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Trade In differentiated products refers to

A. intra industry trade
B. inter industry trade
C. trade based on economies of scale
D. non of the above
Answer» A. intra industry trade

The terms of trade of developing countries have a secular tendency to

A. improve
B. deteriorate
C. first improve and then deteriorate
D. remain the same
Answer» B. deteriorate

The opportunity cost theory assumes that

A. labour is the only factor of production
B. the price or the cost of a commodity can be determined by the labour content in it
C. labour is homogeneous
D. non of the above
Answer» D. non of the above

If a nation gains from trade its consumption point is

A. on the production possibility frontier (ppc
B. inside the ppc
C. above the ppc
D. any of the above
Answer» C. above the ppc

Given below is a table whowing the maximum amount of wheat and cloth that the U K and U S could produce if they fully utilize all the factors of production with the best technology available indicate the comparative advantage of U K and U S. U K U S Bushels of wheat 50 120 Meters of Cloth 150 80

A. us have comparative advantage in cloth and u k have comparative advantage in wheat
B. u k have comparative advantage in cloth and us have comparative advantage in wheat
C. us have comparative advantage in cloth and wheat
D. uk have comparative advantage in cloth wheat
Answer» A. us have comparative advantage in cloth and u k have comparative advantage in wheat

If a nations terms of trade is ½ its trade partners terms of trade is

A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. ½
Answer» B. 2

The H O theory postulates that as a result of trade the differences in factor prices between nations

A. diminishes
B. increases
C. remains unchanged
D. any of the above
Answer» A. diminishes

Leontiff paradox refers to the result that the U S

A. exports are more capital intensive than imports
B. exports are more capital intensive than u s import substitutes
C. imports are more capital intensive than u s exports
D. import substitutes are more capital intensive than u s exports
Answer» D. import substitutes are more capital intensive than u s exports

The Exchange rate is kept the same in all parts of the market through

A. exchange rate arbiterage
B. interest arbiterage
C. hedging
D. speculation.
Answer» A. exchange rate arbiterage

Hedcging refers to

A. acceptance of foreign exchange risk
B. covering foreign exchange risk
C. foreign exchange speculation
D. foreign exchange arbiterage
Answer» B. covering foreign exchange risk

If { } > { } when K= capital and L= labour, and A and B are countries then

A. counry a is labour abundant
B. counry a is capital abundant
C. counry b is labour abundant
D. counry b is capital abundant
Answer» B. counry a is capital abundant

If { } > { } when K= capital and L= labour, and A and B are countries then

A. in counry a relative price of labour is low
B. in counry a relative price of capital is low
C. in counry b relative price of labour is low
D. non of the above
Answer» B. in counry a relative price of capital is low

In Autarchy a nations PPC also shows its

A. consumption function
B. sales frontier
C. profit frontier
D. factor endowment
Answer» A. consumption function

Opportunity cost theory

A. is anti thesis of recardian theory
B. is a synthesis of recardian and smiths theory
C. is a reconstruction of the recardian theory in terms of alternative cost.
D. non of the above
Answer» C. is a reconstruction of the recardian theory in terms of alternative cost.

The paradox that Growth can make a country worse off is termed as

A. leontiff paradox
B. rybezinsky theorem
C. immiserising growth
D. triffin dilemma
Answer» C. immiserising growth

“Free trade between two countries in H O model will equalize relative factor prices provided there is incomplete specialization.” This is

A. the factor price equalization theorem
B. rybezinsky theorem
C. leontiff paradox
D. cascading effect
Answer» A. the factor price equalization theorem

The absolute slope of a concave PPC is given by

A. internal equilibrium price ratio
B. the marginal rate of transformation
C. increasing returns to scale
D. all the above
Answer» B. the marginal rate of transformation

If { } > { } when K= capital and L= labour, Pk is price of capital and Pl is price of labour and A and B are countries then

A. counry a is labour abundant
B. counry a is capital abundant
C. counry b is labour abundant
D. counry b is capital abundant
Answer» B. counry a is capital abundant

Devaluation works best when

A. it is accompanied by a decline in short term interest rate
B. foreign demad for exports is is elastic
C. demand for forign imports is inelastic
D. non of the above
Answer» B. foreign demad for exports is is elastic

BOP includes

A. current account
B. capital account
C. official reserve account
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

international trade refers to trade between

A. two regions of a country
B. two countries
C. two commodities produced in different countries
D. non of the above
Answer» B. two countries

The trade theory that states that nations should accumulate financial wealth, usually in the form of gold, by encouraging exports and discouraging imports is called

A. keynesianism
B. individualism
C. socialism
D. mercantilism.
Answer» D. mercantilism.

Which among the following are the central themes of Mercantilism?

A. export or perish.
B. strict focus on the wealth accumulation through protectionism.
C. no simultaneous gains or sharing of gains among countries are possible. one country can benefit only at the cost of other countries.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

“An Enquiry in to the nature and causes of Wealth of Nations” is written by

A. j s mill
B. david recardo
C. karl marx
D. non of the above
Answer» D. non of the above

Adam Smith identified the basic reason for trade between two nations as

A. the difference in absolute advantage
B. the difference in comparative advantage
C. difference in factor endowments
D. non of the above.
Answer» A. the difference in absolute advantage

Theory of Absolute advantage is

A. a rejoinder of merchantalism
B. a corollary of merchantalism
C. critique of merchantalism
D. non of the above.
Answer» C. critique of merchantalism

The Absolute advantage theory indicates that a country should engage in the production and exchange of those commodities where it has

A. a comparative advantage
B. an absolute advantage
C. relative factor endowment
D. greater opportunity cost.
Answer» B. an absolute advantage

The ability to produce more of a good or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources is

A. a comparative advantage
B. an absolute advantage
C. relative factor endowment
D. greater opportunity cost.
Answer» A. a comparative advantage

Which among the following are the major assumptions of Absolute advantage theory?

A. there are two countries and two commodities and one country has absolute advantage in one commodity and the second country has advantage in another commodity.
B. labour is the only factor of production and labour is homogeneous, that means each unit of labour produces same level of output. value of a commodity is measured in terms of its labour content
C. labour is perfectly mobile within the country but perfectly immobile between the countries. it means that workers are free to move between industries within the nation but migration to other countries is impossible.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

Absolute advantage theory assumes

A. no technological change.
B. no transportation cost
C. labour theory of value
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The principle of comparative advantage was first introduced by

A. david ricardo
B. j s mill
C. adam smith
D. karl marx
Answer» A. david ricardo

The ability of a firm or individual to produce goods and/or services at a lower opportunity cost than other firms or individuals.

A. absolute advantage
B. opportunity cost
C. comparative advantage
D. non of the above.
Answer» C. comparative advantage

Major assumptions of the theory of Comparitive advantage are

A. there are two countries and two commodities and the countries have absolute advantage in both commodities .
B. labour is the only factor of production and labour is homogeneous, that means each unit of labour produces same level of output. value of a commodity is measured in terms of its labour content
C. labour is perfectly mobile within the country but perfectly immobile between the countries. it means that workers are free to move between industries within the nation but migration to other countries is impossible.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

The ‘Reciprocal Demand Theory’ in International Trade can be attributed to

A. adam smith
B. david recardo
C. j s mill
D. karl marx
Answer» C. j s mill

The curve that shows howmuch of its import commodity a nation requires in exchange for various quantities of its export commodity is

A. demand curve
B. laffer curve
C. phillips curev
D. offer curev
Answer» D. offer curev

Reciprocal Demand Curve is another name for

A. demand curve
B. laffer curve
C. phillips curev
D. offer curev
Answer» D. offer curev

The Reciprocal Demand theory was put into graphic form by

A. adam smith
B. david recardo
C. alfred marshall and f.y. edgeworth
D. non of the above
Answer» C. alfred marshall and f.y. edgeworth

The amount of commodity a nation is willing to give up to get an additional unit of another commodity and still remain on the same indifference curve is known as

A. marginal rate of substitution
B. marginal rate of transformation
C. marginal product
D. non of the above
Answer» A. marginal rate of substitution

------------theory states that countries which are rich in labour will export labour intensive goods and countries which are rich in capital will export capital intensive goods

A. the heckscher ohlin theorem
B. stolper samuelson theorem
C. leontiff paradox
D. rybezensky theorem.
Answer» A. the heckscher ohlin theorem

Which among the following is NOT an assumption of H-O Theorem

A. there are two countries involved. each country has two factors (labour andcapital) and produce two commodities either labour intensively or capital intensively.
B. there is no perfect competition in both commodity and factor markets. all production functions are hertogenious. production function is subject to increasing or decreasing returns to scale.
C. there are no transportation costs.
D. factors are freely mobile within a country but immobile between countries.
Answer» B. there is no perfect competition in both commodity and factor markets. all production functions are hertogenious. production function is subject to increasing or decreasing returns to scale.

Which among the following is an assumption of H-O Theorem

A. each commodity that a nation produce differs in factor intensity. trade is free i.e. there are no trade restrictions in the form of tariffs or non-tariff barriers.
B. the production function remains the same in different countries for the same commodity. for e.g. if commodity a requires more capital in one country then same is the case in other country.
C. there is full employment of resources in both countries and demand is identical in both countries.
D. all the above
Answer» A. each commodity that a nation produce differs in factor intensity. trade is free i.e. there are no trade restrictions in the form of tariffs or non-tariff barriers.

The HO theory deals with which type of trade?

A. intra industry trade
B. trade based on economies of scale
C. trade based on imitation gaps and product cycles
D. inter industry tarde
Answer» A. intra industry trade

The basis for mutually advantageous trade in H O theory is

A. technology
B. factor endowments
C. economies of scale
D. tastes.
Answer» C. economies of scale

Trade in differentiated products are also called

A. intra industry trade
B. trade based on economies of scale
C. trade based on imitation gaps and product cycles
D. inter industry tarde
Answer» D. inter industry tarde

Which among the following are the major limitations of the H O theorem?

A. it explains only a part of the world trade as it ignores trade in differentiated products.
B. factor endowment is not the sole factor influencing commodity price and international trade.
C. the theory is empirically proved wrong in the case of u s economy.
D. all the above.
Answer» A. it explains only a part of the world trade as it ignores trade in differentiated products.

_______________states that international trade will bring about equalization in the returns to homogeneous factors across countries, even without their physical movement.

A. theory of comparative advantage,
B. stolper-samuelson theorem,
C. rybczynski theorem, and
D. leontiff paradox.
Answer» B. stolper-samuelson theorem,

____________states that at constant commodity prices, an increase in the quantity of one factor increases the production of the commodity intensive in this factor and reduces the output of the other commodity which is intensive in the constant factor.

A. theory of comparative advantage,
B. stolper-samuelson theorem,
C. rybczynski theorem, and
D. leontiff paradox.
Answer» C. rybczynski theorem, and

Net barter Terms of Trade is defined as

A. px/pm
B. g = qm/qx x 100
C. i = px/pm x qx
D. all the above
Answer» A. px/pm

The foreign exchange rate is NOT

A. the price of one currency expresses in terms of another.
B. rate at which of one commodity expresses in terms of another.
C. the value of one currency in terms of another
D. fixed for ever.
Answer» B. rate at which of one commodity expresses in terms of another.

______________means the measures adopted for avoiding risks.

A. hedging
B. speculation
C. arbitrage
D. non of the above
Answer» A. hedging

_________________ is an open position in the market with an expectation of gains through the fluctuations.

A. hedging
B. speculation
C. arbitrage
D. non of the above
Answer» B. speculation

Under a fixed exchange rate system, ____________________are official changes in the value of a country's currency relative to other currencies.

A. devaluation
B. depreciation and appreciation
C. revaluation
D. both a and c.
Answer» A. devaluation

__________ is the deliberate downward adjustment in the official exchange rate, reduces the currency's value.

A. devaluation
B. depreciation
C. revaluation
D. appreciation. 56. a _______________is an upward adjustment in the official exchange rate, which
Answer» A. devaluation

A key effect of devaluation is that it

A. makes the domestic currency cheaper relative to other currencies.
B. makes the domestic currency dearer relative to other currencies.
C. makes the foreign currency cheaper relative to other currencies.
D. leaves the relative value unchanged.
Answer» A. makes the domestic currency cheaper relative to other currencies.

Devaluation leads to

A. increasing the price of imports and stimulating greater demand for domestic products.
B. domestic inflation.
C. rise in domestic interest rates.
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Recardo’s Law of Comparitive advantage is based on

A. labour theory of value
B. opportunity cost
C. law of diminishing returns
D. all the above
Answer» A. labour theory of value

The exchange rate system that is followed in India is

A. fixed exchange rate system
B. flexible exchange rate system
C. managed float system
D. non of the above
Answer» C. managed float system

Pure theory of international trade is termed so because

A. it is based on unrealistic assumptions
B. it concentrates on static gains
C. monetary approaches are absent in them
D. it is based on deductive reasoning
Answer» C. monetary approaches are absent in them

Which among the following is true with regard to the PPP theory?

A. greater transportation costs and trade restrictions are between countries, the less likely for the costs of market baskets to be equalized.
B. costs of non tradable inputs are not taken into consideration by ppp.
C. it is based on the concept of law of one price
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

law of one price prevails when

A. transportation costs, barriers to trade (import-export levies, customs dutyet c) and other transaction costs (currency conversion fee) are insignificant.
B. there must be competitive markets for the goods and services in both countries.
C. the loop applies only to tradable goods. loop is not applicable to immobile goods such as houses and many services that are local in nature.
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

______________ is a summary statement of all economic transactions of the residents of a nation with the residents of Rest of the World (ROW) during a particular period of time.

A. balance of payment
B. capital account
C. official reserve account
D. net exports
Answer» D. net exports

Which among the following are differences between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment?

A. balance of trade is defined as \difference between export and import of goods and services\ while balance of payment includes not only import and export of goods and services but also financial / capital transfer.
B. bot = net earning on exports - net payment made for imports while bop = current account + capital account + or - balancing item ( errors and omissions)
C. bot need not be in balance always while bop needs to be in balance
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

If Debit balance in the balance of payment accounts are greater than the Credit balance it leads to

A. balance of payment surplus.
B. balance of payment deficit
C. chronic disequilibrium in bop
D. non of the above
Answer» B. balance of payment deficit

When each international transaction undertaken by the residents of a country are entered as a debit and credit entry of equal size, into the balance of payments, the method is known as.

A. balance ot trade
B. balance of payment
C. double entry bookkeeping
D. non of the above
Answer» C. double entry bookkeeping

Which among the following best explains the difference between Trade in Invisibles and merchandise trade?

A. invisible trade is much more hetnogenious than the merchandise.
B. invisibles trade includes shipping, banking and insurance services and payments by residents as tourists abroad. trade in merchandise include the export and import of goods only.
C. the net of exports and import of visible in balance of payment accounts is called the merchandise trade balance. the net of exports and import of invisibles or services in balance of payment accounts is called the services trade balance.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

_______________are receipts which the residents of a country receive for free, without making any present or future service transaction in return.

A. grants
B. external borrowings
C. unilateral transfers
D. non of the above
Answer» C. unilateral transfers

The _______________ records all international financial transactions that involve resident of the country concerned- changing either his assets with or his liabilities to a resident of another country.

A. current account
B. capital account
C. official reserve account
D. unilateral transfers.
Answer» B. capital account

Official reserves consist of

A. gold,
B. special drawing rights (sdrs) borrowed from the imf,
C. holding of foreign convertible currencies.
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Distinguish between autonomous and accommodating items in the balance of payments.

A. all transactions in the current and capital account are called automatic transactions. accommodating items are transactions that come under the official reserve account.
B. transactions are said to be autonomous if their value is determined independently of the balance of payments. accommodating items are determined by the net consequences of the autonomous items.
C. they take place for business or private motive. accommodating items are required to balance international transactions.
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which among the following sentence is NOT true

A. items are said to be above the line (autonomous) or below the line (accommodating).
B. the sum of the accommodating and autonomous items must be zero, since all entries in the balance of payment s accounts must come under one of the tw3o headings.
C. a surplus in a nation’s balance of payments is given by a net debit balance in the nation’s autonomous items and a deficit is given by a net credit balance.
D. b o p is a systematic statistical statement or record of the character and dimensions of the country’s economic relationship with the rest of the world.
Answer» C. a surplus in a nation’s balance of payments is given by a net debit balance in the nation’s autonomous items and a deficit is given by a net credit balance.

Which among the following is NOT a measure to correct the balance of payment disequilibrium?

A. devaluation
B. deflation
C. revaluation
D. non of the above
Answer» D. non of the above

Tariffs are

A. taxes imposed on imports.
B. taxes imposed on the consumption of domestic goods
C. taxes imposed on the consumption of imported services.
D. taxes imposed on the consumption of domestic services.
Answer» A. taxes imposed on imports.

When tariffs are imposed

A. the prices of imports would increase to the extent of tariff.
B. the prices of imports would decrease to the extent of tariff.
C. the prices of imports would increase by a multiplier of tariff
D. the prices of imports would decrease by a multiplier of tariff
Answer» A. the prices of imports would increase to the extent of tariff.

What are the major drawbacks of tariffs

A. they are restrictions to free trade
B. tariffs seek to establish equilibrium without removing the root causes of disequilibrium.
C. tariffs bring equilibrium by reducing the volume of trade.
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following statement is true

A. a depreciation is likely to correct a deficit in bop when the demand for and supply of foreign exchange is more elastic
B. a depreciation is likely to correct a deficit in bop when the demand for and supply of foreign exchange is less elastic
C. a depreciation is likely to correct a deficit in bop when the demand for foreign exchange is more elastic and the and supply of foreign exchange is less elastic
D. non of the above
Answer» A. a depreciation is likely to correct a deficit in bop when the demand for and supply of foreign exchange is more elastic

Protectionist trade policy is associated with

A. mercantilists
B. heckscher and ohlin
C. modern trade theory
D. wto
Answer» A. mercantilists

Modern trade theory is developed by

A. adam smith
B. heckscher and ohlin
C. david recardo
D. karl marx
Answer» B. heckscher and ohlin

According to ________ even though a country is absolutely disadvantageous in both commodities there is still possibility for trade

A. adam smith
B. heckscher and ohlin
C. david recardo
D. karl marx
Answer» C. david recardo

Principles of Political Economy and Taxation is the book of

A. adam smith
B. heckscher and ohlin
C. david recardo
D. karl marx
Answer» C. david recardo

Who reoriented comparative advantage theory?

A. adam smith
B. j m keynes
C. haberler
D. karl marx
Answer» C. haberler

Haberler reconstituted comparative advantage theory on the basis of ____

A. opportunity cost theory
B. labour theory of value
C. money
D. non of the above
Answer» A. opportunity cost theory

Factor endowment theory is also known as

A. heckcher ohlin theory
B. limit pricing theory
C. labour theory of value
D. opportunity cost theory
Answer» A. heckcher ohlin theory

The accounting system used in BOP

A. double entry book keeping system
B. the balance of payment system
C. system of national accounting
D. none of the above
Answer» A. double entry book keeping system

PPP theory is associated with the determination of _______

A. exchange rate
B. money value
C. tariffs
D. quatas
Answer» A. exchange rate

The analysis method used in Leontief’s study

A. factor price equalization theorem
B. double entry book keeping system
C. input – output analysis
D. none of the above
Answer» C. input – output analysis

India is NOT a _____ abundant nation

A. labour
B. capital
C. human capital
D. natural resources
Answer» B. capital

According to HO Model, India should import ______ abundant goods

A. labour
B. capital
C. human capital
D. natural resources
Answer» A. labour

When a commodity is produced with low K/L ratio that commodity is ______ intensive commodity

A. labour
B. capital
C. human capital
D. natural resources
Answer» B. capital

A situation where one commodity is capital intensive in one country and labour intensive in another country is called

A. opportunity cost
B. factor price equalization
C. leontiff paradox
D. faction intensity reversal
Answer» D. faction intensity reversal

According to Rybczyski theorem commodity price should be

A. constant
B. increasing
C. decreasing
D. either increasing or decreasing
Answer» A. constant

Product transformation curve is also called

A. production indifference curves
B. production possibility frontier
C. isoquants
D. all the above
Answer» B. production possibility frontier

Current and capital accounts are examples of

A. autonomous transactions
B. accommodating transactions
C. unilateral transactions
D. balance of trade
Answer» A. autonomous transactions

Paper gold is also known as

A. us dollar
B. pound sterling
C. sdr
D. indian rupee.
Answer» C. sdr

SDR is the official currency of

A. imf
B. world bank
C. un
D. non of the above
Answer» A. imf
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