
A and B are married. They have properties including a family home. B predeceased her husband A. Before A died, he executed a will instituting his wife and children, C, D & E. The family home was willed unto C, hence, he is now claiming to be the exclusive owner of the house & lot. Is C correct?

A. The giving of the family home to C is correct because a will is an act whereby a person is given the right to control a certain degree the disposition of his estate to take effect after his death.
B. The act of A is not correct because the family home remains to be so as the symbol of love and unity of the family for 10 years after the death of A.
C. C acquired ownership over the family home because of the death of A, the testator.
D. A’s act is correct and the will will transmit absolute ownership to C after it shall have been probated.
Answer» B. The act of A is not correct because the family home remains to be so as the symbol of love and unity of the family for 10 years after the death of A.
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