
190+ Critical Reasoning, Writing and Presentation Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) , Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English) .


Which of the following is essential for developing critical thinking?

A. Blind faith
B. prejudice
C. questioning attitude
D. none of these
Answer» C. questioning attitude

Critical thinking helps us to………

A. Deviate
B. focus
C. accept everything
D. develop ego
Answer» B. focus

To become a good decision maker, one has to develop

A. Bia
B. dependance on others
C. irrationality
D. critical thinking
Answer» D. critical thinking

Which of the following is not a barrier to critical thinking?

A. print media
B. elders
C. courage
D. influence of print and electronic media
Answer» C. courage

Which of the following is not a barrier to critical thinking?

A. fear
B. ego
C. emotions
D. free thinking
Answer» D. free thinking

In critical thinking,we are concerned with……….

A. opinion
B. ego centrism
C. argument
D. personal interest
Answer» C. argument

To attempt to persuade by giving good reason is to give ……….

A. argument
B. suggestion
C. opinion
D. preference
Answer» A. argument

An argument is always backed by………

A. emotion
B. ego
C. evidence
D. criticism
Answer» C. evidence

The principal claim of an argument is called………..

A. premise
B. Evidence
C. conclusion
D. Signposts
Answer» C. conclusion

The supporting statement of an argument is known as

A. premise
B. conclusion
C. logic
D. reason
Answer» A. premise

to call a string of statements, arguments, they must be

A. related
B. short
C. different
D. none of the above
Answer» A. related

The expressions that are used to differentiate between the premises and conclusions of an argument is called

A. Indicator word
B. principal claim
C. Supporting statements
D. Evidence
Answer» A. Indicator word

Which of the following is a criterion for evaluating an argument?

A. Truth content
B. indicator words
C. sign posts
D. emotional content
Answer» A. Truth content

An argument should have…………..to consider it as a valid argument.

A. Logical structure
B. proper nouns
C. interesting facts
D. none of these
Answer» A. Logical structure

There are mainly ……… types of arguments

A. One
B. three
C. seven
D. two
Answer» D. two

The conclusion is guaranteed to be true in ………..argument

A. Logical
B. inductive
C. formal
D. Deductive
Answer» D. Deductive

An argument is rendered invalid when it lacks

A. Logical support
B. indicator words
C. emotions
D. none of the above
Answer» A. Logical support

……………is a lexical ambiguity.

A. Equivocation
B. ambhi body
C. straw man fallacy
D. composition
Answer» A. Equivocation

Fallacy of ambhibody is a ………….. fallacy.

A. Syntactic
B. lexical
C. logical
D. rational
Answer» A. Syntactic

The fallacy of attributing the property of parts of a thing to the whole thing is called…………

A. Fallacy of Composition
B. fallacy of relevance
C. Fallacy of division
D. complex Question
Answer» A. Fallacy of Composition

When we attribute the properties of the part to the whole, we have

A. Fallacy of emotion
B. fallacy of Composition
C. Fallacy of division
D. Fallacy of Fragments
Answer» C. Fallacy of division

Distorting author’s speech by shifting emphasis to one’s own benefit results in……..

A. Fallacy of emphasi
B. Straw ma fallacy
C. begging the Question
D. Division
Answer» A. Fallacy of emphasi

……….is an extreme sort of fallacy of emphasis

A. Ad hominem
B. Argumentum ad Populam
C. Straw man
D. Red herring
Answer» D. Red herring

Introduction of a topic different from the topic under consideration to divert attention is called …………..

A. Ad hominem
B. Argumentum ad Populam
C. Straw man
D. Red herring
Answer» D. Red herring

A poorly based premise or an inadequately supported conclusion leads to the …………….

A. Fallacy of Ambiguity
B. Unwarranted assumption
C. fallacy of relevance
D. fallacy of Composition
Answer» B. Unwarranted assumption

When the conclusion of an argument is already assumed in its premises, it leads to ….fallacy

A. Complex queestion
B. Begging the Question
C. Appeal to pity
D. Ad Hominem
Answer» B. Begging the Question

The assumption that ‘the repeated occurance of an event that departs from the expected norm indicates that the event will soon’ leads to ………….

A. Gambler’s fallacy
B. Begging the Question
C. Appeal to pity
D. Ad Hominem
Answer» A. Gambler’s fallacy

When we do not mention all the alternatives there are to choose from, but mention only some, we commit the fallacy of…………..

A. False diachotomy
B. Gambler’s fallacy
C. Begging the Question
D. Appeal to pity
Answer» A. False diachotomy

…………….fallacy is known as ‘look who’s talking fallacy’

A. False diachotomy
B. Gambler’s fallacy
C. Begging the Question
D. Tu Quoque
Answer» D. Tu Quoque

We appeal to ………in ‘argumentum ad populum’

A. Emotion
B. pity
C. fear
D. Ignorance
Answer» A. Emotion

We appeal to ………in ‘Argumentum ad Misericordiam’

A. Emotion
B. pity
C. fear
D. Ignorance
Answer» B. pity

Since is an indicator word for ……………..

A. conclusion
B. premise
C. opinion
D. suggestion
Answer» B. premise

………..fallacy is an appeal to force

A. Argumentum ad Misericordiam
B. argumentum ad populum
C. argumentum ad Baculum
D. argumentum ad Ignoratium
Answer» C. argumentum ad Baculum

When we say that something is true or false because it cannot be proved the other way , we commit the fallacy of………….

A. Argumentum ad Misericordiam
B. argumentum ad populum
C. argumentum ad Baculum
D. argumentum ad Ignoratiam
Answer» D. argumentum ad Ignoratiam

‘ Ignoratio elenchi’ is caused by ……………

A. irrelevant conclusion
B. pity
C. fear
D. Ignorance
Answer» A. irrelevant conclusion

Argumentum ad verecundiam is caused by appealing to

A. irrelevant conclusion
B. pity
C. fear
D. Inappropriate authority
Answer» D. Inappropriate authority

When the conclusion does not follow from the premises we have ………. Fallacy

A. False diachotomy
B. Gambler’s fallacy
C. Begging the Question
D. Non Sequitur
Answer» A. False diachotomy

‘Non Sequitur’ means ……..in latin

A. does not follow
B. look who is talking
C. Inappropriate authority
D. divine fallacy
Answer» A. does not follow

The fallacy of considering event ‘x’ as the cause of event ‘y’ only because ‘y’ occurred after ‘X’ is known as

A. False diachotomy
B. Gambler’s fallacy
C. post hoc
D. Tu Quoque
Answer» C. post hoc

The argument that the event ‘Y’ must inevitably follow from the event ‘X’ without enough justification for support is called

A. Slippery Slope
B. Gambler’s fallacy
C. post hoc
D. Tu Quoque
Answer» A. Slippery Slope

When we ask for justifications, we are thinking

A. critically
B. emotionally
C. foolishly
D. academicaly
Answer» A. critically

The supported statements of an argument is called

A. Sign
B. conclusion
C. premise
D. validity
Answer» B. conclusion

Critical thinking is based on

A. emotion
B. science
C. reason
D. philosophy
Answer» C. reason

Logical content ensures the……………… of an argument.

A. Validity
B. beauty
C. value
D. power
Answer» A. Validity

Thed truth of the conclusion is guaranteed in

A. argument
B. deductive argument
C. fallacies
D. inductive argument
Answer» B. deductive argument

When we go wrong factually in an argument ,we have……………..

A. logical fallacie
B. ambiguity
C. factual fallacy
D. error
Answer» C. factual fallacy

…………..is a syntactic fallacy

A. Equivocation
B. strawman
C. Ambhiboly
D. Composition
Answer» C. Ambhiboly

Informal fallacies are classified into…………

A. 5
B. 3
C. 8
D. 2
Answer» B. 3

All the formal fallacies belong to the group of

A. nonsequitar fallacy
B. equivocation
C. persuation
D. begging the question
Answer» A. nonsequitar fallacy

Deliberative persuasion is associated with the

A. past
B. future
C. present
D. infinity
Answer» B. future

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