
40+ Marriage in India Solved MCQs

in Sociology of Indian society - 2

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Sociology (CBCS) .


Chapter: Marriage in India

“Marriage is a socially approved way of establishing a family of procreation”. Whose definition is this?

A. Gillin and Gillin
B. Westermark
C. C.B. Mamoria
D. M.N. Srinivas
Answer» A. Gillin and Gillin

A marriage in which a woman of upper caste marries a man of lower caste is known as:

A. Exogamy
B. Hypogamy
C. Hypergamy
D. Endogamy
Answer» C. Hypergamy

Marriage of a woman to her husband’s brother is known as:

A. Sororate
B. Polyandry
C. Levirate
D. Cross – cousin marriage
Answer» C. Levirate

Among the Hindus of India, marriage is a :

A. Contract (
B. Sacrament
C. Legal necessity
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which is the common form of Hindu Exogamy?

A. Pravan Exogamy
B. Caste Exogamy
C. Gotra Exogamy
D. Sapinda Exogamy
Answer» D. Sapinda Exogamy

“Marriage is a relatively permanent bond between permissible mates”. Who said this?

A. Plato
B. Lundberg
C. Louse
D. Westermark
Answer» C. Louse

When was The Hindu Marriage Act passed?

A. 1940
B. 1950
C. 1955
D. 1960
Answer» C. 1955

Which of the following comes under the patterns of ‘Joking relationship’ among the patrilineal Hindu families in North India?

A. Between ego and his father’s brother
B. Between ego and his mother-in-law
C. Between ego and his elder brother’s wife
D. Between ego and his sister’s son
Answer» C. Between ego and his elder brother’s wife

What is the purest form of Hindu Marriage?

A. Brahma Vivaha
B. Daiva Vivaha
C. Arsha Vivaha
D. Prajapatya Vivaha
Answer» A. Brahma Vivaha

The type of marriage in which a girl selects her husband by herself is:

A. Asura Vivaha
B. Gandharva Vivaha
C. Rakshasa Vivaha
D. Paisacha Vivaha
Answer» B. Gandharva Vivaha

The form of marriage found among the Hindus is:

A. Polygyny
B. Polyandry
C. Monogamy
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Polyandry

The form of marriage in which a man seduced a girl or forced a girl who is sleeping or intoxicated is

A. Brahma Vivaha
B. Paisacha Vivaha
C. Arsha Vivaha
D. Daiva Vivaha
Answer» B. Paisacha Vivaha

Monogamy contributes to the family:

A. Peace
B. Solidarity
C. Happiness
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The first and the highest aim of the Hindu Marriage is:

A. Dharma
B. Praja
C. Rati
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Dharma

The ritual in which the bride and bridegroom go ‘seven – steps’ together is known as:

A. Dharma
B. Saptapadi
C. Homa
D. Rati
Answer» B. Saptapadi

Which social reformer played an important role for widow remarriage?

A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
C. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

“Muslim marriage is a contract for the purpose of legalising sexual intercourse and the procreation of children”. Who said this?

A. Roland Wilson
B. Jang
C. S.C. Sarkar
D. M.N. Srinivas
Answer» A. Roland Wilson

Marriage among the Muslims is regarded as:

A. Sacred
B. Contract
C. Religious duty
D. Obligatory
Answer» B. Contract

The type of marriage in which a Muslim husband can give divorce his wife as per the Muslim Law without the intervention of the Court is known as:

A. Khula
B. Talaq
C. Mubarat
D. Kohl
Answer» B. Talaq

The type of marriage in which a woman is free to choose her husband and cast him away at her will is known as:

A. Baal
B. Muta
C. Singha
D. Beena
Answer» D. Beena

The type of marriage in which the husband exercises authoritarian power is known as:

A. Baal
B. Beena
C. Muta
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Baal

Among the Muslims, at one time there was the practice of temporary marriage called:

A. Beena
B. Baal
C. Muta
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Muta

Which of the Muslim communities is matrilineal?

A. The Moors of Sri - Lanka
B. The Memons of Gujarat
C. The Vohras of Surat
D. The Navayata of Konkan
Answer» A. The Moors of Sri - Lanka

According to ‘The Shariah Act, 1937’, the form of divorce among the Muslims is:

A. Illa
B. Zihar
C. Lian
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

“Among the Christians, marriage has been defined as a voluntary union for life of one man and woman to the exclusion of others. This type of marriage is based on monogamy and not on the religious beliefs of the partners” Who said this?

A. C.B. Mamoria
B. M.N. Srinivas
C. Gillin & Gillin
D. None of the above
Answer» A. C.B. Mamoria

The aims and objectives of Christian Marriage is:

A. Providing for sexual satisfaction
B. Establishment of family
C. Stability of relations
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Among the Christians, the selection of marriage partners takes place in:

A. Parents selecting life-partners for their children
B. Boy and girl selecting their life-partners
C. Parents and children selecting their life-partners
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The Indian Christian Marriage Act was passed in the year:

A. 1800
B. 1872
C. 1900
D. 1940
Answer» B. 1872

The Indian Christian Marriage Act prohibits polygamy and polyandry and prescribed

A. Polygyny
B. Monogamy
C. Hypergamy
D. Hypogamy
Answer» B. Monogamy

The Indian Divorce Act was passed in the year

A. 1869
B. 1850
C. 1800
D. 1900
Answer» A. 1869

In Christian Marriage, the wife can give or demand divorce from her husband on the ground of:

A. Debauchery of the husband
B. Rape, sodomy and besti*lity
C. Cruelty
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Christian Women are treated equally with men on the ground of:

A. Politics
B. Education
C. Social
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The ‘Special Marriage Act’ was passed in the year:

A. 1954
B. 1956
C. 1960
D. 1980
Answer» A. 1954

The movement which has promoted inter-caste marriage in India is:

A. Independence of India
B. Brahmo Samaj Movement
C. Arya Samaj Movement
D. Non – Violence Movement
Answer» C. Arya Samaj Movement

The Child Marriage Restraint Act was passed in the year:

A. 1850
B. 1929
C. 1950
D. 1980
Answer» B. 1929

The Widow-Remarriage Act was passed in the year:

A. 1856
B. 1900
C. 2000
D. 1889
Answer» A. 1856

The ‘Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act ‘was passed in the year:

A. 1900
B. 1939
C. 1960
D. 2000
Answer» B. 1939

The Dowry Prohibition Act was passed in the year:

A. 1961
B. 1980
C. 1970
D. 1959
Answer» A. 1961

Which of the following is the most common form of marriage in the world?

A. Polyandry
B. Monogamy
C. Compassionate Marriage
D. Experimental Marriage
Answer» B. Monogamy

Which among the following is not a feature of Christian Marriage?

A. Marriage is a Holy estate instituted by God
B. Marriage is a religious institution
C. Marriage signifies mystical union of Christ
D. Marriage is sinful
Answer» D. Marriage is sinful

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