Business Ethics and CSR Solved MCQs


a variety of situation.

A. values
B. Ethics
C. emotions
D. none of these
Answer» A. values

terminal values represent

A. the end state or the purpose of a person\s
B. means for achiving desired result
C. unachiveable goals
D. none of these
Answer» A. the end state or the purpose of a person\s

Discrimination on the basis of age ,gender, religion relates to values in context of

B. Finance & accounting
C. Sales & marketing
D. Production
Answer» A. HRM

"All actions that maximize the goods are right actions" this statement relates to

A. consequentialist
B. deontological theory
C. motivational theory
D. none of these
Answer» A. consequentialist

regardless of their consequences

A. deontological theory
B. consequentialist
C. motivational theory
D. none of these
Answer» A. deontological theory

concept of DHARMA includes

A. right way of living
B. devine law
C. path or righteousness
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

…………….. means an action done at the spur of a moment or time in the present tense which instanteously bears the fruit

A. kriyaman kerma
B. Sanchit kerma
C. prarbdh kerma
D. none of these
Answer» A. kriyaman kerma

…………….. are the action out of accumulated sanchit kerma

A. kaiyaman kerma
B. prarbdh kerma
C. Sanchit kerma
D. none of these
Answer» B. prarbdh kerma

nishkam kerma refers to

A. action relates to detached involvement
B. actiona related to attached involvement with the
C. action relats to both world
D. none of these
Answer» A. action relates to detached involvement

the stressors like anxiety that leads to action and performance is ………………..

A. eustress
B. distress
C. frustration
D. none of these
Answer» A. eustress

Lewin's model relates to 

A. change management
B. performance management
C. ethical management
D. customer relationship
Answer» A. change management

Elements of transformation are 

A. structural change
B. technological change
C. people change
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The process of attempts to make change permanent

A. unfreezing
B. refreezing
C. change or moving
D. deep freezing
Answer» B. refreezing

components of success includes  

A. happiness
B. achivement
C. significance
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

increase in profitability potential by companies relates to

A. social progress
B. personal progress
C. economic progress
D. environmental progress
Answer» C. economic progress

discretionary responsibilities relates to

A. philanthropy
B. ethical responsibity
C. legal responsibilities
D. economic responsibilities
Answer» A. philanthropy

legal responsibilities relates to

A. just and fair practicies
B. obey the laws of land
C. attain economic goals
D. do good to others
Answer» B. obey the laws of land

corporate social responsibility leads to

A. long run survival of bussines
B. improvement in public image
C. helps in avoiding government interferance
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Three tier redressal system for handling the grevances relates to

A. sale of good act 1930
B. consumer protection act 1986
C. competition act 2002
D. none of these
Answer» B. consumer protection act 1986

case of any damage occurred to him

A. right to seek redressal
B. right to be heard
C. right to safety
D. informed
Answer» A. right to seek redressal

which one indicate the first stage of stress

A. resistance
B. alarm
C. exhaustion
D. none of these
Answer» B. alarm

As a man sows, so shall he reap. This is

A. law of nature
B. law of ethics
C. law of karma
D. none of these
Answer» C. law of karma

wisdom can be……………….

A. taught
B. learned & earned
C. acquired
D. none of these
Answer» B. learned & earned

Well governing group of workers who voluntarily meet regularly is

A. Quality Circle
B. Total Quality Management
C. Six sigma
D. Kaizen
Answer» A. Quality Circle

Tat tvam asi means

A. you are that supreme
B. lok sangrah
C. sakam kerma
D. world is illusion
Answer» A. you are that supreme

knowlegde workers are ………

A. product of education and traning
B. use equiptment & software in making decision
C. help in solving problems
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Guidelines for ethical behaviour are

A. obey the law
B. tell the truth
C. above all do not harm
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

What is the full form of TQM ?

A. Total quantity management
B. Total quality mismanagement
C. Total quality management
D. typical quality management
Answer» C. Total quality management

Aham brahmasi means

A. lok sangrah
B. I have immense potential,I can make the impossible
C. world is illusion
D. sakam kerma
Answer» B. I have immense potential,I can make the impossible

karma has been derives from the sanskrit word ……….

A. pri
B. kri
C. shi
D. karu
Answer» B. kri
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