330+ Communication Engineering Solved MCQs


Coherent PSK and non coherent orthogonal FSK have a difference of               in PB.

A. 1db
B. 3db
C. 4db
D. 6db
Answer» C. 4db
Explanation: the difference of pb is approximately 4db for the best ( coherent psk ) and the worst (non coherent orthogonal fsk).

Which is easier to implement and is preferred?

A. coherent system
B. non coherent system
C. coherent & non coherent system
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. non coherent system
Explanation: a non coherent system is desirable because there may be difficulty is establishing and maintaining a coherent reference.

Which is the main system consideration?

A. probability of error
B. system complexity
C. random fading channel
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: the major system considerations are error probability, complexity and random fading channel. considering all this non coherent system is more desirable than coherent.

Self information should be

A. positive
B. negative
C. positive & negative
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. positive
Explanation: self information is always non negative.

The unit of average mutual information is

A. bits
B. bytes
C. bits per symbol
D. bytes per symbol
Answer» A. bits
Explanation: the unit of average mutual information is bits.

When probability of error during transmission is 0.5, it indicates that

A. channel is very noisy
B. no information is received
C. channel is very noisy & no information is received
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. channel is very noisy & no information is received
Explanation: when probability of error during transmission is 0.5 then the channel is very noisy and thus no information is received.

The event with minimum probability has least number of bits.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: in binary huffman coding the event with maximum probability has least number of bits.

The method of converting a word to stream of bits is called as

A. binary coding
B. source coding
C. bit coding
D. cipher coding
Answer» B. source coding
Explanation: source coding is the method of converting a word to stream of bits that is 0’s and 1’s.

When the base of the logarithm is 2, then the unit of measure of information is

A. bits
B. bytes
C. nats
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. bits
Explanation: when the base of the logarithm is 2 then the unit of measure of information is bits.

When X and Y are statistically independent, then I (x,y) is

A. 1
B. 0
C. ln 2
D. cannot be determined
Answer» B. 0
Explanation: when x and y are statistically independent the measure of information i (x,y) is 0.

The self information of random variable is

A. 0
B. 1
C. infinite
D. cannot be determined
Answer» C. infinite
Explanation: the self information of a random variable is infinity.

Entropy of a random variable is

A. 0
B. 1
C. infinite
D. cannot be determined
Answer» C. infinite
Explanation: entropy of a random variable is also infinity.

Which is more efficient method?

A. encoding each symbol of a block
B. encoding block of symbols
C. encoding each symbol of a block & encoding block of symbols
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. encoding block of symbols
Explanation: encoding block of symbols is more efficient than encoding each symbol of a block.

Lempel-Ziv algorithm is

A. variable to fixed length algorithm
B. fixed to variable length algorithm
C. fixed to fixed length algorithm
D. variable to variable length algorithm
Answer» A. variable to fixed length algorithm
Explanation: lempel-ziv algorithm is a variable to fixed length algorithm.

While recovering signal, which gets attenuated more?

A. low frequency component
B. high frequency component
C. low & high frequency component
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. high frequency component
Explanation: high frequency components are attenuated more when compared to low frequency components while recovering the signals.

Mutual information should be

A. positive
B. negative
C. positive & negative
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. positive & negative
Explanation: mutual information can also be negative.

ASCII code is a

A. fixed length code
B. variable length code
C. fixed & variable length code
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. fixed length code
Explanation: ascii code is a fixed length code. it has a fixed length of 7 bits.

Which reduces the size of the data?

A. source coding
B. channel coding
C. source & channel coding
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. source coding
Explanation: source coding reduces the size of the data and channel coding increases the size of the data.

In digital image coding which image must be smaller in size?

A. input image
B. output image
C. input & output image
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. output image
Explanation: in digital image coding, output image must be smaller than the input image.

Which coding method uses entropy coding?

A. lossless coding
B. lossy coding
C. lossless & lossy coding
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. lossy coding
Explanation: lossy source coding uses entropy coding.

Which achieves greater compression?

A. lossless coding
B. lossy coding
C. lossless & lossy coding
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. lossy coding
Explanation: lossy coding achieves greater compression where as lossless coding achieves only moderate compression.

Which are uniquely decodable codes?

A. fixed length codes
B. variable length codes
C. fixed & variable length codes
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. fixed length codes
Explanation: fixed length codes are uniquely decodable codes where as variable length codes may or may not be uniquely decodable.

A rate distortion function is a

A. concave function
B. convex function
C. increasing function
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. convex function
Explanation: a rate distortion function is a monotone decreasing function and also a convex function.

Which of the following algorithms is the best approach for solving Huffman codes?

A. exhaustive search
B. greedy algorithm
C. brute force algorithm
D. divide and conquer algorithm
Answer» B. greedy algorithm
Explanation: greedy algorithm is the best approach for solving the huffman codes problem since it greedily searches for an optimal solution.

How many printable characters does the ASCII character set consists of?

A. 120
B. 128
C. 100
D. 98
Answer» C. 100
Explanation: out of 128 characters in an ascii set, roughly, only 100 characters are printable while the rest are non-printable.

Which bit is reserved as a parity bit in an ASCII set?

A. first
B. seventh
C. eighth
D. tenth
Answer» C. eighth
Explanation: in an ascii character set, seven bits are reserved for character representation while the eighth bit is a parity bit.

How many bits are needed for standard encoding if the size of the character set is X?

A. log x
B. x+1
C. 2x
D. x2
Answer» A. log x
Explanation: if the size of the character set is x, then [log x] bits are needed for representation in a standard encoding.

The code length does not depend on the frequency of occurrence of characters.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: the code length depends on the frequency of occurrence of characters. the more frequent the character occurs, the less is the length of the code.

From the following given tree, what is the code word for the character ‘a’?

A. 011
B. 010
C. 100
D. 101
Answer» A. 011
Explanation: by recording the path of the node from root to leaf, the code word for character ‘a’ is found to be 011.

From the following given tree, what is the computed codeword for ‘c’?

A. 111
B. 101
C. 110
D. 011
Answer» C. 110
Explanation: by recording the path of the node from root to leaf, assigning left branch as 0 and right branch as 1, the codeword for c is 110.

What will be the cost of the code if character ci is at depth di and occurs at frequency fi?

A. cifi
B. ∫cifi
C. ∑fidi
D. fidi
Answer» C. ∑fidi
Explanation: if character ci is at depth di and occurs at frequency fi, the cost of the codeword obtained is ∑fidi.

An optimal code will always be present in a full tree.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: an optimal tree will always

The type of encoding where no character code is the prefix of another character code is called?

A. optimal encoding
B. prefix encoding
C. frequency encoding
D. trie encoding
Answer» B. prefix encoding
Explanation: even if the character codes are of different lengths, the encoding where no character code is the prefix of another character code is called prefix encoding.

What is the running time of the Huffman encoding algorithm?

A. o(c)
B. o(log c)
C. o(c log c)
D. o( n log c)
Answer» C. o(c log c)
Explanation: if we maintain the trees in a priority queue, ordered by weight, then the running time is given by o(c log c).

What is the running time of the Huffman algorithm, if its implementation of the priority queue is done using linked lists?

A. o(c)
B. o(log c)
C. o(c log c)
D. o(c2)
Answer» D. o(c2)
Explanation: if the implementation of the priority queue is done using linked lists, the running time of huffman algorithm is o(c2).

Notch is a                  

A. high pass filter
B. low pass filter
C. band stop filter
D. band pass filter
Answer» C. band stop filter
Explanation: notch filter is a band stop filter that allows most frequencies to pass through it, except frequencies in a specific range. it is just opposite of a band-pass filter. high pass filter allows higher frequencies to pass while low pass filter allows lower frequencies to pass through it.

Sin wave is                  

A. aperiodic signal
B. periodic signal
C. random signal
D. deterministic signal
Answer» B. periodic signal
Explanation: periodic signal is that which repeats itself after a regular interval. sin wave is a periodic function since it’s value can be determined at any point of time, as it repeats itself at a regular interval. aperiodic signal does not repeat itself at regular interval of time. random signals are the signals which have uncertain values at any time. while deterministic signals are the signals which are constant over a period of time.

What is the role of channel in communication system?

A. acts as a medium to send message signals from transmitter to receiver
B. converts one form of signal to other
C. allows mixing of signals
D. helps to extract original signal from incoming signal
Answer» A. acts as a medium to send message signals from transmitter to receiver
Explanation: channel acts as a medium to transmit message signal from source transmitter to the destination receiver.

Sum of a periodic and aperiodic signal always be an aperiodic signal.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: periodic signal is a signal which repeats itself after a regular interval. while aperiodic signal does not repeat itself at regular interval of time.

Noise is added to a signal                  

A. in the channel
B. at receiving antenna
C. at transmitting antenna
D. during regeneration of information
Answer» A. in the channel
Explanation: noise is an unwanted signal that gets mixed with the transmitted signal while passing through the channel. the noise interferes with the signal and provides distortion in received signal. the transmitting antenna transmits modulated message signal while the receiving antenna receives the transmitted signal. regeneration of information refers to demodulating the received signal to produce the original message signal.

Agreement between communication devices are called                  

A. transmission medium
B. channel
C. protocol
D. modem
Answer» C. protocol
Explanation: protocol is a set of rules that looks after data communication, by acting as an agreement between communication devices. channel is the transmission medium or the path through which information travels. modem is a device that modulates and demodulates data.

What is the advantage of superheterodyning?

A. high selectivity and sensitivity
B. low bandwidth
C. low adjacent channel rejection
D. low fidelity
Answer» A. high selectivity and sensitivity
Explanation: the main advantage of superheterodyning is that it provides high selectivity and sensitivity. it’s bandwidth remains same. it has high adjacent channel rejection and high fidelity.

Low frequency noise is                  

A. flicker noise
B. shot noise
C. thermal noise
D. partition noise
Answer» A. flicker noise
Explanation: flicker noise is a type of electronic noise which is generated due to fluctuations in the density of carrier. it’s also known as 1/f as it’s power spectral density increases with a decrease in frequency or increase in offset from a signal.

Relationship between amplitude and frequency is represented by                  

A. time-domain plot
B. phase-domain plot
C. frequency-domain plot
D. amplitude-domain plot
Answer» C. frequency-domain plot
Explanation: relationship between amplitude and frequency is represented by a frequency-domain plot. also, it represents the

A function f(x) is even, when?

A. f(x) = -f(x)
B. f(x) = f(-x)
C. f(x) = -f(x)f(-x)
D. f(x) = f(x)f(-x)
Answer» B. f(x) = f(-x)
Explanation: geometrically a function f(x) is even, if plot of the function is symmetric over y-axis. algebraically, for any function f(x) to be even, f(x) = f(-x).

The minimum nyquist bandwidth needed for baseband transmission of Rs symbols per second is

A. rs
B. 2rs
C. rs/2
D. rs2
Answer» C. rs/2
Explanation: theoretical minimum nyquist bandwidth needed for the baseband transmission of rs symbols per second without isi is rs/2.

The capacity relationship is given by

A. c = w log2 ( 1+s/n )
B. c = 2w log2 ( 1+s/n )
C. c = w log2 ( 1-s/n )
D. c = w log10 ( 1+s/n )
Answer» A. c = w log2 ( 1+s/n )
Explanation: the capacity relationship from shannon-hartley capacity theorem is given by c = w log2 ( 1+s/n ).

Which parameter is called as Shannon limit?

A. pb/n0
B. eb/n0
C. ebn0
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. eb/n0
Explanation: there exists a limiting value for eb/n0 below which they can be no error free communication at any information rate. this eb/n0 is called as shannon limit.

Entropy is the measure of

A. amount of information at the output
B. amount of information that can be transmitted
C. number of error bits from total number of bits
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. amount of information at the output
Explanation: entropy is defined as the average amount of information per source output.

Equivocation is the

A. conditional entropy
B. joint entropy
C. individual entropy
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. conditional entropy
Explanation: shannon uses a correction factor called equivocation to account for uncertainty in the received signal. it is defined as the conditional entropy of the message x given y.

For a error free channel, conditional probability should be

A. zero
B. one
C. equal to joint probability
D. equal to individual probability
Answer» A. zero
Explanation: for a error free channel

Average effective information is obtained by

A. subtracting equivocation from entropy
B. adding equivocation with entropy
C. ratio of number of error bits by total number of bits
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. subtracting equivocation from entropy
Explanation: according to shannon the average effective information is obtained by subtracting the equivocation from the entropy of the source.

Turbo codes are

A. forward error correction codes
B. backward error correction codes
C. error detection codes
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. forward error correction codes
Explanation: turbo codes are a class of high performance forward error correction codes.

Components used for generation of turbo codes are

A. inter leavers
B. punching pattern
C. inter leavers & punching pattern
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. inter leavers & punching pattern
Explanation: there are many instances of turbo codes, using different component encoders, input/output ratios, inter leavers, punching patterns.

Decoders are connected in series.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: two elementary decoders are

The inter leaver connected between the two decoders is used to

A. remove error bursts
B. scatter error bursts
C. add error bursts
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. scatter error bursts
Explanation: an inter leaver installed between the two decoders connected in series is used to scatter error bursts.

In soft decision approach what does -127 mean?

A. certainly one
B. certainly zero
C. very likely zero
D. very likely one
Answer» B. certainly zero
Explanation: the decoder front end produces an integer for each bit in the data stream. this integer is the measure of how likely it is that the bit 0 or 1 and is called as soft bit. it ranges from -127 to 127. here -127 represents certainly zero.

In soft decision approach 100 means?

A. certainly one
B. certainly zero
C. very likely zero
D. very likely one
Answer» D. very likely one
Explanation: the decoder front end produces an integer for each bit in the data stream. this integer is the measure of how likely it is that the bit 0 or 1 and is called as soft bit. it ranges from -127 to 127. here 100 represents very likely one.

In soft decision approach 0 represents

A. certainly one
B. certainly zero
C. very likely zero
D. could be either zero or one
Answer» D. could be either zero or one
Explanation: the decoder front end produces an integer for each bit in the data stream. this integer is the measure of how likely it is that the bit 0 or 1 and is called as soft bit. it ranges from -127 to 127. here 0 represents ‘could be either zero or one’.

In layering, n layers provide service to

A. n layer
B. n-1 layer
C. n+1 layer
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. n+1 layer
Explanation: in layering n layer provides service to n+1 layer and use the service provided by n-1 layer.

Which can be used as an intermediate device in between transmitter entity and receiver entity?

A. ip router
B. microwave router
C. telephone switch
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: ip router, microwave router and telephone switch can be used as an intermediate device between communication of two entities.

Which has comparatively high frequency component?

A. sine wave
B. cosine wave
C. square wave
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. square wave
Explanation: square wave has comparatively high frequency component in them.

Which has continuous transmission?

A. asynchronous
B. synchronous
C. asynchronous & synchronous
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. synchronous
Explanation: synchronous has continuous transmission where as asynchronous have sporadic transmission.

Which requires bit transitions?

A. asynchronous
B. synchronous
C. asynchronous & synchronous
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. synchronous
Explanation: synchronous transmission needs bit transition.

In synchronous transmission, receiver must stay synchronous for

A. 4 bits
B. 8 bits
C. 9 bits
D. 16 bits
Answer» C. 9 bits
Explanation: in synchronous transmission, receiver must stay synchronous for 9 bits.

How error detection and correction is done?

A. by passing it through equalizer
B. by passing it through filter
C. by amplifying it
D. by adding redundancy bits
Answer» D. by adding redundancy bits
Explanation: error can be detected and corrected by adding additional information that is by adding redundancy bits.

Which is more efficient?

A. parity check
B. cyclic redundancy check
C. parity & cyclic redundancy check
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. cyclic redundancy check
Explanation: cyclic redundancy check is more efficient than parity check.

Which can detect two bit errors?

A. parity check
B. cyclic redundancy check
C. parity & cyclic redundancy check
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. cyclic redundancy check
Explanation: crc is more powerful and it can detect various kind of errors like 2 bit errors.

CRC uses

A. multiplication
B. binary division
C. multiplication & binary division
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. multiplication & binary division
Explanation: crc uses more math like multiplication and binary division.

Block codes can achieve a larger coding gain than convolution coding.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: convolution code can achieve a larger coding gain that can be achieved using a block coding with the same complexity.

Which of the following indicates the number of input bits that the current output is dependent upon?

A. constraint length
B. code length
C. search window
D. information rate
Answer» A. constraint length
Explanation: constraint length determines the number of input data bits that the current output is dependent upon. the constraint length determines how powerful and complex the code is.

Which of the following is not a way to represent convolution code?

A. state diagram
B. trellis diagram
C. tree diagram
D. linear matrix
Answer» D. linear matrix
Explanation: linear matrix is not a way to represent convolution code. various ways of representing convolution codes are generator matrix, generator polynomial, logic tables, state diagram, tree diagram and trellis diagram.

Which of the following is not an algorithm for decoding convolution codes?

A. viterbi algorithm
B. stack algorithm
C. fano’s sequential coding
D. ant colony optimization
Answer» D. ant colony optimization
Explanation: there are a number of techniques for decoding convolution codes. the most important of these methods is viterbi algorithm. other decoding algorithms for convolutional codes are fano’s sequential coding, stack algorithm and feedback coding.

Fano’s algorithm searches all the paths of trellis diagram at same time to find the most probable path.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: fano’s algorithm searches for the most probable path through the trellis diagram by examining one path at a time. the error rate performance of fano’s algorithm is comparable to viterbi’s algorithm.

Which of the following is not an advantage of Fano’s algorithm in comparison to Viterbi’s algorithm?

A. less storage
B. large constraint length
C. error rate
D. small delays
Answer» D. small delays
Explanation: in comparison to viterbi decoding, sequential decoding has a significantly larger delay. in advantage over viterbi decoding is that it requires less storage, and thus codes with larger constraint lengths can be employed.

In comparison to stack algorithm, Fano’s algorithm is simpler.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: in comparison to fano’s

Which of the following is not an error correction and detection code?

A. block code
B. convolutional codes
C. passive codes
D. turbo codes
Answer» C. passive codes
Explanation: there are three basic types of error correction and detection codes. they are block codes, convolutional codes and turbo codes. a channel coder operates on digital message data by encoding the source information into a code sequence.

Which decoding method involves the evaluation by means of Fano’s algorithm?

A. maximum likelihood decoding
B. sequential decoding
C. maximum a priori
D. minimum mean square
Answer» B. sequential decoding
Explanation: fano’s algorithm involves sequential decoding. it searches for the most probable path through the trellis by examining one path at a time.

In Viterbi’s algorithm, the selected paths are regarded as                      

A. survivors
B. defenders
C. destroyers
D. carriers
Answer» A. survivors
Explanation: in viterbi’s algorithm, the selected paths are regarded as survivors. the path thus defined is unique and corresponds to the decoded output.

Pseudorandom signal                  predicted.

A. can be
B. cannot be
C. maybe
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. can be
Explanation: random signals cannot be predicted whereas pseudorandom sequence can be predicted.

The properties used for pseudorandom sequence are

A. balance
B. run
C. correlation
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: the three basic properties that can be applied for pseudorandom sequence are balance, run and correlation properties.

The shift register needs to be controlled by clock pulses.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: the shift register operation is controlled by clock pulses.

A linear feedback shift register consists of

A. feedback path
B. modulo 2 adder
C. four stage register
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: a linear feedback shift register

If the initial pulse of 1000 is fed to shift register, after how many clock pulses does the sequence repeat?

A. 15
B. 16
C. 14
D. 17
Answer» A. 15
Explanation: if the initial pulse 1000 is given to shift register, the foregoing sequence repeats after 15 clock pulses.

The sequences produced by shift register depends on

A. number of stages
B. feedback tap connections
C. initial conditions
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: the sequences produced by shift register depends on the number of stages, the feedback tap connections and initial conditions.

For maximal length sequence, the sequence repetition clock pulses p is given by

A. 2n + 1
B. 2n -1
C. 2n
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. 2n -1
Explanation: for maximal length sequence, produced by n stage linear feedback shift register the sequence repetition clock pulses p is given by 2n -1 .

For any cyclic shift, the auto-correlation function is equal to

A. 1/p
B. -1/p
C. –p
D. p
Answer» B. -1/p
Explanation: for any cyclic shift the auto- correlation function is equal to -1/p.

Which method is better?

A. to share same bandwidth
B. to share different bandwidth
C. to share same & different bandwidth
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. to share different bandwidth
Explanation: if the jammer noise shares the same bandwidth, the result could be destructive.

Pulse jammer consists of

A. pulse modulated excess band noise
B. pulse modulated band-limited noise
C. pulse width modulated excess band noise
D. pulse width modulated band-limited noise
Answer» B. pulse modulated band-limited noise
Explanation: pulse jammer consists of pulse modulated band-limited noise.

Which are the design options for anti jam communicator?

A. time diversity
B. frequency diversity
C. special discrimination
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: the design options for anti-jam communicator are time diversity, frequency diversity and special discrimination.

The ratio (J/S)reqd gives the measure of

A. vulnerability to interference
B. invulnerability to interference
C. all of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. invulnerability to interference
Explanation: the ratio (j/s)reqd gives the measure of how invulnerable the system is to interference.

The system should have

A. larger (j/s)reqd
B. greater system’s noise rejection capability
C. larger (j/s)reqd & greater system’s noise rejection capability
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. larger (j/s)reqd & greater system’s noise rejection capability
Explanation: the system will be efficient if it has greater (j/s)reqd and larger system’s noise rejection capability.

The broadband jammer jams the entire

A. w
B. wss
C. w & wss
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. wss
Explanation: the broadband jammer or wide-band jammer is the one which jams the entire wss with its fixed power.

To increase error probability, the processing gain should be

A. increased
B. decreased
C. exponentially increased
D. exponentially decreased
Answer» A. increased
Explanation: in a system, to increase the error probability the processing gain should be increased.

Which jamming method produces greater degradation?

A. broadband jamming
B. partial jamming
C. broadband & partial jamming
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. partial jamming
Explanation: greater degradation is possible more with partial jamming than broadband jamming.

The jammer which monitors a communicator’s signal is known as

A. frequency follower jammers
B. repeat back jammers
C. frequency follower & repeat back jammers
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. frequency follower & repeat back jammers
Explanation: the smart jammers which monitor a communicator’s signals is known as frequency follower or repeat back jammers.

DS/BPSK includes

A. despreading
B. demodulation
C. despreading & demodulation
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. despreading & demodulation
Explanation: ds/bpsk is a two step precess which includes despreading and demodulation.

In direct sequence process which step is performed first?

A. de-spreading
B. demodulation
C. despreading & demodulation
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. de-spreading
Explanation: in direct sequence process, de- spreading correlator is followed by a modulator.

Chip is defined as

A. shortest uninterrupted waveform
B. largest uninterrupted waveform
C. shortest diversion
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. shortest uninterrupted waveform
Explanation: a chip is defined as the shortest uninterrupted waveform in the system.

Processing gain is given as

A. wss/r
B. rch/r
C. wss/r & rch/r
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. wss/r & rch/r
Explanation: processing gain is given as both as the ratio of the minimum bandwidth of the data to data rate and also the by the ratio of code chip rate and data rate as minimum bandwidth is approximately equal to code chip rate.
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