400+ Data Mining and Data Warehouse Solved MCQs


__________ is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of management decisions.

A. data mining.
B. data warehousing.
C. web mining.
D. text mining.
Answer» B. data warehousing.

The data Warehouse is__________.

A. read only.
B. write only.
C. read write only.
D. none.
Answer» A. read only.

Expansion for DSS in DW is__________.

A. decision support system.
B. decision single system.
C. data storable system.
D. data support system.
Answer» A. decision support system.

The important aspect of the data warehouse environment is that data found within the data warehouse is___________.

A. subject-oriented.
B. time-variant.
C. integrated.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

The time horizon in Data warehouse is usually __________.

A. 1-2 years.
B. 3-4years.
C. 5-6 years.
D. 5-10 years.
Answer» D. 5-10 years.

The data is stored, retrieved & updated in ____________.

A. olap.
B. oltp.
C. smtp.
D. ftp.
Answer» B. oltp.

__________describes the data contained in the data warehouse.

A. relational data.
B. operational data.
C. metadata.
D. informational data.
Answer» C. metadata.

____________predicts future trends & behaviors, allowing business managers to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions.

A. data warehouse.
B. data mining.
C. datamarts.
D. metadata.
Answer» B. data mining.

__________ is the heart of the warehouse.

A. data mining database servers.
B. data warehouse database servers.
C. data mart database servers.
D. relational data base servers.
Answer» B. data warehouse database servers.

________________ is the specialized data warehouse database.

A. oracle.
B. dbz.
C. informix.
D. redbrick.
Answer» D. redbrick.

________________defines the structure of the data held in operational databases and used by operational applications.

A. user-level metadata.
B. data warehouse metadata.
C. operational metadata.
D. data mining metadata.
Answer» C. operational metadata.

________________ is held in the catalog of the warehouse database system.

A. application level metadata.
B. algorithmic level metadata.
C. departmental level metadata.
D. core warehouse metadata.
Answer» B. algorithmic level metadata.

_________maps the core warehouse metadata to business concepts, familiar and useful to end users.

A. application level metadata.
B. user level metadata.
C. enduser level metadata.
D. core level metadata.
Answer» A. application level metadata.

______consists of formal definitions, such as a COBOL layout or a database schema.

A. classical metadata.
B. transformation metadata.
C. historical metadata.
D. structural metadata.
Answer» A. classical metadata.

_____________consists of information in the enterprise that is not in classical form.

A. mushy metadata.
B. differential metadata.
C. data warehouse.
D. data mining.
Answer» A. mushy metadata.

. ______________databases are owned by particular departments or business groups.

A. informational.
B. operational.
C. both informational and operational.
D. flat.
Answer» B. operational.

The star schema is composed of __________ fact table.

A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. four.
Answer» A. one.

The time horizon in operational environment is ___________.

A. 30-60 days.
B. 60-90 days.
C. 90-120 days.
D. 120-150 days.
Answer» B. 60-90 days.

The key used in operational environment may not have an element of__________.

A. time.
B. cost.
C. frequency.
D. quality.
Answer» A. time.

Data can be updated in _____environment.

A. data warehouse.
B. data mining.
C. operational.
D. informational.
Answer» C. operational.

Record cannot be updated in _____________.

A. oltp
B. files
C. rdbms
D. data warehouse
Answer» D. data warehouse

The source of all data warehouse data is the____________.

A. operational environment.
B. informal environment.
C. formal environment.
D. technology environment.
Answer» A. operational environment.

Data warehouse contains_____________data that is never found in the operational environment.

A. normalized.
B. informational.
C. summary.
D. denormalized.
Answer» C. summary.

The modern CASE tools belong to _______ category.

A. analysis.
B. development
C. coding
D. delivery
Answer» A. analysis.

Bill Inmon has estimated___________of the time required to build a data warehouse, is consumed in the conversion process.

A. 10 percent.
B. 20 percent.
C. 40 percent
D. 80 percent.
Answer» D. 80 percent.

Detail data in single fact table is otherwise known as__________.

A. monoatomic data.
B. diatomic data.
C. atomic data.
D. multiatomic data.
Answer» C. atomic data.

_______test is used in an online transactional processing environment.

A. mega.
B. micro.
C. macro.
D. acid.
Answer» D. acid.

___________ is a good alternative to the star schema.

A. star schema.
B. snowflake schema.
C. fact constellation.
D. star-snowflake schema.
Answer» C. fact constellation.

The biggest drawback of the level indicator in the classic star-schema is that it limits_________.

A. quantify.
B. qualify.
C. flexibility.
D. ability.
Answer» C. flexibility.

A data warehouse is _____________.

A. updated by end users.
B. contains numerous naming conventions and formats
C. organized around important subject areas.
D. contains only current data.
Answer» C. organized around important subject areas.

An operational system is _____________.

A. used to run the business in real time and is based on historical data.
B. used to run the business in real time and is based on current data.
C. used to support decision making and is based on current data.
D. used to support decision making and is based on historical data.
Answer» B. used to run the business in real time and is based on current data.

The generic two-level data warehouse architecture includes __________.

A. at least one data mart.
B. data that can extracted from numerous internal and external sources.
C. near real-time updates.
D. far real-time updates.
Answer» B. data that can extracted from numerous internal and external sources.

The active data warehouse architecture includes __________

A. at least one data mart.
B. data that can extracted from numerous internal and external sources.
C. near real-time updates.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Reconciled data is ___________.

A. data stored in the various operational systems throughout the organization.
B. current data intended to be the single source for all decision support systems.
C. data stored in one operational system in the organization.
D. data that has been selected and formatted for end-user support applications.
Answer» B. current data intended to be the single source for all decision support systems.

The extract process is ______.

A. capturing all of the data contained in various operational systems.
B. capturing a subset of the data contained in various operational systems.
C. capturing all of the data contained in various decision support systems.
D. capturing a subset of the data contained in various decision support systems.
Answer» B. capturing a subset of the data contained in various operational systems.

Data scrubbing is _____________.

A. a process to reject data from the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes.
B. a process to load the data in the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes.
C. a process to upgrade the quality of data after it is moved into a data warehouse.
D. a process to upgrade the quality of data before it is moved into a data warehouse
Answer» D. a process to upgrade the quality of data before it is moved into a data warehouse

The load and index is ______________.

A. a process to reject data from the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes.
B. a process to load the data in the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes.
C. a process to upgrade the quality of data after it is moved into a data warehouse.
D. a process to upgrade the quality of data before it is moved into a data warehouse.
Answer» B. a process to load the data in the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes.

Data transformation includes __________.

A. a process to change data from a detailed level to a summary level.
B. a process to change data from a summary level to a detailed level.
C. joining data from one source into various sources of data.
D. separating data from one source into various sources of data.
Answer» A. a process to change data from a detailed level to a summary level.

____________ is called a multifield transformation.

A. converting data from one field into multiple fields.
B. converting data from fields into field.
C. converting data from double fields into multiple fields.
D. converting data from one field to one field.
Answer» A. converting data from one field into multiple fields.

The type of relationship in star schema is __________________.

A. many-to-many.
B. one-to-one.
C. one-to-many.
D. many-to-one.
Answer» C. one-to-many.

Fact tables are ___________.

A. completely demoralized.
B. partially demoralized.
C. completely normalized.
D. partially normalized.
Answer» C. completely normalized.

_______________ is the goal of data mining.

A. to explain some observed event or condition.
B. to confirm that data exists.
C. to analyze data for expected relationships.
D. to create a new data warehouse.
Answer» A. to explain some observed event or condition.

Business Intelligence and data warehousing is used for ________.

A. forecasting.
B. data mining.
C. analysis of large volumes of product sales data.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

The data administration subsystem helps you perform all of the following, except__________.

A. backups and recovery.
B. query optimization.
C. security management.
D. create, change, and delete information.
Answer» D. create, change, and delete information.

The most common source of change data in refreshing a data warehouse is _______.

A. queryable change data.
B. cooperative change data.
C. logged change data.
D. snapshot change data.
Answer» A. queryable change data.

________ are responsible for running queries and reports against data warehouse tables.

A. hardware.
B. software.
C. end users.
D. middle ware.
Answer» C. end users.

Query tool is meant for __________.

A. data acquisition.
B. information delivery.
C. information exchange.
D. communication.
Answer» A. data acquisition.

Classification rules are extracted from _____________.

A. root node.
B. decision tree.
C. siblings.
D. branches.
Answer» B. decision tree.

Dimensionality reduction reduces the data set size by removing ____________.

A. relevant attributes.
B. irrelevant attributes.
C. derived attributes.
D. composite attributes.
Answer» B. irrelevant attributes.

___________ is a method of incremental conceptual clustering.

A. corba.
B. olap.
C. cobweb.
D. sting.
Answer» C. cobweb.

Effect of one attribute value on a given class is independent of values of other attribute is called _________.

A. value independence.
B. class conditional independence.
C. conditional independence.
D. unconditional independence.
Answer» A. value independence.

The main organizational justification for implementing a data warehouse is to provide ______.

A. cheaper ways of handling transportation.
B. decision support.
C. storing large volume of data.
D. access to data.
Answer» C. storing large volume of data.

Multidimensional database is otherwise known as____________.

A. rdbms
B. dbms
C. extended rdbms
D. extended dbms
Answer» B. dbms

Data warehouse architecture is based on ______________.

A. dbms.
B. rdbms.
C. sybase.
D. sql server.
Answer» B. rdbms.

Source data from the warehouse comes from _______________.

A. ods.
B. tds.
C. mddb.
D. ordbms.
Answer» A. ods.

________________ is a data transformation process.

A. comparison.
B. projection.
C. selection.
D. filtering.
Answer» D. filtering.

The technology area associated with CRM is _______________.

A. specialization.
B. generalization.
C. personalization.
D. summarization.
Answer» C. personalization.

SMP stands for _______________.

A. symmetric multiprocessor.
B. symmetric multiprogramming.
C. symmetric metaprogramming.
D. symmetric microprogramming.
Answer» A. symmetric multiprocessor.

__________ are designed to overcome any limitations placed on the warehouse by the nature of the relational data model.

A. operational database.
B. relational database.
C. multidimensional database.
D. data repository.
Answer» C. multidimensional database.

MDDB stands for ___________.

A. multiple data doubling.
B. multidimensional databases.
C. multiple double dimension.
D. multi-dimension doubling.
Answer» B. multidimensional databases.

______________ is data about data.

A. metadata.
B. microdata.
C. minidata.
D. multidata.
Answer» A. metadata.

___________ is an important functional component of the metadata.

A. digital directory.
B. repository.
C. information directory.
D. data dictionary.
Answer» C. information directory.

EIS stands for ______________.

A. extended interface system.
B. executive interface system.
C. executive information system.
D. extendable information system.
Answer» C. executive information system.

___________ is data collected from natural systems.

A. mri scan.
B. ods data.
C. statistical data.
D. historical data.
Answer» A. mri scan.

_______________ is an example of application development environments.

A. visual basic.
B. oracle.
C. sybase.
D. sql server.
Answer» A. visual basic.

The term that is not associated with data cleaning process is ______.

A. domain consistency.
B. deduplication.
C. disambiguation.
D. segmentation.
Answer» D. segmentation.

____________ are some popular OLAP tools.

A. metacube, informix.
B. oracle express, essbase.
C. holap.
D. molap.
Answer» A. metacube, informix.

Capability of data mining is to build ___________ models.

A. retrospective.
B. interrogative.
C. predictive.
D. imperative.
Answer» C. predictive.

_____________ is a process of determining the preference of customer's majority.

A. association.
B. preferencing.
C. segmentation.
D. classification.
Answer» B. preferencing.

Strategic value of data mining is ______________.

A. cost-sensitive.
B. work-sensitive.
C. time-sensitive.
D. technical-sensitive.
Answer» C. time-sensitive.

____________ proposed the approach for data integration issues.

A. ralph campbell.
B. ralph kimball.
C. john raphlin.
D. james gosling.
Answer» B. ralph kimball.

The terms equality and roll up are associated with ____________.

A. olap.
B. visualization.
C. data mart.
D. decision tree.
Answer» C. data mart.

Exceptional reporting in data warehousing is otherwise called as __________.

A. exception.
B. alerts.
C. errors.
D. bugs.
Answer» B. alerts.

____________ is a metadata repository.

A. prism solution directory manager.
B. corba.
C. stunt.
D. cobweb.
Answer» A. prism solution directory manager.

________________ is an expensive process in building an expert system.

A. analysis.
B. study.
C. design.
D. information collection.
Answer» D. information collection.

The full form of KDD is _________.

A. knowledge database.
B. knowledge discovery in database.
C. knowledge data house.
D. knowledge data definition.
Answer» B. knowledge discovery in database.

The first International conference on KDD was held in the year _____________.

A. 1996.
B. 1997.
C. 1995.
D. 1994.
Answer» C. 1995.

Removing duplicate records is a process called _____________.

A. recovery.
B. data cleaning.
C. data cleansing.
D. data pruning.
Answer» B. data cleaning.

____________ contains information that gives users an easy-to-understand perspective of the information stored in the data warehouse.

A. business metadata.
B. technical metadata.
C. operational metadata.
D. financial metadata.
Answer» A. business metadata.

_______________ helps to integrate, maintain and view the contents of the data warehousing system.

A. business directory.
B. information directory.
C. data dictionary.
D. database.
Answer» B. information directory.

Discovery of cross-sales opportunities is called ________________.

A. segmentation.
B. visualization.
C. correction.
D. association.
Answer» D. association.

Data marts that incorporate data mining tools to extract sets of data are called ______.

A. independent data mart.
B. dependent data marts.
C. intra-entry data mart.
D. inter-entry data mart.
Answer» B. dependent data marts.

____________ can generate programs itself, enabling it to carry out new tasks.

A. automated system.
B. decision making system.
C. self-learning system.
D. productivity system.
Answer» D. productivity system.

The power of self-learning system lies in __________.

A. cost.
B. speed.
C. accuracy.
D. simplicity.
Answer» C. accuracy.

Building the informational database is done with the help of _______.

A. transformation or propagation tools.
B. transformation tools only.
C. propagation tools only.
D. extraction tools.
Answer» A. transformation or propagation tools.

How many components are there in a data warehouse?

A. two.
B. three.
C. four.
D. five.
Answer» D. five.

Which of the following is not a component of a data warehouse?

A. metadata.
B. current detail data.
C. lightly summarized data.
D. component key.
Answer» D. component key.

________ is data that is distilled from the low level of detail found at the current detailed leve.

A. highly summarized data.
B. lightly summarized data.
C. metadata.
D. older detail data.
Answer» B. lightly summarized data.

Highly summarized data is _______.

A. compact and easily accessible.
B. compact and expensive.
C. compact and hardly accessible.
D. compact.
Answer» A. compact and easily accessible.

A directory to help the DSS analyst locate the contents of the data warehouse is seen in ______.

A. current detail data.
B. lightly summarized data.
C. metadata.
D. older detail data.
Answer» C. metadata.

Metadata contains atleast _________.

A. the structure of the data.
B. the algorithms used for summarization.
C. the mapping from the operational environment to the data warehouse.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Which of the following is not a old detail storage medium?

A. phot optical storage.
B. raid.
C. microfinche.
D. pen drive.
Answer» D. pen drive.

The data from the operational environment enter _______ of data warehouse.

A. current detail data.
B. older detail data.
C. lightly summarized data.
D. highly summarized data.
Answer» A. current detail data.

The data in current detail level resides till ________ event occurs.

A. purge.
B. summarization.
C. archieved.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

The dimension tables describe the _________.

A. entities.
B. facts.
C. keys.
D. units of measures.
Answer» B. facts.

The granularity of the fact is the _____ of detail at which it is recorded.

A. transformation.
B. summarization.
C. level.
D. transformation and summarization.
Answer» C. level.

Which of the following is not a primary grain in analytical modeling?

A. transaction.
B. periodic snapshot.
C. accumulating snapshot.
D. all of the above.
Answer» B. periodic snapshot.

Granularity is determined by ______.

A. number of parts to a key.
B. granularity of those parts.
C. both a and b.
D. none of the above.
Answer» C. both a and b.

___________ of data means that the attributes within a given entity are fully dependent on the entire primary key of the entity.

A. additivity.
B. granularity.
C. functional dependency.
D. dimensionality.
Answer» C. functional dependency.

A fact is said to be fully additive if ___________.

A. it is additive over every dimension of its dimensionality.
B. additive over atleast one but not all of the dimensions.
C. not additive over any dimension.
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. it is additive over every dimension of its dimensionality.
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