Chapter: CAM

CAD/CAM is the relationship between

A. science and engineering
B. manufacturing and marketing
C. design and manufacturing
D. design and marketing
Answer» C. design and manufacturing

Which two disciplines are tied by a common database?

A. documentation and geometric modeling
B. CAD and CAM
C. drafting and documentation
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. CAD and CAM

The term that is used for geometric modelling like solid modelling, wire frame modelling and drafting is known as

A. software package
B. operating system
C. application software
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. software package

The software that is used to control the computer’s work flow, organize its data and perform housekeeping functions is known as

A. operating software
B. graphics software
C. application software
D. programming software
Answer» A. operating software

During the execution of a CNC part program block NO20 GO2 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0 the type of tool motion will be

A. circular Interpolation – clockwise
B. circular Interpolation – counter clockwise
C. linear Interpolation
D. rapid feed
Answer» A. circular Interpolation – clockwise

n an NC machining operation, the tool has to be moved from point (5, 4) to point (7, 2) along a circular path with centre at (5, 2). Before starting the operation, the tool is at (5, 4). The G and N codes for this motion are

A. N010 GO3 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
B. N010 GO2 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
C. N010 GO1 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
D. N010 GOO X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
Answer» B. N010 GO2 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0

The tool of an NC machine has to move along a circular arc from (5, 5) to (10, 10) while performing an operation. The centre of the arc is at (10, 5). Which one of the following NC tool path command performs the above mentioned operation?

A. N010 GO2 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
B. N010 GO3 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
C. N010 GO1 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
D. N010 GO2 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
Answer» A. N010 GO2 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5

Match the following: NC code Definition P. M05 1. Absolute coordinate system Q. G01 2. Dwell R. G04 3. Spindle stop S. G09 4. Linear interpolation

A. P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
B. P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2
C. P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
D. P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
Answer» C. P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

In a CNC program block, N02 GO2 G91 X40 Z40……, GO2 and G91 refer to

A. circular interpolation in counter clockwise direction and incremental dimension
B. circular interpolation in counter clockwise direction and absolute dimension
C. circular interpolation in clockwise direction and incremental dimension
D. circular interpolation in clockwise direction and absolute dimension
Answer» C. circular interpolation in clockwise direction and incremental dimension

Numerical control

A. applies only to milling machines
B. is a method for producing exact number of parts per hour
C. is a method for controlling by means of set of instructions
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» C. is a method for controlling by means of set of instructions

Computer will perform the data processing functions in

D. None of the mentioned
Answer» B. CNC

Control loop unit of M.C.U is always

A. a hardware unit
B. a software unit
C. a control unit
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. a hardware unit

The repeatability of NC machine depends on

A. control loop errors
B. mechanical errors
C. electrical errors
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. mechanical errors

Rotation about Z-axis is called………….

A. a-axis
B. b-axis
C. c-axis
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. c-axis

Rotation of spindle is designated by one of the following axis:

A. a-axis
B. b-axis
C. c-axis
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned

he linking of computer with a communication system is called………..

A. networking
B. pairing
C. interlocking
D. assembling
Answer» A. networking

The process of putting data into a storage location is called

A. reading
B. writing
C. controlling
D. hand shaking
Answer» B. writing

The process of copying data from a memory location is called

A. reading
B. writing
C. controlling
D. hand shaking
Answer» A. reading

CNC machining centres do not include operations like

A. milling
B. boring
C. welding
D. tapping
Answer» C. welding

Feed is measured in units of

A. length/revolution
B. degree/revolution
C. length
D. velocity
Answer» A. length/revolution

he depth that the tool is plunged into the surface is called as

A. feed
B. depth of cut
C. depth of tool
D. working depth
Answer» B. depth of cut

In CNC systems multiple microprocessors and programmable logic controllers work

A. in parallel
B. in series
C. one after the other
D. for 80% of the total machining time
Answer» A. in parallel

Which of the following is not the advantage of CNC machines?

A. Higher flexibility
B. Improved quality
C. Reduced scrap rate
D. Improved strength of the components
Answer» D. Improved strength of the components

In how many ways CNC machine tool systems can be classified?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

Point-to-point systems are used for

A. reaming
B. parting
C. grooving
D. facing
Answer» A. reaming

In part programming, interpolation is used for obtaining trajectory.

A. helicoidal
B. pentagonal
C. triangular
D. zig-zag
Answer» A. helicoidal

For CNC machining skilled part programmers are needed.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

An absolute NC system is one in which all position coordinates are referred to one fixed origin called the zero point.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

In , the coordinates are mentioned in the program with respect to one reference point

A. Incremental System
B. Absolute System
C. Datum System
D. Screen Coordinates System
Answer» B. Absolute System

……… is a group of words or coded instruction for the NC/CNC system to execute a particular movement.

A. Sequence
B. Address
C. Code
D. Block
Answer» D. Block

Each coded instruction in a set of instructions is called as……

A. Words
B. Alphabet
C. Numbers
D. Format
Answer» A. Words

In , the coordinates are mentioned in the program with respect to one Previous point.

A. Incremental System
B. Absolute System
C. Datum System
D. Screen Coordinates System
Answer» A. Incremental System

G00 Preparatory code is used for

A. Rapid Travel Execution
B. Rapid Travel Positioning
C. Rapid Travel sequencing
D. Rapid clockwise interpolation
Answer» B. Rapid Travel Positioning

In a CNC program block, N05 GO1 G91 G33 X20 Z-40……, G33 refer to

A. Peck Drilling
B. Counter Boring
C. Thread Cutting
D. Grooving
Answer» C. Thread Cutting

In CNC Program M03 is refer to……

A. Spindle ON in Clockwise rotation
B. Spindle ON in Counter Clockwise rotation
C. Spindle OFF in Clockwise rotation
D. Spindle OFF in Counter Clockwise rotation
Answer» A. Spindle ON in Clockwise rotation

In CNC Program M98 is refer to……

A. CANCEL Subroutine
B. Call Sub-Program
C. Call Subroutine
D. CANCEL Sub-Program
Answer» B. Call Sub-Program

In a CNC program block, N05 GO1 G91 G33 X20 Z-40 K5……, K refer to

A. Depth of cut
B. Pitch
C. Multiple Threading Cycle
D. Feed
Answer» B. Pitch

A CNC Lathe is usually a machine tool with Z axes is…..

A. Line Joining origin and vertical movement
B. Line perpendicular to Y axis
C. Both A & B
D. Line Joining Chuck centre & tail stock centre
Answer» D. Line Joining Chuck centre & tail stock centre

B rotational axis is rotation about Axis.

A. X
B. Y
C. Z
D. C
Answer» A. X

Secondary Linear Axes U,V & W are ……… to X,Y & Z-axis.

A. Perpendicular
B. Parallel
C. Rotational
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Parallel

……… are also called as parametric subroutines

A. Micro
B. Macro
C. Sub Macro
D. Sub Micro
Answer» B. Macro

In the lathe it is the peripheral speed of the work piece cutting speed of tool is expressed in m/min, V is

A. = 𝜋𝐷𝑁/1000
B. = 𝜋𝐷/1000
C. = 𝐷𝑁/1000
D. =𝜋𝐷𝑁/10
Answer» A. = 𝜋𝐷𝑁/1000

Incremental dimension in circular interpolation in X-axis is denoted by

A. J
B. I
C. K
D. None of the above
Answer» B. I

Repetitive CNC machine operations conveniently performing and execute with one command instead of programming of series of individual move called …..

A. Common Cycle
B. Incremental Programming
C. Canned Cycle
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Canned Cycle

In CNC programming …….. is commonly used canned cycle for Stock removal cycle

A. G71
B. G72
C. G73
D. G74
Answer» D. G74

……… is the origin of the coordinate system which is defined by manufacturer they cannot be changed

A. Blocking Point
B. machine Zero Point
C. Start Point
D. Program Zero point
Answer» B. machine Zero Point

To indicate the position of the workpiece ly & easily machine zero pint should be displaced to another point on the workpiece called…

A. Workpiece zero Point
B. machine Zero Point
C. Start Point
D. Program Zero point
Answer» A. Workpiece zero Point

XY Plane Selection in CNC machining is done by…..

A. G16
B. G17
C. G18
D. G19
Answer» B. G17

The distance of a given tool tip from the surface of workpiece is known as…..

A. Tool length
B. Tool length offset H
C. Cutter radius
D. Compensation
Answer» B. Tool length offset H

In CNC machining tool radius compensation turning the left mode ON programming contour done by

A. G40
B. G41
C. G42
D. G43
Answer» B. G41

Maximum spindle speed limitation code in CNC Machine

A. G90
B. G91
C. G92
D. G93
Answer» C. G92

Which of the following code is used to return to a reference point?

A. G23
B. G28
C. G14
D. G19
Answer» B. G28

The following code will produce dwell for a specified time…

A. G18
B. G65
C. G45
D. G04
Answer» D. G04

Which of the following code will give point to point movement?

A. G00
B. G01
C. G56
D. G94
Answer» A. G00

Which rule implement for axes Nomenclature?

A. Left-hand rule
B. Right-Hand Rule
C. Thumb Rule
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Right-Hand Rule

Automatic tool change in CNC Machine code

A. M05
B. M06
C. M07
D. M09
Answer» B. M06

Full form of MCU is…………

A. Machine computer unit
B. Machine control universal
C. Machine control unit
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Machine control unit

The machine tool, in which calculation and setting of the operating conditions like depth of cut, feed, speed are done during the machining by the control system itself, is called

A. Computer Numerical Control System
B. Direct Numerical Control System
C. Machining Center System
D. Adaptive Control System
Answer» D. Adaptive Control System

In which machine we get feedback?

A. Lathe machine
B. NC machine
C. CNC machine
D. Milling machine
Answer» C. CNC machine

Which machine's spindle is used to horizontal work?

Answer» C. HMC

What is the full form of ATC?

A. Automatic tool changer
B. Arranged tool changer
C. Automatic tool controller
D. Arranged tool controller
Answer» A. Automatic tool changer

In which system we get feedback?

A. Open-loop system
B. Machine control system
C. Closed-loop system
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Closed-loop system

How many maximum tools can ATC hold?

A. 60
B. 80
C. 90
D. 100
Answer» B. 80

In the CNC machine which device used to hold the workpiece?

A. Automatic pallet changer
B. Automatic work part positioner
C. A & B both
D. None of the above
Answer» C. A & B both

In a CAD package, mirror image of a 2D point P (5, 10) is to be obtained about a line which passes through the origin and makes an angle of 45° counterclockwise with the X-axis. The coordinates of the transformed point will be

A. (7.5, 5)
B. (10, 5)
C. (7.5, -5)
D. (10, -5)
Answer» B. (10, 5)

NC contouring is an example of

A. Continuous path positioning
B. Point-to-point positioning
C. Absolute positioning
D. Incremental positioning
Answer» A. Continuous path positioning

With reference to NC machines, which of the following statements is wrong

A. Both closed-loop and open-loop control systems are used
B. Paper tapes, floppy tapes and cassettes are used for data storage
C. Digitizers may be used as interactive input devices
D. Post processor is an item of hardware
Answer» C. Digitizers may be used as interactive input devices

In finish machining of an island on a casting with CNC milling machine, an end mill with 10 mm diameter is employed. The corner points of the island are represented by (0, 0), (0, 30), (50, 30) and (50, 0). By applying cutter radius right compensation, the trajectory of the cutter will be

A. (-5, 0), (-5, 35), (55, 35), (55,-5), (-5,-5)
B. (0,-5), (55,-5), (55, 35), (-5, 35), (-5,-5)
C. (5, 5), (5, 25), (45, 25), (45, 5), (5, 5)
D. (5, 5), (45, 5), (45, 25), (5, 25), (5, 5)
Answer» A. (-5, 0), (-5, 35), (55, 35), (55,-5), (-5,-5)

The lost motion in CNC machine tool is on account of

A. Backlash in gearing
B. Wind-up of drive shafts
C. Deflection of machine tool members
D. All the above
Answer» A. Backlash in gearing
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