Chapter: A Precious Stone in the silver sea

How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» D. 4

Who is the patron saint of England?

A. St Patrick
B. St George
C. St David
D. St Peter
Answer» B. St George

Who is the patron saint of Ireland?

A. St George
B. St David
C. St Patrick
D. St Peter
Answer» C. St Patrick

What is the name of the English flag?

A. St Patrick Cross
B. St George Cross
C. St David Cross
D. St Peter Cross
Answer» B. St George Cross

What is the capital of Scotland?

A. Belfast
B. Edinburgh
C. Cardiff
D. Dublin
Answer» B. Edinburgh

What did Dr Samuel Johnson say that two Englishmen talk about when they meet?

A. Politics
B. Weather
C. Christmas
D. Religion
Answer» B. Weather

Who was Guinevere?

A. Arthur’s son
B. Arthur’s wife
C. Arthur’s daughter
D. A Witch
Answer» B. Arthur’s wife

Who was Arthur’s wizard?

A. Lancelot
B. Percival
C. Merlin
D. Mordred
Answer» C. Merlin

What was Arthur’s sword known as ?

A. Camelot
B. Excalibur
C. Elves
D. Goblins
Answer» B. Excalibur

Gaelic was the language of the

A. Iberians
B. Celts
C. Welsh
D. Scots
Answer» B. Celts
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