300+ Social Media Analytics (SMA) Solved MCQs


__________provides solution for directed graph problems.

A. Eigenvector
B. Katz
C. PageRank
D. none
Answer» C. PageRank

Eigenvector centrality defined for ____________ graphs

A. directed
B. undirected
C. both
D. none
Answer» C. both

________centrality considers how important nodes are in connecting other nodes.

A. Eigenvector
B. Betweenness
C. degree
D. Katz
Answer» B. Betweenness

Which centrality can not be generalized for group of nodes.

A. Closeness
B. degree
C. betweenness
D. Katz
Answer» D. Katz

Transitivity and reciprocity are used in ____________networks.

A. Directed
B. Undirected
C. weighted
D. None
Answer» A. Directed

When edges (v1; v2) and (v2; v3) are formed,if (v3; v1) is also formed, it is ____________

A. reciprocity
B. Transitivity
C. centrality
D. None
Answer» B. Transitivity

A transitive behavior needs at least___________edges.

A. two
B. three
C. more than one
D. five
Answer» B. three

___________clustering is computed for the network

A. global
B. local
C. central
D. average
Answer» A. global

The clustering coeficient analyzes transitivity in an ____________ graph

A. directed
B. undirected
C. both
D. none
Answer» B. undirected

__________Clustering estimates how strongly neighbors of a node are themselves connected

A. global
B. local
C. central
D. average
Answer» B. local

Reciprocity is a simplified version of ____________

A. centrality
B. clustering
C. Transitivity
D. classification
Answer» C. Transitivity

Social Balance Theory also known as ______________

A. Nodal balance theory
B. structural balance theory
C. Network balance theory
D. none
Answer» B. structural balance theory

Social balance theory says friend/foe relationships are _________

A. consistent
B. determinant
C. conjugate
D. adjacent
Answer» A. consistent

Social status theory measures how consistent individuals are in assigning status to their neighbors.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Similarity between two nodes can be computed by measuring their_____equivalence

A. Nodal
B. global
C. structural
D. central
Answer» C. structural

__________ centrality assumes that the node with the maximum degree is the most central individual.

A. Eigenvector
B. Katz
C. degree
D. None
Answer» C. degree

___________behavior emerges when a population of individuals behave in a similar way

A. Collective
B. individual
C. group
D. none
Answer» A. Collective

When discussing individual behavior, Our focus is on _______ individuals

A. two
B. one
C. more than one
D. more
Answer» B. one

Following are types of individual behaviour.

A. User-User
B. User-Community
C. User-Entity
D. All above
Answer» D. All above

User-_______ behaviour is content generation

A. User
B. Community
C. Entity
D. none
Answer» C. Entity

Befriending is an example of ___________behaviour.

A. User-User
B. User-Community
C. User-Entity
D. none
Answer» A. User-User

Communities are mostly______________

A. explicit
B. implicit
C. compact
D. none
Answer» B. implicit

Individuals are inclined toward an activity when their_____are engaged in the same activity.

A. friends
B. foes
C. relatives
D. none
Answer» A. friends

Number of friends are ___________proportional to probability of joining community.

A. Directly
B. Indirectly
C. inversely
D. not
Answer» A. Directly

Number of friends of an individual in a community considered as

A. Class variable
B. Class attribute
C. Class vector
D. none
Answer» B. Class attribute

Posting a photo is an example of __________behaviour.

A. User-User
B. User-Community
C. User-Entity
D. none
Answer» C. User-Entity

Decision tree learning is a __________algorithm

A. classification
B. clustering
C. feature selection
D. mining
Answer» A. classification

To determine individuals joining ________and______algorithms are used.

A. classification, feature selection
B. clustering, feature selection
C. classification, clustering
D. mining, clustering
Answer» A. classification, feature selection

Participating in group discussions is an example of __________behaviour.

A. User-User
B. User-Community
C. User-Entity
D. none
Answer» B. User-Community

Granger Causality considers __________regression model

A. non linear
B. progressive
C. linear
D. logarithmic
Answer» C. linear

Threshold and cascade models are used in ___________behaviour modelling,

A. Collective
B. individual
C. group
D. none
Answer» B. individual

The more common neighbors that two nodes share, the more ______they are.

A. common
B. similar
C. linear
D. versatile
Answer» B. similar

The likelihood of a node that is a neighbor of either of a common neighbor is ____________

A. Adamic-Adar similarity
B. Preferential Attachment
C. Jaccard Similarity
D. None
Answer» C. Jaccard Similarity

Posting messages online to support a cause is an example of _________ behaviour.

A. User-User
B. User-Community
C. individual
D. collective
Answer» D. collective

If two individuals share a neighbor and that neighbor is a rare neighbor then similarity is

A. Preferential Attachment
B. Jaccard Similarity
C. Adamic-Adar similarity
D. common neighbor
Answer» C. Adamic-Adar similarity

Preferential Attachment is Nodes of higher degree have a ______chance of getting connected to incoming nodes

A. lower
B. average
C. equal
D. higher
Answer» D. higher

______ is the expected number of random walk steps needed to reach y starting from x 𝑥.

A. Commute time
B. Hitting time
C. walking time
D. moving time
Answer» B. Hitting time

A smaller hitting time implies a ____ similarity

A. higher
B. lower
C. thinner
D. average
Answer» A. higher

___________denotes number of paths of length l between x and y,

A. Katz Measure
B. Hitting time
C. Commute time
D. Rooted PageRank
Answer» A. Katz Measure

Collective Behavior is often ___________

A. spontaneous and unplanned
B. planned
C. coordinated
D. unknown.
Answer» A. spontaneous and unplanned

Collective Behavior was first defined by sociologist______

A. Katz
B. Robert Park
C. Adamic-Ada
D. None of above
Answer» B. Robert Park

___________ is when any user who is a member of two sites s1 and s2 at time ti and is only a member of s2 at time tj > ti.

A. Site Migration
B. Attention Migration
C. Complete Migration
D. None of above
Answer» A. Site Migration

Twitter is a _____________service.

A. blogging
B. Microblgging
C. daily blogging
D. None of above
Answer» B. Microblgging

Twitter has popularized the use of___________

A. emojis
B. instagrams
C. hashtags
D. tweets
Answer» C. hashtags

_____ refers to breaking down a stream of texts into parts such as words, phrases, symbols.

A. Tokenization
B. Data Cleaning
C. Data gathering
D. Preprocessing
Answer» A. Tokenization

_______ is with a simple point-and-click interface and could be used to collect data from the web.

A. Visual scraper
B. Octoparse
C. Gephi
D. qlick
Answer» A. Visual scraper

________ community come into existence when members share common interests without having clear and strong connections 

A. explicit
B. Social
C. implicit
D. common
Answer» C. implicit

Dynamic maps can be used to extract __________data

A. user
B. geographical
C. community
D. entity
Answer» B. geographical

The_________ tool is another great option to extract data on Facebook

A. web scraping
B. web crawling
C. web mining
D. None of above
Answer» A. web scraping

which of following is not paid Facebook Analytics tool

A. SoTrender
B. Brand24
C. Social Bakers
D. LikeAlyzer
Answer» D. LikeAlyzer

______community is when people with common interests and know exactly whether they belong to a community or not

A. explicit
B. Social
C. implicit
D. common
Answer» A. explicit

Octoparse can be used for data extraction on

A. Twitter
B. instagram
C. hasgtag
D. Facebook
Answer» D. Facebook

__________features a web-based dashboard that shows real-time insights

A. SoTrender
B. Brand24
C. cyfe
D. LikeAlyzer
Answer» B. Brand24

_____tracks Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, both for your pages and that of your competitors.

A. SoTrender
B. Brand24
C. Social Bakers
D. LikeAlyzer
Answer» C. Social Bakers

which of following is paid Facebook Analytics tool

A. LikeAlyzer
B. SoTrender
C. sociograph.io
D. Facebook insights
Answer» B. SoTrender

________is another tool that offers a more complete social analysis than just Facebook, also including Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

A. LikeAlyzer
B. cyfe
C. Brand24
D. Social Bakers
Answer» B. cyfe

___________is the first free Facebook Analytics tool

A. LikeAlyzer
B. sociograph.io
C. Facebook insights
D. Brand24
Answer» C. Facebook insights

_______allows you to enter any Facebook page without authorization to measure and analyse its performance

A. LikeAlyzer
B. SoTrender
C. sociograph.io
D. Facebook insights
Answer» A. LikeAlyzer

__________is not a Facebook Analytics tool.

A. LikeAlyzer
B. SoTrender
C. cyfe
D. Social Bakers
Answer» C. cyfe

Quintly covers Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube, but it has a free tool for_________ analytics.

A. Facebook
B. Twittern
C. Google+
D. LinkedI
Answer» A. Facebook

Python library to connect to Twitter’s API called ________

A. Numpy
B. Tweepy
C. Matplotlib
D. Pandas
Answer» B. Tweepy

Twitter API result is in a__________ format

A. Numeric
D. Key-Value
Answer» C. JSON

All data we gather from Twitter is written in ____________ format

C. Key-Value
D. Java
Answer» A. CSV

Mining social web is transforming curiosity into __________

A. Data
B. insights
C. Key-Value
D. information
Answer» B. insights

Twitter allows people to communicate with ________characters messages

A. 140
B. 120
C. 180
D. 100
Answer» A. 140

_____________do not require mutual acceptance of a connection between users.

A. Facebook
B. Twitter
C. LinkedIn
D. None of above
Answer» B. Twitter

Calculating simple frequencies applied to unstructured text(tweets) called as ___________

A. lexical diversity
B. sparse diversity
C. linear diversity
D. None of above
Answer» A. lexical diversity

Which are offline generated social media data sources?

A. telephone marketing and customer support
B. printed press
C. E-commerce
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

The two ways of data gathering in social media analytics are                       and .

A. API ; web crawling
B. online ; offline
C. estimated data sources; factual data sources
D. None of these
Answer» A. API ; web crawling

The total number of people who see your content is content is termed as .

A. impressions
B. reach
C. post
D. economic value
Answer» B. reach

Which platform uses the Graph API as the primary way to get data into and out of the platform?

A. Facebook
B. Twitter
C. Instagram
D. None of these
Answer» A. Facebook

What is amplification in social media metrics?

A. Total number of Audience Comments (or Replies) Per Post
B. Total number of Likes Per Post
C. Sum of Short and Long Term Revenue and Cost Savings
D. Total number of Shares or Clicks Per Post (or Video)
Answer» D. Total number of Shares or Clicks Per Post (or Video)

Which are the types of visualization in social networks?

A. semantic and temporal
B. node-link representation and matrix representation
C. structural, semantic, temporal and statistical
D. None of these
Answer» C. structural, semantic, temporal and statistical

Which are the different layout mechanisms used for visualization of social networks?

A. Property-based Layouts and Spectral layouts
B. Radial layouts
C. Force-directed and Energy-based Layouts
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which are the most common data mining applications related to social networking sites?

A. Group detection and Recommendation systems
B. Data representation
C. Group profiling
D. Both a and c
Answer» D. Both a and c

What is/are the input(s) to k-means clustering?

A. number of clusters
B. distance metric
C. feature vectors of instances
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which measure ranks nodes with more connections higher in terms of centrality?

A. Group Centrality
B. Degree Centrality
C. Eigenvector Centrality
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Degree Centrality

What is used for measuring and analyzing transitivity?

A. Clustering Coefficient
B. Local Clustering Coefficient
C. Graph Coefficient
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

What defines a centrality measure for the nodes (webpages) in this web-graph?

A. Eigenvector Centrality
B. Katz Centrality
C. PageRank
D. Group Centrality
Answer» C. PageRank

In , two nodes are considered similar when they share neighborhoods.

A. structural equivalence
B. regular equivalence
C. Reciprocity
D. None of the above
Answer» A. structural equivalence

In , nodes are similar when their neighborhoods are similar.

A. transitivity
B. centrality
C. regular equivalence
D. structural equivalence
Answer» C. regular equivalence

Which type of centrality generalizes degree centrality and considers individuals who know many important nodes as central?

A. Eigenvector Centrality
B. Group Centrality
C. Degree Centrality
D. Katz Centrality
Answer» A. Eigenvector Centrality

Users exhibit different behaviors on social media: and .

A. Individual behavior; Collective behavior
B. Individual behavior; Group behavior
C. User behavior ; community behavior
D. Online user behavior; Group behavior
Answer» A. Individual behavior; Collective behavior

Individual online behavior is classified into how many categories?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 4
Answer» B. 3

What are the categories of Individual Behavior?

A. User-User Behavior and User- Community Behavior
B. User-Group Behavior and User-Entity Behavior
C. User-User Behavior, User-Community Behavior and User- Entity Behavior
D. None of the above
Answer» C. User-User Behavior, User-Community Behavior and User- Entity Behavior

In Individual behavior, User-User Bahevior is the behavior individuals exhibit with respect to other

A. entity
B. social media
C. community
D. individuals
Answer» D. individuals

In Individual behavior, the target of User-Community behavior is

A. entity in social media
B. community
C. individuals
D. Both a and b
Answer» B. community

In Individual behavior, the target of User-Entity behavior is

A. individuals
B. community
C. entity in social media
D. user
Answer» C. entity in social media

What is Individual Behavior Analysis?

A. It helps to understand how different factors affect indivdual behaviors observed online.
B. It helps to understand indivdual behaviors in community.
C. It helps to understand behavior of community and entity in social media
D. None of the above
Answer» A. It helps to understand how different factors affect indivdual behaviors observed online.

Which type of analysis is used for analyzing content?

A. Link analysis
B. Link prediction
C. Node analysis
D. Text analysis
Answer» D. Text analysis

Users often join different communities in social media; the act of becoming a community member is an example of

A. User-User Behavior
B. User-Community Behavior
C. User-Entity Behavior
D. None of the above
Answer» B. User-Community Behavior

Which are the steps used to perform behavioral analysis?

A. Feature Analysis and Evaluation Strategy
B. Observable behavior, Feature-Behavior Association and Evaluation Strategy
C. An observable behavior, Features, Feature-Behavior Association and Evaluation Strategy
D. Defining features and Observing individual behavior
Answer» C. An observable behavior, Features, Feature-Behavior Association and Evaluation Strategy

A well-known causality detection technique is

A. Granger causality
B. system causality
C. statistical causality
D. algorithmic causality
Answer» A. Granger causality

Which are the models of individual behavior used in Individual Behavior Modeling?

A. Jaccard Similarity, Common Neighbors
B. Preferential Attachment, Jaccard Similarity
C. Threshold models, Cascade Models
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Threshold models, Cascade Models

When a behavior diffuses in a network, such as the behavior of individuals buying a product and referring it to others, one can use models.

A. threshold
B. cascade
C. game theory
D. network
Answer» A. threshold

Which are the Node Neighborhood-Based Methods used for computing the similarity between two nodes?

A. Adamic and Adar Measure
B. Jaccard Similarity
C. Preferential Attachment
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which are the methods based on paths between nodes that are used to calculate similarity?

A. Katz measure
B. Hitting and Commute Time
C. Rooted PageRank, SimRank
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which are the types of migration that take place in social media sites?

A. Site Migration
B. Attention Migration
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both a and b

Collective Behavior Modelling can be performed via models, and

A. cascade
B. threshold
C. network
D. Both a and b
Answer» C. network

Which are the features that can be considered for User Migration in social media?

A. User network size and user status
B. user activity on one site, user network size, and user rank
C. User activity on different sites
D. None of the above
Answer» B. user activity on one site, user network size, and user rank
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