160+ 8086 Microprocessor Solved MCQs


The purpose of the microprocessor is to control

A. memory
B. switches
C. processing
D. tasks
Answer» A. memory

The first digital electronic computer was built in the year

A. 1950
B. 1960
C. 1940
D. 1930
Answer» C. 1940

In 1960's texas institute invented

A. integrated circuits
B. microprocessor
C. vacuum tubes
D. transistors
Answer» A. integrated circuits

The intel 8086 microprocessor is a processor

A. 8 bit
B. 16 bit
C. 32 bit
D. 4 bit
Answer» B. 16 bit

The microprocessor can read/write 16 bit data from or to

A. memory
B. i /o device
C. processor
D. register
Answer» A. memory

In 8086 microprocessor , the address bus is bit wide

A. 12 bit
B. 10 bit
C. 16 bit
D. 20 bit
Answer» D. 20 bit

The work of EU is

A. encoding
B. decoding
C. processing
D. calculations
Answer» B. decoding

The SF is called as

A. service flag
B. sign flag
C. single flag
D. condition flag
Answer» B. sign flag

The OF is called as

A. overflow flag
B. overdue flag
C. one flag
D. over flag
Answer» A. overflow flag

The IF is called as

A. initial flag
B. indicate flag
C. interrupt flag
D. inter flag
Answer» C. interrupt flag

The register AX is formed by grouping

A. ah & al
B. bh & bl
C. ch & cl
D. dh & dl
Answer» A. ah & al

The SP is indicated by

A. single pointer
B. stack pointer
C. source pointer
D. destination pointer
Answer» B. stack pointer

The BP is indicated by

A. base pointer
B. binary pointer
C. bit pointer
D. digital pointer
Answer» A. base pointer

The SS is called as

A. single stack
B. stack segment
C. sequence stack .
D. random stack
Answer» B. stack segment

The index register are used to hold

A. memory register
B. offset address
C. segment memory
D. offset memory
Answer» A. memory register

The BIU contains FIFO register of size bytes

A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 12
Answer» B. 6

The BIU prefetches the instruction from memory and store them in

A. queue
B. register
C. memory
D. stack
Answer» A. queue

The 1 MB byte of memory can be divided into segment

A. 1 kbyte
B. 64 kbyte
C. 33 kbyte
D. 34 kbyte
Answer» B. 64 kbyte

The DS is called as

A. data segment
B. digital segment
C. divide segment
D. decode segment
Answer» A. data segment

The CS register stores instruction in code segment

A. stream
B. path
C. codes
D. stream line
Answer» C. codes

The IP is bits in length

A. 8 bits
B. 4 bits
C. 16 bits
D. 32 bits
Answer» C. 16 bits

The push source copies a word from source to

A. stack
B. memory
C. register
D. destination
Answer» A. stack

LDs copies to consecutive words from memory to register and

A. es
B. ds
C. ss
D. cs
Answer» B. ds

IMUL source is a signed

A. multiplication
B. addition
C. subtraction
D. division
Answer» A. multiplication

destination inverts each bit of destination

A. not
B. nor
C. and
D. or
Answer» A. not

Instruction providing both segment base and offset address are called

A. below type .
B. far type
C. low type
D. high type
Answer» B. far type

The conditional branch instruction specify for branching

A. conditions
B. instruction
C. address
D. memory
Answer» A. conditions

The microprocessor determines whether the specified condition exists or not by testing the

A. carry flag
B. conditional flag
C. common flag
D. sign flag
Answer» B. conditional flag

The LES copies to words from memory to register and

A. ds
B. cs
C. es
D. ds
Answer» C. es

The translates a byte from one code to another code

A. xlat
B. xchng
C. pop
D. push
Answer» A. xlat

The contains an offset instead of actual address

A. sp
B. ip
C. es
D. ss
Answer» B. ip

The 8086 fetches instruction one after another from of memory

A. code segment
B. ip
C. es
D. ss
Answer» A. code segment

The BIU contains FIFO register of size 6 bytes called .

A. queue
B. stack
C. segment
D. register
Answer» A. queue

The is required to synchronize the internal operands in the processor CLK Signal

A. ur signal
B. vcc
C. aie
D. ground
Answer» A. ur signal

The pin of minimum mode AD0-AD15 has address

A. 16 bit
B. 20 bit
C. 32 bit
D. 4 bit
Answer» B. 20 bit

The pin of minimum mode AD0- AD15 has _ data bus

A. 4 bit
B. 20 bit
C. 16 bit
D. 32 bit
Answer» C. 16 bit

is used to write into memory

A. rd
B. wr
C. rd / wr
D. clk
Answer» B. wr

The RD, WR, M/IO is the heart of control for a mode

A. minimum
B. maximum
C. compatibility mode
D. control mode
Answer» A. minimum

In a minimum mode there is a on the system bus

A. single
B. double
C. multiple
D. triple
Answer» A. single

If MN/MX is low the 8086 operates in mode

A. minimum
B. maximum
C. both (a) and (b)
D. medium
Answer» B. maximum

In max mode, control bus signal So,S1 and S2 are sent out in form

A. decoded
B. encoded
C. shared
D. unshared
Answer» B. encoded

The bus controller device decodes the signals to produce the control bus signal

A. internal
B. data
C. external
D. address
Answer» C. external

A Instruction at the end of interrupt service program takes the execution back to the interrupted program

A. forward
B. return
C. data
D. line
Answer» B. return

Primary function of memory interfacing is that the should be able to read from and write into register

A. multiprocessor
B. microprocessor
C. dual processor
D. coprocessor
Answer» B. microprocessor

To perform any operations, the Mp should identify the

A. register
B. memory
C. interface
D. system
Answer» A. register

The Microprocessor places address on the address bus

A. 4 bit
B. 8 bit
C. 16 bit
D. 32 bit
Answer» C. 16 bit

The Microprocessor places 16 bit address on the add lines from that address by register should be selected

A. address
B. one
C. two
D. three
Answer» B. one

The of the memory chip will identify and select the register for the EPROM

A. internal decoder
B. external decoder
C. address decoder
D. data decoder
Answer» A. internal decoder

Microprocessor provides signal like to indicate the read operatio

A. low
B. mcmw
C. mcmr
D. mcmwr
Answer» C. mcmr

To interface memory with the microprocessor, connect register the lines of the address bus must be added to address lines of the chip.

A. single
B. memory
C. multiple
D. triple
Answer» B. memory

The remaining address line of bus is decoded to generate chip select signal

A. data
B. address
C. control bus
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» B. address

signal is generated by combining RD and WR signals with IO/M

A. control
B. memory
C. register
D. system
Answer» A. control

has certain signal requirements write into and read from its registers

A. memory
B. register
C. both (a) and (b)
D. control
Answer» A. memory

An is used to fetch one address

A. internal decoder
B. external decoder
C. encoder
D. register
Answer» A. internal decoder

The primary function of the is to accept data from I/P devices

A. multiprocessor
B. microprocessor
C. peripherals
D. interfaces
Answer» B. microprocessor

signal prevent the microprocessor from reading the same data more than one

A. pipelining
B. handshaking
C. controlling
D. signaling
Answer» B. handshaking

Bits in IRR interrupt are

A. reset
B. set
C. stop
D. start
Answer» B. set

The pin is used to select direct command word

A. a0
B. d7-d6
C. a12
D. ad7-ad6
Answer» A. a0

CS connect the output of

A. encoder
B. decoder
C. slave program
D. buffer
Answer» B. decoder

8086 and 8088 contains transistors

A. 29000
B. 24000
C. 34000
D. 54000
Answer» A. 29000

In 8086, Example for Non maskable interrupts are .

A. trap
B. rst6.5
C. intr
D. rst6.6
Answer» A. trap

Access time is faster for .

A. rom
B. sram
C. dram
D. eram
Answer» B. sram

The First Microprocessor was .

A. intel 4004
B. 8080
C. 8085
D. 4008
Answer» A. intel 4004

Status register is also called as .

A. accumulator
B. stack
C. counter
D. flags
Answer» D. flags
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