380+ Information Cyber Security (ICS) Solved MCQs


For RSA to work, the value of P must be less than the value of

A. p
B. q
C. n
D. r
Answer» C. n

In RSA, Ф(n) = _______ in terms of p and q.

A.  (p)/(q)
B.  (p)(q)
C. (p-1)(q-1)
D.  (p+1)(q+1)
Answer» C. (p-1)(q-1)

In RSA, we select a value ‘e’ such that it lies between 0 and Ф(n) and it is relatively prime to Ф(n).

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

RSA is also a stream cipher like Merkel-Hellman.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

USENET falls under which category of public key sharing?

A. public announcement
B. publicly available directory
C. public key authority
D. public key certificate
Answer» A. public announcement

PGP makes use of which cryptographic algorithm?

A. rsa
B. aes
C. des
D. robin
Answer» A. rsa

Public key cryptography also called as________

A. asymmetric key cryptography
B. symmetric key cryptography
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» A. asymmetric key cryptography

ECC stands for

A. elliptic curve cryptography
B. elliptic cryptography curve
C. error correcting code
D. none of the above
Answer» A. elliptic curve cryptography

Diffie-Hellman algorithm is widely known as_________

A. key exchange algorithm
B. key agreement algorithm
C. only a
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

Hash function is used for________

A. message authentication
B. digital signature
C. both a and b
D. only a
Answer» C. both a and b

RSA algorithm is best example of_______

A. asymmetric key cryptography
B. symmetric key cryptography
C. elliptic curve cryptography
D. all of the above
Answer» A. asymmetric key cryptography

In tunnel mode, IPSec protects the ______

A. entire ip packet
B. ip header
C. ip payload
D. ip trailer
Answer» A. entire ip packet

HTTPS is abbreviated as _________

A. hypertexts transfer protocol secured
B. secured hyper text transfer protocol
C. hyperlinked text transfer protocol secured
D. hyper text transfer protocol secure
Answer» D. hyper text transfer protocol secure

An attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users is called ______

A. denial-of-service attack
B. virus attack
C. worms attack
D. botnet process
Answer» A. denial-of-service attack

SSL primarily focuses on _______

A. integrity and authenticity
B. integrity and non-repudiation
C. authenticity and privacy
D. confidentiality and integrity
Answer» A. integrity and authenticity

Pretty good privacy (PGP) is used in ______

A. browser security
B. email security
C. wifi security
D. ftp security
Answer» B. email security

__________ is used for encrypting data at network level

A. ipsec
B. https
C. smtp
D. s/mime
Answer» A. ipsec

WPA2 is used for security in _______

A. ethernet
B. wi-fi
C. bluetooth
D. e-mail
Answer» B. wi-fi

Which of the following is not a strong security protocol

A. ssl
B. httpl
C. smtp
D. sftp
Answer» C. smtp

TSL (Transport Layer Security) is a cryptographic protocol used for securing HTTP/HTTPS based connection.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

IPSec operates in..... different modes

A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 2

length of the IPv4 address is ....

A. 32 bits
B. 64 bits
C. 16 bits
D. 128 bit
Answer» A. 32 bits

Internet Key Exchange has .... phases and modes of operations

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5
Answer» C. 2

PGP is abbreviated as

A. pretty good privacy
B. pretty good policy
C. policy good privacy
D. pretty good protection
Answer» A. pretty good privacy

SET stands for

A. set electronic transaction
B. secure electronic transaction
C. simple electronic transaction
D. none of the above
Answer» B. secure electronic transaction

Transport layer Protocol consists of ... main components

A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» A. 2

length of the IPv6 acddress is ....

A. 32 bits
B. 64 bits
C. 16 bits
D. 128 bit
Answer» D. 128 bit

IPSec provides ....protocols for network layer

A. 7
B. 3
C. 1
D. 4
Answer» A. 7

length of the IPv6 header is....

A. 64 bits
B. 16 bits
C. 32 bits
D. 8 bits
Answer» C. 32 bits

CIA triad is also known as                  

A. nic (non-repudiation, integrity, confidentiality)
B. aic (availability, integrity, confidentiality)
C. ain (availability, integrity, non-repudiation)
D. aic (authenticity, integrity, confidentiality)
Answer» B. aic (availability, integrity, confidentiality)

               of information means, only authorised users are capable of accessing the information.

A. confidentiality
B. integrity
C. non-repudiation
D. availability
Answer» A. confidentiality

             means the protection of data from modification by unknown users.

A. confidentiality
B. integrity
C. authentication
D. non-repudiation
Answer» B. integrity

When you use the word it means you are protecting your data from getting disclosed.

A. confidentiality
B. integrity
C. authentication
D. availability
Answer» A. confidentiality

When integrity is lacking in a security system,                     occurs.

A. database hacking
B. data deletion
C. data tampering
D. data leakage
Answer» C. data tampering

Why these 4 elements (confidentiality, integrity, authenticity & availability) are considered fundamental?

A. they help understanding hacking better
B. they are key elements to a security breach
C. they help understands security and its components better
D. they help to understand the cyber-crime better
Answer» C. they help understands security and its components better

This helps in identifying the origin of information and authentic user. This referred to here as                      

A. confidentiality
B. integrity
C. authenticity
D. availability
Answer» C. authenticity

Data is used to ensure confidentiality.

A. encryption
B. locking
C. deleting
D. backup
Answer» A. encryption

Data integrity gets compromised when and are taken control off.

A. access control, file deletion
B. network, file permission
C. access control, file permission
D. network, system
Answer» C. access control, file permission

               is the practice and precautions taken to protect valuable information from unauthorised access, recording, disclosure or destruction.

A. network security
B. database security
C. information security
D. physical security
Answer» C. information security

From the options below, which of them is not a threat to information security?

A. disaster
B. eavesdropping
C. information leakage
D. unchanged default password
Answer» D. unchanged default password

Compromising confidential information comes under                    

A. bug
B. threat
C. vulnerability
D. attack
Answer» B. threat

The full form of OSI is OSI model is                              

A. open systems interconnection
B. open software interconnection
C. open systems internet
D. open software internet
Answer» A. open systems interconnection

In layer, vulnerabilities are directly associated with physical access to networks and hardware.

A. physical
B. data-link
C. network
D. application
Answer» A. physical

If communication between 2 people is overheard by a third person without manipulation of any data, it is called as:

A. release of message content-passive attack
B. traffic analysis -passive attacks
C. release of message content- active attacks
D. traffic analysis -active attacks
Answer» A. release of message content-passive attack

If communication between 2 people is overheard by a third person without extraction of any data, it is called as:

A. release of message content-passive attack
B. traffic analysis -passive attacks
C. release of message content- active attacks
D. traffic analysis -active attacks
Answer» D. traffic analysis -active attacks

The information that gets transformed in encryption is

A. plain text
B. parallel text
C. encrypted text
D. decrypted text
Answer» A. plain text

A unique piece of information that is used in encryption.

A. cipher
B. plain text
C. key
D. cipher
Answer» C. key

Study of creating a d using encryption and decryption techniques.

A. cipher
B. cryptography
C. encryption
D. decryption
Answer» B. cryptography

An attack in which the user receives unwanted amount of e- mails.

A. smurfing
B. denial of service
C. e-mail bombing
D. ping storm
Answer» C. e-mail bombing

In same keys are implemented for encrypting as well as decrypting the information.

A. symmetric key encryption
B. asymmetric key encryption
C. asymmetric key decryption
D. hash-based key encryption
Answer» A. symmetric key encryption

The procedure to add bits to the last block is termed as

A. decryption
B. hashing
C. tuning
D. padding
Answer» D. padding

Cryptanalysis is used                      

A. to find some insecurity in a cryptographic scheme
B. to increase the speed
C. to encrypt the data
D. to make new ciphers
Answer» A. to find some insecurity in a cryptographic scheme

Conventional cryptography is also known as or symmetric-key encryption.

A. secret-key
B. public key
C. protected key
D. primary key
Answer» A. secret-key

                                           is the art & science of cracking the cipher-text without knowing the key.

A. cracking
B. cryptanalysis
C. cryptography
D. crypto-hacking
Answer» B. cryptanalysis

In cryptography, what is cipher?

A. algorithm for performing encryption and decryption
B. encrypted message
C. both algorithm for performing encryption and decryption and encrypted message
D. decrypted message
Answer» A. algorithm for performing encryption and decryption

In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by __________

A. sender
B. receiver
C. sender and receiver
D. all the connected devices to the network
Answer» B. receiver

In cryptography, the order of the letters in a message is rearranged by __________

A. transpositional ciphers
B. substitution ciphers
C. both transpositional ciphers and substitution ciphers
D. quadratic ciphers
Answer» A. transpositional ciphers

Cryptanalysis is used __________

A. to find some insecurity in a cryptographic scheme
B. to increase the speed
C. to encrypt the data
D. to make new ciphers
Answer» A. to find some insecurity in a cryptographic scheme

Which one of the following is a cryptographic protocol used to secure HTTP connection?

A. stream control transmission protocol (sctp)
B. transport layer security (tls)
C. explicit congestion notification (ecn)
D. resource reservation protocol
Answer» B. transport layer security (tls)

Voice privacy in GSM cellular telephone protocol is provided by _______

A. a5/2 cipher
B. b5/4 cipher
C. b5/6 cipher
D. b5/8 cipher
Answer» A. a5/2 cipher

ElGamal encryption system is __________

A. symmetric key encryption algorithm
B. asymmetric key encryption algorithm
C. not an encryption algorithm
D. block cipher method
Answer» B. asymmetric key encryption algorithm

Cryptographic hash function takes an arbitrary block of data and returns _________

A. fixed size bit string
B. variable size bit string
C. both fixed size bit string and variable size bit string
D. variable sized byte string
Answer» A. fixed size bit string

In the above figure from left to right, the correct order of the shaded levels are

A. network level, application level, transport level
B. application level, network level, transport level
C. transport level, application level, network level
D. network level, transport level, application level
Answer» D. network level, transport level, application level

In the above figure, which of the above shaded block is transparent to end users and applications?

A. ip/ipsec
B. ssl
C. kerberos
D. s/mime
Answer» A. ip/ipsec

In terms of Web Security Threats, “Impersonation of another user” is a Passive Attack.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

Which one of the following is not a higher –layer SSL protocol?

A. alert protocol
B. handshake protocol
C. alarm protocol
D. change cipher spec protocol
Answer» C. alarm protocol

In the SSL Protocol, each upper layer message if fragmented into a maximum of __________ bytes.

A. 216
B. 232
C. 214
D. 212
Answer» C. 214

The full form of SSL is

A. serial session layer
B. secure socket layer
C. session secure layer
D. series socket layer
Answer» B. secure socket layer

Which protocol is used to convey SSL related alerts to the peer entity?

A. alert protocol
B. handshake protocol
C. upper-layer protocol
D. change cipher spec protocol
Answer» A. alert protocol

Which protocol consists of only 1 bit?

A. alert protocol
B. handshake protocol
C. upper-layer protocol
D. change cipher spec protocol
Answer» D. change cipher spec protocol

Which protocol is used for the purpose of copying the pending state into the current state?

A. alert protocol
B. handshake protocol
C. upper-layer protocol
D. change cipher spec protocol
Answer» D. change cipher spec protocol

In the alert protocol the first byte takes the value 1 or 2 which corresponds to _________ and _________ respectively.

A. select, alarm
B. alert, alarm
C. warning, alarm
D. warning, fatal
Answer» D. warning, fatal

Pretty good privacy (PGP) security system uses

A. public key cryptosystem
B. private key cryptosystem
C. public & private key cryptosystem
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. public & private key cryptosystem

Data compression includes

A. removal of redundant character
B. uniform distribution of characters
C. removal of redundant character & uniform distribution of characters
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. removal of redundant character & uniform distribution of characters

PGP offers _____ block ciphers for message encryption.

A. triple-des
B. cast
C. idea
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which of the following is not a secured mail transferring methodology?

A. pop3
B. ssmtp
C. mail using pgp
D. s/mime
Answer» A. pop3

__________ is used for encrypting data at network level.

A. ipsec
B. https
C. smtp
D. s/mime
Answer» A. ipsec

S/MIME is abbreviated as __________________

A. secure/multimedia internet mailing extensions
B. secure/multipurpose internet mailing extensions
C. secure/multimedia internet mail extensions
D. secure/multipurpose internet mail extensions
Answer» D. secure/multipurpose internet mail extensions

PGP encrypts data by using a block cipher called ______

A. international data encryption algorithm
B. private data encryption algorithm
C. internet data encryption algorithm
D. local data encryption algorithm
Answer» A. international data encryption algorithm

When were VPNs introduced into the commercial world?

A. early 80’s
B. late 80’s
C. early 90’s
D. late 90’s
Answer» D. late 90’s

What protocol is NOT used in the operation of a VPN?

A. pptp
B. ipsec
C. ymum
D. l2tp
Answer» C. ymum

Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning VPNs?

A. financially rewarding compared to leased lines
B. allows remote workers to access corporate data
C. allows lan-to-lan connectivity over public networks
D. is the backbone of the internet
Answer» D. is the backbone of the internet

Traffic in a VPN is NOT ____________

A. invisible from public networks
B. logically separated from other traffic
C. accessible from unauthorized public networks
D. restricted to a single protocol in ipsec
Answer» C. accessible from unauthorized public networks

Which layer 3 protocols can be transmitted over an L2TP VPN?

A. only ip
B. only ipx
C. only icmp
D. ip and ipx
Answer» D. ip and ipx

ESP (Encapsulating Security Protocol) is defined in which of the following standards?

A. ipsec
B. pptp
C. ppp
D. l2tp
Answer» A. ipsec

L2F was developed by which company?

A. microsoft
B. cisco
C. blizzard entertainment
D. ietf
Answer» B. cisco

Which layer of the OSI reference model does PPTP work at?

A. layer 1
B. layer 2
C. layer 3
D. layer 4
Answer» B. layer 2

Which layer of the OSI reference model does IPsec work at?

A. layer 1
B. layer 2
C. layer 3
D. layer 4
Answer» C. layer 3

Firewalls can be of _______ kinds.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

_________________ is the kind of firewall is connected between the device and the network connecting to internet.

A. hardware firewall
B. software firewall
C. stateful inspection firewall
D. microsoft firewall
Answer» A. hardware firewall

_________ is software that is installed using an internet connection or they come by-default with operating systems.

A. hardware firewall
B. software firewall
C. stateful inspection firewall
D. microsoft firewall
Answer» B. software firewall

Which of the following is not a software firewall?

A. windows firewall
B. outpost firewall pro
C. endian firewall
D. linksys firewall
Answer» D. linksys firewall

Firewall examines each ____________ that are entering or leaving the internal network.

A. emails users
B. updates
C. connections
D. data packets
Answer» D. data packets

A firewall protects which of the following attacks?

A. phishing
B. dumpster diving
C. denial of service (dos)
D. shoulder surfing
Answer» C. denial of service (dos)

There are ______ types of firewall.

A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
Answer» B. 4

Packet filtering firewalls are deployed on ________

A. routers
B. switches
C. hubs
D. repeaters
Answer» A. routers

In the ______________ layer of OSI model, packet filtering firewalls are implemented.

A. application layer
B. session layer
C. presentation layer
D. network layer
Answer» D. network layer

The __________ defines the packet filtering firewall rules.

A. access control list
B. protocols
C. policies
D. ports
Answer» A. access control list

ACL stands for _____________

A. access condition list
B. anti-control list
C. access control logs
D. access control list
Answer» D. access control list

When a packet does not fulfil the ACL criteria, the packet is _________

A. resend
B. dropped
C. destroyed
D. acknowledged as received
Answer» B. dropped
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