
190+ Introduction to Political Theory Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA political science) .


Who among the following is not a Greek political thinker ?

A. socrates
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. machiavelli
Answer» D. machiavelli

Who is considered as the father of Politics ?

A. plato
B. rousseau
C. aristotle
D. socrates
Answer» C. aristotle

Plato fixed the population of an Ideal State at _____ ?

A. 5000
B. 5040
C. 10000
D. 10500
Answer» B. 5040

Who used the term ‘state’ in modern sense for the first time ?

A. garner
B. aristotle
C. hobbes
D. t.h. green
Answer» B. aristotle

Who among the following is not closely associated with Liberalism ?

A. laski
B. karl marx
C. maciver
D. bentham
Answer» B. karl marx

The main characteristics of the traditional approach of political science was ____ ?

A. the value free study
B. comparative study
C. emphasis on scientific methodology
D. institutional study
Answer» D. institutional study

Which one is not an “Intellectual foundation stone” of Behaviouralism according to David Easton ?

A. regularities
B. verification
C. power
D. techniques
Answer» C. power

Which political scientist was responsible for the development of Behavioural approach to the study of Political Theory ?

A. david easton
B. almond
C. karl deutsch
D. robert dahl
Answer» A. david easton

The credit for developing behavioral approach for the study of Political Science goes to ______ ?

A. the british political scientists
B. the american political scientists
C. the german political scientists
D. the u,s.s,r. political scientists
Answer» B. the american political scientists

The Behaviouralist approach to the study of political science was developed as a protest against _____ ?

A. historical approach
B. philosophical approach
C. institutional approach
D. all the
Answer» D. all the

The “Intellectual God Father of Behaviouralism” is :

A. charles merriam
B. david easton
C. laswell
D. aristotle
Answer» A. charles merriam

‘ Credo of Relevance ’ is concerned with :

A. behaviouralism
B. post behaviouralism
C. modernism
D. post- modernism
Answer» B. post behaviouralism

Which one of the following is not relevant to Traditional Approach :

A. philosophical
B. historical
C. institutional
D. behavioural
Answer» D. behavioural

Eight principles of Behavioural Approach of Political Science is generally known as :

A. regularities
B. pure science
C. verification
D. intellectual foundations
Answer» D. intellectual foundations

What are the twin slogansof Post- Behaviouralism?

A. learning by doing
B. relevance and action
C. scientific and value free
D. none of
Answer» B. relevance and action

Which is the oldest approach to the study of Political Theory :

A. legal approach
B. institutional approach
C. historical approach
D. philosophical
Answer» D. philosophical

Historical Approach is also known as :

A. legal approach
B. traditional approach
C. evolutionary approach
Answer» C. evolutionary approach

The Historical Theory of the Origin of the state was propounded by whom _____

A. sir. henry main
B. triestske
C. durkheim
D. oppenheimer
Answer» A. sir. henry main

The term ‘ Politics ’ has been drawn from Greek word ‘Polis ’ which means :

A. city state
B. town state
C. mini state
D. state
Answer» A. city state

The book ‘Political System’ is written by ________

A. michels
B. david easton
C. robert dahl
D. plato
Answer» B. david easton

The Institutional Approach concentrates on the Study of :

A. social institutions
B. economic institutions
C. political institutions
D. cultural
Answer» C. political institutions

The Philosophical Approach is also Known as :

A. ethical approach
B. metaphysical approach
C. speculative approach
D. all the
Answer» D. all the

Positivism advocated by :

A. karl marx
B. spencer
C. auguste comte
D. durkheim
Answer» C. auguste comte

When did the Post Behaviouralist Approach emerge ?

A. mid eighties
B. mid sixties
C. mid seventies
D. mid fifties
Answer» B. mid sixties

Who among the following advocated Post-Behaviouralist approach for the first time ?

A. almond
B. david eaton
C. robert dahl
D. satori
Answer» B. david eaton

Political Science stresses the study of :

A. government
B. state
C. power
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Who among the following was an advocate of Behaviouralism and Post-Behaviouralism ?

A. leo strauss
B. easton
C. george catlin
D. charles merriam
Answer» B. easton

The word ‘Sovereignty ’ derived from ________ language.

A. greek
B. latin
C. french
D. roman
Answer» B. latin

Who believed that Sovereignty vested in the ‘general will’ ?

A. hobbes
B. locke
C. rousseau
D. aristotle
Answer» C. rousseau

External aspect of sovereignty was fully developed by ------------

A. john austin
B. grotius
C. bodin
D. hobbes
Answer» B. grotius

Which of the following is not an essential characteristics of sovereignty ?

A. permanence
B. exclusiveness
C. wealth
D. comprehensiveness
Answer» C. wealth

Legal Sovereignty is one; which is accepted by :

A. all the persons in and outside the state
B. by outside people alone
C. by international organization alone
D. by associations in the state
Answer» A. all the persons in and outside the state

“If sovereignty is not absolute no state can exist” This statement made by ;

A. laski
B. austin
C. gettel
D. barker
Answer» B. austin

Popular sovereignty lies in :

A. people
B. political elite
C. judiciary
D. constitution
Answer» A. people

Sovereignty is an essential element of :

A. association
B. state
C. society
D. dictatorship
Answer» B. state

The pluralist believes in the concept of :

A. traditional sovereignty
B. political sovereignty
C. c. de-jure sovereignty
D. d. hereditary sovereignty
Answer» B. political sovereignty

The monistic theory of sovereignty was propounded by:

A. laski
B. j.s. mill
C. sir henry maine
D. austin
Answer» D. austin

The Pluralistic theory of sovereignty was first propounded by:

A. laski
B. bodin
C. mac iver
D. von gleke
Answer» D. von gleke

The pluralist believed that :

A. sovereignty is exclusively vested in the state
B. sovereignty is shared various social, religious, economic, and political groups
C. sovereignty is privilege of social and economic groups only
D. sovereignty rests with united nations
Answer» B. sovereignty is shared various social, religious, economic, and political groups

Who of the following was the first to explain politics in terms of ‘Power’?

A. aristotle
B. machiavelli
C. marx
D. rousseau
Answer» A. aristotle

Which one of the following group of thinkers do not draw any distinction between the government and state?

A. pluralist
B. socialist
C. capitalist
D. all the above
Answer» A. pluralist

One of the following is basic feature of pluralistic concept of Sovereignty?

A. absoluteness
B. inalienability
C. divisibility
D. exclusiveness
Answer» C. divisibility

According to exponents of theory of Divine Origin of State have :

A. right to revolt against their ruler
B. right to revolt against tyrants
C. right to revolt against un-justified laws
D. no right to revolt against their ruler
Answer» D. no right to revolt against their ruler

Main supporters of theory of Divine Origin were :

A. feudal lords
B. church fathers
C. common men
D. the rich traders
Answer» B. church fathers

Aristotle Believed that state originated as result of :

A. social contract
B. force
C. expansion of families
D. handiwork of god
Answer» B. force

The observation that “the state is the march of God on earth ” was made by ;

A. plato
B. hegel
C. t.h. green
D. j.s. mill
Answer» B. hegel

Force theory about the origin of state is supported by :

A. syndicalists
B. fabian socialist
C. marxists
D. individualists
Answer» D. individualists

‘ Social Contract’ was written by :

A. hobbes
B. locke
C. rousseau
D. bentham
Answer» C. rousseau

According to Hobbes; the state of nature was:

A. very law abiding
B. nasty and brutish
C. cultured and mannered
D. selfless and
Answer» B. nasty and brutish

According to Hobbes; in the state of nature people was:

A. live harmoniously
B. quarreled with each other
C. had regard for judicial system
D. respected each other’s right
Answer» B. quarreled with each other

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