Chapter: Flow through pipes

In a laminar flow, Reynold’s number is

A. Less than 2000
B. More than 2000
C. More than 2000 but less than 4000
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Less than 2000

In a turbulent flow, Reynold’s number is

A. Less than 4000
B. More than 4000
C. Between 2000 and 4000
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. More than 4000

In case of a laminar flow, the loss of pressure head is

A. Proportional to (velocity)2
B. Proportional to velocity
C. Proportional to (velocity)1/2
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Proportional to velocity

In case of a turbulent flow, the loss of head is approximately proportional to

A. Velocity
B. (Velocity) ^1/2
C. (Velocity) ^3/4
D. (Velocity) ^2
Answer» D. (Velocity) ^2

Darcy-Weisbach equation is used to find loss of head due to :

A. Sudden enlargement
B. Sudden contraction
C. Friction
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Friction

Chezy’s formula is given as

A. V = C √𝑚2 i
B. V = C2 √𝑚𝑖2
C. V = C√𝑚𝑖
D. V = C √𝑚2𝑖3
Answer» C. V = C√𝑚𝑖

Loss of head due to sudden enlargement is given as

A. (𝑉1−𝑉2)32𝑔
B. (𝑉1−𝑉2)22𝑔
C. (𝑉12−𝑉22)2𝑔
D. √(𝑉1−𝑉2)2𝑔
Answer» B. (𝑉1−𝑉2)22𝑔

2𝑔 148. The power transmitted through the pipe is maximum when head lost due to friction in the pipe is equal to

A. (1/3) rd of the total supply head
B. (1/4) th of the total supply head
C. (1/5) th of the total supply head
D. (1/8) th of the total supply head
Answer» C. (1/5) th of the total supply head

The energy loss in a pipeline is due to

A. Surface roughness only
B. Viscous action only
C. Friction offered by pipe wall as well as by viscous function
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Friction offered by pipe wall as well as by viscous function

In a pipe flow the minor losses are those

A. Which depend on the length of the pipeline
B. Caused by friction and are thus also called friction losses.
C. Which have a small magnitude
D. Which are caused on account of total disturbance produced by such fittings as valves, bends, etc.
Answer» D. Which are caused on account of total disturbance produced by such fittings as valves, bends, etc.

In flow through pipe bends the pressures on inner and out radii

A. Stand at the same level increasing gradually towards the pipe center.
B. Vary, it being more on the inner core.
C. Are different, pressure increases with increase in radius and is, therefore, more at the outer radius.
D. Do not vary and are the same as at the center of the pipe.
Answer» D. Do not vary and are the same as at the center of the pipe.

The condition for maximum transmission of power through a pipeline is that one-third of the available head must be consumed in friction. The corresponding efficiency of the pipeline is

A. 33·3%
B. 66·67%
C. 90%
D. 100%.
Answer» B. 66·67%

For achieving continuous flow through a system, no position of the pipe should be higher than

A. 20 m
B. 6 m
C. 7·6 m
D. 10 m.
Answer» C. 7·6 m

For turbulent flow in smooth pipes, the entrance length is taken as

A. 20
B. 50
C. 80
D. 115.
Answer» B. 50

The entrance length or length of establishment of flow is

A. The length in which the boundary layer remains uniform
B. The pipe length inside the reservoir
C. The length of pipe from its entrance in which the flow may be assumed irrotational
D. The initial length in which the flow develops fully such that the velocity profile does not change downstream.
Answer» D. The initial length in which the flow develops fully such that the velocity profile does not change downstream.

Due to which of the following phenomena water hammer is caused?

A. Incompressibility of fluid
B. Sudden opening of a valve in a pipeline
C. The material of the pipe being elastic
D. Sudden closure (partial or complete) of a valve in pipe flow.
Answer» D. Sudden closure (partial or complete) of a valve in pipe flow.

Under which of the following conditions the closure of valve is considered rapid? (where L = length of pipe, C = velocity of pressure wave produced due to water hammer.)

A. The duration of valve closure is greater than 2L/C
B. The duration of valve closure is less than L/C
C. The duration of valve closure is less than 2L/C
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. The duration of valve closure is less than 2L/C
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