Chapter: Moulding and Being Moulded

Who called England as ‘Precious stone set in the silver sea’?

A. milton
B. shakespeare
C. tennyson
D. t. s. eliot
Answer» B. shakespeare

From which date did the growth of civilization in England begin?

A. by about 1000 b.c
B. by about 2000 b.c
C. by about 3000 b.c
D. by about 4000 b.c
Answer» C. by about 3000 b.c

When did the Iberians come to England?

A. by about 1000 b.c.
B. by about 2000 b.c.
C. by about 3000 b.c.
D. by about 4000 b.c.
Answer» B. by about 2000 b.c.

Why were the Iberians known by their name?

A. they came from iceland
B. they came through the iberian peninsula
C. they came from greenland
D. they came from spain
Answer» B. they came through the iberian peninsula

Which is the relic of Iberian engineering skill situated near Salisbury?

A. the pyramids
B. the acropolis
C. the stonehenge monuments
D. the sphinx
Answer» C. the stonehenge monuments

Avebury is a ............... centre built by the Iberians.

A. sports
B. religious
C. political
D. social
Answer» B. religious

Name the first Celtic invaders who came to England.

A. gaelic
B. brythons
C. belgae
D. iberians
Answer» A. gaelic

Name the second Celtic invaders who came to England.

A. goidelic
B. brythons
C. belgae
D. gaelic
Answer» B. brythons

Name the last Celtic tribes who came to England.

A. gaelic
B. brythons
C. belgae
D. goidelic
Answer» C. belgae

Who were the first tribe to use iron equipments in England?

A. iberians
B. romans
C. celts
D. angles
Answer» C. celts

Which of the tribes was known for their agricultural skills?

A. iberians
B. celts
C. romans
D. jutes
Answer» B. celts

Which Greek traveller came to England around 330 B.C.

A. herodotus
B. pytheas
C. socrates
D. plato
Answer» B. pytheas

The famous Shakespearean characters such as Puck, Ariel, Titania and Oberon are taken from which mythology?

A. roman
B. celtic
C. iberian
D. angles
Answer» B. celtic

What were the Celtic priests called?

A. wiccans
B. druids
C. wizards
D. magicians
Answer» B. druids

Who wrote the most detailed account of the old Celtic religion?

A. julius caesar
B. herodotus
C. shakespeare
D. chaucer
Answer» A. julius caesar

Which Roman emperor attacked England in 43 A.D.?

A. julius caesar
B. caligula
C. claudius
D. nero
Answer» C. claudius

Which country stood against the Romans for their valourous queen?

A. belgae
B. iceni
C. brythons
D. gaelic
Answer» B. iceni

Which wall was erected in 123 A.D. to check the attacks of the Picts and Scots in the northern frontier of England?

A. great wall
B. hadrian’s wall
C. rose wall
D. antoine’s wall
Answer» B. hadrian’s wall

What was called Pax Romana?

A. gaulic peace
B. roman peace
C. french peace
D. celtic peace
Answer» B. roman peace

Who introduced Christianity into England?

A. celts
B. romans
C. picts
D. scots
Answer» B. romans

What is the basis of the famous poem ‘Elene’ by Cynewulf?

A. the story of esther
B. the story of ruth
C. the story of helena
D. the story of hannah
Answer» C. the story of helena

Who made Christianity the official religion of Rome?

A. julius caesar
B. emperor constantine
C. emperor claudius
D. emperor nero
Answer» B. emperor constantine

What is the victory of Welsh Bishop St Germanus against the Picts and Scots in 429 A.D. called?

A. the praise victory
B. the halleluiah victory
C. the joy victory
D. the peace victory
Answer» B. the halleluiah victory

Who wrote the ‘Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation’?

A. chaucer
B. shakespeare
C. venerable bede
D. cynewulf
Answer» C. venerable bede

Who were the warriors invited by King Vertigern of Britain from Jutland to fight against Picts and Scots?

A. aella
B. hengist and horsa
C. sussex
D. essex
Answer» B. hengist and horsa

Who was the leader of the Angles who came to England?

A. aella
B. ida
C. arthur
D. ethelbert
Answer» B. ida

From which tribe did England get its name?

A. angles
B. saxons
C. jutes
D. celts
Answer» A. angles

Where did the Britons flee to escape from the Saxon invasion?

A. armorica
B. cymry
C. cambria
D. kent
Answer» A. armorica

The Anglo Saxon Seven kingdoms were called as the ..........

A. trinity
B. heptarchy
C. pentagon
D. octagon
Answer» B. heptarchy

Who was the most famous Kentish King?

A. arthur
B. ethelbert
C. alfred
D. henry
Answer» B. ethelbert

The monk ... .... officially introduced Christianity into England.

A. st patrick
B. st augustine
C. st george
D. st peter
Answer» B. st augustine

What was the most famous incident which took place in the Seventh century in the ecclesiastical history of England?

A. the synod of sussex
B. the synod of whitby
C. the synod of canterbury
D. the synod of kent
Answer» B. the synod of whitby

Who was the famous king of Mercia?

A. ethelbert
B. edwin
C. offa
D. egbert
Answer» C. offa

Who united the Heptarchy into one Kingdom?

A. ethelbert
B. alfred
C. egbert
D. edwin
Answer» B. alfred

Name a famous Irish Saint.

A. st george
B. st patrick
C. st augustine
D. st peter
Answer» B. st patrick

Who was the great celtic saint produced by the monastery of Iona?

A. st patrick
B. st aidan
C. st benedict
D. st augustine
Answer» B. st aidan

Who consecrated St Augustine as the first Archbishop of Canterbury?

A. pope peter
B. pope francis
C. pope gregory the great
D. pope julius
Answer» C. pope gregory the great

Who was the first King of United England crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury?

A. king ethelbert
B. king arthur
C. king athelstan
D. king alfred
Answer» C. king athelstan

What were the Danish men called?

A. saxons
B. vikings
C. danelaw
D. angles
Answer» B. vikings

Who made a permanent army and navy for England?

A. arthur
B. alfred
C. athelstan
D. ethelbert
Answer» B. alfred

Who was the famous Danish King of England

A. canute
B. alfred
C. arthur
D. ethelbert
Answer» A. canute

Who built Westminister Abbey?

A. alfred
B. edward the confessor
C. arthur
D. canute
Answer» B. edward the confessor

The Norman Conquest by William of Normandy took place in the year.

A. 1060
B. 1066
C. 1086
D. 1096
Answer» B. 1066

........ is a famous Anglo Saxon travelogue.

A. beowulf
B. widsith
C. elene
D. witangemot
Answer» B. widsith

Other surviving poems of Caedmon other than Beowulf

A. widsith
B. elene
C. hymn of creation
D. the charms
Answer» C. hymn of creation

The Witangemot was

A. council of ministers
B. council of wise men
C. council of elders
D. council of villagers
Answer» B. council of wise men

Beowulf is an epic poem with

A. more than 1000 lines
B. more than 2000 lines
C. more than 3000 lines
D. more than 4000 lines
Answer» C. more than 3000 lines

The Anglo Saxon Chronicle was set up by

A. arthur
B. alfred
C. caedmon
D. cynewulf
Answer» B. alfred

Aelfric was a monk who wrote

A. sermons in greek
B. sermons in anglo saxon
C. sermons in latin
D. sermons in german.
Answer» B. sermons in anglo saxon
Chapter: The True Briton

Which year did the Battle of Hastings take place?

A. 1040
B. 1060
C. 1066
D. 1086
Answer» C. 1066

Which year did the Normans conquer the Isle of Ely?

A. 1052
B. 1062
C. 1072
D. 1082
Answer» C. 1072

What is the Oath taken by the knights swearing loyalty to King William the Conqueror known as?

A. Oath of England
B. Oath of Salisbury
C. Oath of Normandy
D. Oath of Saxony
Answer» B. Oath of Salisbury

Which law of William the Conqueror preventedthe people from hunting in the forest?

A. The Hunting Law
B. The Forest Law
C. The Green Law
D. The Woods Law
Answer» B. The Forest Law

Which document of a survey conducted by William the Conqueror records the resources of the Kingdom of England?

A. Magnum Concilium
B. The Domesday Book
C. Danegeld
D. Charter of London
Answer» B. The Domesday Book

During whose reign did the City of London see the beginnings of self government?

A. Henry I
B. Henry II
C. Henry III
D. Henry IV
Answer» A. Henry I

What was the Chief council of the realm of England in the rule of Henry I?

A. Charter of London
B. Magnum Concilium
C. Danegeld
D. Curia Regis
Answer» B. Magnum Concilium

When did the rule of the House of the Plantagenets begin?

A. With the coronation of Henry I
B. With the coronation of William the Conqueror
C. With the coronation of William I
D. With the coronation of William Rufus
Answer» A. With the coronation of Henry I

In the Middle Ages, the normal unit of holding of land was

A. Fief
B. Manor
C. Stadium
D. Forum
Answer» B. Manor

What was the extra work done by the Villeins known as ?

A. Lords work
B. Boon work
C. Serf work
D. Fief work
Answer» B. Boon work

What were the workers who held no land of their own in the manorial system known as?

A. Fief
B. Serfs
C. Churl
D. Villein
Answer» B. Serfs

In the manorial system, the administration of justice was carried out from...

A. Estate
B. Lord’s Manor
C. Fieodan
D. Manorial Village
Answer» B. Lord’s Manor

Which year did the Black Death take place?

A. 1300
B. 1320
C. 1348
D. 1358
Answer» C. 1348

Which year did the Peasant’s Revolt take place?

A. 1300
B. 1320
C. 1380
D. 1381
Answer» D. 1381

Who said ‘God does not judge a man twice for the same offence.?

A. Henry I
B. Lanfranc
C. Thomas Becket
D. William I
Answer» C. Thomas Becket

Who is called the English Justinian?

A. Henry I
B. Henry II
C. Henry III
D. Edward I
Answer» D. Edward I

What was an important offshoot of the Kings Court which dealt with the financial affairs of the realm in Henry II’s time?

A. The Jury System
B. The Curia Regis
C. The Exchequer Court
D. King’s Court
Answer» C. The Exchequer Court

What was the basis of the system of Law followed in all the colonies of Britain?

A. The Court Common Pleas
B. English Common Law
C. The Exchequer Law
D. Trade Law
Answer» B. English Common Law

What was Richard I known as ?

A. The Braveheart
B. The Lionheart
C. The Conqueror
D. The Leader
Answer» B. The Lionheart

Which city is the first corporation in the world?

A. Dublin
B. London
C. Canterbury
D. Wessex
Answer» B. London

When did the first Crusade take place?

A. 1067
B. 1077
C. 1087
D. 1097
Answer» D. 1097

When did the Second Crusade take place?

A. 1127
B. 1137
C. 1147
D. 1157
Answer» C. 1147

When did the Muslim King Sultan Saladin conquer Jerusalem?

A. 1157
B. 1167
C. 1177
D. 1187
Answer» D. 1187

When did the Third Crusade take place?

A. 1160
B. 1170
C. 1180
D. 1190
Answer» D. 1190

When was the Magna Carta signed between the people of England and King John?

A. June 15, 1210
B. June 15, 1215
C. June 15, 1225
D. July 15, 1215
Answer» B. June 15, 1215

Who is known as the Father of the English Parliament?

A. Henry I
B. Thomas Becket
C. Simon de Montfort
D. Edward I
Answer» C. Simon de Montfort

Which statute allowed the king to have a regular income from a tax on the export of wool and leather in 1275?

A. The Statute of Mortmain
B. The Statute of Westminister
C. The Statute of Action Burnell
D. The Statute of Parliament
Answer» B. The Statute of Westminister

When did Edward summon his Model Parliament?

A. 1200
B. 1255
C. 1285
D. 1295
Answer» D. 1295

Who was the first Stuart King of England?

A. Edward II
B. Robert
C. Edward III
D. John
Answer» B. Robert

The Dispensers were the loyal bodyguards of

A. Edward I
B. Edward II
C. Edward III
D. Robert Stuart
Answer» B. Edward II

The Hundred Years War was fought between England and

A. Germany
B. France
C. Italy
D. Spain
Answer» B. France

Who was called ‘The King of the Sea’ by the Parliament?

A. Edward I
B. Edward II
C. Edward III
D. Robert Stuart
Answer» C. Edward III

What was the Parliament summoned by the Black Prince known as ?

A. The Great Parliament
B. The Good Parliament
C. The White Parliament
D. The Right Parliament
Answer» B. The Good Parliament

Who were the poor preachers who followed John Wycliffe?

A. Lutherans
B. Lollards
C. Drolls
D. Friars
Answer» B. Lollards

Who is called ‘The Morning Star of the Reformation’?

A. Martin Luther
B. John Wycliffe
C. Thomas Becket
D. Edward II
Answer» B. John Wycliffe

Who was said to be sent by God to lead France to victory in the Hundred years War?

A. Edward II
B. Joan of Arc
C. Henry V
D. Napoleon
Answer» B. Joan of Arc

What was the War between the House of Lancaster and the House of York known as?

A. The War of the Houses
B. The War of the Roses
C. The War of the White Rose
D. The War of the Red Rose
Answer» B. The War of the Roses

Where was the first University in England established?

A. Oxford
B. Cambridge
C. Leeds
D. Dublin
Answer» A. Oxford

What were the colleges established for legal studies known as?

A. The Guilds
B. The Inns of Court
C. The Inner Court
D. The Inner circle
Answer» B. The Inns of Court

When did the War of the Roses begin?

A. 1450
B. 1455
C. 1456
D. 1455
Answer» B. 1455

What can be considered as the predecessor of the modern trade Unions?

A. The Company
B. The Guilds
C. The Exchequer
D. The Workers Group
Answer» B. The Guilds

About which work did Dryden say, ‘Here is God’s Plenty’?

A. The Iliad
B. The Aeneid
C. The Canterbury Tales
D. The Divine Comedy
Answer» C. The Canterbury Tales

Who wrote Parlement of Fowles?

A. John Gower
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. William Langland
D. Thomas Hoccleve
Answer» B. Geoffrey Chaucer

Who wrote Confessio Amantis?

A. John Gower
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. William Langland
D. Thomas Hoccleve
Answer» A. John Gower

Who wrote The Vision Concerning Piers the Plowman?

A. John Gower
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. William Langland
D. Thomas Hoccleve
Answer» C. William Langland

Who wrote ‘The Grovernail of Princes?

A. John Gower
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. William Langland
D. Thomas Hoccleve
Answer» D. Thomas Hoccleve

Who wrote The Thistle and the Rose?

A. John Gower
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. William Langland
D. William Dunbar
Answer» D. William Dunbar

Who wrote Morte D’Arthur?

A. John Gower
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. William Langland
D. Thomas Malory
Answer» D. Thomas Malory

Everyman is an example of

A. Mystery Play
B. Morality Play
C. Miracle Play
D. Interlude
Answer» B. Morality Play
Chapter: Britannia rules the waves

Which system ended with the end of the War of the Roses?

A. The military system
B. The feudal system
C. The religious system
D. The social system
Answer» A. The military system

Which dynasty laid the foundation of England as a commercial power?

A. The Stuart Dynasty
B. The Tudor Dynasty
C. The Plantagenets
D. The Celts
Answer» B. The Tudor Dynasty
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