Chapter: Unit 5

What is the correct syntax in HTML for creating a link on a webpage?

A. <LINK SRC= “ghumti.html”>
B. <BODY LINK = “ghumti.html”>
C. <A SRC = “ghumti.html” >
D. < A HREF = “ghumti.html”>
Answer» D. < A HREF = “ghumti.html”>

Which of the following is an attribute of <Table> tag?


Choose the correct HTML tag to make the text bold?

A. <B>
D. Both A) and C)
Answer» D. Both A) and C)

Which HTML tag would be used to display power in expression (A+B)2 ?

A. <SUP>
B. <SUB>
C. <B>
D. <P>
Answer» A. <SUP>

Choose the correct HTML code to create an email link?

A. <A HREF = “”></A>
B. <A HREF = “”></A>
D. <A MAILHREF = “”></A>
Answer» B. <A HREF = “”></A>

Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading?

A. <H1>
B. <H6>
C. <H10>
Answer» A. <H1>

Output of XML document can be viewed in a

A. Word Processor
B. Web browser
C. Notepad
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Web browser

What is the correct way of describing XML data?

A. XML uses a DTD to describe data
B. XML uses a description node to describe data
C. XML uses XSL to describe the data
D. XML uses a validator to describe the data
Answer» C. XML uses XSL to describe the data

Comments in XML document is given by:

A. <?_ _ _ _>
B. <!_ _ _ _!>
C. <!_ _ _ _>
D. </_ _ _ _>
Answer» C. <!_ _ _ _>

Which statement is true?

A. An XML document can have one root element
B. An XML document can have one child element
C. XML elements have to be in lower case
D. All of the above
Answer» A. An XML document can have one root element

is it most ideal to send a press release?

A. when there is “big news” happening
B. around the holidays
C. news seems to be slow
D. Tuesday through Thursday for newsworthy
Answer» D. Tuesday through Thursday for newsworthy

the best way to make money “while you sleep”?

A. up good marketing ideas by dreaming
B. Selling stuff
C. Having products on your website
D. spouse who works the night shift
Answer» C. Having products on your website

the possibility of website visitors following through on contacting you is

A. Offer a 1-800-#
B. Tell them to call you
C. ”take away” with your contact information
D. Offer testimonials
Answer» B. Tell them to call you

which is keeping someone on your website and encouraging them to come back?

A. Make a website things to do a website interactive such as quizzes, downloads, etc
B. a lot of text to read
C. Make it difficult to locate
D. Pack a lot of graphics and photos
Answer» A. Make a website things to do a website interactive such as quizzes, downloads, etc

SEO stand for?

A. ite Engine Optimization
B. Search Engine Optimization
C. Site Efficiency Optimization
D. none of these
Answer» B. Search Engine Optimization

which name is the latest major change in functionality?

A. Farmville
B. Timeline
C. Newsfeed
D. both A&B
Answer» B. Timeline

_________ name of the Hosting Company that is used for all external consumerfacing sites?

A. Verizon
C. Rackspace
D. none of these
Answer» C. Rackspace

________ is the new content management tool for SWEET ?

A. Sitecore
B. CMS Lite
C. Sharepoint
D. none
Answer» A. Sitecore

Social networks are organized primarily around __________.

A. brands
B. people
C. discussions
D. interests
Answer» B. people

Which social network is considered the most popular for social media marketing?

A. Twitter
B. Facebook
C. Linkdin
D. Whats App
Answer» B. Facebook

What is the name for Facebook`s ranking algorithm?

A. Like Rank
B. Face rank
C. Page rank
D. Edge rank
Answer» D. Edge rank

Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting content?

A. Using a witty user name
B. Posting at least once a month to the blog
C. Social Media Optimization
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

What is meant by "micro-blogging"?

A. Blogs which are posted by companies, not individuals
B. Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically
C. Blogging from mobile devices
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically

What is "social media optimization"?

A. Creating content which easily creates publicity via social networks
B. Writing clear content
C. Creating short content which is easily indexed
D. Hiring people to create content for social networks
Answer» A. Creating content which easily creates publicity via social networks

What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan detail?

A. The cost to write the plan
B. The marketing personnel job descriptions
C. The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method
D. None of the above
Answer» C. The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method

What is the name of Facebook's analytic package?

A. Princeps
B. Viewership
C. Discover
D. Insights
Answer» D. Insights

How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional marketing plan?

A. The brand image should be completely different for social marketing
B. The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different
C. Other than the method of delivery, a marketing plan either way will be similar
D. None of the above
Answer» B. The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different

Which of the following is functions of social media for business?

A. Are you participating in the conversation and sharing?
B. Are you listening and monitoring what is being said about you?
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both A and B
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