220+ Introduction to Communication Solved MCQs


The Shannon and Weaver model of communication is

A. modular
B. circular
C. linear
D. non linear
Answer» C. linear

Which of the following is not a part of seven C's of communication?

A. channel
B. content
C. curiosity
D. clarity
Answer» C. curiosity

Cinema is a/an

A. visual medium
B. audiovisual medium
C. audio medium
D. print medium
Answer» B. audiovisual medium

Dyadic communication is the transfer of messages from a person

A. to another person and vice versa
B. to a group of persons
C. to a mass audience
D. none of these
Answer» A. to another person and vice versa

The MMU is a/an

A. visual medium
B. audiovisual medium
C. audio medium
D. none of these
Answer» B. audiovisual medium

A group discussion is a form of

A. dyadic communication
B. group communication
C. mass communication
D. none of these
Answer» B. group communication

The word communication is derived from

A. french
B. german
C. latin
D. persian
Answer» C. latin

Sadharanikaran is a equivalent to the original concept of

A. commonality
B. communion
C. communism
D. communication
Answer» D. communication

The Indian Institute of Mass Communication was established in

A. 1955
B. 1964
C. 1965
D. 1946
Answer» C. 1965

Communication involves active interaction with our environments

A. physically
B. biologically
C. socially
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The evolution of symbolic communication is called

A. information
B. language
C. gesture
D. none of these
Answer» B. language

The right to information has been declared a fundamental right by UN in

A. may 1997
B. april 1998
C. may 1998
D. april 1997
Answer» A. may 1997

Who defines communication as process which increases commonality –but also equires elements of commonality for it to occur at all.

A. aristotle
B. shannon
C. denis mcquaill
D. wilbur schramm
Answer» C. denis mcquaill

_____________ is individual reflection ,contemplation and meditation.

A. intrapersonal communication
B. interpersonal communication
C. mass communication
D. group communication.
Answer» A. intrapersonal communication

Interpersonal communication is direct face-to-face communication between

A. mass
B. two persons
C. group of persons
D. oneself
Answer» B. two persons

Rhetorics is a term related with

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. denis mcquaill
D. marshal mcluhan
Answer» B. aristotle

Rhetoric is made up of ------------------ elements

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
Answer» C. three

According to Aristotle rhetoric is made up of

A. the speaker
B. the speech
C. the listener
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following is an example of hot mediaum as envisaged by Marshal McLuhan.

A. cartoon
B. telephone
C. radio
D. tv
Answer» B. telephone

A mass medium is essentially a working group organized around some device for circulating the same message at about the same time to large number of people is a definition given by

A. george gerbner
B. wilbur schramm
C. marshal mcluhan
D. harold lasswell
Answer» B. wilbur schramm

Receiver in Shannon and Weaver model of communication is

A. person who receives message
B. a component of telephone
C. person who sends feed back
D. the telephone exchange that retransmits message
Answer» B. a component of telephone

The mathematical model of communication was put forwarded by

A. shannon and weaver
B. osgood and schramm
C. lasswell
D. aristotle
Answer» A. shannon and weaver

The Circular model of communication was put forwaded by

A. james carey
B. harold d.lasswell
C. shannon and weaver
D. osgood and schramm
Answer» D. osgood and schramm

Massline communication is a term related with

A. gandhiji
B. mao zedong
C. nehru
D. churchill
Answer» B. mao zedong

Communication is the transmission of information, ideas, emotions, skill etc by use of symbols, words, figures, graph etc. This definition was given by

A. osgood
B. berelson &steiner
C. harold lasswell
D. wilbur schramm
Answer» B. berelson &steiner

The primary goal of communication is influencing through persuasion according to

A. asian communication theories
B. european communication theories
C. indian communication theories
D. all the above
Answer» A. asian communication theories

The ritual model of communication was promoted by

A. marshall mcluhan
B. james carey
C. osgood
D. wilbur schramm
Answer» B. james carey

Any obstacles or difficulties that come in the way of communication is

A. element
B. barriers
C. message
D. receiver
Answer» B. barriers

Self image is a

A. physical barrier
B. mechanical barrier
C. psychological barrier
D. linguistic barrier
Answer» C. psychological barrier

In group communication a whisling microphone is a

A. physical barrier
B. mechanical barrier
C. psychological barrier
D. noise barrier
Answer» B. mechanical barrier

The invention of printing is an extension of eye according to.

A. wilbur schramm
B. marshal mcluhan
C. harold d lasswell
D. denis mcquaill
Answer» B. marshal mcluhan

Global Village is a term used by

A. wilbur schramm
B. marshal mcluhan
C. harold d lasswell
D. aristotle
Answer» B. marshal mcluhan

Science of meanings is termed as

A. simiotics
B. semantics
C. signs
D. symbola
Answer» B. semantics

Pyramidal distribution System of Communication was done by

A. wilbur schramm
B. marshal mcluhan
C. harold d lasswell
D. denis mc quail
Answer» D. denis mc quail

The concept of channel noise and semantic noise is related with

A. denis mc quail
B. shannon and weaver
C. westley-mclean
D. smcr model
Answer» B. shannon and weaver

Mass society theory is also known as

A. hypodermic theory
B. magicbullet theory
C. grand theory
D. two-step theory
Answer» C. grand theory

The Magic bullet theory is also called as

A. grand theory
B. mass society theory
C. hypodermic needle theory
D. none of these
Answer» C. hypodermic needle theory

The two step flow theory was put forwarded by

A. daniel lerner
B. de-fleur
C. paul lazar field
D. osgood and schramm
Answer» C. paul lazar field

The attitude change theory was a contribution of

A. carl howland
B. lumsdaine
C. sheffeild
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The book The Effects of Mass Communication was written by

A. carl howland
B. joseph klapper
C. maxwell mc comb
D. donald shaw
Answer» B. joseph klapper

Reinforcement theory was put forwarded by

A. carl howland
B. joseph klapper
C. maxwell mc comb
D. donald shaw
Answer» B. joseph klapper

The Dependency theory was proposed by

A. joseph klapper
B. maxwell mc comb
C. defer & ballrockeach
D. donald shaw
Answer» C. defer & ballrockeach

The Agenda Setting theory was proposed by

A. joseph klapper
B. maxwell mc comb & donald shaw
C. defer &ballrockeach
D. carl howland
Answer» B. maxwell mc comb & donald shaw

James Carvey, Peter Berger &Thomas Luckman were the chief propounders of

A. cultural theory
B. cultivation analysis
C. theory of social construction of reality
D. social learning theory
Answer» C. theory of social construction of reality

The theory based on neo Marxist theory is

A. the british cultural theory
B. the critical cultural theory
C. social learning theory
D. the cultural theory
Answer» B. the critical cultural theory

The Author of A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance

A. pery tannenbaum
B. roland barthes
C. charles osgood
D. l.a. festinger
Answer» D. l.a. festinger

An interview is a type of

A. dyadic communication
B. multidiadic communication
C. mass communication
D. group communication
Answer» A. dyadic communication

Spiral of Silence model was put forwarded by

A. george gerbner
B. elisabeth n. newman
C. harold lasswell
D. david.k.berlo
Answer» B. elisabeth n. newman

The Middle Range Theory of Communication was advocated by

A. john fiske
B. robert merton
C. karl marx
D. m.s.archer
Answer» B. robert merton

The Soviet Media Theory had its roots in

A. italian fascist philosophy
B. free enterprise approach of the west
C. german ideology
D. japanese imperial edicts
Answer» A. italian fascist philosophy

The area related to Noam Chomsky

A. public relation
B. advertising
C. radio
D. media criticism
Answer» D. media criticism

The knowledge –gap hypothesis was developed by

A. g.a.donohue
B. john paulik
C. wilbur schramm
D. david weaver
Answer» A. g.a.donohue

What is Syntactics

A. the study of the language in use
B. the study of relationship among words
C. the study of human interactions
D. the relationship between words and sentences
Answer» B. the study of relationship among words

The primary function of interpersonal communication is

A. reasoning
B. relationship building
C. to inform
D. to provide relaxation
Answer» B. relationship building

Feedback is considered as

A. conviction
B. motor action
C. description cycle
D. multilaterality
Answer» B. motor action

The SMCR model of communication was devised by

A. shannon &weaver
B. david berlo
C. wilbur schramm
D. westley &mclean
Answer» B. david berlo

The Author of the book Communication Networks.

A. daniel belt
B. manuel castle
C. e.m.rogers & d.l.kincaid
D. andre gunder frank
Answer» C. e.m.rogers & d.l.kincaid

According to Wilbur Schramm which one of the following is a value free asset

A. culture
B. religion
C. technology
D. all the above
Answer» A. culture

According to Global Village concept of Marshall MacLuhan

A. electronic media can help the masses unite to effect change
B. maintain person to person relations
C. most of new technologies make people scattered
D. the electronic technologies would not be able to enlighten the masses
Answer» A. electronic media can help the masses unite to effect change

The process of mass communication is not

A. asymmetrical
B. personal
C. anonymous
D. effected on a large scale
Answer» B. personal

Which of the communication has more emotional appeal

A. intrapersonal
B. interpersonal
C. group
D. mass
Answer» B. interpersonal

Communication needs a

A. sender
B. receiver
C. channel
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Communication helps in

A. persuaution
B. entertainment
C. integration
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which Model refers to Gatekeeper concept.

A. theadore newcomb\s
B. shannon &weaver\s
C. bruce westleys &mc leans
D. george gerbner
Answer» C. bruce westleys &mc leans

Speaker-Speech-Audience are the elements of whose model of communication

A. claude shannon
B. aristotle
C. harold lasswell
D. wilbur schramm
Answer» B. aristotle

Who introduced the concept of Noise in Communication.

A. wilbur shramm
B. george gerbner
C. charles osgood
D. claude shannon &warren weaver
Answer» D. claude shannon &warren weaver

Which theory is derived from the studies of Saussure and Pierce

A. mass society theory
B. hegemony theory
C. culture of semeotic theory
D. political economic media theory
Answer» C. culture of semeotic theory

Mass Media are primarily moulders of society as well as reflectors of it according to

A. dennis mc quail
B. harold lasswell
C. wilbur schramm
D. george gerbner
Answer» A. dennis mc quail

Which of the following is noise factor?

A. perceptual variation
B. external elements that hinders the process of communication
C. five senses
D. all the above
Answer» B. external elements that hinders the process of communication

The dependency theory was proposed by

A. defer
B. klapper
C. ball rockeach
D. defer& ball rockeach
Answer» D. defer& ball rockeach

The Author of the book The Dynamics of Mass Communication

A. joseph a. devito
B. joseph r.dominic
C. denis mc quail
D. melvin l. deflour
Answer» B. joseph r.dominic

The Book written by Melvin L.Deflour

A. communication models
B. fundamentals of himan communication
C. communication and social change
D. communication studies
Answer» C. communication and social change

Author of the book India's Communication Revolution. a)Dr.J.V.Vilanilam b)Keval.J.Kumar c)Rogers&Singhal d)Y.K.D'souza 74. Who developed the first paper for the mankind

A. the sumerians
B. the aryans
C. the mayans
D. the chinese
Answer» C. the mayans

Who invented TV?

A. alaxandar graham bell
B. john logie baird
C. francis jenkin
D. chaster carlson
Answer» B. john logie baird

Who differentiated hot and cold medium

A. wilbur schramm
B. harold lasswell
C. marshall mc luhan
D. raymond williams.
Answer» C. marshall mc luhan

Marshall Mc Luhan considered -----------------as an extension of eye

A. invention of tv
B. invention of printing
C. invention of cinema
D. invention of radio
Answer» B. invention of printing

Joseph Klapper proposed Reinforcement theory in

A. 1955
B. 1960
C. 1965
D. 1970
Answer» B. 1960

On the basis of number of participants we can classify communication into---------- a)four types b)five c)seven d)Six 80. The barriers which arise due to technological malfunctions is

A. semantic barriers
B. technical barriers
C. personal barries
D. physical barriers
Answer» A. semantic barriers

------------------------------ is at the base of the human element in all models of communication

A. intrapersonal communication
B. interpersonal communication
C. mass communication
D. group communication
Answer» A. intrapersonal communication

According to the Pyramidal distribution of Mc Quail -------------is at the apex of Pyramid

A. intrapersonal communication
B. interpersonal communication
C. mass communication
D. group communication
Answer» C. mass communication

In a communication process sender is also known as

A. receiver
B. encoder
C. channel
D. decoder
Answer» B. encoder

In a communication process Receiver is also known as

A. sender
B. encoder
C. channel
D. decoder
Answer» D. decoder

“The Media do not do things to people rather people do things with media" relate with

A. the cultural theory
B. uses and gratification theory
C. symbolic interaction theory
D. cultivation theory
Answer» B. uses and gratification theory

Communication is the transfer or conveying of meaning. This definition was given by

A. claude shannon
B. oxford dictionary
C. charles osgood
D. wilbur schramm
Answer» B. oxford dictionary

Kinesics is the science of

A. printing
B. language
C. writing
D. body language
Answer» D. body language

The Egyptian system of picture writing is known as

A. pictography
B. cuneiform
C. hieroglyph
D. script
Answer» C. hieroglyph

Alphabetical writing was developed by

A. chinese
B. greeks
C. romans
D. persians
Answer» C. romans

The writing style developed by Sumerians is

A. pictography
B. cuneiform
C. hieroglyph
D. script
Answer» B. cuneiform

_______________ added five vowels to the alphabets

A. sumerians
B. greeks
C. romans
D. persian
Answer» C. romans

____________________ developed the capital and small letters

A. sumerians
B. greeks
C. romans
D. persian
Answer» C. romans

__________________ developed a kind of paper from papyrus plant

A. chinese
B. greeks
C. romans
D. persians
Answer» A. chinese

The development of printing technology was in

A. 15th century
B. 16th century
C. 17th century
D. 18th century
Answer» A. 15th century

Movable types and mechanical printing press were invented by

A. herman gundert
B. benchamin bailey
C. johan guttenberg
D. none of these
Answer» C. johan guttenberg

The first book printed by Johan Guttenberg was on

A. novel
B. poetry
C. religions
D. culture
Answer» C. religions

Telegraphy was invented in

A. 19th century
B. 16th century
C. 17th century
D. 18th century
Answer» A. 19th century

The twentieth century began with the invention of

A. photography
B. printing
C. cinema
D. radio
Answer» C. cinema

Radio broadcasting began in

A. 1910
B. 1915
C. 1920
D. 1925
Answer» C. 1920

TV telecasting began in

A. 1925
B. 1930
C. 1935
D. 1940
Answer» D. 1940

_______________ has turned the world into a global village

A. radio
B. cinema
C. tv
D. internet
Answer» D. internet

_________________ occurs when an individual sends and receives messages internally

A. intrapersonal communication
B. interpersonal communication
C. mass communication
D. group communication
Answer» A. intrapersonal communication
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