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The resultant hydrostatic force acts through a point known as

A. Centre of gravity
B. Centre of buoyancy
C. Centre of Pressure
D. None of the above
E. Is practically incompressible
Answer» C. Centre of Pressure

In a sudden expansion in a pipe

A. frictional resistance is negligible
C. piezometric head gradually rises in the downstream direction
D. total energy line rises in the down-stream direction
E. velocity head gradually increases
Answer» C. piezometric head gradually rises in the downstream direction

For a supersonic flow, velocity

A. increases with decrease in area of flow
B. increases with increase in area of flow
C. does not change with variation in area of flow
D. None of the above
E. 0.25 times the diameter
Answer» B. increases with increase in area of flow

Newton's law of viscosity states that shear stress is directly proportional to

A. Velocity gradient
B. viscosity
C. Shear strain
D. Greater than ten
E. Velocity
Answer» A. Velocity gradient

The advantages of burried penstocks is

A. Less accessible in inspection
B. Tendency to slide along steep slopes
C. Need for special coating against the corrosive action of salts present in soil
D. Location difficult
E. No expansion joints needed
Answer» E. No expansion joints needed

Which of the following principle is used in the operation of Mc Leod gauge?

A. Charles law
B. Boyles law
C. Daltons law
D. Pascals law
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Boyles law

A type of flow in which the fluid particles while moving in the direction of flow rotate about their mass centre, is known as

A. Uniform flow
B. Rotational flow
C. Steady flow
D. Turbulent flow
E. Laminar flow
Answer» B. Rotational flow

A pilot tube is used for the measurement of

A. Viscosity
B. Velocity
C. Flow rate
D. Pressure
E. Surface tension
Answer» B. Velocity

Which fluid is the heaviest?

A. Glycerine
B. Castor oil
C. Carbon tetrachloride
D. Air
Answer» C. Carbon tetrachloride

The advantage of exposed penstock is

A. Full exposure to external variation in temperature
B. Longitudinal stresses may develop owing to anchorages
C. Changes of water conveyed being frozen in severe cold climates
D. Expansion joints necessary
E. Safety against sliding
Answer» E. Safety against sliding

If the Froude number in open channel flow is equal to 1.0, the flow is known as

A. critical flow
B. Turbulent flow
C. streaming flow
D. Laminar flow
E. shooting flow
Answer» C. streaming flow

The centre of pressure on an immersed surface is

A. Depends on the density of fluid
B. Depends on the viscosity of fluid
C. At the cantre of gravity
D. Below the centre of gravity
E. Above the centre of gravity
Answer» D. Below the centre of gravity

The ratio of inertia force to pressure forces is related with a non-dimensional number known as

A. Nusselt number
B. Mach number
C. Weber number
D. Reyonolds number
E. Euler number
Answer» D. Reyonolds number

Micaceous rocks with closely spaced cleavage planes along which easy separation can be affected, are known as

A. Stratified rocks
B. Schistos rocks
C. Sedimentary rocks
D. Popping rocks
E. Intact rocks
Answer» B. Schistos rocks

The metacentre is

A. Point of intersection of buoyant force and gravitational force
B. Mid-point between C.G. and centre of buoyancy of a body
C. Centre of pressure of the displaced volume of fluid
D. Point of intersection of buoyant force and centre line of body
E. Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid
Answer» D. Point of intersection of buoyant force and centre line of body

A hydraulic ram is a device

A. To generate high pressures
B. To temporarily store the energy of water
C. To increase the intensity of pressure
D. To lift small quantity of water to a greater height by means of large quantity of water falling through small height
E. None of the above
Answer» D. To lift small quantity of water to a greater height by means of large quantity of water falling through small height

A hydro-electric plant is usually temed as high head plant when the head is

A. more than 5 m
B. more than 45 m
C. more than 35 m
D. more than 25 m
E. more than 15 m
Answer» B. more than 45 m

When a fluid flows through a tapering pipe at a constantly increasing rate, the flow is said to

A. Irrotational flow
B. Unsteady uniform flow
C. Unsteady flow
D. Turbulent flow
E. Unsteady non-uniform flow
Answer» E. Unsteady non-uniform flow

The boundary condition for steady flow of an ideal fluid is that the

A. Continuity equation must be satisfied
B. Boundary surface must be stationary
C. Velocity component tangent to the boundary is zero
D. Velocity is zero at the boundary
E. Velocity component normal to the boundary is zero
Answer» E. Velocity component normal to the boundary is zero

1 atm pressure is equivalent to

A. 1.01315 x 105 N/m2
B. 700 mm Hg
C. 1.0133 x 105 kg/m-sec2
D. 1.0133 x 106 kg/cm-sec2
E. Any of the above
Answer» E. Any of the above

In order to avoid a correction for the effect of capillarity in manometers, the diameter of the tube should be

A. Less than 1 mm
B. Less than 3 mm
C. Less than 4.5 mm
D. Greater than or equal to 6 mm
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Greater than or equal to 6 mm

1 lb/in2 pressure is equivalent to

A. 144 lb/ft2
B. 6.8046 x 10-2
C. 6.8947 x 103 kg/m-sec2
D. 0.06895 bar
E. Any of the above
Answer» E. Any of the above

If the pressure at any point in the liquid approaches the vapour pressure, the liquid starts vapourising and creates pockets or bubbles of dissolved gases and vapours. This phenomenon is known as

A. adhesion
B. surface tension
D. vaporisation
E. cavitation
Answer» E. cavitation

The pressure in metres of oil (specific gravity 0.85) equivalent to 42.5 m of water is

A. 100 m
B. 52.5 m
C. 85 m
D. 42.5 m
E. 50 m
Answer» E. 50 m

Gradually varied flow is

A. None of these answers
B. Unsteady non-uniform flow
C. Steady uniform flow
D. Steady non-uniform flow
E. Unsteady uniform flow
Answer» D. Steady non-uniform flow

A hydrograph is is a plot of

A. Discharge against time
B. Cumulative run off against time
D. Rainfall intensity against time
E. Cumulative rainfall against time
Answer» A. Discharge against time

The shear stress in a turbulent pipe flow

A. Varis parabolically with radius
B. Varis according to the 1/7 the power law
C. 60
D. is zero at the centre and increases as linearly to the wall
E. is zero at the wall and increase linearly to the centre
Answer» E. is zero at the wall and increase linearly to the centre

Which is the correct statement

A. In volute casing the velocity of water decreases but pressure increases
B. In volute casing the velocity of water and also pressure increase
C. Volute casing is improvement over the vortex casing
D. Volute casing provides diffusering
E. None of the above
Answer» A. In volute casing the velocity of water decreases but pressure increases

The motion of air mass in a tornado is

A. free vortex at the centre and forced vortex outside
C. free vortex at the centre as well as outside
D. forced vertex at the centre and free vortex outside
E. forced cortex at the centre as well as outside
Answer» D. forced vertex at the centre and free vortex outside

The foot valve is provided

A. On suction line
B. On delivery line
C. Both suction and delivery line
D. Neither suction nor delivery lines
E. All of the above
Answer» A. On suction line

In a flow field, stagnation point is a point where the

B. both pressure and velocity are zero
C. pressure is zero
D. velocity is zero
E. gravitational effect is zero
Answer» D. velocity is zero

In a centrifugal pump the pressure energy of water is increased because of

A. Rotation of impeller
B. Centrifugal force
C. Momentum of particles
D. Lift of particles
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Centrifugal force

In case of forced vortex

A. The fluid rotates with radial as well vertical velocities.
B. Velocity increases with radius
C. The motion of fluid varies at random
D. Velocity decreases with radius
E. The fluid rotates as a composite solid
Answer» B. Velocity increases with radius

Select the statement which is correct

A. Local atmospheric pressure is always below standard atmospheric pressure
B. Standard atmospheric pressure is 1 kg/cm2
C. Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean local atmospheric pressure at sea level
D. Local atmospheric pressure depends upon the elevation of the locality only
E. A barometer reads the difference between load and standard atmospheric pressure
Answer» C. Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean local atmospheric pressure at sea level

In above problem what will be the ratio of discharge?

A. 27.7
B. 83.5
C. 100
D. 277
E. 2.77
Answer» A. 27.7

A hydraulic jump can occur under all of the following conditions EXCEPT

A. at the foot of the spillways
B. where the gradient suddenly chauges from a steep slope to a flat slope
C. when water moving in shooting flow impacts with water having a larger depth with streaming flow
E. on the upstream side of the sluices
Answer» E. on the upstream side of the sluices

The motion of a fluid in which the fluid mass rotates without the external force is known as

A. Circulatory motion
B. Forced vortex motion
C. Irrotational motion
D. Rotary motion
E. Free vortex motion
Answer» E. Free vortex motion

In a reaction turbine

A. It is possibel to regulate the flow without loss
B. It must be placed at the foot of the fall and above the tail race
C. Work done is purely by the change in the kinetic energy of the jet
D. Only part of the head is converted into velocity before the water enters the wheel
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Only part of the head is converted into velocity before the water enters the wheel

A froude number of 2 indicates

A. a weak jump
B. a medium jump
C. a very strong jump
E. a strong jump
Answer» A. a weak jump

Identify the statement which is not one of the assumptions made for the derivation of Bernoulli's theorem

A. All the above
B. The flow is two dimensional
C. Fluid is incompressible
D. Fluid is ideal
E. The flow is steady and continuous
Answer» B. The flow is two dimensional

A piezometer is not used for pressure measurement in pipes when

A. Velocity of fluid is low
B. The pressure drop in the pipe is low
C. The pressure is very low
D. Velocity of fluid is high
E. The fluid in the pipe is a gas
Answer» E. The fluid in the pipe is a gas

In a flow field, at the stagnation point

A. total energy is zero
B. pressure head is equal to velocity head
C. All the velocity head is converted into pressure head
D. pressure is zero
Answer» C. All the velocity head is converted into pressure head

Eulers dimensionless number relates the following

A. None
B. Pressure force and viscous force
C. Inertial force and gravity
D. Viscous force and inertial
E. Pressure force and inertial force
Answer» E. Pressure force and inertial force

Tranqil flow must always occur

A. Below normal depth
B. Above normal depth
C. Above critical depth
D. Below critical depth
E. At normal depth
Answer» C. Above critical depth

An orifice is said to be a large orifice when

A. Electrical conductivity
B. An orifice can discharge fluid within 10 minutes
C. The cross-section of orifie is not less than 10% of the cross-section of tank
D. The head over the orifice is smaller than its vertical dimensions
Answer» D. The head over the orifice is smaller than its vertical dimensions

When the Reynolds number is less than 500 the flow is said to be laminar for

A. pipe flow
B. flow between parallel plates
C. free surface flow
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

If the forces due to inertia, gravity and frictional resistance are insignificant, the design of a channel may be made by comparing

A. Reynolds number
B. Weber number
C. Froude's number
D. Schmidt number
E. Prandt number
Answer» C. Froude's number

The maximum continuous power available from a hydro-electric plant under the most adverse hydraulic conditions is known as

A. Primary power
B. Firm power
C. Installed capacity
D. Base power
E. Secondary power
Answer» B. Firm power

Boundary layer thickness (?) is the distance from the surface of the solid body in the direction perpendicular to flow, where the velocity of fluid is equal to

A. Free stream velocity
B. 0.9 times the free stream velocity
C. 0.99 times the free stream velocity
D. None of the above
E. Free vortex motion
Answer» C. 0.99 times the free stream velocity

Capallary waves in channels, capillary rise in narrow passages are the instances where

B. surface tension is negligible
C. elastic forces are prefominant
D. surface tension cannot be neglected
E. viscous forces play a dominant role
Answer» D. surface tension cannot be neglected

Drag force in not a function of

A. mass density of the fluid
B. mass density of the body
D. velocity of the body
E. projected area of the body
Answer» B. mass density of the body

In Buttress dam, too flat a slope causes

A. A very high inclined stress at the heel
B. Overloading of buttress sections
C. Excessive tensile stress on upstream face
D. Increased tendency to overturning
E. Excessive tensile stresses in the foundation and the body of the dam
Answer» A. A very high inclined stress at the heel

The flow between any two stream lines

A. decreases along its path
C. remains the same
D. increases along its path
E. is always zero
Answer» C. remains the same

A streamline

A. is the line of equal velocity in a flow
B. occurs on all types of flows
C. is fixed in space in space flow
D. 51.3
E. is the line along geometrical centre of the flow
Answer» C. is fixed in space in space flow

One poise is equivalent to

A. 360 kg/m-hr
B. 1 dyne sec/cm2
C. 1/98.1 kgf sec/m2
D. 10-1 kg/m-sec
E. Any of the above
Answer» E. Any of the above

The magnitude of earthquake pressure on a dam varies as a function of

A. Frequency of vibration and amplitude
B. Richard's scale number
C. Amplitude
D. Frequency of vibration
E. Amplitude and intensity
Answer» A. Frequency of vibration and amplitude

Mercury is generally used in barometer because

A. It does not stick to the tube walls
B. It has practically zero vapour pressure
C. All above
D. It shines and can be easily read
E. Of higher density due to which the height of barmeter will be small
Answer» E. Of higher density due to which the height of barmeter will be small

Model analysis of free surface flows are based on

A. Reynold's no
B. Greater than ten
C. Mach no.
D. Froude no.
E. Euler no.
Answer» D. Froude no.

World's largest capacity hydro-electric generating plant is located in

A. U.S.S.R.
B. U.S.A.
C. France
D. India
E. Germany
Answer» A. U.S.S.R.

A Pelton wheel is

A. Inward flow reaction turbine
B. Outward flow impulse turbine
C. Axial flow impulse turbine
D. Aoutward flow reaction turbine
E. Inward flow impulse turbine
Answer» C. Axial flow impulse turbine

The centre of buoyancy is

A. Centroid of displaced volume of fluid
B. Mid-point between C.G. and metacentre
C. The point of intersection of the buoyant force and the centre line of the body
D. Centre of gravity of the body
E. When the metacentre is below C.G.
Answer» A. Centroid of displaced volume of fluid

If a centrifugal pump is noisy in operation, the cause may be

A. Air in water
B. Discharge head too high
C. Mechanical defect
D. Suction head too high
E. Priming faulty
Answer» C. Mechanical defect

An object having 20 kg mass weighs 19.60 kg on a spring type balance. The value of 'g' in m/sec2 for the place is

A. 1000
B. 10.1
C. 9.8
D. 10.2
E. 9.9
Answer» E. 9.9

The loss of head due to sudden enlargement is attributed to

A. roughness of the pipe
C. production and dissipation of turbulent energy
D. viscosity of fluid
E. generation of heat
Answer» C. production and dissipation of turbulent energy

Specific speed for reaction turbine ranges from

A. 10 - 110
B. 3 - 710
C. 200 - 300
D. More than 300
E. 125 - 180
Answer» A. 10 - 110

In a turbine installation gross head is defined as

A. The difference of level between the head race and the tail race
B. The difference of level between reservoir and downstream
C. The difference of head between axis of turbine to discharge stream level
D. The head actually used in developing power
E. None of the above
Answer» A. The difference of level between the head race and the tail race

A liquid compressed in a cylinder has a volume of 1 litre at 1 MN/m2 and a volume of 995 cu-cm at 2 MN / m2. The bulk modulus of elasticity would be

A. 10 Mpa
B. 200 Mpa
C. Mpa
D. 5 Mpa
E. 20 Mpa
Answer» B. 200 Mpa

Identify the correct statement

A. Frictional resistance in a pipe depends on the square of area of the wetted surface
B. Frictional resistance in a pipe decreases with density of the fluid
C. Frictional resistance in a pipe is dependent on the fluid pressure
D. Frictional resistance in a pipe increases with the square of velocity
E. Frictional resistance in a pipe is independent on surface roughness
Answer» D. Frictional resistance in a pipe increases with the square of velocity

In case the resultant of all the forces acting on a dam passes outside the base, the dam would overturn unless

A. Friction pads are provided
B. Coefficient of driction of the material is increased
C. It can resist tensile stress
D. Additional weight is provided on the body of the dam
E. Anchor blocks are provided
Answer» C. It can resist tensile stress

Model analysis of aeroplanes and projectiles moving at supersonic speed are based on

A. Weber number
B. Reynold number
C. Froude number
D. Euler number
E. Mach number
Answer» E. Mach number

The units of surface tension are

A. Same as units of force
B. Energy/unit area
C. Force/unit area
D. It is dimensionless
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Energy/unit area

Water enters a turbine at 900 kPa with negligible velocity. What maximum speed, in m/s, can it reach before it enters the turbine rotor?

A. 51.3
B. 52
C. 42
D. 47
E. 45
Answer» E. 45

Pressure co-efficient is a ratio of pressure forces to

A. Elastic energy forces
B. Viscous forces
C. Gravity forces
D. Intertial forces
E. Surface tension forces
Answer» D. Intertial forces

Which conduit entrance is expected to have least loss coeffieient?

A. Circular bell mouth entrances
B. Square cornered entrance
C. Square bell mouth entrances
D. Slightly rounded entrance
E. Inward projecting entrances
Answer» A. Circular bell mouth entrances

Which one of the following results in loss in an electric generator

A. Air drag
B. Friction in bearing
C. Direct current power for excitation
D. Heat generated in armature winding
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

A surge tank is provided in the hydropower schemes to

A. minimize the cost of hydro-power development
B. reduce frictional losses in the system
D. reduce water hammer pressures
E. strengthen the penstocks
Answer» D. reduce water hammer pressures

The boundary layer separation takes place if

A. Pressure gradient is zero
B. Pressure gradient is positive
C. Pressure gradient is negative
D. None of the above
E. None of the these answers
Answer» B. Pressure gradient is positive

Which of the following gauge can be used for the measurement of velocity of an aircraft?

A. Ionization chamber
B. Pilot tube
C. Inclined manometer
D. Venturimeter
E. Hot wire anemometer
Answer» B. Pilot tube

Submerged weight of a body is

A. less than its weight in air
B. equal to its weight in air
C. greater than its weight in air
E. greater than its weight in vacuum
Answer» A. less than its weight in air

In MLT units, velocity potential is expressed as

A. LT-2
B. L2T
C. L2T-1
D. 2.45
E. L2T-2
Answer» C. L2T-1

The continuity equation in ideal fluid flow

A. Applies to irrotational flow only
B. States that the net rate of in-flow into any small volume must be zero
C. States that the energy remains constant along stream line
D. States that energy is constant everywhere in the fluid
E. Impulses to existence of a velocity potential
Answer» D. States that energy is constant everywhere in the fluid

As the pump speed increases, its NPSH (net positive section head) requirement

A. Decreases
B. Remains unaffected
C. Increases
D. May increase or decrease
E. None
Answer» C. Increases

A Francis turbine is

A. Inward flow reaction turbine
B. Inward flow impulse turbine
C. Outward flow reaction turbine
D. Outward flow impulse turbine
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Inward flow reaction turbine

Portion of the installed reserve kept in operable condition but not placed in service to supply the peak load is known as

A. Spinning reserve
B. Operating reserve
C. None-spinning reserve
D. Hot reserve
E. Cold reserve
Answer» E. Cold reserve

The continuity equation

A. Expresses relationship between hydraulic parameters of flow
B. Relates the mass rate of flow along a stream line
C. Is based on Bernoulli's theorem
D. Is a relation for the momentum per unit volume for two points on a stream line
E. Expresses the relation between work and energy
Answer» B. Relates the mass rate of flow along a stream line

The radial component of velocity in a free vortex is

A. inversely proportional to the square of the radial distance
B. zero
D. directly proportional to the radial distance
E. inversely proportional to the radial distance
Answer» B. zero

For a flow between two stationary parallel plates the velocity distribution is parabolic. In this case the mean velocity is equal to

B. maximum velocity
C. one-third of the maximum velocity
D. half the maximum velocity
E. two-third of the maximum velocity
Answer» E. two-third of the maximum velocity

The most popular generation voltage in hydro-electric power stations in India is

A. 440 kV
B. 220 V
C. 440 V
D. 6600 V
E. 11000 V
Answer» E. 11000 V

The Boundary layer on a flat plate is calld laminar boundary layer if

A. Reynold No. is less than 2000
B. Reynold No. is less that 4000
C. Reynold No. is less than 5 x 105
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Reynold No. is less than 5 x 105

A fluid is a substance that

A. Is practically incompressible
B. Has the same shear stress at a point regardless of its motion
C. Cannot be subjected to shear forces
D. Cannot remain at rest under action of any sher force
E. Always expands until it fills any container
Answer» B. Has the same shear stress at a point regardless of its motion

A critical depthmeter is used to measure

A. Discharge in an open channel
B. Depth of oceans and rivers
C. Rise in head during hydraulic jump
D. Effective head of fluid flowing in a pipe
E. Rise in head during water hammer
Answer» A. Discharge in an open channel

The force acting on a gravity dam which causes stability is

A. Reservoir water pressure
B. Uplift
C. Weight of the dam
D. Wind pressure
E. Earth and silt pressure
Answer» C. Weight of the dam

A stationary body immersed in a river has a maximum pressure of 69 Kpa exerted on it at a distance of 5.4 m below the free surface. What velocity of river could be expected ?

A. 9 m/sec
B. 5.4 m/sec
C. 3.82 m/sec
D. 5.67 m/s
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 5.67 m/s

In reaction turbine the draft tube is used

A. To increase the effective head
B. To prevent air from entering
C. To reconvert kinetic energy to flow energy by a gradual expansion of the flow cross-section
D. To transport water to downstream without eddies
E. To run the turbine full
Answer» C. To reconvert kinetic energy to flow energy by a gradual expansion of the flow cross-section

Air vessels in a reciprocating pump is

A. Fitted in the suction line
B. Fitted in the delivery line
C. A cast iron chamber having an opening at the base
D. A, B and C above together
E. None of the above
Answer» D. A, B and C above together

If a water tank partially filled with water is being carried on a truck with a constant horizontal acceleration, the level of liquid will

A. Rise on the front side of the tank
B. Rise on the back side of the tank and fall on front
C. Fall on the front side of the tank
D. Front side fluctuate considerably
E. Fall on the back side of the tank and rise on front
Answer» B. Rise on the back side of the tank and fall on front

The pressure centre is

A. A point on the line of action of the resultant force
B. At the centroid of the submerged area
C. Independent of the orientation of the area
D. Always above the centroid of area
E. The centroid of the pressure prism
Answer» A. A point on the line of action of the resultant force

An ideal fluid is

A. One which flows through pipes with least friction
B. One which obeys Newton's law of viscosity
C. One which satisfies continuity equation
D. Similar to a perfect gas
E. Frictionless and incompressible
Answer» E. Frictionless and incompressible

The general energy equation is applicable to

A. Turbulent flow
B. Unsteady flow
C. Laminar flow
D. Steady flow
E. Non-uniform flow
Answer» D. Steady flow

In a venturimeter

A. Length of divergent cone is equal to the length of conergent cone
B. Length of divergent cone is half that of convergent cone
C. Divergent cone is kept shorter than convergent cone
D. Divergent cone is kept longer than the convergent cone
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Length of divergent cone is half that of convergent cone
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