170+ Co-operative Theory, Principles and Practice Solved MCQs


The International Co-operative Alliance appointed a sub-committee in ……….. for the first reformulation of Principles of Co-operative Sector.

A. 1934
B. 1964
C. 1954
D. 1944
Answer» A. 1934

For the second reformulation of Principles of Co-operative Sector, The International Co-operative Alliance appointed a sub-committee in ……………

A. 1964
B. 1935
C. 1954
D. 1944
Answer» A. 1964

The International Co-operative Alliance revised the co-operative principles for the third time in its Manchester Congress in ………….

A. 1964
B. 1995
C. 1934
D. 1994
Answer» B. 1995

From the functional point of view the co-operative societies have been classified as

A. unregistered and auxiliary
B. unregistered and registered
C. rural and urban
D. primary and secondary
Answer» A. unregistered and auxiliary

From the legal point of view the co-operative societies have been classified as

A. unregistered and auxiliary
B. unregistered and registered
C. rural and urban
D. primary and secondary
Answer» B. unregistered and registered

…………………has been compared to a “State within A State”

A. state
B. cooperation
C. capitalism
D. socialism
Answer» B. cooperation

……………..plays an equalizing role as a welfare factor in a capitalistic economy.

A. socialism
B. trade unionism
C. joint stock companies
D. cooperation
Answer» D. cooperation

…………….. and ……………….. are the two pioneers of cooperative movement in Germany.

A. f. w. raiffeisen and franz schulze
B. robert owen and dr. william king
C. f.w raiffeisen and dr. william king
D. robert owen and franz schulze
Answer» A. f. w. raiffeisen and franz schulze

In ……… societies, the area of operation was large and membership ran into thousands.

A. raiffeisen
B. schulze-delitzsch
C. both of them
D. none of these
Answer» B. schulze-delitzsch

In ……………….societies, the area of operation was limited to one village or if that village happened to be small, then two or three villages were combined together.

A. raiffeisen
B. schulze-delitzsch
C. both of them
D. none of these
Answer» A. raiffeisen

In … ……..societies, the surplus funds were not distributed as dividends but kept as reserves.

A. raiffeisen
B. schulze-delitzsch
C. both of them
D. none of these
Answer» A. raiffeisen

Robert Owen was born in …………………….

A. 14th may 1771
B. 15th may 1771
C. 14th may 1881
D. 15th may 1881
Answer» A. 14th may 1771

……………........is the father of cooperation in England.

A. robert owen
B. dr. william king
C. c.r. fay
D. rochdale pioneers
Answer» A. robert owen

The Brighton Cooperative Benevolent Association and the Cooperative Trading Association was formed by…………………….

A. robert owen
B. dr. william king
C. c.r. fay
D. rochdale pioneers
Answer» B. dr. william king

The “Rochdale Friendly Cooperative Society” was formed in …………..

A. 1830
B. 1930
C. 1730
D. 1630
Answer» A. 1830

On 21/12/1844, the Rochdale Pioneers established a society with a working capital of …………..

A. 28 pounds
B. 200 pounds
C. 50 pounds
D. 100 pounds
Answer» A. 28 pounds

………….. is a voluntary and democratic association of human beings, based on equality of control, opportunity, distribution and mutuality for the promotion of their common interests as producers or consumers.

A. organization
B. company
C. co-operation
D. non-profit organization
Answer» C. co-operation

…………… serves as an organizational instrument for the economically weaker producers-farmers, artisans or workers and consumers for strengthening themselves and protecting themselves against the exploitation by the stronger.

A. organization
B. company
C. co-operation
D. non-profit organization
Answer» C. co-operation

The word ………… literally means to work together or act together.

A. organization
B. company
C. co-operation
D. association
Answer» C. co-operation

The I.C.A appointed a Commission in ………………….. to ascertain how far the principles of the Rochdale as defined by I.C.A in 1937 are observed today and the reasons for any non-observance.

A. october, 1964
B. october, 1984
C. november, 1964
D. november, 1984
Answer» A. october, 1964

. ……………..is based on the principle of self interest, maximization of profits and exploitation.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» B. capitalism

…………is based on the principle of self-help through mutual help, abolition of profits and service above self help.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» A. co-operation

In ……………….form of business organization profit earning is the fundamental motive.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» B. capitalism

In…………….. each works for all and all work for each.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» A. co-operation

In …………. the state is supreme, while in …………… the individual freedom occupies the front position.

A. co-operation, capitalism
B. capitalism, co-operation
C. socialism, capitalism
D. socialism, co-operation
Answer» C. socialism, capitalism

. …………….pre-supposes the dominance of the State, whereas the co- operative movement does not accept State interference.

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» C. socialism

The principles of ‘Voluntary Association’ and Democratic Management’ are the guidelines for ……………….

A. co-operation
B. capitalism
C. socialism
D. trade unionism
Answer» A. co-operation

International Cooperative Alliance was founded by the International Cooperative Congress held in London in ……………

A. 1895
B. 1875
C. 1865
D. 1995
Answer» A. 1895

The …………is the Chief Executive Officer of the ICA.

A. director general
B. president
C. vice president
D. board
Answer» A. director general

The …………… presides over the General assembly and Board of ICA.

A. director general
B. president
C. vice president
D. board
Answer» B. president

The ICA has ………………..member organizations around the world from …………..different countries as on 26th March 2013.

A. 271, 96
B. 226, 82
C. 290, 101
D. 215, 71
Answer» A. 271, 96

The main office of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of ICA is at……………

A. new delhi
B. singapore
C. jakarta
D. beijing
Answer» A. new delhi

Expand CCW

A. consumer cooperative worldwide
B. consumer cooperative wild life
C. cooperatives of consumers worldwide
D. world consumers cooperatives
Answer» A. consumer cooperative worldwide

Expand ICAO

A. international cooperative agricultural organisation
B. international cooperative aquaculture organisation
C. international cooperative artisan organisation
D. international cooperative arts organisation
Answer» A. international cooperative agricultural organisation

Expand ICA

A. international cooperative alliance
B. international cooperative association
C. international cooperative agriculture
D. international cooperative assistance
Answer» A. international cooperative alliance

Expand ICFO

A. international cooperative fisheries organisation
B. international cooperative financing organisation
C. international cooperative finance organisation
D. international cooperative food organisation
Answer» A. international cooperative fisheries organisation


A. international organisation of industrial artisanal and service producers cooperatives
B. confederation of international cooperation of producers and agriculturists
C. international organisation of agriculture and service producers cooperatives
D. cooperative institute of consumers and agricultural producers
Answer» A. international organisation of industrial artisanal and service producers cooperatives

Expand ICBA

A. international cooperative banking association
B. international cooperative banking alliance
C. international cooperative british agriculture
D. international consumer bank alliance
Answer» A. international cooperative banking association

Expand TICA

A. international association of tourism
B. tourism international cooperative and associated
C. tourism industry cooperative association
D. international tourism cooperative and associated
Answer» B. tourism international cooperative and associated

Expand IFAP

A. international federation of agricultural producers
B. international finance for agricultural producers
C. inter-country finance for agricultural produce
D. international food association of pakistan
Answer» A. international federation of agricultural producers

Expand AARRO

A. afro asian rural reconstruction organisation
B. african agricultural rural reconstruction organisation
C. asian agricultural rural reconstruction organisation
D. alliance of asian rural reconstruction organisations
Answer» A. afro asian rural reconstruction organisation

Expand ICFTU

A. international confederation of free trade unions
B. international conference of finance in trade unions
C. international conference of financing tourism unions
D. international confederation of free tour unions
Answer» A. international confederation of free trade unions

The Deccan Agriculturists’ Relief Act was passed in …………..

A. 1879
B. 1889
C. 1979
D. 1909
Answer» A. 1879

The Land Improvement Loans Act was passed in……………..

A. 1983
B. 1883
C. 1873
D. 1884
Answer» B. 1883

The Agriculturists Loan Act was passed in ………………

A. 1983
B. 1883
C. 1873
D. 1884
Answer» D. 1884

The Madras Government sent……………….for studying the cooperative movements in European countries.

A. sir federik nicholson
B. sir edward law
C. dr. william king
D. sir maclagan
Answer» A. sir federik nicholson

The Government of India appointed in 1901 a Committee under the Presidentship of ………..to study the question of starting cooperative credit societies in India.

A. sir federik nicholson
B. sir edward law
C. dr. william king
D. sir maclagan
Answer» B. sir edward law

The Cooperative Credit Societies Act was passed in………

A. 1901
B. 1902
C. 1903
D. 1904
Answer» D. 1904

The Cooperative Societies Act was passed in …………….

A. 1911
B. 1912
C. 1913
D. 1914
Answer» B. 1912

The Reserve Bank of India was established in ………..

A. 1921
B. 1922
C. 1933
D. 1935
Answer» D. 1935

In the ……………..five year plan the Central Committee for Cooperative Training was established

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» B. second

In …………….the National Cooperative Development Corporation(NCDC) was established for strengthening the cooperative activities.

A. 1961
B. 1962
C. 1963
D. 1964
Answer» C. 1963

Expand NCDC

A. national cooperative development corporation
B. national cooperative dairy corporation
C. national consumers development corporation
D. national consumers dairy cooperative
Answer» A. national cooperative development corporation

In the ……………….five year plan the All India Rural Credit Review Committee was set up.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» D. fourth

In 1970 the Reserve bank of India set up the ………………for the review of rural credit system.

A. all india rural credit review committee
B. national cooperative development corporation
C. committee of direction of the rural credit survey
D. all of the above
Answer» A. all india rural credit review committee

The …………….Committee constituted to Review the Arrangements for Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development in 1981, recommended the establishment of NABARD.

A. sivaraman
B. sir maclagan
C. khusro
D. brahm prakash
Answer» A. sivaraman

The Sivaraman Committee constituted to Review the Arrangements for Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development in 1981, recommended the establishment of……………..

A. nabard
B. ncdc
C. ncui
D. all of the above
Answer» A. nabard

The Sivaraman Committee was constituted in the …………..five year plan and it recommended the establishment of NABARD.

A. second
B. fourth
C. sixth
D. eighth
Answer» C. sixth

The ………………….committee was appointed by the Planning Commission of India to prepare a Model Cooperative Bill.

A. sivaraman
B. sir maclagan
C. khusro
D. brahm prakash
Answer» D. brahm prakash

In India cooperative legislation started in …………..

A. 1904
B. 1912
C. 1901
D. 1882
Answer» A. 1904

The shortcomings in the Act of 1904 was removed by another legislation known as………….

A. cooperative societies act of 1912.
B. the model cooperative act
C. constitution amendment bill
D. none of these
Answer» A. cooperative societies act of 1912.

The ……………committee,1945 observed that the Act of 1912 needed revision in certain respects and recommended that the provinces in which the cooperative societies act of 1912 was in force should pass special acts keeping in view their past experience and the future needs of the movement.

A. sivaraman
B. sir maclagan
C. khusro
D. saraiya
Answer» D. saraiya

………………..committee recommended that a specific provision be made in the existing Act of 1912 enabling rural societies to change their liability from unlimited to limited.

A. sivaraman
B. sir maclagan
C. khusro
D. saraiya
Answer» D. saraiya

The report submitted by the ………………….. consisted of two volumes: the first contained Model Cooperative Societies Bill and Rules and the second volume contained model bye-laws for various types of societies.

A. committee on cooperative law in 1955
B. committee of direction of all india rural credit survey 1954
C. saraiya committee
D. none of the above
Answer» A. committee on cooperative law in 1955

A novel form of cooperative organization known as Producer Company was introduced by amending the …………………..

A. companies act, 1956
B. companies act, 1913
C. cooperative societies act of 1904
D. cooperative societies act of 1912
Answer» A. companies act, 1956

A producer company, having a turnover of ………………or more shall have a whole time Secretary who shall be a member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

A. rs. 5 crore
B. rs.2 crore
C. rs. 1 crore
D. rs. 10 crore
Answer» A. rs. 5 crore

The Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act 2002 of India has incorporated ………………………in its second schedule.

A. cooperative values and principles
B. cooperative values
C. cooperative principles
D. none of the above
Answer» A. cooperative values and principles

The Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act 2002 of India has incorporated Cooperative values and principles in its………….. schedule.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» B. second

The ………………………………of India has incorporated Cooperative values and principles in its second schedule.

A. the model cooperative act
B. multi-state cooperative societies act 2002
C. cooperative societies act of 1904
D. cooperative societies act of 1912
Answer» B. multi-state cooperative societies act 2002

The Constitution Amendment Bill, ………….. was introduced with the objective of freeing the cooperatives from “unnecessary outside interference and also to ensure their autonomous oragisational set up and democratic functioning”.

A. 2006
B. 2007
C. 2008
D. 2005
Answer» A. 2006

…………………….visited India in the capacity of a Cooperative Consultant to the Planning Commission under the Technical Cooperative Scheme of the Colombo Plan in 1957.

A. sir malcom darling
B. shri v.l. metha
C. sir devzil ibbetson
D. prof. horace belshaw
Answer» A. sir malcom darling

………………tried to reduce the sufferings of the people living in the rural areas of Germany.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. both of them
D. none of these
Answer» A. f.w. raiffeisen

………………adopted new measures for giving relief to the people living in the urban areas of Germany.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. both of them
D. none of these
Answer» B. herr franz schulze

F.W. Raiffeisen tried to reduce the sufferings of the people living in the…….. areas of Germany.

A. rural
B. urban
C. metro
D. none of these
Answer» A. rural

Herr Franz Schulzeadopted new measures for giving relief to the people living in the ……………areas of Germany.

A. rural
B. urban
C. metro
D. none of these
Answer» B. urban

…………….was a judge in his native town of Delitzsch.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. dr. hass
D. none of these
Answer» B. herr franz schulze

In 1849, ……………organized a friendly Society for Relief in Sickness and later established an association of shoe-makers for the purchase of raw materials.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. dr. hass
D. none of these
Answer» B. herr franz schulze

……………was the director of ‘ The General Union of German Industrial Societies’, till his death in 1883.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. dr. hass
D. none of these
Answer» B. herr franz schulze

……………,who contributed the maximum to the spread of the cooperative movement in Germany, was the Mayor of Weyerbusch.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. dr. hass
D. none of these
Answer» A. f.w. raiffeisen

…………., was a German who organized cooperative societies for providing credit to big farmers.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. dr. hass
D. none of these
Answer» C. dr. hass

……………..contributed the maximum to the spread of the cooperative movement in Germany.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. dr. hass
D. none of these
Answer» A. f.w. raiffeisen

………………organized a ‘Poor People’s Committee’ which provided food to the poor and reovered the loan after the expiry of the specific period.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. dr. hass
D. none of these
Answer» A. f.w. raiffeisen

A new society where poor people were members of the society was constituted by ……………., under the name of ‘Heddesdorf Credit Union,’ to give credit to deserving farmers and artisans for productive purposes.

A. f.w. raiffeisen
B. herr franz schulze
C. dr. hass
D. none of these
Answer» A. f.w. raiffeisen

A new society where poor people were members of the society was constituted by F.W. Raiffeisen, under the name of………………….., to give credit to deserving farmers and artisans for productive purposes.

A. heddesdorf credit union
B. heddesdorf beneficent society
C. poor people’s committee
D. the general union of german industrial societies
Answer» A. heddesdorf credit union

…………………………………… at Frankfurt is the apex institution and credit as well as non credit societies are affiliated to it.

A. the german cooperative bank
B. the german national bank
C. national union of german agricultural cooperative
D. none of the above
Answer» A. the german cooperative bank

The memorable phrase ‘each for all and all for each’ was coined when the ……………. was formed with the membership of poor people for poor farmers and artisans.

A. heddesdorf credit union
B. heddesdorf beneficent society
C. poor people’s committee
D. the general union of german industrial societies
Answer» A. heddesdorf credit union

………………..in Frankfurt is now the largest single retail organization in the Coop Group in Germany.

A. coop ag
B. coop dortmund konsumgenossenschaft eg
C. coop schleswig-holstein eg
D. coop store
Answer» A. coop ag

………………..is now the second retail organization in the Coop Group in Germany.

A. coop ag
B. coop dortmund konsumgenossenschaft eg
C. coop schleswig-holstein eg
D. coop store
Answer» B. coop dortmund konsumgenossenschaft eg

………………..in Kiel is now the third largest organization which accounts for 8% of overall coop business in Germany.

A. coop ag
B. coop dortmund konsumgenossenschaft eg
C. coop schleswig-holstein eg
D. coop store
Answer» C. coop schleswig-holstein eg

The trade unions and cooperatives jointly entered the life insurance field and …………………… was founded before the First World war to provide better and cheap insurance cover to the poor.

A. ‘alte-volksfursorge’
B. federation of german trade unions
C. central association of german consumers
D. geg
Answer» A. ‘alte-volksfursorge’

…………………is regarded as the father of Cooperation in England.

A. robert owen
B. dr. william king
C. c.r.fay
D. f.w. raiffeisen
Answer» A. robert owen

……………. was against all religions whereas ………….. openly advocated that cooperation must be based on Christianity.

A. robert owen , dr. william king
B. dr. william king, robert owen
C. c.r.fay, robert owen
D. dr. william king,f.w. raiffeisen
Answer» A. robert owen , dr. william king

The Rochdale Friendly Cooperative Society was formed in ………..

A. 1930
B. 1830
C. 1904
D. 1804
Answer» B. 1830

The …………………is the largest cooperative production organization in England and owns 200 factories.

A. cooperative wholesale society
B. rochdale society
C. scottish cooperative wholesale society
D. cooperative retails society
Answer» A. cooperative wholesale society

The ………………..is the largest cooperative enterprise in England.

A. cooperative wholesale society
B. rochdale society
C. scottish cooperative wholesale society
D. cooperative retails society
Answer» C. scottish cooperative wholesale society

The cooperative insurance, was started by the establishment of the …………. In Toad Lane in 1867 in England.

A. cooperative insurance society
B. cooperative wholesale society
C. rochdale society
D. scottish cooperative wholesale society
Answer» A. cooperative insurance society

A group of clergymen and lawyers who called themselves as ‘Christian Socialists’ existed from ………….to ………………in England.

A. 1854 to 1864
B. 1848 to 1854
C. 1844 to 1848
D. 1834 to 1844
Answer» B. 1848 to 1854

……………is the homeland of agricultural cooperation in the World.

A. britain
B. germany
C. denmark
D. israel
Answer» C. denmark

One of the most interesting and essential features of the …………cooperative movement is its voluntary development.

A. british
B. german
C. danish
D. french
Answer» C. danish

……………has no cooperative legislation.

A. britain
B. germany
C. denmark
D. israel
Answer» C. denmark
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