
220+ Early India- State to Empire Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in History (BA History) .


A ………………society is characterised as a formal organized group of people who trace their ancestry from a common ancestor.

A. socialist
B. lineage
C. capitalist
D. dalit
Answer» B. lineage

A …………………. society in its early stage of development would mainly be pastoral.

A. later vedic
B. harappan
C. lineage
D. capitalist
Answer» C. lineage

The merger of different ……………. societies in due course may lead to the emergence of a land-bonded society.

A. lineage
B. vedic
C. socialist
D. mercantalist
Answer» A. lineage

In the course of its growth, ……………… society become de-stabilized and marks the transition from the stage of pre-state to the stage of state.

A. lineage
B. medieval
C. modern
D. post-modern
Answer» A. lineage

A …………. society could be considered as a pre-state society, but not a tribal one as common ancestry is not a binding factor in a tribal society.

A. lineage
B. harappan
C. aryan
D. vaisya
Answer» A. lineage

The …………….. pre-state society in ancient India is generally considered as a lineage society, which was mainly pastoral and mobile.

A. rig vedic
B. capitalistic
C. socialistic
D. utopian
Answer» A. rig vedic

The concept of the ……………. society in the ancient Indian sub continent is derived from the historical reading of the Itihasas and puranas.

A. mercantalist
B. brahmin
C. lineage
D. socialist
Answer» C. lineage

The ……………… war was fought between the two major segments of the lineage on the plains of Kurukshetra and most of the segments were destroyed in the battle.

A. first world
B. second world
C. mahabharata
D. ramayana
Answer» C. mahabharata

Like elsewhere, in ancient India the myth related to the origin of the world is related with the great flood as depicted in the ………… tradition.

A. itihasa-purana
B. lineage
C. buddhist
D. jain
Answer» A. itihasa-purana

According to the tradition, ………….. the primeval man was the only one to survive the deluge, who returns to Jambu dweep (Indian sub continent), where he laments on his loneliness.

A. manu
B. ikshaku
C. ila
D. druhyu
Answer» A. manu

Due to his loneliness ……….. performs a sacrifice, which resulted in the birth of his eldest son, Ikshaku with whom started the Suryavamsa and daughter Ila with whom started the Chandravamsa or the Lunar Lineage.

A. manu
B. ikshaku
C. druhyu
D. turvasa
Answer» A. manu

Due to his loneliness Manu performs a sacrifice, which resulted in the birth of his eldest son, ……………. with whom started the Suryavamsa or Solar Lineage and daughter Ila with whom started the Chandravamsa or the Lunar Lineage.

A. ila
B. ikshaku
C. druhyu
D. turvasa
Answer» B. ikshaku

Due to his loneliness Manu performs a sacrifice, which resulted in the birth of his eldest son, Ikshaku with whom started the ………….. and daughter Ila with whom started the Chandravamsa or the Lunar Lineage.

A. suryavamsa
B. ikshaku
C. ila
D. druhyu
Answer» A. suryavamsa

The ……………… tradition traces the lineage of all kings and royal families of ancient India either to the Suryvamsa or to the Chandravamsa.

A. itihasa – purana
B. ikshaku
C. ila
D. turvasa
Answer» A. itihasa – purana

The descent groups of ………….. described in the geneaological section of the early Indian historical tradition.

A. yadu
B. turvasa
C. puru
D. manu
Answer» D. manu

The various Puranic texts have this geneaological section or Vamsaaucharita.

A. turvasa
B. manu
C. puru
D. yadu
Answer» B. manu

………………… had three sons whose lineages are given in the form of listing only the eldest son of the eldest son.

A. ikshaku
B. manu
C. puru
D. yadu
Answer» A. ikshaku

The two main groups tracing their ancestry to …………. are the eldest Yadu and the youngest Puru.

A. ikshaku
B. druhyu
C. turvasa
D. ila
Answer» D. ila

Ila given birth to ………….., whose great grand son is Yayati who had five sons.

A. pururavan
B. yadu
C. puru
D. anu
Answer» A. pururavan

……………., the rightful successor displeased his father and hence is banished to the South-West and Puru, the youngest inherits the Madhyadesa.

A. yadu
B. ikshaku
C. ila
D. yadu
Answer» A. yadu

The descents of ……………. line is geographically concentrated and related to the Indo-Gangetic divide and the Ganga-Yamuna doab and its environs.

A. ikshaku
B. ila
C. puru
D. yadu
Answer» C. puru

The decents of ………… spread out over the Aravalli region, Gujarat, Malwa, Narmada Valley, northern Deccan and eastern Ganga Valley.

A. ila
B. ikshaku
C. yadu
D. yadu
Answer» C. yadu

According to the texts, the line of …………. had merged with Purus at an ealy stage.

A. turvasa
B. ila
C. ikshaku
D. yadu
Answer» A. turvasa

The line of …………. is said to have become Mlechas after few generations.

A. ila
B. ikshaku
C. druhyu
D. yadu
Answer» C. druhyu

The descendents of …………. survived in Central Punjab and Sind and one branch of it is said to have been migrated to the extreme East.

A. yadu
B. ikshaku
C. anu
D. zailsing
Answer» C. anu

Only the lineages of Puru and Yadu are listed in detail and at great length in the ………………….

A. vamsacharitas
B. ikshaku
C. yadu
D. zailsing
Answer» A. vamsacharitas

The migration of various segments taken from …………. spread over a large area of northern, western and central India.

A. ila
B. ikshaku
C. yadu
D. punjab
Answer» A. ila

The lunar lineage and its distribution were incorporated substantially into the area where the …………… war was fought.

A. afghanistan
B. kurukshetra
C. mahabharata
D. punjab
Answer» C. mahabharata

The Mahabharata war was fought between the two major segments of the lineage on the plains of ……………. and most of the segments were destroyed in the battle.

A. meerut
B. afghanistan
C. kurukshetra
D. lothal
Answer» C. kurukshetra

The event of the …………. focuses on the last part of the Puru lineage.

A. mahabharata
B. kurukshetra
C. afghanistan
D. punjab
Answer» A. mahabharata

The Puru lineage seems to have three distinct stages.The first stages is from Puru to ………….

A. bharata
B. ikshaku
C. ila
D. rama
Answer» A. bharata

By now relations between Kurus and Panchalas were established through lineage connections.Soon after, one of the Kuru kings, Vasu branched off and occupied Chedi on the southern fringe of Yamuna and Magadha in …………, both earlier occupied by Yadavas.

A. lothal
B. maghada
C. meerut
D. bihar
Answer» D. bihar

Vasu’s five sons established new kingdoms- Brihadratha at …………., Kusa at Vatsa and the other three in Chedi, Karusa and Matsya.

A. meerut
B. maghada
C. lothal
D. kalinga
Answer» B. maghada

A glorious civilization flourished in the valley of the river Indus and its neighbouring regions prior to the rise of the Chalcolithic Age.This civilization known as the …………. culture.

A. harappan
B. maghadan
C. vedic
D. later vedic
Answer» A. harappan

…………………, Director-General of the Archaeological Department of the Government of India.

A. sir john marshal
B. mortimer wheeler
C. dayaram sahni
D. r.d. banerji
Answer» A. sir john marshal

Harappan Culture spread over various parts of Northern and Central India like Rupar and Bara in the east Punjab, Alamgirpur near Meerut in U.P. and Ragpur and Lothal in …………….

A. gujarat
B. delhi
C. haryana
D. assam
Answer» A. gujarat

Sir John Marshall has assigned …………… culture to the period 3150- 2750 B.C.

A. mauryan
B. vedic
C. sumarian
D. harappan
Answer» D. harappan

But in recent years, archaeologists have made use of scientific tests like carbon test and fixed the period of ……………. civilization from 2300 to 1750 B.C.

A. harappan
B. vedic
C. chinese
D. buddhist
Answer» A. harappan

………….. were the indivisible factors of the Harappan Culture.

A. rivers
B. villages
C. mountains
D. planned cities
Answer» D. planned cities

The ………….. city excavated of Indus civilization was Harappa.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» A. first

The city of Harappa had existed on the banks of the river …………. in western Punjab.

A. ravi
B. narmada
C. bharathapuzha
D. periyar
Answer» A. ravi

The city of ……………. was excavated by archaeologists like Dayaram Sahni, M.S.Vats and Mortimer Wheeler from the early 1920’s onwards.

A. harappa
B. madras
C. bombay
D. bengal
Answer» A. harappa

The city of Harappa had existed on a trade route stretching from Jammu to Central Asia through …………….

A. afghanistan
B. lothal
C. punjab
D. nepal
Answer» A. afghanistan

……………. was the large city of the Harappan civilization.

A. mohenjodaro
B. lothal
C. kalibangan
D. rupar
Answer» A. mohenjodaro

………….. is located in the Larkana district of Sind on the banks of the river Indus.

A. mohenjodaro
B. lothal
C. kalibangan
D. rupar
Answer» A. mohenjodaro

The excavations at …………… was first started in 1922 by Sir John Marshall with R.D. Banerji.

A. kalibangan
B. lothal
C. mohenjodaro
D. banwali
Answer» C. mohenjodaro

Kalibangan in …………… along the dried up bed of the river Ghagger is another important Harappan city.

A. rajasthan
B. u.p
C. delhi
D. bomby
Answer» A. rajasthan

Kalibangan site was excavated by …………… in the 1960’s which have the evidences of pre-Harappan and Harappan habitations.

A. b.k.thapar
B. mortimer wheeler
C. dayaram sahni
D. s.r. rao
Answer» A. b.k.thapar

Lothal in ………….. is another important city excavated.

A. gujarat
B. rajasthan
C. delhi
D. haryana
Answer» A. gujarat

………….. was in charge of the excavations of the Harappan sites in Gujarat.

A. s.r.rao
B. mortimer wheeler
C. dayaram sahni
D. r.d. banerji
Answer» A. s.r.rao

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