220+ Business Statistics Solved MCQs


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The Correlation coefficient between two variables is the………………..of their regression coefficients.

A. Arithmetic mean
B. Geometric mean
C. Harmonic mean
D. None of these
Answer» B. Geometric mean

The percent of the total variation of the dependent variable Y explained by the set of independent variables X is measured by:

A. Coefficient of Correlation
B. Coefficient of Skewness
C. Coefficient of Determination
D. Standard error
Answer» C. Coefficient of Determination

The value of the correlation coefficient lies between

A. -1 and +1
B. -1 and 0
C. 0 and 1
D. None
Answer» A. -1 and +1

A Scatter diagram is considered for measuring

A. Linear relationship between two variables
B. Curvilinear relationship between two variables
C. Neither a or b
D. Both a and b
Answer» D. Both a and b

The maximum value of the Rank Correlation coefficient is

A. +1
B. -1
C. 0
D. None of these
Answer» A. +1

What is the purpose of a simple linear regression?

A. To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on a single independent variable
B. To predict scores on an independent variable from scores on multiple dependent variables
C. To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on multiple independent variables
D. None of Above
Answer» A. To predict scores on a dependent variable from scores on a single independent variable

If r is the simple correlation coefficient, the quantity 𝑟2 is known as ...................

A. Coefficient of determination
B. Coefficient of non-determination
C. Coefficient of alienation
D. None of these
Answer» A. Coefficient of determination

Asimpleindexnumberis anumberthatmeasures arelativechangein ?

A. group of variable with respect to a base
B. single variable with respect to a base
C. Both A &B
D. None of theabove
Answer» B. single variable with respect to a base

Which index number is called as ideal index number.

A. Lasperys
B. Paasches
C. Fisher
D. None of Above
Answer» C. Fisher

Secular trend can be measured by:

A. Two methods
B. Three methods
C. Four methods
D. Five methods
Answer» C. Four methods

Fishers price index number is the -------

A. A.M. of Lasperys and Paasches.
B. G.M. of Lasperys and Paasches.
C. Difference between Lasperys and Paasches
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. G.M. of Lasperys and Paasches.

Relative Method is further divided into how many types?

A. One
B. two
C. None of the above
D. All of the Above.
Answer» B. two

In Price Index Numbers prices can either be ?

A. Retail
B. wholesale
C. Both I and II
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Both I and II

While computing a weighted index, the current period quantities are used in the:

A. Laspeyre's method
B. Paasche's method
C. Marshall Edgeworth method
D. Fisher's ideal method
Answer» B. Paasche's method

………….is a point of reference in comparing various data describing individual behaviour.

A. Sample
B. Base period
C. Estimation
D. None
Answer» B. Base period

Wheat crops badly damaged on account of rains is:

A. Cyclical movement
B. Random movement
C. Secular trend
D. Seasonal movement
Answer» B. Random movement

A complete business cycle consists of a period of:

A. Prosperity
B. Recession
C. Both prosperity and recession
D. none of the above
Answer» C. Both prosperity and recession

Which of the following can’t be a component for a time series plot?

A. Seasonality
B. Trend
C. Cyclical
D. Noise
E. None of the above
Answer» E. None of the above

The additive and multiplicative time series models are:

A. Y = T + S + C + I and Y = TSCI respectively
B. Y = TSCI and Y = T + S + C + I
C. none of these
D. all
Answer» A. Y = T + S + C + I and Y = TSCI respectively

Value of b in the trend line Y = a + bX is:

A. Always positive
B. Always negative
C. Both positive or negative
D. None of these
Answer» C. Both positive or negative

In a straight line equation Y = a + bX; a and b are respectively:

A. X-intercept and slope
B. Y intercept and slope
C. can't determined
D. all
Answer» B. Y intercept and slope

A time series consists of:

A. Short-term variations
B. Irregular variations
C. Long-term variations
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above
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