
230+ History of Human Rights Movements Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in History (BA History) .


Rights for all members of the human family were first articulated in ………………. in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

A. 1938
B. 1948
C. 1958
D. 1968
Answer» B. 1948

Rights for all members of the human family were first articulated in 1948 in the …………….Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

A. united nations’
B. american
C. babylonian
D. britain
Answer» A. united nations’

The ……………. articles of the Declaration together form a comprehensive statement covering economic, social, cultural, political, and civil rights.

A. 30
B. 33
C. 35
D. 38
Answer» A. 30

The Hindu Vedas, the Babylonian Code of……………., the Bible, the Quran (Koran), and the Analects of Confucius are five of the oldest written sources which address questions of people’s duties, rights, and responsibilities.

A. hammurabi
B. jimmy carter
C. nelson mandela
D. vaclav havel
Answer» A. hammurabi

In addition, the Inca and Aztec codes of conduct and justice and an Iroquois Constitution were Native …………..sources that existed well before the 18th century.

A. american
B. french
C. indian
D. spanish
Answer» A. american

Documents asserting individual rights, such the Magna Carta

A. 1215
B. 1216
C. 1218
D. 1315
Answer» A. 1215

The English Bill of Rights……………

A. 1669
B. 1679
C. 1689
D. 1789
Answer» C. 1689

The French Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen

A. 1789
B. 1796
C. 1799
D. 1879
Answer» A. 1789

The …………….Constitution and Bill of Rights (1791) are the written precursors to many of today’s human rights documents.

A. us
B. indian
C. french
D. pakistan
Answer» A. us

In ……… countries established the International Labor Organization (ILO) to oversee treaties protecting workers with respect to their rights, including their health and safety.

A. 1919
B. 1929
C. 1939
D. 1949
Answer» A. 1919

Concern over the protection of certain minority groups was raised by the …………………

A. league of nations
B. uno
C. washington conference
D. moscow conference
Answer» A. league of nations

The League floundered because the United States refused to join and because the League failed to prevent Japan’s invasion of China and Manchuria in …………………..

A. 1921
B. 1931
C. 1936
D. 1941
Answer» B. 1931

………….attack on Ethiopia 1935.

A. italy’s
B. germany’s
C. japan’s
D. britain’s
Answer» A. italy’s

The Second World War broke out in ………….

A. 1914
B. 1934
C. 1939
D. 1945
Answer» C. 1939

The extermination by Nazi ……………of over six million Jews, Sinti and Romani (gypsies), homosexuals, and persons with disabilities horrified the world.

A. germany
B. italy
C. america
D. sweden
Answer» A. germany

Trials were held in …………….and Tokyo after World War II, and officials from the defeated countries were punished for committing war crimes, "crimes against peace," and "crimes against humanity."

A. nuremberg
B. cairo
C. peking
D. moscow
Answer» A. nuremberg

The San Francisco meeting that drafted the United Nations Charter in ………………………

A. 1915
B. 1925
C. 1935
D. 1945
Answer» D. 1945

On December 10, ……………., the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)was adopted by the 56 members of the United Nations.

A. 1928
B. 1938
C. 1948
D. 1958
Answer» C. 1948

The……………., commonly referred to as the international Magna Carta, extended the revolution in international law ushered in by the United Nations Charter – namely, that how a government treats its own citizens is now a matter of legitimate international concern, and not simply a domestic issue.

A. udhr
B. icescr
C. unifem
D. unesco
Answer» A. udhr

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees was held in …………

A. 1921
B. 1931
C. 1951
D. 1957
Answer» C. 1951

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was held in ……………………..

A. 1929
B. 1939
C. 1949
D. 1979
Answer» D. 1979

Convention on the Rights of the Child held in ………………

A. 1939
B. 1949
C. 1959
D. 1989
Answer» D. 1989

African states have created their own Charter of Human and People’s Rights in …………………

A. 1951
B. 1961
C. 1981
D. 1989
Answer» C. 1981

Muslim states have created the …………….Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (1990).

A. cairo
B. tehran
C. washington
D. peking
Answer» A. cairo

NGO activities surrounding the 1995 United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, …………., drew unprecedented attention to serious violations of the human rights of women.

A. china
B. japan
C. america
D. britain
Answer» A. china

Although human rights are fundamental to all functions of the UN, human rights issues mainly fall under……………

A. ecosoc
B. unifem
C. unesco
D. who
Answer» A. ecosoc

…………….. Develops international labor standards and provides technical assistance training to governments.

A. ilo
B. unifem
C. who
D. unesco
Answer» A. ilo

…………….Works with other UN bodies, governments, and nongovernmental organizations to provide community-based services in primary healthcare, basic education, and safe water and sanitation for children in developing countries.

A. unicef
B. unifem
C. unesco
D. who
Answer» A. unicef

…………….Promotes economic and political empowerment of women in developing countries, working to ensure their participation in development planning and practices, as well as their human rights.

A. unifem
B. unesco
C. who
D. ilo
Answer» A. unifem

………… Pursues intellectual cooperation in education, science, culture, and communications and promotes development through social, cultural, and economic projects.

A. unesco
B. who
C. unifem
D. unicef
Answer» A. unesco

………………… Conducts immunization campaigns, promotes and coordinates research, and provides technical assistance to countries that are improving their health systems.

A. who
B. unifem
C. unicef
D. ilo
Answer» A. who

The UN Security Council, comprising …………..member states, is responsible for making decisions regarding international peace and security.

A. 15
B. 17
C. 18
D. 20
Answer» A. 15

The ……………… is the administrative arm of the UN, responsible for overseeing the programs and policies established by the other UN organs.

A. secretariat
B. iccpr
C. icerd
D. cedaw
Answer» A. secretariat

The position of UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, currently held by Mary Robinson, the former President of…………….., is part of the UN Secretariat.

A. china
B. ussr
C. uk
D. ireland
Answer» D. ireland

At the International Peace Conference in Hague in ............. over 25 nations met for ten weeks to codify the laws of war, both on land and at sea.

A. 1889
B. 1899
C. 1934
D. 1945
Answer» B. 1899

At the Treaty of Versailles in.............., the victors of the First World War convened to negotiate a peace settlement.

A. 1879
B. 1889
C. 1917
D. 1919
Answer» D. 1919

The League had originally been proposed by the president of the United States (US)..................., but domestic pressure prevented the US from ever joining.

A. woodrow wilson
B. winston churchill
C. franklin
D. roosevelt d) nixon
Answer» A. woodrow wilson

The League of Nations lasted only until..............; it dissolved after it failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II.

A. 1936
B. 1946
C. 1956
D. 1958
Answer» B. 1946

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the President of the................

A. united states
B. japan
C. china
D. france
Answer» A. united states

......................was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

A. winston churchill
B. woodrow wilson
C. franklin
D. roosevelt d) abraham lincoln
Answer» A. winston churchill

Roosevelt and Churchill signed in the Atlantic Charter while on board the HMS Prince of Wales on August 14,...............

A. 1911
B. 1921
C. 1931
D. 1941
Answer» D. 1941

On January 1, ..............., representatives from the 26 Allied nations gathered in Washington, DC to sign the Declaration by United Nations.

A. 1932
B. 1942
C. 1952
D. 1962
Answer» B. 1942

The term "United Nations" had been suggested by President...................

A. roosevelt
B. naomi klein
C. donnelly jack
D. woodrow wilson
Answer» A. roosevelt

On February 11, 1945, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Premier Joseph Stalin met at ............and announced their resolution to form "a general international organization to maintain peace and security".

A. yalta
B. moscow
C. teheran
D. new york
Answer» A. yalta

The San Francisco Conference of ............ propelled the United Nations into reality.

A. 1925
B. 1935
C. 1938
D. 1945
Answer» D. 1945

The United Nations officially became an institution with the ratification of the UN Charter on October 24,...............

A. 1928
B. 1935
C. 1938
D. 1945
Answer» D. 1945

The UN Headquarters were first established in ...........City on October 24, 1949.

A. new york
B. yalta
C. teheran
D. moscow
Answer» A. new york

The International Court of Justice, the judicial branch of the UN, is based in................, the Netherlands, and was established in 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations.

A. hague
B. new york
C. yalta
D. teheran
Answer» A. hague

The position of the High Commissioner for Human Rights was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December...............

A. 1933
B. 1943
C. 1953
D. 1993
Answer» D. 1993

The post of High Commissioner for Human Rights was first held by ...................of Ecuador.

A. mr. josé ayala-lasso
B. jeremy bentham
C. st. thomas aquinas
D. john
Answer» A. mr. josé ayala-lasso

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