360+ Ancient Indian History Solved MCQs


With which of the following is the classic "Jivaka Chintamani" in Tamil associated?

A. Jainism
B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity
Answer» A. Jainism
Explanation: Jivaka Chintamani (fabulous gem) is a classical epic poem, considered one of the five great Tamil epics according to later Tamil literary tradition, the others being Manimegalai, Silappadikaram, Valathi and Kundalakesi. It was composed during 10th century CE by Thiruthakka Thevar monk. It narrates the romantic exploits of Jeevaka and throws light on arts of music and dance of the It is reputed to have been the model for Kambaanam. The epic is based on Sanskrit original and contains the exposition of Jain doctrines and beliefs a Jain era.

Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?

A. Rajgir
B. Bodh Gaya
C. Sarnath
D. Kushinagar
Answer» D. Kushinagar
Explanation: Kushinagar is a town and a nagar panchayat i Kushinagar district in the Indian state of Utta Pradesh. It is an important Buddhist pilgrimage site where Gautama Buddha is thought to have attained Parinirvana after his death. It is one of the most important four holy sites for Buddhists. At this lotion, near the Hiranyavati River, Gautama Buddha attained Parinirvana (or 'Final Nirvana) after fallin illfrom eating a meal of a species of mushroom, o possibly pork.

Most of the chola temples were dedicated to -

A. Ganesh
B. Shiva
C. Durga
D. Vishnu
Answer» B. Shiva
Explanation: Most of the Chola temples were dedicated to Shiva. The great living Chola temples are important Hindu kovils that were built during the 10th-12th centuries in the South India. In all these temples, the chief deity who has been depicted and worshipped is Lord Shiva.

Which among the following MATH' is related with Buddhism?

A. Dakhma
B. Chaitya
C. Khangah
D. Angeri
Answer» B. Chaitya
Explanation: A chaitya is a Buddhist or Jain shrine including aupa. In modern texts on Indian architecture, the term chaitya-griha is often used to denote assembly or prayer hall that houses a stupa. Chaityas were probably constructed to hold large numbers of devotees and to provide shelter for them.

Who started the Saka Era which is still used by the Government of India?

A. Kanishka
B. Vikramaditya
C. Samudra Gupta
D. Asoka
Answer» A. Kanishka
Explanation: The mightiest of the Kushan rulers in India was Kanishka. He was in power from 78 AD to 120 AD. It was Kanishka who initiated the Saka Era in 78 AD Through inheritance and conquest, Kanishka's kingdom covered an area extending from Bukhara (now in Uzbekistan) in the west to Patna in the Ganges alley in the east, and from the Pamirs (now in Tajikistan) in the north to central India in the south His capital was Purushpura (Peshawar).

Where has the world's largest monolithic statue of Buddha been installed?

A. Bamiyan
B. Hyderabad
C. Kandy
D. Lhasa
Answer» A. Bamiyan
Explanation: The Buddhas of Bamiyan were two 6th century monumental statues of standing buddha carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamyan valley in the Hazarajat region of central Afghanistan. They were dynamited and destroyed in March 2001 by the Taliban, on orders from leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, after the Taliban government declared that they were idols On 8 September 2008 archeologists searching for a legendary 300-meter statue at the site of the are dynamited Buddhas announced the discovery of unknown 19-meter (62-foot) reclining Buddha, a representing Buddha's passage into nirvana.

The Harappan Civilisation was discovered in the year -

A. 1935
B. 1942
C. 1901
D. 1922
Answer» D. 1922
Explanation: In 1872-75 Alexander Cunningham published the first Harappan seal (with an erroneous identifications Brahmi letters). It was half a century later, in 1912 that more Harappan seals were discovered by J. Fleet prompting an excavation campaign under Sir John Hubert Marshall in 1921-22 and resulting in the recovery of the civilization at Harappa by Sir John Marshall, Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni and Madho Saru Vats, and at Mohenjo-Daro by Rakhal Das Banerie E. J. H. MacKay, and Sir John Marshall.

The tutor of Alexander, the Great was -

A. Darius
B. Cyrus
C. Socrates
D. Aristotle
Answer» D. Aristotle
Explanation: Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great Together with Plato and Socrates (Plato's teacher) Aristotle is one of the most important founding f SGAEISTORY ures in Western philosophy. Aristotle's writing the first to create a comprehensive system of we earn philosophy, encompassing morality, aesthetic logic, science, politics, and metaphysics. Aristo cited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to inv his son Alexander in 343 BC. Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. Dung that time he gave lessons not only to Alexander also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Casser. Aristotle encouraged Alexander toward eastern conquest.

The caves and rock-cut temples at Ellora are -

A. Hindu and Buddhist
B. Buddhist and Jain
C. Hindu and Jain
D. Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
Answer» D. Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
Explanation: Ellora represents the epitome of Indian rock-cut architecture. The 34 "caves" actually structures excavated out of the vertical face of the Charanandri hills. Buddhist, Hindu and Jain rock-cut temples and viharas and mathas were built between the 5th century and 10th century. The 12 Buddhist (caves 1 - 12), 17 Hindu (caves 13-29) and 5 Jain (caves 30-34) caves, built in proximity, demonstrate the religious harmony prevalent during this period of Indian.

The Seven Pagodas of Mahaba-lipuram are a witness to the art patronized by the -

A. Pallavas
B. Pandyas
C. Cholas
D. Cheras
Answer» A. Pallavas
Explanation: "Seven Pagodas" has served as a nickname for the south Indian city of Mahabalipuram, also called Ma mallapuram, since the first European explorers reached it. The phrase "Seven Pagodas" refers to a myth that has circulated in India, Europe, and other parts of the world for over eleven centuries. Mahabalipuram's Shore Temple, built in the 8th century CE under the reign of Pallava king Narasimhavarman II stands at the shore of the Bay of Bengal. Legend has it that six other temples once stood with it.

Fa-hien visited India during the reign of -

A. Chandragupta II
B. Samudragupta
C. Ramagupta
D. Kumaragupta
Answer» A. Chandragupta II
Explanation: Chandra Gupta II was the third, and most significant of the Gupta kings. During his reign the famous Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hsien visited India and wrote a detailed account of his kingdom. The celebrated Chinese pilgrim was struck with admiration by the famous royal palace and the houses for dispensing charity and medicine at Pataliputra. He speaks highly of the system of government in the Madhya-desa and the benevolence of the people, especially the moneyed classes.

Mention the place where Buddha attained enlightenment.

A. Sarmath
B. Bodh Gaya
C. Kapilavastu
D. Rajgriha
Answer» B. Bodh Gaya
Explanation: Bodh Gaya is a religious site and place of pilgrim age associated with the Mahabodhi Temple Complex in Gaya district in the Indian state of Bihar. It is famous for being the place where Gautama Buddha is aid to have obtained Enlightenment (Bodhimandala). According to Buddhist traditions, circa 500 BC Prince Gautama Siddhartha, wandering as an ascetic, reached the sylvan banks of Falgu River, near the city of Gaya. There he sat in meditation under a bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa). After three days and three nights of meditation, Siddharta claimed to have attained enlightenment and insight, and the answers that he had sought.

Poet Kalidasa lived in the court of -

A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Samudragupta
C. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
D. Harsha
Answer» C. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
Explanation: Kalidasa is generally associated with Chandragupta II who was one of the most powerful emperors of the Gupta Empire in northern India. It was during his reign that the Gupta Empire achieved its zenith, art architecture, and sculpture flourished, and the cultural development of ancient India reached its climax culturally, the reign of Chandragupta II marked a golden Age. This is evidenced by later reports of the presence of a circle of poets known as the Nine Gems in his court. The greatest among them was Kalidasa.

Which was the oldest Untversity?

A. Gandhara
B. Kanauj
C. Nalanda
D. Vaishali
Answer» C. Nalanda
Explanation: Nalanda was an ancient center of higher learning in Bihar which was a religious center of learning from the fifth or sixth century CE to 1197 CE. At its peak the university attracted scholars and students from as far away as Tibet, China, Greece, and Persia. Nalanda was ransacked and destroyed by an army under Bakhtiyar Khilji in 1193.

Which Chola king founded the city of Puhar?

A. Rajendra Chola
B. Ellara
C. Senguttavan
D. Karikala
Answer» D. Karikala
Explanation: Karikala was a very popular Chola ruler who founded the city of 'Puhar (Kaveripatnam) in 1st century B.C Today is a town in the Nagapattinam district in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu which for a while served as the capital of the early Chola kings in Tam ilakkam.

Which Rashtrakuta ruler built the famous Kailash temple of Sivaat 1 Ellora?

A. Dantidurga
B. Amoghvarsha -I
C. Krishan-I
D. Vatsraja
Answer» C. Krishan-I
Explanation: Kailashnath Temple is a famous temple, one of the 34 monasteries and temples, known collectively the Ellora Caves located at Ellora, Maharashtra. It is designed to recall Mount Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva. It is a megalith carved out of one single rock. It was built in the 8th century by the Rashtrakuta king Krishna-I.

Who built Brihadeshwara Temple at Tanjore?

A. Aditya Chola
B. Raja Raja Chola
C. Rajendra Chola
D. Karikala Chola
Answer» B. Raja Raja Chola
Explanation: The famous Chola temple built at Tanjavur (Tanjore) is known as the Brihadeshvara temple. It is also called the Rajarajeshwara temple after the name of king Rajaraja who built it in honor of Lord Shiva in about 1009 A.D. It is a tribute and a reflection of the power of its patron Raja Raja Chola I. It remains India's largest temple.

Who among the following foreigners was the first to visit India?

A. Hiuen Tsang
B. Magasthenese
C. I-Tsing
D. Fahien
Answer» B. Magasthenese
Explanation: Megasthenes was a Greek ethnographer and explorer in the Hellenistic period, author of the work Indica. He became an ambassador of Seleucus I of the Seleucid dynasty possibly to Chandragupta Maurya in Pataliputra, India. Scholars place it before 298 BC, the date of Chandragupta's death. Hiuen Tsang came during the reign of Harshavardhana; while I Tsing and Fa Hien came during the Gupta times.

Who were the first to issue gold coins in India?

A. Kushans
B. Tatars
C. Mughals
D. Aryans
Answer» A. Kushans
Explanation: The Indo-Greek kings were the first to issue gold coins in India and their coins were special in the sense that each king had his own distinctive coins by which he could be definitely identified. However, some schol ars contend that this credit should go to the Khushan kings. Vima Kadphises is said to be the first to introduce gold coinage in India, in addition to the exist copper and silver coinage.

Who among the following were the first to invade India?

A. Afghans
B. Mongols
C. Arabs
D. Turks
Answer» C. Arabs
Explanation: The advent of Muslims in India was marked by the Arab conquest of Sind, though long before that the Arabs already had settlements on the western coast of India. Muhammad Bin Gasim, under the order of Hajjaj, advanced in 710 A.D., at the head of a considerable army, subdued Mukran, pushed on through Baluchistan and in 711-12 reduced Sind, the lower valley and delta of the Indus.

The tax which the kings used to collect from the people in the Vedic period was called

A. Bali
B. Vidatha
C. Varman
D. Kara
Answer» A. Bali
Explanation: The Vedic state derived its revenue from people's contribution, technically known as 'Bali'. Of all the terms used in connection with the items of revenue to the state, it is 'bali' which is mentioned most in the Vedic texts. Its use is, however, not restricted exclusively to the fiscal sense but also to "offerings to a god" and to tributes paid by hostile tribes to the king A man is depicted in the Rig Veda as presenting oblation (bali) to Agni.

Buddha preached his first sermon at-

A. Gaya
B. Sarnath
C. Pataliputra
D. Vaishali
Answer» B. Sarnath
Explanation: Sarnath is the deer park where Gautama Buddha first taught the Dharma, and where the Buddhist Sangha came into existence through the enlightenment of Kondanna. Sarnath is located 13 kilometres north-east of Varanasi, in Uttar Pradesh.

Who among the following was not a physician?

A. Sushruta
B. Charaka
C. Charvaka
D. Dhanvantari
Answer» C. Charvaka
Explanation: Charvaka is a system of Indian philosophy that assumes various forms of philosophical skepticism and religious indifference. It is characterized as a materialistic and atheistic school of thought. While this branch of Indian philosophy is today not considered to be part of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, some describe it as an atheistic or materialistic philosophical movement within Hinduism. It emergedas an alternative to the orthodox Hindu schools as well as a philosophical predecessor to subsequent or ontemporaneous nastika philosophies such as Ajivika, Jainism and Buddhism.

Kalinga war took place in the year -

A. 261 BC
B. 263 BC
C. 232 BC
D. 240 BC
Answer» A. 261 BC
Explanation: The Kalinga war was fought between the Maurya Empire under Ashoka the Great and the state of Kalinga, a feudal republic located on the coast of the present-day Indian state of Odisha and nothern parts of Andhra Pradesh. On the basis of Ashokan inscriptions, it can be established that it was fought in 262-261 BC. The Kalinga war, the only major war Ashoka fought after his accession to throne, isone of the major and bloodiest battles in the history of India.

he school of arts developed during the Kushan Period with the mixture of Indian and Greek style is known as -

A. Kushan art
B. Persian art
C. Gandhara art
D. Mughal art
Answer» C. Gandhara art
Explanation: Gandhara School of art shows Greek influence, therefore, it is known as Indo- Greek art. The important features of this school are Buddha is shown as Roman and Greek gods Moustache and beard are added to Buddha's face The figures of this school follow a given ratio tween the size of the face and rest of the bod During first and second century blue grey schist sto was used to make idols.

Where was the first Buddhist Council held?

A. Vaishali
B. Kashmir
C. Rajagriha
D. Pataliputra
Answer» C. Rajagriha
Explanation: The first Buddhist Council was held at Raigir 483 BC during the reign of Ajatasatru. It was presied by Mahakassapa.

The Gandhara art flourished under:

A. the Kushanas
B. the Satavahanas
C. the Guptas
D. the Mauryas
Answer» A. the Kushanas
Explanation: Gandhara style flourished and achieved its peak during the Kushan period, from the 1st to the 5th centuries. It declined and suffered destruction afte invasion of the White Huns in the 5th century.

Which one of the following inscriptions relate to the Chalukya king, Pulakesin II?

A. Maski
B. Hathigumpha
C. Aihole
D. Nasik
Answer» C. Aihole
Explanation: The Aihole inscription was written by the Ravikirti, court poet of Chalukya King, Pulakesin II who reigned from 610 to 642 CE. This inscription gives information about the conquests of Pulakesin, espe cially how he defeated Harshavardhana.

Varahamihira was -

A. An Astronaut
B. A Space Shuttle
C. A Power Station
D. An Ancient Astronomer
Answer» D. An Ancient Astronomer
Explanation: Varahamihira was an Indian astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer who lived in Ujjain in the 6th century A.D. He is considered to be one of the nine jewels (Navratnas) of the court of legendary ruler Yashodharman Vikramaditya of Malwa.

During the reign of Bindusara there was unrest at -

A. Ujjayani
B. Pushkalavati
C. Takshsila
D. Rajagriha
Answer» C. Takshsila
Explanation: During the reign of Bindusara, Chandragupta Maurya's son and successor, there was unrest at Taxila in the north-western province of Sindh. He sent Asoka (his son) to quell the uprising. Taxila was a highly volatile place because of the Indo-Greek presence and mismanagement of Governor Susima.

Who among the following Mughal rulers has been called the 'Prince of Builders'?

A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Shah Jahan
D. Babur
Answer» C. Shah Jahan
Explanation: Shah Jahan was a great builder and he built many splendid buildings. That is why many scholars called him the 'Engineer King or 'Prince of Builders,' etc apart from building the Taj Mahal which is justly regarded as a jewel of the builder's art; he also built he Jama Masjid, the Red Fort, etc.

The Upanishads are the -

A. Great Epics
B. Story Books
C. Source of Hindu Philosophy
D. Law Books
Answer» C. Source of Hindu Philosophy
Explanation: The Upanishadsare a collection of texts that contain some of the central philosophical concepts of Hinduism. They are commonly referred to as Vedanta, variously interpreted to mean either the "last chapters, parts of the Veda" or "the object, the highest purpose of the Veda". The concepts of Brahman (Ultimate Reality) and Atman (Soul) are central ideas in the Upanishads.

The word Satyameva Jayate' have been derived from which Upanishad?

A. Akshi Upanishad
B. Mundaka Upanishad
C. Garuda Upanishad
D. Mahavakya Upanishad
Answer» B. Mundaka Upanishad
Explanation: Satyameva Jayate (Truth Alone Triumphs) is a mantra from the ancient Indian scripture Mundaka Upanishad. Upon independence of India, it was adopted as the national motto. It is inscribed in Devanagari script at the base of the national emblem.

Which of the following Pallava Kings assumed the title of Vatapikonda" after defeating and slaying the great Chalukyan King Pulakesin II?

A. Narsimha Varman I
B. Mahendra Varman I
C. Parameshwar Varman I
D. Nandi Varman
Answer» A. Narsimha Varman I
Explanation: The Pallava king Narsimhavarman I assumed the title of 'Vatapikonda' (Conqueror of Vatapi), when he defeated and killed Pulakesin II (Chalukya King) and ptured the Chalukyan capital, Badami in 642 AD The Pallava victory resulted in the commencement of Pallava occupation of Vatapi which lasted until 654.

Harsha moved his capital from to -

A. Thanesar, Kannauj
B. Delhi, Deogiri
C. Kamboj, Kannauj
D. Valabhi, Delhi
Answer» A. Thanesar, Kannauj
Explanation: During the 7th century A.D, Harshavardhana united the kingdoms of Punjab, Bengal, Orissa along with a large portion of Indo-Gangetic Plain. He defeated the ruler of Kannauj and shifted his capital from Thanesar to Kannau.

Which of the following Harappan sites had a dockyard?

A. Harappa
B. Mohenjodaro
C. Lothal
D. Alamgirpur
Answer» C. Lothal
Explanation: Lothal, located along the Bhogava river, a tributary of Sabarmati, in the Gulf of Khambat in Gujarat, was the only port- town of the Indus Valley Civilisation. It had a basin with vertical wall, inlet and outlet channels which has been identified as a tidal doc Lothal's dock was the earliest known dock found in the world, equipped to berth and service ships.

Tripitakas' are sacred books of -

A. Hindus
B. Jains
C. Parsis
D. Buddhists
Answer» D. Buddhists
Explanation: The Tripitaka or Three Baskets is the oldest collection of Buddhist scriptures and includes many texts believed to be the words of the historical Buddha.The three Pitakas are Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka and Abhidhamma Pitaka.These are canonical texts revered as exclusively authoritative in Theravada Buddhism.

Name the kingdom which first used elephants in wars?

A. Kosala
B. Magadha
C. Champa
D. Avanti
Answer» B. Magadha
Explanation: Elephants were always part of warfare in India However, it were the rulers of Magadha who first employed elephants as a weapon of large-scale destruction. According to Plutarch, at the time of Alexander's invasion of India, the Nanda army comprised 6,000 war elephants which discouraged Alexander's men from further advancement. According to Megasthenes Chandragupta Maurya's army consisted of 9,000 war elephants.

The greatest king of the Pratihara dynasty was -

A. Vatsaraj
B. Bhoj (Mihir-Bhoj)
C. Dantidurga
D. Nagbhatta II
Answer» B. Bhoj (Mihir-Bhoj)
Explanation: Mihira Bhoja I (836-885 CE) or Bhoja I is considered as the greatest and most powerful ruler of the Pratihara dynasty. At its height, Bhoja's empire extended to Narmada River in the South, Sutlej River in the northwest, and up to Bengal in the east. He was a scholar as well.

Name the Greek Ambassador at the Mauryan Court.

A. Alexander
B. Megasthanese
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
Answer» B. Megasthanese
Explanation: Megasthenes was a Greek ethnographer and explorer who served as an ambassador of Seleucus I of the Seleucid dynasty to Chandragupta Maurya. His Indika,' throws light on the contemporary society religious beliefs and social stratificati.

Which dynasty immediately succeeded the Maurya dynasty and ruled Magadha Kingdom?

A. Satavahana
B. Sunga
C. Nanda
D. Kanva
Answer» B. Sunga
Explanation: The Sunga Dynasty, established by Pusyamitra Sunga, after the fall of the Maurya Empire. The last Mauryan emperor Brihadratha was assassinated by the then commander-in-chief of the Mauryan armed forces, Pusyamitra Sunga in 185 B.C.

Which of the following ruler was a contemporary of Buddha?

A. Udayin
B. Bimbisara
C. Ajatshatru
D. Mahapadma Nanda
Answer» B. Bimbisara
Explanation: King of Magadha Bimbisara was contempor of Lord Buddha. He was a great friend and protector of the Buddha. Bimbisara was born in 558 B.C. He was the emperor of the Magadha empire from 543 BC to his death in 491 B.C. Budhha was born in 563 B.C and died in 483 B.C. 102.

The coins of which of the following reveal their love for music?

A. Mauryas
B. Nandas
C. Guptas
D. Cholas
Answer» C. Guptas
Explanation: Some coins throw significant light on the personal events of certain Gupta rulers like Samudra Gupta. Vehicle of Vishnu inscribed on some coin indicate that Samudra Gupta was a devotee of that deity. Veena bears out his love for music. His coins show him playing veena.

'Charak was the famous court physician of -

A. Harsha
B. Chandra Gupta Maurya
C. Ashoka
D. Kanishka
Answer» D. Kanishka
Explanation: Galaxies of great scholars like Asvaghosa (the Buddhist Writer), Nagarjuna (the philosopher), Samghar aksha (the chaplain), Mathara (the politician), Vasumitra (the Buddhist scholar), Charaka (the physician) and Agisala (the engineer) adorned the court of Kanishka. There were two important physicians in Kanishka's time namely Charaka and Susruta. Charakawas one of the principal contributors to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda, who is referred to as thw Father of Medicine.

Who amidst the following wasa wife of emperor Ashoka who in fluenced him?

A. Chandalika
B. Charulata
C. Gautami
D. Karuwaki
Answer» D. Karuwaki
Explanation: Maharani Kaurwaki was Empress Consort of the Maurya Empire as the first wife of Emperor Ashoka. Legends say that Kaurwaki was the daughter of a fisher man. It is said that she led an army of females against Ashoka in Kalinga after Kalinga had no males left to defend it.

The Third Buddhist Council was patronized by -

A. Kanishka
B. Ashoka
C. Mahakashyap Upali
D. Sabakarni
Answer» B. Ashoka
Explanation: The Third Buddhist council was convened in about 250 BCE at Asokarama in Pataliputra, supposedly under the patronage of Emperor Asoka. It was pre sided over by the Elder Moggaliputta Tissa and one thousand monks participated in the Council. The council is recognized and known to both the Theravada and Mahayana schools, though its importance is central only to the Theravada school.

Which museum houses the largest collection of Kushan sculptures?

A. Mathura Museum
B. Bombay Museum
C. Madras Museum
D. Delhi Museum
Answer» A. Mathura Museum
Explanation: The Mathura Museum is famous for ancient sculptures of the Mathura school dating from 3rd century BC to 12th century AD which attained the pinnacle of glory during the reign of Great Kushan and Gupta Emperors. Mathura school represents cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism, which developed over a period of close to 1000 years in Central Asia, between the conquests of Alexnder the Great in the 4th century BCE, and the Islamic conquests of the 7th century CE.

Who is called as the Second Ashoka'?

A. Samudra Gupta
B. Chandra Gupta Maurya
C. Kanishka
D. Harshavardhana
Answer» C. Kanishka
Explanation: Kanishka worked for preaching of Buddhism. He spread Buddhism to China, Japan, Central Asia and Tibet; and convened the 4th Buddhist Council at Kundalvana in Kashmir, Due to his works he is often called Second Asoka.

The Greek ambassador sent to Chandragupta Maurya's Court was:

A. Kautilya
B. Seleucus Nicator
C. Megasthenes
D. Justin
Answer» C. Megasthenes
Explanation: Megasthenes was a Greek ethnographer and plorer in the Hellenistic period, author of the work Indica. He was born in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) and became an ambassador of Seleucus I of the Seleucid dynasty possibly to Chandragupta Maurya in Pataliputra. Megasthenes' Indica is the first well known Western account of Indía and he is regarded as one of the founders of the study ofIndian history in the West. He is also the first foreigner Ambassador to be mentioned in the Indian history.

Name the clan Buddha belonged to -

A. Gnathrika
B. Maurya
C. Sakya
D. Kuru
Answer» C. Sakya
Explanation: Shakya was an ancient tribe (janapada) of the Indian Subcontinent in the 1st millennium BCE. In Bud dhist texts the Shakyas, the inhabitants of Shakya janapada, are mentioned as a Kshatriya clan of Gotamagotra. The most famous Shakya was Gautama Buddha, a member of the ruling Gautama clan of Lumbini, who is also known as Shakyamuni Buddha sage of the Shakyas", due to his association with this ancient kingdom. The Puranas mention Shakya as a king of Ikshvaku dynasty.

Which of the following literary works belongs to classical Sanskrit literature?

A. Dhammapada
B. Vedas
C. Meghadutam
D. Dighanikaya
Answer» C. Meghadutam
Explanation: Meghadutam (cloud messenger) is a lyric poem written by Kalidasa, considered to be one of theest Sanskrit poets. In Sanskrit literature, the poconceit used in the Meghadutam spawned the genre of sandesha kavya or messenger poems, most of which are modeled on the Meghaduta (and are often written in the Meghaduta's mandakranta metre)

Who propounded the Eight-Fold Path' for the end of misery of mankind?

A. Mahavir
B. Gautam Buddha
C. Adi Shankaracharya
D. Kabir
Answer» B. Gautam Buddha
Explanation: The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the principal teachings of the Buddha, who described it as the way leading to the cessationof suffering (dukkha) and the achievement of self-awakening. It is used to develop insight into the true nature of phenomena (or reality) and to eradicate greed, hatred, and delusion. The Noble Eightfold Path is the fourth of the Buddha's Four Noble Truths; the first element of the Noble Eightfold Path is, in turn, an understanding of the Four Noble Truths. It is also known as the Middle Path or Middle Way

The title 'Indian Napolean' has been attached to -

A. Chandra Gupta Maurya
B. Samudragupta
C. Chandragupta-I
D. Harshavardhana
Answer» B. Samudragupta
Explanation: Samudragupta (335-375 AD) of the Gupta dynasty known as the Napoleon of India. Historian A V Smith called him so because of his great military conquest known from the Prayag Prashati written by his courtier and poet Harisena, who also describes him as the hero of a hundred battles. But some leading Indian historians criticize Smith and feel that Samudragupta was a far greater warrior than Napoleon, as the former never lost any battle.

Which one of the following is the most lasting contribution of the Rastrakutas?

A. Kailasha Temple
B. Pampa, Ponna, Ranna, the three writers of Kannada poetry and Kailasha Temple
C. Patronage of Jainism
D. Conquests
Answer» B. Pampa, Ponna, Ranna, the three writers of Kannada poetry and Kailasha Temple
Explanation: The Kannada literature reached great heights under the Western Chalukyas and the Rashtrakutas who succeeded them. King Amoghavarsha I was hinself one of the gems of Kannada. Adikavi Pampa, Sri ponna and Ranna, called the "three gems of Kannada literature, found enthusiastic patronage from Rash.trakuta rulers. Similarly, the Kailasa temple is a con tribution of the Rashtrakutas.

Which one of the following stages of the life of man in Aryan Society, in ascending order of age, is correct?

A. Brahmacharya - Grihastha- Vanaprastha - Sanyasa
B. Grihastha - Brahmacharya Vanaprastha - Sanyasa
C. Brahmacharya-Vanaprastha Sanyasa - Grihastha
D. Grihastha Sanyasa Vanaprastha - Brahmacharya
Answer» A. Brahmacharya - Grihastha- Vanaprastha - Sanyasa
Explanation: Age-based social system as laid out in the Manu Smriti and later Classical Sanskrit texts. Those stagesare: Brahmachari (student), Grihasta (Householder). Vanaprastha (forest dweller or Hermit in semi retirement) and Sannyasi (the renounced one in full retirement). The Ashram system is believed by the Hindus to lead to a fulfillment of the four aims of life namely Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), and Moksha (liberation).

The 'Ajivikas' was a -

A. sect contemporary to the Buddha
B. breakaway branch of the Buddhists
C. sect founded by Charvaka
D. sect founded by Shankaracharya
Answer» A. sect contemporary to the Buddha
Explanation: Ajivika ("living" in Sanskrit) was a system of ancient Indian philosophy and an ascetic movement of the Mahajanapada period in the Indian subcontinent. Ajivika was primarily a heterodox Hindu (Nastika) or atheistic system. The Ajivikas may simply have been a more loosely-organized group of wandering ascetics (shamans or sannyasins). One of their prominent leaders was Makkhali Gosal. Ajivikas are is thought to be contemporaneous to other early Hindu nastika philosophical schools of thought, such as Charvaka Jainism and Buddhism, and may have preceded the latter two systems.

Which statement on the Harappan Civilization is correct?

A. Horse sacrifice was known to them
B. Cow was sacred to them.
C. 'Pashupati' was venerated by them.
D. The culture was not generally static.
Answer» D. The culture was not generally static.
Explanation: Potteries of the Harappan Civilization bring out the gradual evolutionary trend in the culture. It is on the basis of different types of potteries and ceramic art from found over the different stages of the civilization, it can be said that Harappan culture was not static and did not disappear suddenly. While showing signs of decay, in course of time it rejuvenated itself by reviving some of the earlier ceramic traditions and evolving new ones in the transitional phase.

That the Rig-Vedic aryans were a pastoral people is borne out by the fact that -

A. There are many references to the cow in the Rig Veda
B. Most of the wars were fought for the sake of cows.
C. Gifts made to priests were usually cows and not land
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
Explanation: Economy in the Rig Vedic period was sustained by ombination of pastoralism and agriculture. There are references, in the Rig Veda, to leveling of field seed, implements, yet the maximum references are made to 'cow.' Such terms as gotra, godhuli, goghana, gavya, gavyuti, etc shows the overwhelming place cow had in the period. The Vedic socio-economic- politico system revolved around cow.

What was Hampi known for?

A. It was the capital of Golconda
B. It had the largest stable in medieval India
C. It had the translation of the Indian epics to Persian
D. It was the capital of Vijayanagara
Answer» D. It was the capital of Vijayanagara
Explanation: Hampi in Karnataka served as the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. It served as the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire from 1343 to 1565, when it was besieged by the Deccan Muslim confederacy. Hampi was chosen because of its strategic location, bounded by theTungabhadra river on one side and surrounded by defensible hills on the other three sides.

Which of the following is not true about Ajanta Caves?

A. They are in Maharashtra
B. They are decorated with Buddhist Art
C. They depict the techniques used in Ancient India
D. They do not contain paintings of flora and fauna
Answer» C. They depict the techniques used in Ancient India
Explanation: The Ajanta Caves in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra are about 30 rock-cut Buddhist cave monuments which date from the 2nd century BC to about 480 or 650 CE. The caves include paintings and rock cut sculptures described as among the finest surviving examples of ancient Indian art, particularly expressive painting that present emotion through gesture, pose and form. Flora and fauna are depicted on the ceilings of the caves.

Chinese travellers visited India primarily because -

A. they were interested in Buddhism
B. they were invited by the Indian kings
C. they were interested to study Indian culture
D. they were interested to stay in India
Answer» A. they were interested in Buddhism
Explanation: After the spread of the Buddhist religion, Chinese travelers came to India in big numbers to collect religious books and to visit holy places of Buddhism Notable among those travellers included I-tsing, HaHsien and Hiuen Tsang.

The Aryans successded in their conflicts with the pre-Aryans because -

A. they used elephants on a large scale
B. they were taller and stronger 2
C. they were from an advanced urban culture
D. they used chariots driven by horses
Answer» D. they used chariots driven by horses
Explanation: The Aryans success can partly be attributed to the superiority of their technology,particularly weapon technology, over the people they conquered, namely the Dravidian people in South Asia. The Aryans had advanced bronze weapons, later iron weapons and horse drawn chariots with light spoked wheels. The native people the conquered at best had oxcarts a often only stone-age weapons.

The Megalithic culture (500 B.C. A.D. 100) brings us to the historical period in South India. The Megaliths used -

A. weapons made of stone
B. tools & implements made of stone
C. graves encircled by big pieces of stones.
D. articles of daily use made of stone
Answer» C. graves encircled by big pieces of stones.
Explanation: A megalith is a large stone that has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones. Many of these, though byno means all, contain human remains, but it is debatable whether use as burial sites was their primary function. Though generally known as dolmens, the correct term accepted by archaeologists is portal tomb.

Which of the following state ments about the Guptas is NOT true?

A. They ruled mainly over parts of north and central India
B. Kingship was hereditary and the throne always went to the eldest son
C. The judicial system was far more developed than in earlier times
D. Land taxes increased and taxes on trade and commerce decreased
Answer» B. Kingship was hereditary and the throne always went to the eldest son
Explanation: Kingship was hereditary. Though succession to the throne was generally decided by law of primogeniture, that is, the eldest son succeeding his father there were many exceptions to this rule. Sometimes kings were even elected by nobles and councilors As head of the government, the King was overseer of all administrative activities of his realm. He was thesupreme judge, and he usually led his army to the battlefields.
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