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The          connective tests for set membership, where the set is a collection of values produced by a select clause. The           connective tests for the absence of set membership.

A. or, in
B. not in, in
C. in, not in
D. in, or
Answer» C. in, not in

The phrase “greater than at least one” is represented in SQL by            

A. < all
B. < some
C. > all
D. > some
Answer» D. > some

SQL applies predicates in the                 clause after groups have been formed, so aggregate functions may be used.

A. group by
B. with
C. where
D. having
Answer» B. with

The                  keyword is used to access attributes of preceding tables or subqueries in the from clause.

A. in
B. lateral
C. having
D. with
Answer» B. lateral

Which of the following creates a temporary relation for the query on which it is defined?

A. with
B. from
C. where
D. select
Answer» A. with

Subqueries cannot:

A. use group by or group functions
B. retrieve data from a table different from the one in the outer query
C. join tables
D. appear in select, update, delete, insert statements.
Answer» C. join tables

Which of the following is not an aggregate function?

A. avg
B. sum
C. with
D. min
Answer» C. with

The EXISTS keyword will be true if:

A. any row in the subquery meets the condition only
B. all rows in the subquery fail the condition only
C. both of these two conditions are met
D. neither of these two conditions is met
Answer» A. any row in the subquery meets the condition only

How can you find rows that do not match some specified condition?

A. exists
B. double use of not exists
C. not exists
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. double use of not exists

Which one of the following deletes all the entries but keeps the structure of the relation.

A. delete from r where p;
B. delete from instructor where dept name= ’finance’;
C. delete from instructor where salary between 13000 and 15000;
D. delete from instructor;
Answer» D. delete from instructor;

The problem of ordering the update in multiple updates is avoided using

A. set
B. where
C. case
D. when
Answer» C. case

The        condition allows a general predicate over the relations being joined.

A. on
B. using
C. set
D. where
Answer» A. on

Which of the join operations do not preserve non matched tuples?

A. left outer join
B. right outer join
C. inner join
D. natural join
Answer» C. inner join

What type of join is needed when you wish to include rows that do not have matching values?

A. equi-join
B. natural join
C. outer join
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. outer join

How many tables may be included with a join?

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which are the join types in join condition:

A. cross join
B. natural join
C. join with using clause
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

How many join types in join condition:

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» D. 5

The operation which is not considered a basic operation of relational algebra is

A. join
B. selection
C. union
D. cross product
Answer» A. join

In SQL the statement select * from R, S is equivalent to

A. select * from r natural join s
B. select * from r cross join s
C. select * from r union join s
D. select * from r inner join s
Answer» B. select * from r cross join s

Which of the following creates a virtual relation for storing the query?

A. function
B. view
C. procedure
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. view

Materialised views make sure that

A. view definition is kept stable
B. view definition is kept up-to-date
C. view definition is verified for error
D. view is deleted after specified time
Answer» B. view definition is kept up-to-date

Updating the value of the view

A. will affect the relation from which it is defined
B. will not change the view definition
C. will not affect the relation from which it is defined
D. cannot determine
Answer» A. will affect the relation from which it is defined

Which of the following is used at the end of the view to reject the tuples which do not satisfy the condition in where clause?

A. with
B. check
C. with check
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. with check

A                    consists of a sequence of query and/or update statements.

A. transaction
B. commit
C. rollback
D. flashback
Answer» A. transaction

In order to undo the work of transaction after last commit which one should be used?

A. view
B. commit
C. rollback
D. flashback
Answer» C. rollback

In case of any shut down during transaction before commit which of the following statement is done automatically?

A. view
B. commit
C. rollback
D. flashback
Answer» C. rollback

In order to maintain the consistency during transactions, database provides

A. commit
B. atomic
C. flashback
D. retain
Answer» B. atomic

A transaction completes its execution is said to be

A. committed
B. aborted
C. rolled back
D. failed
Answer» A. committed

Which of the following is used to get back all the transactions back after rollback?

A. commit
B. rollback
C. flashback
D. redo
Answer» C. flashback

             will undo all statements up to commit?

A. transaction
B. flashback
C. rollback
D. abort
Answer» C. rollback

Which of the following is not an integrity constraint?

A. not null
B. positive
C. unique
D. check ‘predicate’
Answer» B. positive

Domain constraints, functional dependency and referential integrity are special forms of                    

A. foreign key
B. primary key
C. assertion
D. referential constraint
Answer» C. assertion

Which of the following is the right syntax for the assertion?

A. create assertion ‘assertion-name’ check ‘predicate’;
B. create assertion check ‘predicate’ ‘assertion-name’;
C. create assertions ‘predicates’;
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. create assertion ‘assertion-name’ check ‘predicate’;

Data integrity constraints are used to:

A. control who is allowed access to the data
B. ensure that duplicate records are not entered into the table
C. improve the quality of data entered for a specific property (i.e., table column)
D. prevent users from changing the values stored in the table
Answer» C. improve the quality of data entered for a specific property (i.e., table column)

Dates must be specified in the format

A. mm/dd/yy
B. yyyy/mm/dd
C. dd/mm/yy
D. yy/dd/mm
Answer» B. yyyy/mm/dd

A                  on an attribute of a relation is a data structure that allows the database system to find those tuples in the relation that have a specified value for that attribute efficiently, without scanning through all the tuples of the relation.

A. index
B. reference
C. assertion
D. timestamp
Answer» A. index

Which of the following is used to store movie and image files?

A. clob
B. blob
C. binary
D. image
Answer» B. blob

The user defined data type can be created using

A. create datatype
B. create data
C. create definetype
D. create type
Answer» D. create type

Values of one type can be converted to another domain using which of the following?

A. cast
B. drop type
C. alter type
D. convert
Answer» A. cast

Which of the following closely resembles Create view?

A. create table . . .like
B. create table . . . as
C. with data
D. create view as
Answer» B. create table . . . as

In contemporary databases, the top level of the hierarchy consists of              each of which can contain            

A. catalogs, schemas
B. schemas, catalogs
C. environment, schemas
D. schemas, environment
Answer» A. catalogs, schemas

The database administrator who authorizes all the new users, modifies the database and takes grants privilege is

A. super user
B. administrator
C. operator of operating system
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which of the following is used to provide privilege to only a particular attribute?

A. grant select on employee to amit
B. grant update(budget) on department to raj
C. grant update(budget,salary,rate) on department to raj
D. grant delete to amit
Answer» B. grant update(budget) on department to raj

Which of the following is true regarding views?

A. the user who creates a view cannot be given update authorization on a view without having update authorization on the relations used to define the view
B. the user who creates a view cannot be given update authorization on a view without having update authorization on the relations used to define the view
C. if a user creates a view on which no authorization can be granted, the system will allow the view creation request
D. a user who creates a view receives all privileges on that view
Answer» C. if a user creates a view on which no authorization can be granted, the system will allow the view creation request

If we wish to grant a privilege and to allow the recipient to pass the privilege on to other users, we append the                      clause to the appropriate grant command.

A. with grant
B. grant user
C. grant pass privelege
D. with grant option
Answer» D. with grant option

Which of the following is used to avoid cascading of authorizations from the user?

A. granted by current role
B. revoke select on department from amit, satoshi restrict;
C. revoke grant option for select on department from amit;
D. revoke select on department from amit, satoshi cascade;
Answer» B. revoke select on department from amit, satoshi restrict;

The granting and revoking of roles by the user may cause some confusions when that user role is revoked. To overcome the above situation

A. the privilege must be granted only by roles
B. the privilege is granted by roles and users
C. the user role cannot be removed once given
D. by restricting the user access to the roles
Answer» A. the privilege must be granted only by roles

Which of the following is used to access the database server at the time of executing the program and get the data from the server accordingly?

A. embedded sql
B. dynamic sql
C. sql declarations
D. sql data analysis
Answer» B. dynamic sql

Which of the following header must be included in java program to establish database connectivity using JDBC ?

A. import java.sql.*;
B. import java.sql.odbc.jdbc.*;
C. import java.jdbc.*;
D. import java.sql.jdbc.*;
Answer» A. import java.sql.*;

Which of the following invokes functions in sql?

A. prepared statements
B. connection statement
C. callable statements
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. callable statements

Which of the following function is used to find the column count of the particular resultset?

A. getmetadata()
B. metadata()
C. getcolumn()
D. get count()
Answer» A. getmetadata()

Which of the following is used as the embedded SQL in COBOL?

A. exec sql <embedded sql statement >;
B. exec sql <embedded sql statement > end-exec
C. exec sql <embedded sql statement >
D. exec sql <embedded sql statement > end exec;
Answer» B. exec sql <embedded sql statement > end-exec

Which of the following is used to distinguish the variables in SQL from the host language variables?

A. .
C. :
D. ,
Answer» B. –

Which of the following is used to access large objects from a database ?

A. setblob()
B. getblob()
C. getclob()
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

A                      is a special kind of a store procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table like insertion, deletion or updation of data.

A. procedures
B. triggers
C. functions
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. triggers

Triggers are supported in

A. delete
B. update
C. views
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. views

What are the after triggers?

A. triggers generated after a particular operation
B. these triggers run after an insert, update or delete on a table
C. these triggers run after an insert, views, update or delete on a table
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. these triggers run after an insert, update or delete on a table

The variables in the triggers are declared using

B. @
C. /
D. /@
Answer» B. @

The default extension for an Oracle SQL*Plus file is:

A. .txt
B. .pls
C. .ora
D. .sql
Answer» D. .sql

Which of the following is NOT an Oracle- supported trigger?

A. before
B. during
C. after
D. instead of
Answer» B. during

What are the different in triggers?

A. define, create
B. drop, comment
C. insert, update, delete
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. insert, update, delete

Triggers                  enabled or disabled

A. can be
B. cannot be
C. ought to be
D. always
Answer» A. can be

Which prefixes are available to Oracle triggers?

A. : new only
B. : old only
C. both :new and : old
D. neither :new nor : old
Answer» C. both :new and : old

Any recursive view must be defined as the union of two subqueries: a                query that is nonrecursive and a                      query.

A. base, recursive
B. recursive, base
C. base, redundant
D. view, base
Answer» A. base, recursive

Ranking of queries is done by which of the following?

A. group by
B. order by
C. having
D. both group by and order by
Answer» B. order by

In rank() function if one value is shared by two tuples then

A. the rank order continues as counting numbers
B. the rank order continues by leaving one rank in the middle
C. the user specifies the order
D. the order does not change
Answer» B. the rank order continues by leaving one rank in the middle

The                      function that does not create gaps in the ordering.

A. intense_rank()
B. continue_rank()
C. default_rank()
D. dense_rank()
Answer» D. dense_rank()

If there are n tuples in the partition and the rank of the tuple is r, then its                  is defined as (r −1)/(n−1).

A. ntil()
B. cum_rank
C. percent_rank
D. rank()
Answer» C. percent_rank

Inorder to simplify the null value confusion in the rank function we can specify

A. not null
B. nulls last
C. nulls first
D. either nulls last or first
Answer» D. either nulls last or first

The command                                  such tables are available only within the transaction executing the query and are dropped when the transaction finishes.

A. create table
B. create temporary table
C. create view
D. create label view
Answer» B. create temporary table

OLAP stands for

A. online analytical processing
B. online analysis processing
C. online transaction processing
D. online aggregate processing
Answer» A. online analytical processing

The process of viewing the cross-tab (Single dimensional) with a fixed value of one attribute is

A. slicing
B. dicing
C. pivoting
D. both slicing and dicing
Answer» A. slicing

The operation of moving from finer- granularity data to a coarser granularity (by means of aggregation) is called a                  

A. rollup
B. drill down
C. dicing
D. pivoting
Answer» A. rollup

In SQL the cross-tabs are created using

A. slice
B. dice
C. pivot
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. slice

What do data warehouses support?

A. olap
B. oltp
C. olap and oltp
D. operational databases
Answer» A. olap

Which one of the following is the right syntax for DECODE?

A. decode (search, expression, result [, search, result]… [, default])
B. decode (expression, result [, search, result]… [, default], search)
C. decode (search, result [, search, result]… [, default], expression)
D. decode (expression, search, result [, search, result]… [, default])
Answer» D. decode (expression, search, result [, search, result]… [, default])

Relational Algebra is a                      query language that takes two relations as input and produces another relation as an output of the query.

A. relational
B. structural
C. procedural
D. fundamental
Answer» C. procedural

Which of the following is a fundamental operation in relational algebra?

A. set intersection
B. natural join
C. assignment
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned

Which of the following is used to denote the selection operation in relational algebra?

A. pi (greek)
B. sigma (greek)
C. lambda (greek)
D. omega (greek)
Answer» B. sigma (greek)

For select operation the                  appear in the subscript and the                         argument appears in the paranthesis after the sigma.

A. predicates, relation
B. relation, predicates
C. operation, predicates
D. relation, operation
Answer» A. predicates, relation

The                        operation, denoted by −, allows us to find tuples that are in one relation but are not in another.

A. union
B. set-difference
C. difference
D. intersection
Answer» B. set-difference

Which is a unary operation:

A. selection operation
B. primitive operation
C. projection operation
D. generalized selection
Answer» D. generalized selection

Which is a join condition contains an equality operator:

A. equijoins
B. cartesian
C. natural
D. left
Answer» A. equijoins

Which of the following is not outer join?

A. left outer join
B. right outer join
C. full outer join
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

The assignment operator is denoted by

A. ->
B. <-
C. =
D. ==
Answer» B. <-

Which of the following symbol is used in the place of except?

A. ^
B. v
C. ¬
D. ~
Answer» C. ¬

Which of the following is the comparison operator in tuple relational calculus

B. =
C. ε
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. =

In domain relaional calculus “there exist”

A. (p1(x))
B. (p1(x)) Э x
C. v x (p1(x))
D. Э x (p1(x))
Answer» D. Э x (p1(x))

A set of possible data values is called

A. attribute
B. degree
C. tuple
D. domain
Answer» D. domain

An                  is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties, or attributes.

A. entity set
B. attribute set
C. relation set
D. entity model
Answer» A. entity set

Entity is a                    

A. object of relation
B. present working model
C. thing in real world
D. model of relation
Answer» C. thing in real world

The attribute name could be structured as an attribute consisting of first name, middle initial, and last name. This type of attribute is called

A. simple attribute
B. composite attribute
C. multivalued attribute
D. derived attribute
Answer» B. composite attribute

The attribute AGE is calculated from DATE_OF_BIRTH. The attribute AGE is

A. single valued
B. multi valued
C. composite
D. derived
Answer» D. derived

Not applicable condition can be represented in relation entry as

A. na
B. 0
C. null
D. blank space
Answer» C. null

Which of the following can be a multivalued attribute?

A. phone_number
B. name
C. date_of_birth
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. phone_number

Which of the following is a single valued attribute

A. register_number
B. address
C. subject_taken
D. reference
Answer» A. register_number

In a relation between the entities the type and condition of the relation should be specified. That is called as            attribute.

A. desciptive
B. derived
C. recursive
D. relative
Answer» A. desciptive

                           express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set.

A. mapping cardinality
B. relational cardinality
C. participation constraints
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. mapping cardinality

An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B, and an entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A.This is called as

A. one-to-many
B. one-to-one
C. many-to-many
D. many-to-one
Answer» B. one-to-one

An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B. An entity in B, however, can be associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in A.

A. one-to-many
B. one-to-one
C. many-to-many
D. many-to-one
Answer» D. many-to-one
Question and answers in DataBase Management System (DBMS), DataBase Management System (DBMS) multiple choice questions and answers, DataBase Management System (DBMS) Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for DataBase Management System (DBMS), DataBase Management System (DBMS) MCQs with answers PDF download