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--------------------is a discipline, which serves the infinite curiosity about human beings.

A. cultural anthropology
B. anthropology
C. social anthropology
D. ethnology.
Answer» B. anthropology

The establishment of Asiatic society of Bengal in----------------

A. 1774
B. 1770
C. 1775
D. 1776
Answer» A. 1774

Mana is a ------------------- term meaning Power

A. french
B. melanesian
C. greek
D. latin
Answer» B. melanesian

The term magic has been derived from the --------------- word

A. greek
B. latin
C. french
D. polynesian
Answer» C. french

The Polynesian term taboo means

A. custom
B. tradition
C. prohibition
D. forbidden
Answer» C. prohibition

------------------------- are the part-time religious practioners and mostly females

A. sorcerer
B. medium
C. priest
D. shaman
Answer» A. sorcerer

---------------- family formed by the agglomeration of nuclear family units or parts of them

A. compound
B. composite
C. group
D. polygamous
Answer» A. compound

----------------- is the marriage where a bridegroom is allowed to stay in the bride’s house, a few days before the marriage.

A. marriage by trial
B. marriage by intrusion
C. marriage by purchase
D. marriage by probation
Answer» A. marriage by trial

------------------- have considered religion as a product of the evolutionary development of human brain.

A. sociologists
B. psychologists
C. anthropologists
D. philosophers.
Answer» C. anthropologists

-------------------- found sacred part and profane part in supernatural field.

A. frazer
B. durkheim
C. spencer
D. tylor
Answer» B. durkheim

Animism is the earliest concept towards the religion forwarded by ----------------------

A. tylor
B. malinowski
C. radcliff brown
D. durkheim
Answer» A. tylor

Mana is a ------------------ term meaning Power

A. french
B. latin
C. melanesian
D. greek
Answer» C. melanesian

The term magic is derived from the --------------- word ‘magi’ means secreat deeds.

A. latin
B. french
C. greek
D. melanesian
Answer» B. french

------------------------ is a malevolent practice with the help of the spirits.

A. witch craft
B. practioner
C. shaman
D. sorcery
Answer» B. practioner

A ------------------ is usually a part-time male specialist.

A. shaman
B. sorcery
C. witch craft
D. priest.
Answer» A. shaman

------------------- is used as synonym of shaman

A. sorcerer
B. witch doctor
C. priest
D. shaman
Answer» B. witch doctor

The ----------------- term taboo means forbidden

A. polynesian
B. french
C. greek
D. latin
Answer» A. polynesian

--------------- is a kind of marriage where a girl is taken away forcibly without her consent.

A. marriage by capture
B. marriage by trial
C. marriage by purchase
D. marriage by exchange
Answer» A. marriage by capture

----------------------- is a kind of marriage where a young has to prove his courage, bravery and physical strength before claiming a girl as wife.

A. marriage by purchase
B. marriage by trial
C. marriage by capture
D. marriage by exchange
Answer» B. marriage by trial

------------------ marriage demands a payment for the bride

A. marriage by purchase
B. marriage by trial
C. marriage by capture
D. marriage by exchange
Answer» A. marriage by purchase

This is the marriage where considerable labour is offered by the bride groom to the bride’s family prior to marriage.

A. marriage purchase
B. marriage by service.
C. marriage by by capture
D. marriage by exchange
Answer» B. marriage by service.

This is the marriage where a bride groom is allowed to stay in the bride’s house a few day’ before the marriage.

A. marriage by intrusion
B. marriage on probation.
C. marriage by service
D. marriage by exchange
Answer» B. marriage on probation.

---------------- is the method of reckoning relationship.

A. kinship
B. family
C. marriage
D. descent
Answer» A. kinship

------------------- is a unilineak kingroup

A. clan group
B. totem
C. descent
D. kingroup.
Answer» A. clan group

An interrelation between two or more clans makes a ----------------------

A. moity
B. linege
C. phratry
D. descent
Answer» C. phratry

The husband comes to reside in wife’s house after marriage.

A. patrilocal residence
B. bilocal residence
C. neolocal residence
D. matrilocal residence
Answer» D. matrilocal residence

The couple make a completely separate entity of their own where they live.

A. bilocal residence
B. neolocal residence
C. patrilocal residence
D. matrilocal residence.
Answer» B. neolocal residence

The newly married couple goes to live with wife’s uncle.

A. neolocal residence
B. avunculocal residence
C. bilocal residence
D. matrilocal residence.
Answer» B. avunculocal residence

The --------------- word “Lavir” means husband’s brothers.

A. greek
B. french
C. latin
D. portuguese
Answer» C. latin

The ---------------- word “Sorror” means sister.

A. latin
B. greek
C. french
D. polynesian
Answer» A. latin

The wife goes to reside with her husband in husband’s house after the marriage

A. matrilocal residence
B. patrilocal residence
C. matrilineal residence
D. bilocal residence.
Answer» B. patrilocal residence

The book Ancient Society is written by .

A. morgan
B. levi-strauss
C. radcliff brown
D. frazer
Answer» A. morgan

A woman marries several men and lives together with all husbands and children.

A. polygynous family
B. polygamous family
C. group family
D. polyandrous family
Answer» D. polyandrous family

-------------- means the measurements of the living body including head and face.

A. crainometry
B. somatometry
C. anthropometry
D. biometry.
Answer» B. somatometry

The ------------- term is applied to the ceremonial kin.

A. real kin
B. actual kin
C. distant kin
D. virtual kin
Answer» D. virtual kin

--------- placed the model of social structure in two categories i.e. the actual and general social structure.

A. malinowswki
B. levi strauss
C. radcliff brown
D. tylor
Answer» C. radcliff brown

---------- are of opinion that culture has growth in course of history.

A. evolutionists
B. structuralists
C. functionalistst
D. diffusionalists
Answer» D. diffusionalists

------------ studied Trobri Islanders in New Guinea.

A. radcliff brown
B. malinowski
C. levi strauss
D. none of these
Answer» B. malinowski

----------- defined culture as comprises inherited artifacts, goods, technical processes, ideas , habits and values.

A. malinowski
B. levi strauss
C. radcliff brown
D. tylor
Answer» A. malinowski

A scientific theory of culture 1944 is written by -----------

A. malinowski
B. radcliff brown
C. levi strauss
D. tylor
Answer» A. malinowski

James Frazer was -------------- Evolutionalist

A. british
B. french
C. american
D. german
Answer» A. british

The Elementary Structure of Kinship written by --------

A. malinowski,
B. levi strauss
C. radcliff brown
D. tylor
Answer» B. levi strauss

An Introduction to the science of mythology by ----------

A. levi strauss
B. radcliff brown
C. tylor
D. malinowski
Answer» A. levi strauss

In the “Savage Mind” is written by -------

A. radcliff brown
B. tylor
C. malinowski
D. levi strauss
Answer» D. levi strauss

-------- named anthropology as “child of Darwin”

A. tylor
B. paul broca
C. marret
D. s.c. roy
Answer» C. marret

To judge other peoples way of life in terms of own cultural view point is called -------

A. cultural relativism
B. cultural lag
C. ethnocentrism
D. cultural process
Answer» C. ethnocentrism

The total tribal population in India is:

A. 10%
B. 23%
C. 3%
D. none of this
Answer» D. none of this

The largest Tribal population of the world is in:

A. america
B. africa
C. india
D. australia
Answer» B. africa

Which group is the largest group of Backward Classes in India?

A. scheduled tribes
B. scheduled castes
C. muslims
D. buddhists
Answer» B. scheduled castes

Who used the word ‘aborginals’ to refer tribes in India?

A. hutton
B. sir bains
C. risly.v. elwin
D. w.j. perry
Answer» C. risly.v. elwin

Which word is not used for tribes in India?

A. vanajyoatis
B. vanavasis
C. harijans
D. adivasis
Answer» C. harijans

Which one is an anthropological limitation in defining tribes in India?

A. largest population
B. not homogenous in nature
C. speaks a different languages
D. wear different types of dresses
Answer» B. not homogenous in nature

‘A group of simple minds, occupying a concentrated area, having a common language, a common government, a common action in warfare’. Who is author of this definition of tribes?

A. madan
B. dube
C. majumdar
D. hutton
Answer» A. madan

Which one is not a characteristic of Indian tribe?

A. common name
B. common ancestor
C. different languages
D. common territory
Answer» C. different languages

Clan refers to a -------------- kins of group based on either matrilineal or patrilireal descent

A. unilateral
B. multilateral
C. only lateral
D. none of this
Answer» A. unilateral

In which state the highest number of tribals are found in India?

A. nagaland
B. mizoram
C. madhyapradesh
D. manipur
Answer» C. madhyapradesh

Which statement is related to a clan?

A. it is an endogamous unit
B. it has a definite language
C. it has no definite geographic area
D. it has a common leader
Answer» C. it has no definite geographic area

North Eastern Zone of tribes mainly belong to ________ race.

A. mangloids
B. austroloids
C. negroids
D. nordic
Answer» A. mangloids

In which zone Khasi and Garo belong?

A. the north and north - eastern
B. the central zone
C. the southern zone
D. none of this
Answer» A. the north and north - eastern

The tribes of Central zone are scattered all over ________________

A. the rivers between jamuna and ganga
B. the rivers between brahmaputhra and jhalam
C. the rivers between kaveri and krishna
D. the rivers between narmada and godavari
Answer» D. the rivers between narmada and godavari

The main tribes in the Central zone are ___________________

A. kadars and nadras
B. limbo and nagas
C. kota and kurumba
D. gonds and baigas
Answer» D. gonds and baigas

Which one is based on language and dialects?

A. austric tribes
B. mountain tribes
C. river valley tribes
D. none of this
Answer» A. austric tribes

Which tribe belongs to Nordic group?

A. kadars
B. nagas
C. thodas
D. khasis
Answer» C. thodas

Which tribe belongs to Mangloid race?

A. chakmas
B. kadars
C. paniyas
D. thodas
Answer» A. chakmas

Which tribe is not belonging to Mangaloids?

A. nagas
B. chakmas
C. khonds
D. botiyas
Answer» C. khonds

Which tribe is not belonging to Proto- Austroloids?

A. thodas
B. mullakurumas
C. botiyas
D. mundas
Answer» D. mundas

Which tribes belong to Negroids?

A. thodas
B. jarwas
C. gonds
D. nagas
Answer» B. jarwas

Which policy caused for exploitation of tribals?

A. the british land policy
B. the language policy
C. the tribal policy
D. the criminal act policy
Answer» A. the british land policy

The changes among the tribes in India are _________________

A. static
B. uniform
C. not uniform
D. temperory
Answer» C. not uniform

The most important factor related to many problems of Kerala tribes is __________

A. educational backwardness
B. cultural transformation
C. linguistic conflicts
D. landlessness
Answer» D. landlessness

Which factor hinders mainly the developmental programmes of tribes?

A. cultural problems
B. educational backwardness
C. economic problems
D. geographical isolation
Answer» D. geographical isolation

Which problem is led due to Hinduisation among tribes?

A. language
B. dowry
C. economic
D. geographic
Answer» B. dowry

What is the percentage of tribal population in Indian Christians?

A. 1/10th
B. 1/3rd
C. 2/3rd
D. 1/6th
Answer» D. 1/6th

Which one is more contemporary among tribal revolts in India?

A. mizos
B. nagas
C. jharkhand
D. shanthals
Answer» C. jharkhand

An important tribe involved in a major revolt is ________________

A. paniyas
B. kadars
C. gonds
D. nagas
Answer» D. nagas

Who are preponents of policy of Isolation?

A. wellington and irving
B. simon and wellesly
C. hutton and elwin
D. none of this
Answer» C. hutton and elwin

Christian Missionaries were advocated for ________________

A. policy of isolation
B. policy of conversion
C. policy of acculturation
D. policy of assimilation
Answer» D. policy of assimilation

The policy of Integration may cause for _______________

A. economic problems
B. educational problems
C. exploitation from capitalists
D. political problems
Answer» C. exploitation from capitalists

Panchasheela is proposed by ________________

A. nehru
B. gandhi
C. ambedkar
D. patel
Answer» A. nehru

On the basis of Panchasheela, how many tribal blocks have been set up?

A. 34
B. 43
C. 44
D. 33
Answer» B. 43

Which Article in Constitution provides equal rights for tribes in India?

A. 21
B. 13
C. 15
D. 31
Answer» C. 15

Under the safe guard of _____________ tribals can earn property in any part of India

A. article 5(19)
B. article 1 (59)
C. article 15(9)
D. article 19(5)
Answer» D. article 19(5)

Under Article 339(2) the Central Government can give direction to the states in the formulation and execution of ______________

A. tribal welfare plans
B. constitutitonal amenments
C. tribal migration
D. none of this
Answer» A. tribal welfare plans

The reservation in employment for Tribes in India is related to Article ________

A. 345
B. 365
C. 335
D. 354
Answer» C. 335

Seats have been reserved for tribes in the legislatures under Articles __________

A. 16(4), 320 (4) and 335
B. 19(5) and 19(6)
C. 339(2) and 19(5)
D. 330, 332 and 334
Answer» D. 330, 332 and 334

Which Act stands for educational interacts of Indian Tribes?

A. article 64
B. article 6
C. article 46
D. article 4
Answer» C. article 46

Which NGO is associated with tribals upliftment?

A. kssp
B. kgnmt
C. sndp
D. intuc
Answer» B. kgnmt

One of the defects of Tribal Welfare Programmes is ____________

A. no sufficient funds
B. high standard
C. no governmental support
D. considering tribes as a single group
Answer» D. considering tribes as a single group

Which factor is not considered with its importance in designing tribal welfare plans?

A. immediate and remote needs
B. economic conditions
C. educational back grounds
D. geographic conditions
Answer» A. immediate and remote needs

Which voluntary organisation is working for tribal upliftment?

A. white elephant projects
B. forest development organisation
C. vanavasi kalyanashrama
D. rajiv gandhi memorial trust
Answer» C. vanavasi kalyanashrama

Educational programmes were failures among tribes because of ___________

A. lack of funds
B. lack of buildings
C. lack of trained teachers
D. lack of students
Answer» C. lack of trained teachers

‘Tribe is an ethnic category defined by real or putative descant and characterised by a corporate identity and a wide range of commonly shared traits of culture’. Who is author of this definition?

A. madan
B. hutton
C. sc dude
D. k.m kapadia
Answer» C. sc dude

Austric linguistic group belongs to ___________

A. central india
B. north india
C. south india
D. andaman islands
Answer» A. central india

To which region Tibetan-Chinese language group belongs?

A. wester region
B. himalayan region
C. central region
D. southern region
Answer» B. himalayan region

‘Food gathers and hunters’ are one among the categories based on ______ characteristics

A. linguistic
B. cultural
C. economic
D. political
Answer» C. economic

Most primitive tribes in India belongs to __________________

A. nagaland
B. mizoram
C. andaman and nicobar
D. kerala
Answer» C. andaman and nicobar

Tribals in Kerala are living mainly on the ________________

A. coastal areas
B. western ghats
C. central kerala
D. idukki
Answer» B. western ghats

In which district highest number of tribal population resides in Kerala?

A. idukki
B. wayanad
C. palakkad
D. kannur
Answer» B. wayanad

Which tribe is the biggest tribe in Kerala?

A. paniyas
B. kadars
C. kurumas
D. kurichias
Answer» A. paniyas

Which tribe is most primitive among the following?

A. paniyas
B. mullakurumas
C. kurumas
D. cholanaikas
Answer» D. cholanaikas
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