190+ Philosophy of Gender Solved MCQs


Who propose the idea that human consciousness compressing opposing characteristics?

A. carl jung
B. sigmund freud
C. karl marx
D. jacques lacan
Answer» A. carl jung

who state that inner life as structured like language?

A. jacques lacan
B. carl jung
C. freud
D. marx
Answer» A. jacques lacan

Eternal feminine concept is associated with---------------

A. simon de beauvoir
B. okaley
C. kate millett
D. shulamith firestone
Answer» A. simon de beauvoir

Simone de Beauvoir comes under the philosophical tradition

A. phenomenological feminism
B. existential feminism
C. liberal feminism
D. radical feminism
Answer» B. existential feminism

Who re write the Engels definition of historical materialism?

A. shulamith firestone
B. okaley
C. kate millett
D. carl jung
Answer» A. shulamith firestone

Laissez faire theory advocate by

A. j.s.mill
B. james mill
C. john locke
D. thomas hobbes
Answer» A. j.s.mill

Laissez faire theory establish the view that

A. maximum freedom for individual
B. maximum freedom for state
C. less freedom to individual
D. states superemacy over individual
Answer» A. maximum freedom for individual

Who wrote the book feminism?

A. jane freed man
B. auguste compte
C. v.geetha
D. kate millett
Answer» A. jane freed man

Major issues in black feminism

A. sexism and racism
B. economic issues
C. reproduction
D. production
Answer» A. sexism and racism

Who wrote the book “The creation of Feminist consciousness”

A. gerde lerner
B. sandra harding
C. levi strauss
D. kate millett
Answer» A. gerde lerner

who wrote the book “Three essays on the theory of sexuality”?

A. freud
B. marx
C. engels
D. robertconnel
Answer» A. freud

Marxian philosophy comes under the category of----------------

A. materialism
B. spiritualism
C. idealism
D. rationalism
Answer» A. materialism

The cardinal point of Marxian philosophy is -----------------

A. dialetical materialism
B. dialectical spiritualism
C. spiritual idealism
D. rationalism
Answer» A. dialetical materialism

What are the two interlinked material process of the society proposed by Marx?

A. production and distribution
B. production and re-production
C. production and consumption
D. re production and re distribution
Answer» B. production and re-production

According to Marx the mode of production is -------------------

A. static
B. dynamic
C. both static and dynamic
D. none of the above
Answer» B. dynamic

What is the main reason for women’s powerlessness in society, according to Marx?

A. emergence of private property
B. changes in modes of production
C. physical strength of men
D. patience of women
Answer» A. emergence of private property

According to Marxist feminist theory primitive society is ----------------------in character

A. communalistic
B. communistic
C. anarchist
D. none of the above
Answer» B. communistic

Children’s inheritance through mother is known as ------------------

A. mother right
B. father right
C. parental right
D. social right
Answer» A. mother right

According to Marxist feminism,primitivesocity was------------------

A. patriarchal
B. matriarchal
C. non communistic
D. communalistic
Answer» B. matriarchal

‘The Interpretation of Dream’ is written by -----------------

A. hitler
B. engels
C. kohlberg
D. freud
Answer» D. freud

‘The Ego and the Id ‘is written by-------------------

A. karl jung
B. jacques lacan
C. judith butler
D. freud
Answer» D. freud

‘The Psycho Pathology of Everyday Life written by’-----------------------

A. freud
B. engels
C. lacan
D. butler
Answer» A. freud

‘Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious ‘iswritten by-------------

A. freud
B. butler
C. kohlberg
D. hitler
Answer» A. freud

‘On Narcissism’ is written by ---------------

A. hitler
B. freud
C. jacques lacan
D. karl jung
Answer» B. freud

who wrote the book ‘The Future of an Illusion’?

A. freud
B. butler
C. judith butler
D. robin morgan
Answer» A. freud

‘Moses and Monotheism’ is written by ----------------

A. freud
B. engels
C. butler
D. kohlberg
Answer» A. freud

‘Beyond the pleasure principle’ is written by -------------------

A. freud
B. butler
C. kohlberg
D. lacan
Answer» A. freud

Who wrote the book ‘Dialetics of Nature’?

A. marx
B. butler
C. kohlberg
D. engels
Answer» D. engels

‘Principle of communism’ is written by---------

A. marx
B. engels
C. robin morgan
D. hitler
Answer» B. engels

‘Socialism: Utopian and scientific’ is written by------------

A. lacan
B. butler
C. engels
D. robin morgan
Answer» C. engels

‘Undoing Gender’ is written by ----------------

A. judith butler
B. kohl berg
C. lacan
D. nancy chodorow
Answer» A. judith butler

‘The Bodies that matters’ is written by -----------------------

A. judith butler
B. kohlberg
C. gilligan
D. lacan
Answer» A. judith butler

‘Black Feminist Thought’ is written by----------------

A. patricia hill collins
B. laca
C. firestone
D. engels
Answer» A. patricia hill collins

‘Gender Trouble: Feminism and the subversion of Identity’ is written by------------------

A. kohlberg
B. gilligan
C. lacan
D. butler
Answer» D. butler

The Psychic Power of: Theories in Subjection” is written by---------

A. butler
B. kohlberg
C. engels
D. lacan
Answer» A. butler

‘The Four Fundamental concepts of Psychoanalysis’ is written by--------------

A. jacques lacan
B. marx
C. gilligan
D. nancy chodorow
Answer» A. jacques lacan

Psycho analytical theory is associated with---------

A. sigmund freud
B. karl marx
C. judith butler
D. gabriel marcel
Answer» A. sigmund freud

Who introduced concept of Animus in Psycho analytical theory?

A. karl marx
B. jacques lacan
C. carl jung
D. judith butler
Answer» C. carl jung

Archetype of unconscious is introduced by---------

A. karl jaspers
B. karl marx
C. carl jung
D. gabriel marcel
Answer» C. carl jung

Anima is the archetype of unconscious mind of---------------

A. men
B. women
C. both men and women
D. abnormal human beings
Answer» A. men

Animus is the unconscious mind of …………….

A. men
B. women
C. both men and women
D. none of the above
Answer» B. women

At the time of birth all of us are bi -sexual. Who introduced this view--------?

A. judith butler
B. gabriel marcel
C. carl jung
D. karl jaspers
Answer» C. carl jung

According to Engels -------determines the condition of women in the society.

A. freedom
B. responsibility
C. society
D. economy
Answer» D. economy

Two determine factors of development of society, according to Engels

A. production and distribution
B. production and transportation
C. production and reproduction
D. production and consumption
Answer» C. production and reproduction

According to Engels production means------

A. production of food, shelter and cloth
B. production of fund
C. production of agricultural products
D. industrial products
Answer» A. production of food, shelter and cloth

According to Engels Reproduction means------

A. procreation
B. increasing wealth
C. increasing means of production
D. none of the above
Answer» A. procreation

Origin of the term gender

A. greek
B. latin
C. german
D. hebrew
Answer» A. greek

The word ‘Genus’ means

A. class
B. sex
C. male
D. female
Answer» A. class

Gender is determined by

A. sociologically
B. biologically
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» A. sociologically

The ‘Reproduction of Mothering ‘is written by

A. nancy chodorow
B. robin morgan
C. hilary kornblith
D. firestone
Answer» A. nancy chodorow

Ethic of care gives emphasis to

A. importance of relationship
B. women empowerment
C. male domination
D. female domination
Answer» A. importance of relationship

Theory of stages of Moral development is introduced by

A. carol gilligan
B. nancy chodorow
C. lawrence kohlberg
D. simon de beauvoir
Answer» A. carol gilligan

‘The relation between Men and Women: both perceptual and material’. Definition given by

A. who
B. unesco
C. fao
D. unicef
Answer» B. unesco

Waves of feminism represents

A. historical development of feminism
B. kinds of feminism
C. meaning of feminism
D. none of the above
Answer» A. historical development of feminism

The time period of first wave Feminism

A. late 18th century to early part of 20th century
B. early 18th century to 19th century
C. 19th century
D. 20th century
Answer» A. late 18th century to early part of 20th century

The first wave feminism focused on

A. legal issues
B. cultural issues
C. social issues
D. none of the above
Answer» B. cultural issues

Major figure in the first wave feminism

A. simone de beauvoir
B. mary wollstoncraft
C. rachel carson
D. robin morgan
Answer» B. mary wollstoncraft

The most influenced theory in the first wave feminism

A. de ontological
B. epicureanism
C. justice
D. utilitarianism
Answer» D. utilitarianism

The greatest happiness of the greatest number is associated with--------

A. deontology
B. theory of justice
C. utilitarianism
D. stoicism
Answer» C. utilitarianism

JermyBandham is the chief exponent of ---------------

A. utilitarianism
B. de ontology
C. social contract
D. theory of justice
Answer» A. utilitarianism

Harriot Taylor is associated with

A. utilitarianism
B. de ontology
C. ethical cognitivism
D. non naturalism
Answer» A. utilitarianism

The book Second Sex was written by--------------

A. simone de beauvoir
B. robin morgan
C. lawrence kohlberg
D. carol gilligan
Answer» A. simone de beauvoir

The history of modern feminist movement is divided into -

A. Three waves
B. Two waves
C. Four waves
D. None of these
Answer» A. Three waves

‘The Second Sex’ is the work of ---------

A. Simon De Beauvoir
B. karl Marx
C. Holmes
D. None of these
Answer» A. Simon De Beauvoir

The Representation of People’s Act was passed on :

A. 1918
B. 1920
C. 1910
D. None of these
Answer» A. 1918

First Wave Feminism is associated with :

A. Women’s suffrage
B. Sexual rights
C. Abortion rights
D. None of these
Answer» A. Women’s suffrage

Feminist movement generally focused on :

A. Male issues
B. General issues
C. Women issues
D. None of these
Answer» C. Women issues

The Second Wave Feminism in North America came as a response to :

A. World War I
B. World War II
C. French Revolution
D. All of these
Answer» B. World War II

‘Personal is Political ‘ is the slogan of --------

A. Carol Hanisch
B. Betty Friedan
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Virginia Woolf
Answer» A. Carol Hanisch

Mary Wollstonecraft comes in the period of :

A. First wave
B. Third wave
C. Recent period
D. Modern
Answer» A. First wave

‘A Room of one’s own ‘ is the work of ----

A. Freud
B. Virginia Woolf
C. Betty Friedan
D. None of these
Answer» B. Virginia Woolf

Third Wave feminism is characterized by a rejection of the project of :

A. Sisterhood
B. Humanity
C. Right to cast a vote
D. Civil rights activism
Answer» A. Sisterhood

Morality is essentially rational according to ----

A. Kristeva
B. Gilligan
C. Kant
D. Mill
Answer» C. Kant

Andrea Dworkinis a prominent -------- feminist

A. Postmodern
B. Cultural
C. Womanist
D. Radical
Answer» D. Radical

Feminist ethics pays attention to ----

A. Personal feelings
B. Reason
C. Principles
D. Intuition
Answer» A. Personal feelings

The focus on women’s right in society is --------- wave Feminism

A. Second
B. Fourth
C. First
D. Third
Answer» A. Second

Carol Gilligan was a specialist in ---------

A. Psychology
B. Literature
C. Philosophy
D. Economics
Answer» A. Psychology

An ethics on male standards is developed by---------

A. Lawrence Kohlberg
B. Kristeva
C. Carol Gilligan
D. De Beauvoir
Answer» C. Carol Gilligan

Which of the following is treated as an instance of masculine ethics

A. Care
B. Co –operation
C. Justice
D. Patience
Answer» C. Justice

The Third wave of feminism accepted --------- view

A. Sameness
B. Dominance
C. Difference
D. Submissive
Answer» B. Dominance

Who among the following comes under the first wave feminism

A. Judith Butler
B. Simon De Beauvoir
C. Mary Wollstonecraft
D. None of these
Answer» C. Mary Wollstonecraft

The notion of active prakti is advocated by -------

A. Nyaya
B. Yoga
C. Samkhya
D. Carvaka
Answer» C. Samkhya

According to Manusmriti , women are -------

A. Dominate men
B. Equal to men
C. Subordinate to men
D. Independent of men
Answer» C. Subordinate to men

Who among the following is a Post Structuralist Feminist

A. Judith Butler
B. Carol Gilligan
C. Betty Friedan
D. None of these
Answer» A. Judith Butler

The First Wave feminism accepted ---------- view

A. Dominance
B. Difference
C. Submissive
D. Sameness
Answer» D. Sameness

The Psycho- analytic view of feminism is advocated by ------

A. Betty Friedan
B. Freud
C. Carol Hanisch
D. None of these
Answer» B. Freud

Gender indicates --------

A. Identity
B. Subjectivity
C. Social category
D. Biological category
Answer» C. Social category

A popular work of Simon De Beauvoir is

A. Feminine Mystique
B. ‘A room of one’s own
C. Second Sex
D. None of these
Answer» C. Second Sex

The notion of inactive Purusa is advocated by

A. Vaisesika
B. Samkhya
C. Nyaya
D. Carvaka
Answer» B. Samkhya

Which one of the following is the work of Betty Friedan

A. ‘A room of one’s own
B. Feminine Mystique
C. Second Sex
D. All of these
Answer» B. Feminine Mystique

The book ‘Subjection of women’ was written by ---

A. J S Mill
B. Sara Ruddic
C. Kate Millet
D. Juliet Mitchel
Answer» A. J S Mill

According to Manusmriti ,which among the following is not correct in view of status of women

A. Protected by men
B. Dominate men
C. Subordinate to men
D. None of these
Answer» B. Dominate men

The second Wave feminism accepted ---------- view

A. Difference
B. Sameness
C. Submissive
D. Dominance
Answer» A. Difference

‘Women never fit to be independent’ This is the view of -----

A. Upanisads
B. Samkhya
C. Manusmriti
D. None of these
Answer» C. Manusmriti

Jacques Lacan belongs to -----

A. Psycho Analysis
B. White feminism
C. Liberalism
D. None of these
Answer» A. Psycho Analysis

Which among the following is not a Purusharta

A. Kama
B. Moksha
C. Veda
D. Dharma
Answer» C. Veda
Question and answers in Philosophy of Gender, Philosophy of Gender multiple choice questions and answers, Philosophy of Gender Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Philosophy of Gender, Philosophy of Gender MCQs with answers PDF download