
30+ Dimensions of Family in India Solved MCQs

in Sociology of Indian society - 2

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Chapter: Dimensions of Family in India

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Joint family?

A. Co-residentiality
B. Joint ownership of property
C. Private ownership of property
D. Common worship
Answer» C. Private ownership of property

An essential ingredient of ‘Jointness’ in the term joint family according to TN Madan is

A. Commensality
B. Joint ownership of property
C. Fulfilment of obligation towards kin
D. Fulfilment of karma
Answer» A. Commensality

Which of the following factors has led to a breakdown of the link between kinship and the occupational structures in the joint family system?

A. Urbanisation
B. Industrialisation
C. Legislative measures
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Joint family

A. Consists of at least four generations
B. Is also known as undivided family
C. Was never known during the vedic period
D. Is separate dwelling
Answer» A. Consists of at least four generations

Changes in the joint family lead to

A. A rise in the status of women
B. An increase in the size of family
C. Greater attachment to traditional occupations
D. Greater economic interdependence
Answer» D. Greater economic interdependence

A extended family may include all of the following members except

A. Aunts
B. Cousins
C. Great-grandparents
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Joint family in India is characterised as an extended kin group by

A. A.R Desai
B. K.M Kapadia
C. Irawati Karve
D. A.D Ross
Answer» D. A.D Ross

Which of the following is not a primary kin?

A. Mother
B. Father
C. Uncle
D. Brother
Answer» C. Uncle

The extended family is the opposite of nuclear family. It does not exist in

B. India
C. Bangladesh
D. Nepal
Answer» A. USA

Which type of residence does not help the formation of extended family?

A. Virilocality
B. Avunculocality
C. Uxorilocality
D. Neolocality
Answer» D. Neolocality

The practice of levirate is found in

A. Matrilineal societies
B. Patrilineal Societies
C. Bi-lineal societies
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Patrilineal Societies

Which of the following kinship terms indicates that father’s sister is given greater importance than the Mother?

A. Amitate
B. Avunculate
C. Couvade
D. Teknonymy
Answer» A. Amitate

Which of the following types of descent is found among the Yako of Nigeria?

A. Matrilineal
B. Patrilineal
C. Bilateral
D. Double
Answer» A. Matrilineal

Bilateral descent is a kinship principle in which people belong to the kinship groups of both their

A. Mother and Father
B. Uncle and aunt
C. Brother and sister
D. Father and sister
Answer» D. Father and sister

Who among the following follow the matrilineal family system?

A. Nairs of Kerala
B. Bhils
C. Kadars
D. Muslims
Answer» A. Nairs of Kerala

In matrilocal family the husband goes to live in the house of his-

A. uncle
B. wife
C. aunty
D. grandfather
Answer» B. wife

Which one of the following statements about kinship is NOT true?

A. Its usages create group of kins
B. It creates relationship structure
C. It defines role of different relationships
D. It indicates expected behaviour of kins
Answer» D. It indicates expected behaviour of kins

The Child Marriage Act amended in 1929 raised the minimum age of marriage for girls from-

A. 15-18years
B. 20-25years
C. 14-20years
D. 30-35years
Answer» A. 15-18years

The prevalence of arranged marriages in India is related to

A. the rules of endogamy that confine marriage alliance within specified groups
B. the rules of exogamy that disallow marriage within one's clan/village/neighbourhood
C. regulations about prescriptive (allowing) and prescriptive (prohibiting) nature of rules, guiding marriage among parallel and cross cousins
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which one of the following is the family unit of Kodavas?

A. Ghar
B. Biradari
C. Chulah
D. Okka
Answer» D. Okka

The family of orientation denotes a family

A. In which a person is born and is socialized
B. In which a woman is married
C. In oriental countries
D. Which conducts an orientation course
Answer» A. In which a person is born and is socialized

The bond between the blood relative is called-

A. Affinal kins
B. Consanguineal kins
C. Primary kins
D. Secondary kins
Answer» B. Consanguineal kins

Affinal kin include one’s

A. Father
B. Father-in-law
C. Brother
D. Father’s brother
Answer» B. Father-in-law

Family started with patriarch belongs to the theory of

A. Matriarchal
B. Patriarchal
C. Polygamy
D. Feminist theory
Answer» B. Patriarchal

Which of the following theories about the origin of the family believed that in the past offering of wife or daughter to a guest was considered as a mark of hospitality?

A. Sex communism
B. Polygamy
C. Patriarchal
D. Polyandry
Answer» A. Sex communism

Sir Henry Main gave

A. Sex communism
B. Patriarchal theory
C. Theory of polygamy
D. Matriarchal theory
Answer» C. Theory of polygamy

Which of the following is not true for joint family system?

A. Family has a combined kitchen
B. Ownership of sources of production but not that of consumption belongs to whole family
C. None of above
D. Ownership of source of production
Answer» D. Ownership of source of production

Which of the following is not an important advantage of a joint family system?

A. It encourage savings
B. It makes leisure possible
C. It provides social security
D. It encourages individualism
Answer» D. It encourages individualism

Joint family system is on the decline, which of the following is not the main cause for its disintegration?

A. There is increased agricultural production
B. There is increased pressure on land
C. There is increased western influence
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

According to Iravati Karve, the ancient family in India was joint in terms of

A. Residence
B. Property
C. Functional
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which is considered as essential to the origin of the family?

A. Sexual urge
B. Economic need
C. Need for procreation
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The joint family system in the villages continue to exist. Mark out among the following the reason that does not explain its survival

A. Villagers are tradition bound
B. They have deep faith in the family bonds
C. Their work demands an integrated local effort
D. It survives since the village community is not civilised enough to discard it
Answer» D. It survives since the village community is not civilised enough to discard it

In simple society primary kinship group is importance for an individual

A. Because kinship obligations are binding and therefore, disciplining
B. Because it is the major source of security for the individual
C. Because it is the co-operative group and meets the immediate needs and demands
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following state that separate families were held together by the authority and protection of elder male descent?

A. Max Weber
B. Sir Henry Maine
C. G. Duncan Mitchell
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» B. Sir Henry Maine

Joint family or extended family is the most common and uniform family pattern found in

A. India
C. Africa
D. Germany
Answer» A. India

I.P.Desai made a study of urban families in Mahuwa in Gujarat in

A. 1955
B. 1954
C. 1957
D. 1960
Answer» A. 1955

In which year was The Prevention of Sati Act introduced

A. 1829
B. 1893
C. 1824
D. 1826
Answer» A. 1829

The joint family does not provide proper opportunities for the members to develop their

A. Relationship
B. Demands
C. Role
D. Talents
Answer» D. Talents

Muslim families were largely joint families based on the principle of

A. Patriarch
B. Polygyny
C. Matrilocal
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Patriarch

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