Chapter: The Energy Equation and its Application

Velocity head is given by

A. V/g
B. V2/2g
C. V3/2g
D. V2/2g2
Answer» B. V2/2g

Euler’s equation (in differential form) is written as:

A. dp/ρ + v2.dv + = 0
B. dp/ρ + v.dv + = 0
C. dp/ρ + v.dv + = 0
D. dp/ρ2 + v.dv + = 0
Answer» B. dp/ρ + v.dv + = 0

In which of the following measuring devices Bernoulli’s equation is used:

A. Venturimeter
B. Orificemeter
C. Pitot tube
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

The co-efficient of discharge of an orificemeter is ......that of a venturimeter.

A. Equal to
B. Much smaller than
C. Much more than
D. Any of these.
Answer» B. Much smaller than

The piezometric head is the summation of :

A. Velocity head and pressure head
B. Pressure head and elevation head
C. Velocity head and elevation head
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Pressure head and elevation head

The total-energy-line in pipe flow is a graphical representation of the Bernoulli’s equation and represents the sum of velocity head, pressure head and the elevation head above:

A. The top of the pipeline
B. The arbitrary horizontal datum
C. The centre line of pipe
D. The bottom of the pipe.
Answer» B. The arbitrary horizontal datum

The total energy represented by the Bernoulli’s equation (p/ρg +V2/2g +z) has the units:

A. Nm/s
B. Ns/m
C. Nm/m
D. Nm/N.
Answer» D. Nm/N.

The Bernoulli’s equation written in the conventional form p/ρg + V2/2g + z = constant total energy per unit of certain quantity. Identify this quantity from the choices given below:

A. Energy per unit mass
B. Energy per unit weight
C. Energy per unit volume
D. Energy per unit specific weight.
Answer» B. Energy per unit weight

A venturimeter is used for measuring:

A. Pressure
B. Flow rate
C. Total energy
D. Piezometric head.
Answer» B. Flow rate

The co-efficient of discharge (Cd) of venturimeter lies within the limits:

A. 0.95 to 0.99
B. 0.8 to 0.85
C. 0.7 to 0.8
D. 0.6 to 0.7
Answer» A. 0.95 to 0.99

A Pitot-tube is used for measuring:

A. Velocity of flow
B. Pressure of flow
C. Flow rate
D. Total energy.
Answer» A. Velocity of flow

When a Pitot-tube is put to use it must be ensured that its alignment is such that:

A. The horizontal leg should be inclined at 45° in plan
B. Its horizontal leg is at right angles to the flow direction
C. Its opening faces upstream and the horizontal leg is perfectly aligned with the direction of flow
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Its opening faces upstream and the horizontal leg is perfectly aligned with the direction of flow

The hydraulic gradient-line indicates the variation of which of the following:

A. Velocity head in flow direction
B. Piezometric head in the direction of flow
C. Total energy of flow in the direction of flow
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Piezometric head in the direction of flow

The momentum correction factor β is used to account for:

A. Change in direction of flow
B. Change in total energy
C. Non-uniform distribution of velocities at inlet and outlet sections
D. Change in mass rate of flow.
Answer» C. Non-uniform distribution of velocities at inlet and outlet sections

The change in moment of momentum of fluid due to flow along a curved path results in:

A. A change in pressure
B. Torque
C. A change in the total energy
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Torque

Which of the following is an example of free vortex flow?

A. A whirlpool in a river
B. Flow of liquid through a hole provided at the bottom of a container
C. Flow of liquid around a circular bend in a pipe.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

In case of forced vortex, the rise of liquid level at the ends is .... the fall of liquid level at the axis of rotation.

A. Less than
B. More than
C. Equal to
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Equal to

In case of a closed cylindrical vessel sealed at the top and the bottom the volume of air before rotation is ...... the volume of air after:

A. More than
B. Less than
C. Equal to
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Equal to
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