Chapter: Centrifugal Pumps

Which of the following types of impeller is used for centrifugal pumps dealing with muds?

A. One-side shrouded
B. Two -sides shrouded
C. Double section
D. Open.
Answer» D. Open.

Which of the following statements is correct with reference to an impeller with backward curved vanes?

A. It has a falling head - discharge characteristic.
B. It has rising head - discharge characteristic
C. It is easier to fabricate.
D. It cannot run at speeds other than the design speed.
Answer» A. It has a falling head - discharge characteristic.

The head developed by a centrifugal pump may be expressed as

A. H = (Vw2 u2 + Vw1 u2)/g
B. H = Vw2 u2 /g
C. H = Vw1 u1 /g
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. H = Vw2 u2 /g

With reference to a centrifugal pump which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. The discharge control valve is fitted in the delivery pipe.
B. The suction pipe is provided with a foot valve and a strainer.
C. The suction pipe has larger diameter as compared to the discharge pipe.
D. The discharge control valve is fitted in the suction pipe.
Answer» D. The discharge control valve is fitted in the suction pipe.

A centrifugal pump should be so installed above the water level in the sump such that

A. The negative pressures are not allowed to develop in the impeller
B. The negative pressures do not reach as low a value as the vapour pressure
C. Its height is more than 10·28 m at ordinary temperature of liquid
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. The negative pressures do not reach as low a value as the vapour pressure

The specific speed of a pump is defined as the speed of unit of such a size that it

A. Produces unit power with unit head available
B. Delivers unit discharge at unit head
C. Requires unit power to develop unit head
D. Delivers unit discharge at unit power.
Answer» B. Delivers unit discharge at unit head

Which of the following statements pertaining to a given centrifugal pump is correct?

A. Discharge varies as the square of speed
B. Power varies as the square of speed
C. Discharge varies directly as speed
D. Head varies inversely as speed.
Answer» C. Discharge varies directly as speed

The delivery valve, while starting centrifugal pump, is kept

A. Fully closed
B. Fully open
C. Half open
D. In any position.
Answer» A. Fully closed

Which of the following is not a dimensionless parameter?

A. Friction factor
B. Specific speed
C. Thoma’s cavitation parameter
D. Pressure co-efficient.
Answer» B. Specific speed

With reference to manometric head which of the following statements is correct?

A. It is the head developed by the pump.
B. It is the height to which water is lifted by the pump measured above the pump centreline.
C. it is the difference in elevation between the water surface in the high level reservoir and the water level in the sump.
D. It is the difference in the piezometric heads between the points on the delivery and suction pipes as close to the pump as possible.
Answer» D. It is the difference in the piezometric heads between the points on the delivery and suction pipes as close to the pump as possible.

Higher specific speeds (160 to 500) of centrifugal pump indicate that the pump is of

A. Radial flow type
B. Axial flow type
C. Mixed flow type
D. Any of these types.
Answer» B. Axial flow type

What will happen if requirements of net positive suction head (NPSH) for a given pump are not satisfied?

A. The pump will get cavitated.
B. The pump will consume more power.
C. The pump will not develop he
Answer» A. The pump will get cavitated.

In centrifugal pumps, cavitation is reduced by

A. Increasing the flow velocity
B. Reducing the discharge
C. Throttling the discharge
D. Reducing the suction head.
Answer» D. Reducing the suction head.

Which of the following statements pertaining to a centrifugal pump is incorrect?

A. The suction lift of a pump can be upto 10·3 m or even more.
B. The impellers of a multi-stage pump are arranged in parallel to discharge a large quantity of liquid.
C. The volute casing of the pump maintains the velocity of flow constant, prevents eddies and converts velocity head to pressure he
Answer» A. The suction lift of a pump can be upto 10·3 m or even more.

Regarding cavitation which of the following statements in incorrect?

A. Cavitation affects the performance of a turbine to a lesser degree than that of a pump.
B. Thoma’s cavitation parameter has different expressions for turbines and pumps.
C. With the increase in pump speed, there is increase in its minimum net positive suction head requirement.
D. The leading edge of blades in pumps and the trailing edge of blades in water turbines are more susceptible to cavitation damage
Answer» B. Thoma’s cavitation parameter has different expressions for turbines and pumps.

A centrifugal pump is taking much of power, the probable reason may be

A. Liquid being pumped is heavy
B. Speed of the pump is low
C. There is leakage of air
D. Ineffective strainer and foot valve arrangement.
Answer» A. Liquid being pumped is heavy

In rotodynamic pumps, the increase in energy level is due to

A. Centrifugal energy only
B. Pressure energy only
C. Kinetic energy only
D. Combination of a, b and c.
Answer» D. Combination of a, b and c.

In a pump there is

A. Accelerating flow
B. Decelerated flow
C. Either of the above
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Accelerating flow

In a centrifugal pump the regulating valve is provided on

A. The suction pipe
B. Delivery pipe
C. The casing
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Delivery pipe

In a centrifugal pump the sum of suction head and delivery head is known as

A. Monomeric head
B. Total head
C. Static head
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Static head

Regarding manometric head (Hmano) which of the following relations is correct?

A. Hmano= head imparted by the impeller to the liquid – loss of head in the pump
B. Hmano= static head + losses in pipes + Vd2/2g
C. Hmano= total head at outlet of the pump - total head at inlet of pump
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

The ratio of power outlet of the pump to the power input to the pump is known as

A. Mechanical efficiency
B. Overall efficiency
C. Monomeric efficiency
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Overall efficiency

The flow ratio in case of a centrifugal pump varies from

A. 0.1 to 0.25
B. 0.25 to 0.40
C. 0.40 to 0.50
D. 0.50 to 0.65
Answer» A. 0.1 to 0.25
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