
360+ Foundation of Political Science Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA political science) .


Who defined political science is “that part of social science which treats the foundations of the foundations of the state and principles of government”?

A. Paul Janet
B. Dyke
C. Gettell
D. None of it
Answer» A. Paul Janet

Who is the author of “A History of Political Theory”?

A. Karl Popper
B. Sabine
C. Mill
D. Locke
Answer» B. Sabine

Who described historical approach as ‘historicism’?

A. Bentham
B. Hegel
C. Popper
D. Marx
Answer» C. Popper

Which approach is, according to Rober A Dahl, an attempt to make the empirical content of Political Science more scientific “

A. Institutional Approach
B. Historical Approach
C. Philosophical Approach
D. Behavioural Approach
Answer» D. Behavioural Approach

Who introduced ‘intellectual foundations’ for behavioural approach?

A. Easton
B. Merriam
C. Lasswell
D. Bentley
Answer» A. Easton

Who said “the concept of power is the most fundamental in the whole of Political Science: the Political Process is the shaping, dissolution and exercise of power” ?

A. Merriam and Easton
B. Lasswell and Kaplan
C. Catlin and Bentley
D. None of them
Answer» B. Lasswell and Kaplan

Who is known as the greatest advocate of Post-Behaviouralism?

A. Merriam
B. Easton
C. Lasswell
D. Bentley
Answer» B. Easton

Which approach demands ‘relevance’ and ‘action’?

A. Institutional Approach
B. Post-Behaviouralist Approach
C. Behaviouralist
D. Historical Approach
Answer» B. Post-Behaviouralist Approach

Whose definition encompasses the ‘politics of consent’ as well as the ‘politics of struggle’?

A. Easton
B. Merriam
C. Lasswell
D. Kaplan
Answer» A. Easton

Who introduced ‘politics of consent’ ?

A. Lasswell
B. Kaplan
C. Popper
D. Lucian Pie
Answer» A. Lasswell

Which approach featurise “State being the central theme of politics is conceived as an inevitable consequence of class contradictions”?

A. Post-Behaviouralism
B. Marxian Approach
C. Behaviouralism
D. Institutional Approach
Answer» B. Marxian Approach

Who said “Marxian approach is not a matter of problems to be solved but a state of domination and subjugation to be ended by a total transformation of the conditions which give rise to it”

A. Lenin
B. Mao
C. Miliband
D. Engels
Answer» C. Miliband

The term ‘state’ is derived from which language?

A. Latin
B. Greek
C. English
D. None of it
Answer» A. Latin

Who defined “the state is the politically organised people of a definite territory” ?

A. Bluntschli
B. Wilson
C. Machiavelli
D. Aristotle
Answer» A. Bluntschli

Who said, state is a “territorial society divided into government and subjects whose relationships are determined by the exercise of this supreme coercive power” ?

A. Laski
B. Mao
C. Wilson
D. Marx
Answer» A. Laski

ho introduced the “subjective desire of the people”?

A. Willoughby
B. Hobbes
C. Iver
D. Laski
Answer» A. Willoughby

Who said “State is an association which acting through law as promulgated by a government endowed to this end with coercive power,..condition of social order”?

A. Laski
B. Willoughby
C. Lenin
D. Mac Iver
Answer» D. Mac Iver

Who defined an association as “a group organised for the pursuit of an interest or a group of interest in common”?

A. Mao
B. Iver
C. Willoughby
D. Jellinick
Answer» B. Iver

Who said “state is a political instrument a machine for maintaining the rule of one class over another” ?

A. Lenin
B. Popper
C. Gettell
D. Mao
Answer» A. Lenin

hose treatise, “the origin of the Family, Private Property and the State”?

A. Marx
B. Engels
C. Lenin
D. Mao
Answer» A. Marx

Who is the author of the book ‘Ancient Society’?

A. Morgan; Engels
B. Popper
C. Maine
D. Mao
Answer» A. Morgan; Engels

Who wrote ‘The poverty of Philosophy’?

A. Mao
B. Lenin
C. Marx
D. Engels
Answer» C. Marx

Who wrote “State and Revolution”?

A. Engels
B. Marx
C. Mao
D. Lenin
Answer» D. Lenin

Who wrote “Anti-Duhring”

A. Engels
B. Marx
C. Lenin
D. Mao
Answer» A. Engels

Who defined sovereignty as the ‘the supreme power over citizens and subjects unrestrained by laws’ ?

A. Garner
B. Jean Bodin
C. Austin
D. Gilchrist
Answer» B. Jean Bodin

Who is the exponent of Monistic theory of sovereignty ?

A. Jean Bodin
B. Garner
C. Austin
D. Maine
Answer» C. Austin

Who defined sovereignty is “the sum total of the influences in a state which lie behind the law” ?

A. Austin
B. Dicey
C. Gilchrist
D. Garner
Answer» C. Gilchrist

Who defined sovereignty on the basis of the concept of law as “a command given by a superior to an inferior”

A. Grotius
B. Hobbes
C. Locke
D. Austin
Answer» D. Austin

Who criticise sovereignty does not reside in a determinate human superior ?

A. Hobbes
B. Austin
C. Grotius
D. Maine
Answer» D. Maine

Who said ‘Kinship created a common consciousness, common interest and common purpose’ ?

A. Gettell
B. Maine
C. MacIver
D. Austin
Answer» B. Maine

Find the wrong one of this list?

A. Laski
B. Hobbes
C. MacIver
D. Lindsay
Answer» B. Hobbes

Who points , because society is federal, authority must also be federal?

A. Maine
B. MacIver
C. Bentham
D. Laski
Answer» D. Laski

Who opined that ‘the logical consequence of Pluralism is chaos’ ?

A. MacIver
B. Gilchrist
C. Ernest Barker
D. Laski
Answer» B. Gilchrist

Whose work is “Modern State”

A. Laski
B. Lindsay
C. Bodin
D. MacIver
Answer» D. MacIver

Who is the author of ‘Crisis in the Theory of State’ ?

A. Laski
B. Krabbe
C. Barker
D. MacIver
Answer» A. Laski

Who is the great liberal writer of the 17th century ?

A. Austin
B. Locke
C. Gilchrist
D. None of them
Answer» B. Locke

Which is the work of Montesquieu ?

A. Ant-Duhring
B. State and Revolution
C. The Spirit of Laws
D. The poverty of philosophy
Answer» C. The Spirit of Laws

Who said , there is no better test of the excellence of a government, than the efficiency of the judicial system’ ?

A. James Bryce
B. Laski
C. MacIver
D. Bentham
Answer» A. James Bryce

Who said “every state is enormously dependent upon the quality of its public officials”?

A. MacIver
B. Laski
C. Dicey
D. James Bryce
Answer» B. Laski

In which case Judicial Review was originated in the United States ?

A. Strader v/s Graham
B. Sheldon v/s Sill
C. Swift v/s Tyson
D. Marbury v/s Madison
Answer» D. Marbury v/s Madison

Which Article vide the power of Judicial Review is clearly engrafted into the Constitution of India ?

A. Article 12
B. Article 13
C. Article 14
D. Article 15
Answer» B. Article 13

Which work is written by Dicey?

A. Modern States
B. the History of the States
C. Introduction to the Study of Law of the Constitution
D. The Spirit of Laws
Answer» C. Introduction to the Study of Law of the Constitution

Who wrote ‘The Process of Government’

A. Arthur Bentley
B. Graham Wallas
C. Charles Merriam
D. David Easton
Answer» A. Arthur Bentley

Whose work is “Human Nature in Politics”

A. Dicey
B. Wallas
C. Laski
D. Merriam
Answer» B. Wallas

Who wrote “New Aspects of Politis”

A. Wallas
B. Laski
C. Merriam
D. Bentley
Answer» C. Merriam

Find out the work of Lasswell and Kaplan

A. Systematic Politics
B. The Politics of System
C. Power and Society
D. Introduction to Politics
Answer» C. Power and Society

Who wrote “The Political System”

A. Almond
B. Apter
C. Lasswell
D. Easton
Answer» D. Easton

The term ‘Historicism’ was made popular by

A. Sabine
B. Oakeshott
C. Popper
D. Foster
Answer» C. Popper

‘It is better to be vague than irrelevant’. This statement explains the following

A. Post-behaviouralism
B. Behaviouralism
C. Positivism
D. Empiricism
Answer» A. Post-behaviouralism

The Iron Law of Oligarchy is associated with

A. Millett
B. Michels
C. McConnell
D. Mazzini
Answer» B. Michels

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