity will be needed in the months ahead?
B. what is a satisfactory location for a new facility?
C. how to motivate employees?
D. all are typical of operations decisions.
Answer» D. all are typical of operations decisions.

Which of the following are not key attributes of supply chain management?

A. inventory control
B. leveraging technology
C. customer power
D. all are key attributes
Answer» D. all are key attributes

Positive, long-term relationships between supply chain participants refer to:

A. coo- petition
B. tailored logistics
C. partnerships
D. supply chain management
Answer» C. partnerships

Which of the following statements is true of LEAN?

A. lean principles focus on advanced statistical methods
B. lean principles are separate body of knowledge
C. lean principles have been developed over a lengthy period of time.
D. lean principles include reducing waste.
Answer» D. lean principles include reducing waste.

Cooperative supply chain relationships developed to enhance the overall business performance of both parties is a definition of:

A. third-party logistics
B. supply chain collaboration
C. dovetailing
D. relationship marketing
Answer» B. supply chain collaboration

"Kaizen" is a Japanese term meaning

A. a foolproof mechanism
B. just-in-time (jit)
C. a fishbone diagram
D. continuous improvement
Answer» D. continuous improvement

Among the tools of TQM, the tool ordinarily used to aid in understanding the sequence of events through which a product travels is a…

A. pareto chart
B. flow chart
C. check sheet
D. taguchi map
Answer» B. flow chart

The inputs to a transformation process include all of the following except

A. material
B. people
C. information
D. assembly
Answer» B. people

Which came last in the development of manufacturing techniques?

A. lean production.
B. division of labor.
C. mass production.
D. interchangeable parts.
Answer» A. lean production.

When suppliers, distributors, and customers partner with each other to improve the performance of the entire system, they are participating in a ________

A. channel of distribution
B. value delivery network
C. supply chain
D. supply and demand chain
Answer» B. value delivery network

Which of the following is not an area of responsibility for a logistics manager?

A. inventory
B. purchasing
C. warehousing
D. marketing
Answer» D. marketing

A Supply Chain which includes the Distribution of finished products and services

A. outbound logistics
B. inbound logistics
C. supply of goods
D. transportation
Answer» A. outbound logistics

In a SC, Material flows in one direction while _________from in both direction

A. process
B. information
C. product
D. semi-finished goods
Answer» B. information

A supply chain is a sequence of firms that perform activities required:

A. to find products that are similar
B. to facilitate wholesalers inventory selections
C. to create synergy in their training programs
D. to create and deliver goods to consumers
Answer» D. to create and deliver goods to consumers

Today, a growing number of firms now outsource some or all of their logistics to ________ intermediaries

A. competitors
B. third party logistics (3pl) providers
C. channel members
D. cross-functional teams
Answer» B. third party logistics (3pl) providers

What are the two basic types of production systems?

A. automated and manual
B. intermittent and non-intermittent (continuous) process
C. normal and continuous process
D. continuous process and batch
Answer» B. intermittent and non-intermittent (continuous) process

What type of process would a paper mill be most likely to use?

A. continuous flow
B. project
C. job shop
D. flow shop
Answer» A. continuous flow

Which of the following is true?

A. value is always lower than price.
B. value is what consumers are prepared to pay.
C. cost is always lower than price.
D. price is always lower than value
Answer» B. value is what consumers are prepared to pay.

Efficiency is defined by

A. actual output divided by design capacity.
B. capacity divided by utilization.
C. effective capacity divided by actual output.
D. actual output divided by effective capacity.
Answer» D. actual output divided by effective capacity.

As production systems move from projects to batch production to mass production to continuous production

A. processes become more flexible
B. customer involvement with the process increases
C. products become more standardized
D. demand volumes decrease
Answer» D. demand volumes decrease

Which of the following is an implication of low variety?

A. low unit cost
B. flexibility needed
C. high complexity
D. matching customers specific needs
Answer» D. matching customers specific needs

In a process flow chart transportation is depicted by _________?

A. a circle
B. a square
C. a triangle
D. an arrow
Answer» D. an arrow

A useful process improvement tool to search for the root cause of a problem is the ___________ process?

A. 3 whats
B. 4 whos
C. 5 whys
D. 6 wheres
Answer» D. 6 wheres

A quality criterion which can be measured is called a ___________?

A. quality variable
B. quality component
C. quality attribute
D. quality characteristic
Answer» C. quality attribute

Which of these is a quality variable for a motor car?

A. comfort of the seating
B. time to reach a given speed
C. road holding ability
D. headlights are working
Answer» A. comfort of the seating

In a materials processing operation the design capacity is defined as _____________?

A. the minimum output per given time.
B. the aggregate annual output.
C. the theoretical maximum output in a given time.
D. the most likely output in a given time.
Answer» A. the minimum output per given time.

Having a 'happy hour' in a pub or restaurant is an example of which type of capacity management?

A. a level capacity strategy
B. a demand management strategy
C. a chase demand strategy
D. a yield management strategy
Answer» D. a yield management strategy

In the mass production era there were 4 types of operations process; complex project, batch production, assembly line and ____________?

A. job shop
B. simple project
C. mass process
D. continuous flow process
Answer» D. continuous flow process

In a materials processing operation, which of the following process type is associated with the highest volume and lowest variety?

A. job shop
B. batch process
C. mass process
D. continuous process
Answer» A. job shop

A sequence of business and information links is called a ________?

A. logistics network
B. distribution network
C. sales channel
D. supply chain
Answer» D. supply chain

Supply chains link operators to suppliers in _________?

A. layers
B. groups
C. tiers
D. vertical layer
Answer» D. vertical layer

Activities which are undertaken before the final operation are termed _______ activities.

A. upstream
B. primary
C. secondary
D. downstream
Answer» D. downstream

In the automotive supply chain information flows in which direction?

A. towards the end user only
B. towards the supplier only
C. between the end user and the operation only
D. both towards the end user and the supplier
Answer» D. both towards the end user and the supplier

How do automotive companies mainly sell their new products?

A. over the internet
B. through retail distributers
C. via a trade magazine
D. directly to customers
Answer» C. via a trade magazine

Selecting suppliers and purchasing items is called ____?

A. negotiation
B. procurement
C. contracting
D. selection
Answer» B. procurement

The main benefit to an operation of having multiple sourcing is ______?

A. consistent quality
B. speed of delivery
C. continuity of supply
D. flexibility of products
Answer» C. continuity of supply

Which of the following is an advantage of single sourcing?

A. continuity of supply
B. ability to keep prices down
C. increased flexibility of supply
D. lower administration cost
Answer» A. continuity of supply

When an organization owns its suppliers it is known as ________?

A. downstream supplier collaboration
B. backward vertical integration
C. forward vertical integration
D. upstream supplier collaboration
Answer» B. backward vertical integration

Logistics is the term for which activities?

A. procurement of raw materials
B. distribution of goods to customers
C. accounting for raw materials in transit
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The Japanese term for waste is ____________?

A. muri
B. kanban
C. muda
D. kaizen
Answer» B. kanban

The Japanese term “Muri” means ____________?

A. the overburden
B. the unevenness
C. leveling of production
D. continuous improvement
Answer» A. the overburden

The Japanese term “Kanban” means ____________?

A. visual depicts
B. visual cards
C. leveling of production
D. continuous improvement
Answer» D. continuous improvement

In the Japanese term “Kaizen”, “Kai” means _________?

A. performance
B. change
C. improvement
D. standards
Answer» C. improvement

The Japanese term “Jidoka” means ____________?

A. manual correction
B. automation
C. autonomation
D. continuous improvement
Answer» C. autonomation

positive, long-term relationships between supply chain participants refer to:

A. co-opetitions
B. tailored logistics
C. partnerships
D. supply chain management
Answer» C. partnerships
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