8800+ Topic-wise solved MCQs for:
Bachelor of Arts in History (BA History)

  1. 1. An Introduction to Political Science
  2. 2. Contemporary Kerala
  3. 3. Early India- State to Empire
  4. 4. Early Societies in India
  5. 5. Formation of Kerala, Society and Culture
  6. 6. Gender Studies
  7. 7. History of Contemporary India
  8. 8. History of Early India
  9. 9. History of Human Rights
  10. 10. History of Human Rights Movements
  11. 11. History of Journalism in India
  12. 12. History of Medieval India
  13. 13. History of Modern Kerala
  14. 14. History of the Early World
  15. 15. History of the Medieval World
  16. 16. History of the Modern India
  17. 17. History of the Modern World
  18. 18. Indian Constitution and Politics
  19. 19. Indian Constitution And Politics 1
  20. 20. Indian Constitution And Politics 2
  21. 21. Indian Epigraphy
  22. 22. Indian History 1
  23. 23. Indian History 2
  24. 24. Indian Numismatics
  25. 25. Informatics
  26. 26. Informatics and History
  27. 27. Intellectual History of the World
  28. 28. Introduction to Political Science and Governmental Structures and Processes
  29. 29. Introductory Economics 1
  30. 30. Introductory Economics 2
  31. 31. Kerala Society and Culture- Ancient and Medieval
  32. 32. Major Trends in Historical Thought and Writing
  33. 33. Making of Indian Nation
  34. 34. Making of Modern Kerala
  35. 35. Medieval India- Society, Culture, Religion
  36. 36. Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences
  37. 37. Methodology of Historical Writing
  38. 38. Methodology of History
  39. 39. Modern World History From AD 1500 2
  40. 40. Modern World in Transition
  41. 41. NEO-Colonialism
  42. 42. Principles and Methods of Archaeology
  43. 43. Situating Independent India
  44. 44. Stratified Societies- Medieval World
  45. 45. Trends in Historiography
  46. 46. Trends in Indian Historiography
  47. 47. Understanding the Past
  48. 48. Urban Societies in Ancient World
  49. 49. World History 1
  50. 50. World History 2

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Bachelor of Arts in History (BA History) MCQs PDF download, Bachelor of Arts in History (BA History) all topics MCQs, MCQ questions and answers for Bachelor of Arts in History (BA History)