Chapter: Unit 2

Loosing shared characters and the various absolute markers that existed between cities and villages is

A. Urbanization
B. Rurban
C. Industrialization
D. Urbanism
Answer» B. Rurban

Visibility of more formal systems of institutions are in

A. Towns
B. Rural
C. Cities
D. Sub-urban areas
Answer» C. Cities

The main aspect of urban and rural is mainly demarcated through -

A. Material things
B. Non-material things
C. Rituals
D. Familial obligations
Answer» A. Material things

Which of the following urban factors transformed rural life-world extensively?

A. Migration
B. Connectivity
C. Press
D. Development plans
Answer» B. Connectivity

Who is the author of “Decline of the West”?

A. Oswald Spengler
B. F.Schumacher
C. R.E Park
D. Milton Gordon
Answer» A. Oswald Spengler

With the diffusion of urban culture to the rural areas; the extreme differences between rural and urban cultures has become

A. Differentiated
B. Diluted
C. Increased
D. Equal
Answer» B. Diluted

The influence of the city or urban areas varies with

A. Demography
B. Size of City
C. Labor
D. Density
Answer» B. Size of City

Big urban areas are characterised by

A. Sub-centers
B. Semi- rural centers
C. Clubs
D. Communal feeling
Answer» A. Sub-centers

At present, rural area and urban area features are increasingly

A. Similar
B. Unequal
C. Different
D. Transformed
Answer» A. Similar

Who mentioned that Urbanization refers to a process of urban values diffusing and transforming behavior patterns?

A. CB Mamoria
B. MSA Rao
C. Patrick Geddes
D. J.A.Quinn
Answer» C. Patrick Geddes

Who edited the classic book, “Urban Sociology of India”?

A. MSA Rao
B. MN Panini
C. Yogendra Singh
D. M.N.Srinivas
Answer» A. MSA Rao

Urbanization is a process that is

A. Continuous
B. Non-continuous
C. Dormant
D. Stagnant
Answer» A. Continuous

The rate of Urbanization in India differs in time, space and

A. Regions
B. Matter
C. Density
D. Size
Answer» A. Regions

According to P. Sainath, which of the following is the key role in Urban growth in India?-

A. Migration
B. Cheap Labor
C. Infrastructure
D. Industry
Answer» A. Migration

Which among the following indicate that Urban growth in India is mainly due to?-

A. Increase of population
B. Labor Migration
C. Government Policies
D. Increase in factories
Answer» A. Increase of population

Migration’s main cause is due to

A. Push and pull factor
B. Better livelihood
C. Educational facility
D. Banking facility
Answer» A. Push and pull factor

Who wrote the essay, “Urbanization and Social Transformations”?

A. Ramkrishna Mukherjee
B. G.S Ghurye
C. K.N Unnithan
D. A.R.Desai
Answer» A. Ramkrishna Mukherjee

Expansion of urban areas result in alterations of

A. Satellite towns
B. Villages
C. Everyday life
D. Rural areas
Answer» A. Satellite towns

Who is the author of “Six Decades of Urbanization in India”?

A. Ashish Bose
B. N.K Bose
C. T.N Madan
D. G.S.Ghurye
Answer» A. Ashish Bose

Who among the following defined city as a large space, dense and heterogeneity of groups?

A. R.E. Park
B. Louis R Wirth
C. Kingsley Davis
D. George Simmel
Answer» A. R.E. Park

The most common feature of every city is

A. Heterogeneity of People
B. Labour force
C. Density of spaces
D. Existence of slums
Answer» B. Labour force

Who is the author of the text “The City”?

A. Max Weber
B. George Simmel
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Karl Marx
Answer» A. Max Weber

Which is the oldest city in India, from the choices below?

A. Banaras
B. Kolkata
C. Mahabalipuram
D. Bengaluru
Answer» A. Banaras

Which is the oldest city of the world, from the choices below?

A. Jerusalem
B. Bangkok
C. Kathmandu
D. Kuala Lampur
Answer» A. Jerusalem

Social mobility occurs on a larger scale at -

A. City
B. Semi-urban areas
C. Towns
D. Villages
Answer» A. City

Who is the author of the book “Pre-industrial City”?-

A. Gideon Sjoberg
B. Ferdinand Tonnies
C. F Le Corbuiser
D. Max Weber
Answer» A. Gideon Sjoberg

Level of Technology is low at

A. Industrial City
B. Pre-Industrial City
C. Global City
D. Village society
Answer» A. Industrial City

Who classified Consumer city and Producer city?

A. R.E. Park
B. Max Weber
C. Francis Bacon
D. Adam Smith
Answer» B. Max Weber

According to Max Weber, Plebian cities are the outcome of

A. Plagues
B. Revolutions
C. Monarchy
D. Aristocracy
Answer» B. Revolutions

Who among the following is associated with Ecological Approach on urban growth?

A. George Simmel
B. Ernest W Burgess
C. Louis R. Wirth
D. Robert E.Park
Answer» B. Ernest W Burgess

Urban studies at University of Chicago came up during

A. 1915 - 1940
B. 1840- 1880
C. Post World War I
D. Post World War II
Answer» B. 1840- 1880

Who among the following is associated with Cultural Approach of urban studies?

A. E.W Burgess
B. Robert E. Park
C. Louis R. Wirth
D. George Simmel
Answer» C. Louis R. Wirth

Louis R Wirth’s “Urbanism as a way of life” was first published as a researched paper during

A. 1928
B. 1925
C. 1938
D. 1948
Answer» C. 1938

Which among the following is true for Ecological Approach in urban studies?

A. Symmetry between humans and society.
B. Any environment and given human conditions can be fixed.
C. Communities interact, estimate and depend on their environment
D. Communities are interdependent
Answer» C. Communities interact, estimate and depend on their environment

Which urban studies approach clarify that societies grows not in random but in relation to the advantageous features of the environment?

A. Cultural Approach
B. Ecological Approach
C. Industrial Approach
D. Concentric Zone Model
Answer» C. Industrial Approach

Who subscribed to the “Darwinian Web of Life” in understanding urban studies?

A. George Simmel
B. Robert E. Park
C. E.W Burgess
D. J.A.Quinn
Answer» B. Robert E. Park

Concentric Zone theory in urban studies was introduced by

A. RE Park & EW Burgess
B. Louis R Wirth
C. Georg Simmel
D. Kingsley Davis
Answer» A. RE Park & EW Burgess

Who is the author of “Metropolis and Mental Life”?

A. Herbert Spencer
B. George Simmel
C. Oswald Spengler
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» B. George Simmel

Who mentioned “relations in urban are always changing and fleeting, but in rural areas, it is always absolute and communitarian”?

A. Max Weber
B. V. Pareto
C. Louis R. Wirth
D. MSA Rao
Answer» B. V. Pareto

The pace of life is faster in cities because of the existence of-

A. Co-operation
B. Interdependence
C. Strong bonds
D. Competition
Answer» C. Strong bonds
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