Chapter: Introduction to Social Anthropology

The word “anthropology” has been derived from

A. Latin
B. Greek
C. German
D. French
Answer» B. Greek

Anthropology is a science of

A. Plants
B. Fishes
C. Man
D. Rocks
Answer» C. Man

Anthropologists are interested in all aspects of human species and human

A. Behavior
B. Languages
C. Food habits
D. Entertainment
Answer» A. Behavior

Kluckhohn was a famous___________ anthropologist -

A. Chinese
B. Brazil
C. Indian
D. American
Answer» D. American

Topinard gave a definition of anthropology in

A. 1934
B. 1876
C. 1930
D. 2001
Answer» B. 1876

Each branch of anthropology studies one special aspects of human

A. Behavior
B. Movement
C. Interaction
D. Migration
Answer» A. Behavior

Social Anthropology is called the natural science of

A. Society
B. Discipline
C. Social
D. Activities
Answer» A. Society

French sociologist, Emile Durkheim had decisive influence on the development of Social

A. Culture
B. Beings
C. Anthropology
D. Gathering
Answer» C. Anthropology

According to Radcliffe Brown in 1952, social anthropology is that branch of Sociology which deals with primitive

A. Societies
B. People
C. Culture
D. Education system
Answer» A. Societies

Archaeology is an important branch of

A. Biology
B. Geography
C. Anthropology
D. Physics
Answer» A. Biology

Cultural Anthropology studies human

A. Culture
B. Life span
C. Skeletal system
D. Language
Answer» A. Culture

Ethnology studies human

A. Group
B. Races
C. Characters
D. Movements
Answer» B. Races

Anthropometry may be defined as measurement of

A. Birds
B. Height
C. Size
D. Man
Answer» D. Man

Familial Anthropology studies

A. Families of different culture and forms of marriage
B. Human life span
C. Entertainment
D. Human development
Answer» A. Families of different culture and forms of marriage

Economic Anthropology studies

A. Import
B. Money
C. Economic Administration of Primitive societies
D. Market
Answer» C. Economic Administration of Primitive societies

Political Anthropology studies all types of

A. Political administration
B. Historical administration
C. Cultural administration
D. Legal administration
Answer» A. Political administration

Linguistics Anthropology studies

A. Plants and Animals
B. Mountains ranges
C. Ocean
D. Languages of different societies
Answer» D. Languages of different societies

Scientific method is a systematic study of subject matter with a/an

A. Vast scope
B. Limited scope
C. Open scope
D. Co-incident scope
Answer» B. Limited scope

In social research, the first method normally applied is

A. Verification
B. Recording
C. Observation
D. Classification
Answer» C. Observation

Scientific Principles are

A. Localized
B. Random
C. Always wrong
D. Universal
Answer» D. Universal

All methods of social anthropology are

A. Scientific
B. Historical
C. Primitive
D. Not accepted
Answer» A. Scientific

Social Anthropology is a

A. Recent field of studies
B. Things of the past
C. Science
D. Future knowledge
Answer» C. Science

According to Ralph Piddington the primary trait of Primitive societies is

A. Illiteracy
B. Pictorial
C. Curving
D. Statue
Answer» A. Illiteracy

The Primitive Societies’ Technological level of development is

A. Very advance
B. Very low
C. Moderate
D. Speedy
Answer» B. Very low

The Primitive Societies are

A. Large communities
B. Dying communities
C. Little communities
D. Growing communities
Answer» C. Little communities

According Robert Redfield, the Primitive societies are

A. “The fold Society”
B. Lively Society
C. Open Society
D. Closed Society
Answer» A. “The fold Society”

Important reason for the study of Primitive Societies is

A. Less important now
B. Not necessary
C. A must
D. Their utility in understanding civilized societies.
Answer» D. Their utility in understanding civilized societies.

According to Evans Pritchard primitive societies are studied because of their

A. Social value
B. Simplicity
C. Intrinsic value
D. Beauty
Answer» C. Intrinsic value

The primitive societies are fast changing in the present day world due to

A. Cultural contact
B. Invention
C. Health care
D. Mode of transportation
Answer» A. Cultural contact

The most important reason for the attention of Social Anthropologist to the study of primitive societies is

A. Methodological
B. Current affairs
C. An eye opener
D. Experimentation
Answer» A. Methodological

The need for studying Social Anthropology in India is

A. Urgent
B. Less important
C. Forgotten
D. Slowing down
Answer» A. Urgent

Social Anthropology makes for sympathetic understanding of

A. Modern people
B. Urban dwellers
C. Primitive and tribal in isolation
D. Mediaval people
Answer» C. Primitive and tribal in isolation

If proper research is done among tribal people, the implementation of these development programmes would yield

A. Unwanted results
B. No result now
C. Fruitful results
D. Future inventions scope
Answer» C. Fruitful results

Anthropology therefore, accepts and uses the general principles of

A. Biology
B. Mathematic
C. Philosophy
D. Physics
Answer» A. Biology

Anthropology is a large and

A. Specific subject
B. Diversified subject
C. Narrow subject
D. Unwanted subject
Answer» B. Diversified subject

It is unanimously agreed all over the world that one of the architects of Sociology is

A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Nehru
C. Shah Jahan
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» D. Emile Durkheim

The 19th century social anthropologists were greatly influenced by -

A. Charles Darwin
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Newton
Answer» A. Charles Darwin

Bronislaw Malinowski studies the people of

A. Gond
B. Trobriand Islanders
C. Toda
D. Bhil
Answer» B. Trobriand Islanders

The Primitives had been living in a state of

A. Township
B. Civilized society
C. Nature
D. Plenty
Answer» C. Nature

The study of Primitive people would bring out

A. A new world of life
B. New methodology
C. New technology
D. Old culture
Answer» A. A new world of life
Chapter: Marriage

The institution of marriage is

A. Universal
B. Localized
C. State wise
D. Continental
Answer» A. Universal

Thomas Hylland Erickson very rightly says that marriage is essential for human

A. Basic needs
B. Survival
C. Future
D. Continuity
Answer» B. Survival

The institution of marriage fulfills the Biological needs of

A. Group
B. Animals
C. Individual
D. Family
Answer» C. Individual

Freud argued that man has two innate needs

A. Housing and people
B. Farming and implements
C. Food and shelter
D. Sex and hunger
Answer» D. Sex and hunger

Sex is fulfilled through the institution of

A. Religion
B. Festivals
C. Marriage
D. Banking
Answer» C. Marriage

Procreation is another institution of

A. Education
B. Market
C. Communication
D. Marriage
Answer» D. Marriage

Marriage is performed according to the tradition of

A. Society
B. Village
C. Interaction
D. Movies
Answer» A. Society

Among the tribal groups marriage is a social

A. Interaction
B. Contract
C. Relationship
D. Life
Answer» B. Contract

Dowry has been interpreted in terms of the nature of particular

A. Society
B. Language
C. Family
D. Religion
Answer» A. Society

There are cases where in the groom who is not economically well off renders services to the parents of

A. The neighbor
B. The siblings
C. The step father
D. The bride
Answer» D. The bride

Primitive people marry

A. Full age
B. Young
C. Unapproved
D. Secretly
Answer» B. Young

The Hindu concept of widowhood is absent among

A. The Tribal
B. The Eskimos
C. The North Indian
D. European
Answer» A. The Tribal

When a person marries outside social group is

A. Endogamy
B. Monogamy
C. Exogamy
D. Polygamy
Answer» C. Exogamy

When a person marries within his own group

A. Exogamy
B. Endogamy
C. Polyandry
D. Polygyny
Answer» B. Endogamy

Monogamy appears to be a natural form of

A. Friendship’
B. Relationship
C. Marriage
D. Primary group
Answer» C. Marriage

The classical Hindu joint family is getting weak in the context of

A. Globalization
B. Primitive society
C. New religious order
D. Modern law
Answer» A. Globalization

The prospective spouses meet each other before actually entering into marriage bond is called marriage by

A. Capture
B. Probation
C. Purchase
D. Trial
Answer» B. Probation

In Civilized society, marriage by capture is

A. Approved
B. Encourage
C. Condemned
D. Celebrated
Answer» C. Condemned

When one or both the parents object to the love marriage, the partners resort to marriage by

A. Purchase
B. Trial
C. Probation
D. Elopement
Answer» D. Elopement

In order to give legitimacy to sex hunger there is always some institution of

A. Property
B. Marriage
C. Adoption
D. Transfer of wealth
Answer» B. Marriage

Marriage is a result of

A. Civil or Political
B. Civil or Financial
C. Civil or Religious ceremony
D. Civil or Cultural ceremony
Answer» C. Civil or Religious ceremony

When marriage is contracted within the caste

A. Race endogamy
B. Sub-caste endogamy
C. Caste endogamy
D. Class endogamy
Answer» C. Caste endogamy

Matrilineal societies can be seen among

A. The Garo
B. The Mizo
C. The Assamese
D. The Naga
Answer» A. The Garo

The most prevalent method of securing bride in primitive societies is marriage by

A. Elopement
B. Purchase
C. Service
D. Intrusion
Answer» B. Purchase

The type of marriage when a person dies, his younger brother marries his wife

A. Sororate
B. Levirate
C. Bigamy
D. Polyandry
Answer» B. Levirate

Like most species of animals, human beings must mate in order to

A. Live together
B. Share their feelings
C. Reproduce themselves
D. Bring peace
Answer» C. Reproduce themselves

Human infants have the longest period of

A. Infant dependency
B. Learning
C. Sleeping
D. Breast feeding
Answer» A. Infant dependency

Marriage rules are conventionally prescribed by the

A. Parents
B. Elders
C. Roommates
D. Society
Answer» D. Society

Endogamy is also sometimes extended to village

A. Endogamy
B. Council
C. Headman
D. Group
Answer» A. Endogamy

In matrilineal society every child belongs to its

A. Mother’s lineage
B. Father’s lineage
C. Uncle’s lineage
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Mother’s lineage

Dissolution of marriage is made difficult by

A. Religious sacrament
B. Religious festival
C. Religious celebration
D. Religious duty
Answer» A. Religious sacrament

The marriage ceremony consists of a series of ritual

A. Lamentation
B. Performances
C. Sacrifices
D. Feast and sacrifice
Answer» B. Performances

Female infanticide leads to scarcity of

A. Friends
B. Workers
C. Women
D. Population
Answer» C. Women

The most universal prohibition regarding marriage is the union between

A. Human and non-human
B. Blood relationship
C. Same age group
D. Similar talent
Answer» B. Blood relationship

Incest has been defined as the sexual transaction between

A. Parents relationship
B. Community relationship
C. Blood relationship
D. Animal relationship
Answer» D. Animal relationship

No one can deny that biological aim of marriage is the

A. Primary aim of society
B. Secondary aim of society
C. Regular aim of society
D. Independent aim of individual
Answer» A. Primary aim of society

Social anthropologist believes that some sort of marriage institution is found in every

A. Human society
B. Linguistic society
C. Merchant society
D. Animal society
Answer» A. Human society

In the evolution of marriage endogamy takes the

A. Third stage
B. Second stage
C. Fourth stage
D. First stage
Answer» D. First stage

In food-gathering societies, the status of male and female is

A. Not equal
B. Almost equal
C. So much different
D. Not the issue
Answer» B. Almost equal

Sagotra and Sapravara marriages are forbidden by

A. Muslim law
B. Christian marriage
C. Hindu Dharma Shastra
D. Buddhist law
Answer» C. Hindu Dharma Shastra
Chapter: Family and Kinship

Family is an important and primary unit of any

A. Social organization
B. Religious organization
C. Cultural organization
D. Scientific organization
Answer» A. Social organization

It is the family which rears and brings up

A. Grand parents
B. Non family members
C. A child
D. Strangers.
Answer» C. A child

I.P Desai made a break through by stating that the Indian family essentially

A. Nuclear family
B. A joint family
C. Agricultural family
D. Traders family
Answer» B. A joint family

The family is a social group characterized by common

A. Language
B. Kitchen
C. Bank account
D. Residence
Answer» D. Residence

The structure of the family varies from

A. Their colour of skin
B. Their occupation
C. Society to Society
D. House to house
Answer» C. Society to Society

According to Strauss, the prime condition of a family is

A. Building
B. Family
C. Agricultural land
D. Forest
Answer» B. Family

True family is a Universal

A. Social Institution
B. Educational institution
C. Cultural institution
D. Religious institution.
Answer» A. Social Institution

In bilateral family form, family descent is stressed from

A. Only mother
B. Both the parents
C. Only father
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Both the parents

Family is universal institution and it is created to fulfill some basic needs of

A. Parents
B. Boys
C. Girls
D. Mankind
Answer» D. Mankind

In Social Anthropology, generally, when we talk about family, we have to look at it in the context of

A. Modern life
B. Medieval life
C. Rural life
D. Primitive life
Answer» D. Primitive life

Talcott Parsons calls the nuclear family

A. Group of people
B. Isolated family
C. Small family
D. Traditional family
Answer» B. Isolated family

Extended family consists of

A. Specific members
B. Community
C. A woman, her husband, children and married children
D. All the neighbors’ family
Answer» C. A woman, her husband, children and married children

Iravati Karve defines the joint family as where

A. All the members live under one roof
B. Members live in various houses
C. Members live elsewhere
D. Members do not have close relationship
Answer» A. All the members live under one roof

Matrilocal family is a family in which the marriage couple resides with

A. Brother’s family
B. Husband’s family
C. Uncle’s family
D. Wife’s family
Answer» D. Wife’s family

In Polyandrous family, a woman has

A. One husband
B. Several husbands
C. Two husbands
D. Limited husbands
Answer» B. Several husbands

In the words of MacIver and Page, the family has

A. Specific origin
B. End
C. No origin
D. Continuity
Answer» C. No origin

The child’s first school is his home and his

A. Church
B. Neighbors
C. Family
D. Classroom
Answer» C. Family

According to Hindu Shastras procreation is the main function of

A. The member
B. The family
C. Father
D. Mother
Answer» B. The family

The fundamental functions of the family according to Reed is to regulate and gratify

A. Sexual need
B. Hunger for food
C. Thirst for knowledge
D. General knowledge
Answer» A. Sexual need

A family where the entire authority is in the hands of the father is called

A. Matriarchal family
B. Patriarchal family
C. Patrilineal family
D. Matrilineal family
Answer» B. Patriarchal family
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