310+ History of Medieval India Solved MCQs


What was Jalauddin Khilji before he came to power in 1290?

A. warden of marches in the north-west
B. vazir of deccan
C. king of firozabad
D. none of the above
Answer» A. warden of marches in the north-west

Who ended the Turkish monopoly of high offices in the Delhi sultanate?

A. the khiljis
B. mughals
C. lodis
D. tughlaqs
Answer» A. the khiljis

Who was the first ruler of the Delhi Sultanate to put forward the view that the state should be based on the willing support of the governed?

A. iltutmish
B. balaban
C. akbar
D. alaudhin
Answer» A. iltutmish

Who was the Delhi Sultan to start the policy of giving harsh punishment even to the wives and children of rebels?

A. alauddin khilji
B. balban
C. iltumish
D. khutabdin ibek
Answer» A. alauddin khilji

When did Timur invade India?

A. 1398 ad
B. 1498
C. 1200
D. 1900
Answer» A. 1398 ad

When did Alauddin Khiji launch an attack on Gujarat?

A. 1299
B. 1399
C. 1499
D. 1599
Answer» A. 1299

What was the first state against which Alauddin launched an attack?

A. ranthambhor
B. delhi
C. magadha
D. bengal
Answer» A. ranthambhor

Who was the famous poet who accompanied Alauddin in the Ranthambhore campaign?

A. amir khusrau
B. tanzen
C. abul fasal
D. kalidas
Answer» A. amir khusrau

The Padmini legend is associated with which place?

A. chittor
B. bhopal
C. jhansi
D. none of the above
Answer» A. chittor

Malik Kafur led campaign against which two places in south India?

A. warangal and ma’a bar
B. warangal and travancore
C. canara and konkan
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. warangal and ma’a bar

Which was the Deccan state against which Muhammad bin Taghlaq had to suffer reverses initially?

A. warangal
B. gujarath
C. bombay
D. lahore
Answer» A. warangal

Alauddin Khilji brought reforms in market control after which campaign?

A. chittor campaign
B. gujarath
C. bombay
D. lahore
Answer» A. chittor campaign

How many markets did Alauddin establish?

A. three
B. two
C. one
D. four
Answer» A. three

Under which officer markets of Alauddin functioned?

A. shahna
B. wazir
C. iqtedar
D. zamindar
Answer» A. shahna

Which medieval historian wrote about Alauddin’s market control?

A. ziauddin barni
B. abul fazal
C. ibn khaldun
D. st. augustin
Answer» A. ziauddin barni

The Medieval Period of Indian History comprises a long period, spanning from …………… century i.e after the fall of the Gupta Empire to the 18th century, i.e the beginning of colonial domination.

A. 5th
B. 6th
C. 8th
D. 9th
Answer» B. 6th

The Medieval Period of Indian History comprises a long period, spanning from 6th century i.e after the fall of the ………….. Empire to the 18th century, i.e the beginning of colonial domination.

A. gupta
B. maurya
C. harsha
D. vijayanagar
Answer» A. gupta

The Early Medieval period refer to the phase of Indian history that stretches from the fall of the Gupta Empire to the beginning of the ……………….period in the 13th century.

A. sultanate
B. mughal
C. harsha
D. maurya
Answer» A. sultanate

The nature of state in the early …………..period is marked by the presence of a large number of regional and local powers, in the absence of a paramount power in the country.

A. medieval
B. sangam
C. ancient
D. modern
Answer» A. medieval

The …………..model was largely constructed on the basis of Puranic and Epigraphic data pertaining mostly to North India.

A. feudal
B. segmentary
C. capitalistic
D. socialistic
Answer» A. feudal

The history of Indian medieval period was started after the end of ancient age in 550 AD and it continued till 18th century when the ………………Empire had broken.

A. sultanate
B. turkish
C. mughal
D. bahmini
Answer» C. mughal

After the ……………… (after 300 BC) Cholas was beaten by the Pandyas and Pallavas and they captured the Tamil country.

A. sangam age
B. vedic
C. harappan
D. gupta
Answer» A. sangam age

Around 850 AD, ………….rose in power and he rescued the Chola Dynasty from Pandyas and Pallavas and captured the capital city Thanjavur.

A. vijayalaya
B. rajaraja chola i
C. pulakesin i
D. none of the above
Answer» A. vijayalaya

After ………….. century, Cholas became strongest dynasty of the southern India.

A. 9th
B. 10th
C. 11th
D. 12th
Answer» A. 9th

Under …………..and Rajendra Chola I, the empire became powerful in the field of army, finance and culture in South Asia and South-east Asia.

A. rajaraja chola i
B. vijayalaya
C. pulakesin i
D. mahendraverman i
Answer» A. rajaraja chola i

The Chalukya Dynasties were in power of Indian medieval history from the reign of 600 to 1200 AD in the state of…………..

A. thanjavur
B. deccan
C. badami
D. kalyani
Answer» B. deccan

Western Chalukyas ruled from……………..

A. badami
B. thanjavur
C. kalyani
D. vengi
Answer» A. badami

The Chalukyas who ruled from ………… capital city were referred as Later Western Chalukyas.

A. kanchi
B. badami
C. thanjavur
D. kalyani
Answer» D. kalyani

The Chalukyas ruled their kingdom from the ………….capital city were known as the Eastern Chalukyas.

A. badami
B. vengi
C. thanjavur
D. kalyani
Answer» B. vengi

Founder of the Western or Early Chalukya Dynasty was …………

A. pulakesin i
B. vijayalaya
C. shashanka
D. dharmapala
Answer» A. pulakesin i

…………. was in power from 609 AD to 642 AD of Early Chalukya Dynasty.

A. simha vishnu
B. vijayalaya
C. rajaraja chola i
D. pulakesin ii
Answer» D. pulakesin ii

The Western Chalukya Dynasty’s capital of …………. was destroyed by the Pallavas in the 7th century.

A. thanjavur
B. badami
C. vengi
D. madurai
Answer» B. badami

The Eastern Chalukya dynasties were in power from the capital city of ………….and the dynasty was lasted from 624 AD to 11th century.

A. vengi
B. badami
C. thanjavur
D. peshawar
Answer» A. vengi

Western Chalukyas reestablished the dynasty in the Deccan and created a new capital at ……………...

A. thanjavur
B. badami
C. kalyani
D. thaneswar
Answer» C. kalyani

………….. were a powerful Dynasty of Andhra Pradesh in Indian medieval history in the end of 500 AD.

A. pandyas
B. cholas
C. pallavas
D. chalukyas
Answer» C. pallavas

The founder of pallava Dynasty was …………..

A. rajaraja chola i
B. vijayalaya
C. simha vishnu
D. pulekisin ii
Answer» C. simha vishnu

……………… dynasty ruled India from 1414 AD to 1451 AD.

A. sayyid
B. slave
C. khalji
D. tughluq
Answer» A. sayyid

…………….dynasty ruled India from 1451 AD to 1526 AD.

A. lodi
B. slave
C. khalji
D. sayyid
Answer» A. lodi

……………, the founder of the Mughal Empire in India, was the descendant of Changez Khan.

A. babur
B. vijayalaya
C. shah jahan
D. humayun
Answer» A. babur

Babar came to India and defeated Ibrahim Lodi in ………….. at the First Battle of Panipat.

A. 1326
B. 1426
C. 1520
D. 1526
Answer» D. 1526

There was a brief interruption to Mughal rule when Babur's son Humayun was ousted from Delhi, by …………., an Afghan chieftain.

A. sher shah
B. shah jahan
C. ibrahim lodi
D. pulakesin i
Answer» A. sher shah

It was Babur's grandson …………… who consolidated political power and extended his empire over practically the whole of north India and parts of the south.

A. ibrahim lodi
B. shivaji
C. shah jahan
D. akbar
Answer» D. akbar

………….succeeded Akbar was a pleasure loving man of refined taste.

A. aurangazeeb
B. shah jahan
C. ibrahim lodi
D. jahangir
Answer» D. jahangir

…………. fame rests on the majestic buildings he has left behind - the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort and the Jama Masjid.

A. shah jahan's
B. babur
C. changez khan
D. humayun
Answer» A. shah jahan's

……………… was the last Great Mughal ruler.

A. aurangzeb
B. babur
C. shivaji
D. shah jahan
Answer» A. aurangzeb

The Marathas were initially in the service of Bijapur sultans in the western Deccan which was under siege by the …………. Empire.

A. mughal
B. mauryan
C. gupta
D. british
Answer» A. mughal

The founder of Maratha dominance, ………… is known as the "father of the Maratha nation’.

A. shivaji
B. babur
C. ibrahim lodi
D. pulakesin i
Answer» A. shivaji

The people of his nation called …………. as Chhatrapati (means who provide shelter).

A. shivaji
B. shah jahan
C. ibrahim lodi
D. pulakesin i
Answer» A. shivaji

The deliverance of the .............. teachings is known as “turning the wheel of dharma”.

A. hindu
B. jain
C. buddhist
D. parsi
Answer» C. buddhist

The concept of the Chakravartin probably arose from the ............ ideal of the “maha purusha” or “great man”.

A. vaishnavite
B. bureaucracy
C. dutaka
D. ‘senapati’
Answer» A. vaishnavite

The “Madhuban Copper Plates’ of the …………… century mention about the names of various officials like that of ‘Uparika’ or provincial governors.

A. 3rd
B. 4th
C. 5th
D. 7th
Answer» D. 7th

Huen-Tsang the …………… Budhist pilgrim.

A. chinese
B. indian
C. russian
D. japanese
Answer» A. chinese

The rulers who ruled over North India between the period 1206-1526 are popularly known as the rulers of …………….

A. delhi sultanate
B. mughal
C. mauryas
D. kalachuris
Answer» A. delhi sultanate

…………….. was the first ruler of the Delhi Sultanate and the founder of the slave dynasty.

A. qutab-ud-din aibak
B. iltumish
C. sulthana raziya
D. giyasuddin balban
Answer» A. qutab-ud-din aibak

The second phase of the Delhi Sultanate began with the establishment of the Khilji dynasty in …………….

A. 1250
B. 1260
C. 1278
D. 1290
Answer» D. 1290

………………. work was Harshacharita

A. athula’s
B. bana bhatta’s
C. kesavan veluthat’s
D. karashima noboru’s
Answer» B. bana bhatta’s

The fall of the …………. Empire in the 5th century, virtually put an end to the trade between north India and Central and West Asia.

A. roman
B. greek
C. chinese
D. persian
Answer» A. roman

………….., in his ‘Urban Decay in India’ argues that the decline in long distance trade was the main reason for urban decay in early medieval India.

A. r.s. sharma
B. d.d. kosambi
C. kesavan veluthat
D. irfan habib
Answer» A. r.s. sharma

The striking development of the ………….. period was the emergence of priestly landlords at the expense of local peasants.

A. maurya
B. harsha
C. gupta
D. mughal
Answer» C. gupta

The practice of giving land grants to priests and officials became common during the …………… period.

A. gupta
B. sultanate
C. mughal
D. harsha
Answer» A. gupta

The land grant system was originally started by ………..; it became a common activity during the Gupta period.

A. satavahanas
B. sultanates
C. mughals
D. mauryas
Answer» A. satavahanas

The Maitrakas were tributary chiefs of the ………, who established an independent kingdom in western India.

A. mughals
B. sultanates
C. guptas
D. pushyabhutis
Answer» C. guptas

………….was the most important ruler of the Maitrakas and was a contemporary of Harshavardhana.

A. dharmapala
B. shashanka
C. dhruvasena ii
D. harsha
Answer» C. dhruvasena ii

The institution of the …………… had been in force in early Islamic world as a form of reward for services to the state.

A. iqta
B. muqti
C. feudalism
D. serfdom
Answer» A. iqta

From the time of ………… the muqti was expected to send the balance (fawazil) of the income to the centre after meeting his and the army’s expenses.

A. feroze shah tughlaq
B. alauddhin khalji
C. muhmmad-bin-thughlaq
D. balban
Answer» D. balban

The ………… was appointed to keep a record of the income of the Iqtas.

A. khwaja
B. diwan-i –waqoof
C. diwan-imustakharaj
D. diwan-i-amir kohi
Answer» A. khwaja

The group of chahalgan (group of 40 nobles), which was created by ………….., emerged very powerful.

A. iltutmish
B. balban
C. qutubuddin aibak
D. alauddhin khalji
Answer» A. iltutmish

…………… was the first Sultan to bring the nobility firmly under his control.

A. balban
B. qutubuddin aibak
C. iltutmish
D. aurangzeb
Answer» A. balban

The religious intellectual group of ……………. was collectively referred as Ulema.

A. parsis
B. hindus
C. christains
D. muslims
Answer» D. muslims

……………. explained his theory taking into account both "feudalism from above" and "feudalism from below".

A. kosambi
B. burton stein
C. chattopadhyaya
D. mgs narayanan
Answer» A. kosambi

………………. was mainly interested in "feudalism from above".

A. r.s. sharma
B. burton stein
C. mgs narayanan
D. bns yadava
Answer» A. r.s. sharma

In 1965, …………… proposed that decline of foreign trade is the cause of feudalism.

A. r.s. sharma
B. dineshchandra sircar
C. burton stein
D. chattopadhyaya.
Answer» A. r.s. sharma

After the failure of Shaista Khan, Aurangazeb deputed Raja Jai Singh of Amber to deal with ……………..

A. shivaji
B. dadaji kondadev
C. raja jai singh
D. narasimhavarman
Answer» A. shivaji

Marching to Poona, …………… decided to strike at the heart of Shivaji territories Fort purendar where Shivaji had lodged his family and his treasure.

A. narasimhavarman
B. dadaji kondadev
C. raja thodar mal
D. jai singh
Answer» D. jai singh

In 1674, Shivaji held his coronation, assumed the title Chatrapathi and made ………….. his capital.

A. raigarh
B. tinnevelly
C. tirukkadaiyur
D. pudukottai
Answer» A. raigarh

The administration of ……………. was divided into eight departments headed by ministers who are called Ashta pradhan.

A. raja jai singh
B. pushyabhutis
C. shivaji
D. narasimhavarman
Answer» C. shivaji

…………… wrote ‘Contribution of South India to Indian Culture’,

A. s.krishna swami ayyankar
B. robert sewell
C. nilakanta sastri
D. n. rajayyan
Answer» A. s.krishna swami ayyankar

S. Krishna Swami Ayyankar, along with …………… edited the ‘Historical Inscriptions of South India’.

A. robert sewell
B. nilakanta sastri
C. burton stein
D. appadorai
Answer» A. robert sewell

……………… can be considered as the first historian to write a comprehensive history of south India.

A. k.a. nilakanta sastri
B. richard kennedy
C. southal
D. robert sewell
Answer» A. k.a. nilakanta sastri

…………………. was written ‘History of South India’,

A. k.a. nilakanta sastri
B. appadorai
C. mahalingam
D. robert sewell
Answer» A. k.a. nilakanta sastri

………………. works, ‘Inscriptions of Pallavas and Early Indian Paleography’ are of considerable importance for the reconstruction of the history he Pallavas.

A. mahalingam’s
B. burton stein’s
C. george spencer’s
D. kenneth hall’s
Answer» A. mahalingam’s

Kanchi was the capital of …………………..

A. chalukyas
B. vijayanagara
C. pallavas
D. cholas
Answer» C. pallavas

The political history of the South India from the period of 6th century to 8th century is marked by the struggle for supremacy between the Pallavas of Kanchi and …………….. of Badami.

A. cholas
B. vijayanagara
C. chalukyas
D. cheras
Answer» C. chalukyas

Mahendravarman I in the beginning of the 7th century was defeated by the Chalukya ruler …………….. and was given the territory of Vengi.

A. simhavishnu
B. narasimhavarman
C. pulikesi ii
D. mahendravarman
Answer» C. pulikesi ii

……………., the Pallava ruler defeated Pulikesi II and captured Vatapi capital of the Chalukyas.

A. narasimhavarman
B. simhavishnu
C. mahendravarman
D. pulikesi ii
Answer» A. narasimhavarman

The ……………. king Vikramadithya II said to have overrun Kanchi, the capital of Pallavas.

A. mauryan
B. vijayanagara
C. bhamini
D. chalukya
Answer» D. chalukya

…………. was the first ruler who laid the foundation of the Chalukya dynasty.

A. pulikesi i
B. narasimhavarman
C. vikramadithya ii
D. mahendravarman
Answer» A. pulikesi i

The most famous of the stone temple of the Pallavas is the seven ratha temples (seven pagoda) in ………………..

A. darasuram
B. mahabhalipuram
C. tribhuvanam
D. tanjore
Answer» B. mahabhalipuram

……………..founded the city of Mahabhalipuram as Mamallapuram.

A. narasimhavarman
B. rajendra i
C. rajaraja chola
D. rajadhiraja chola
Answer» A. narasimhavarman

The structural temple architecture of the …………. was patronized and favoured by Narasimhavarman II who substituted bricks and temples for stone.

A. pandyas
B. vijayanagara
C. cheras
D. pallavas
Answer» D. pallavas

The Kailasanath temple or Rajasimhawara temple is the largest among the …………… temples.

A. vijayanagara
B. pallava
C. chola
D. chaukyan
Answer» B. pallava

Vijayalaya (850-875) was the founder of the …………… dynasty.

A. chola
B. vijayanagara
C. bahmini
D. pala
Answer» A. chola

Rajaraja invaded Northern part of Sri Lanka and made it a ........... province.

A. chola
B. vijayanagara
C. pandya
D. cheras
Answer» A. chola

............ conquered several trans-Ganga kingdoms and assumed the title of Gangai Kondachola.

A. rajaraja chola
B. rajendra i
C. rajadhiraja chola
D. kulottunga
Answer» B. rajendra i

Rajendra I founded a new capital called .....................

A. gangai kondacholapuram
B. pullaur
C. mahodayapuram
D. ezhimala
Answer» A. gangai kondacholapuram

.............. founded a new capital called Gangai Kondacholapuram.

A. kulottunga chola
B. rajendra chola i
C. rajaraja chola
D. rajadhiraja chola
Answer» B. rajendra chola i

Kulottunga (1178-1210) was the last greatest ............ emperor.

A. chola
B. vijayanagara
C. chera
D. pandyas
Answer» A. chola

The …………….. inscriptions thrown light on the constitution and working of the village assembles of the cholas.

A. darasuram
B. warrangal
C. uttaramerur
D. tribhuvanam
Answer» C. uttaramerur

The Vijayalaya Cholisvara temple is situated at…….

A. pudukottai
B. kumbakonam
C. tribhuvanam
D. tanjore
Answer» A. pudukottai

The early phase of Dravida temple is best illustrated in the Kuranganatha temple at Srinivasanallur built in the reign of ……...

A. parantaka i
B. rajaraja chola
C. rajadhiraja chola
D. pulikesi ii
Answer» A. parantaka i
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