Chapter: Impact of Jet and Hydraulic Turbines

The force exerted by a jet of water on a moving vertical plate, in the direction of motion of plate is given by

A. ρaV2
B. ρaV3
C. ρa (V – u)2
D. ρa (V – u)3
Answer» C. ρa (V – u)2

When a steady jet impinges on a fixed inclined surface

A. The flow is divided into parts proportional to the angle of inclination of the surface
B. No force is exerted by the jet on the vane
C. The momentum component is unchanged parallel to the surface
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. The flow is divided into parts proportional to the angle of inclination of the surface

For maximum efficiency of a series of curved vanes, the speed is

A. Equal to the jet speed
B. 3/4 of the jet speed
C. 1/2 of the jet speed
D. 1/3 of the jet speed.
Answer» C. 1/2 of the jet speed

The efficiency of jet propulsion with inlet orifices at right angles to the direction of motion of ship is given by

A. 2u/ (V + u)
B. 2V/ (V + u) 2
C. 2Vu/ (V + u) 2
D. 2u (V-u)/V3
Answer» B. 2V/ (V + u) 2

For an impulse turbine which of the following statements is correct :

A. It makes use of a draft tube
B. It is not exposed to atmosphere
C. It is most suited for low head installations
D. It operates with initial complete conversion of pressure head to velocity head.
Answer» D. It operates with initial complete conversion of pressure head to velocity head.

Which of the following statements is correct in case of a Pelton wheel :

A. It can operate at optimum efficiency at all high speeds
B. It is kept entirely submerged in water below the tail race.
C. It gives optimum efficiency at runaway speed
D. It operates by converting the available energy fully into kinetic energy before entering the rotor.
Answer» D. It operates by converting the available energy fully into kinetic energy before entering the rotor.

The effective (or net) head at the turbine is

A. The sum of gross head plus head loss in penstock and the velocity head at the turbine exit.
B. The difference between gross head minus the head loss in penstock
C. The difference between the gross head minus head loss in penstock and the velocity head at the turbine exit
D. The sum of gross head plus the head loss in the penstock.
Answer» C. The difference between the gross head minus head loss in penstock and the velocity head at the turbine exit

The difference between the power obtained from the turbine shaft and power supplied by water at its entry to the turbine is equal to

A. Sum of hydraulic and mechanical losses
B. Sum of mechanical and volumetric losses
C. Mechanical losses
D. Hydraulic losses.
Answer» A. Sum of hydraulic and mechanical losses

Which of the following statements is a definition of the hydraulic efficiency of a turbine?

A. The ratio of power available at the turbine shaft to that supplied to it by runner.
B. The ratio of the power supplied by the runner to the power available at the shaft.
C. The ratio of power utilized by runner to that supplied by the water at entry to the turbine.
D. The ratio of power supplied by water at entry to the power utilized by runner.
Answer» C. The ratio of power utilized by runner to that supplied by the water at entry to the turbine.

The power which appears in the expression for the specific speed is the:

A. Shaft power
B. Water power
C. Power into the turbine
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Shaft power

Which of the following statements is correct: Runaway speed of a hydraulic turbine is the speed

A. At which there would be no damage to the turbine runner
B. At which the turbine runner can be allowed to run freely without load and with wicket gates wide open
C. Corresponding to maximum overload permissible
D. At full load.
Answer» B. At which the turbine runner can be allowed to run freely without load and with wicket gates wide open

Which of the following statements is correct for a reaction turbine?

A. The outlet must be above the tail race.
B. Water may be allowed to enter a part or whole of wheel circumference.
C. Flow can be regulated without loss.
D. There is only partial conversion of available head to velocity head before entry to rotor.
Answer» D. There is only partial conversion of available head to velocity head before entry to rotor.

In a reaction turbine the function of a draft tube is to

A. Provide safety to turbine
B. Prevent air from entering
C. Reconvert the kinetic energy to flow energy
D. Increase the rate of flow
Answer» C. Reconvert the kinetic energy to flow energy

Which of the following statements with respect to a reaction water turbine is incorrect:

A. The spiral casing serves to uniformly distribute water into guide blades
B. The water leaves the turbine at atmospheric pressure
C. The draft tube allows setting of the turbine above the tail race with minimum reduction of available energy
D. The guide vanes direct the flow at proper angle.
Answer» B. The water leaves the turbine at atmospheric pressure

Which of the following turbines is suitable for specific speed ranging from 300 to 1000 and heads below 30 m:

A. Francis
B. Kaplan
C. Propeller
D. Pelton.
Answer» B. Kaplan

Specific speed of a turbo-machine

A. Relates the shape rather than the size of the machine
B. Remains unchanged under different condi tions of operation
C. Has the dimensions of rotational speed
D. Is the speed of a machine having unit dimensions.
Answer» A. Relates the shape rather than the size of the machine

In an outward radial flow turbine energy conversion process is

A. Purely by reaction only
B. Purely by impulse only
C. Partly by impulse and partly by reaction
D. None of the above.
Answer» D. None of the above.

Which of the following turbines is least efficient under part load conditions:

A. Propeller
B. Kaplan
C. Francis
D. Pelton.
Answer» A. Propeller

A surge tank is used to

A. Prevent occurrence of hydraulic jump
B. Smoothen the flow
C. Relieve the pipeline of excessive pressure transients
D. Avoid reversal of flow.
Answer» C. Relieve the pipeline of excessive pressure transients

Which of the following turbines is most efficient at partload operation?

A. Kaplan
B. Propeller
C. Francis
D. Pelton wheel.
Answer» A. Kaplan

With respect to a Kaplan turbine which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. It employs large guide vane angles than is the case for a Francis turbine.
B. It is designed for flow velocity of mixed flow type.
C. It has blades of small camber to prevent separation.
D. It can adjust both guide vane and blade angles according to rate of discharge.
Answer» B. It is designed for flow velocity of mixed flow type.

Specific speed of an impulse turbine (Pelton wheel) ranges from

A. 12 to 70
B. 80 to 400
C. 300 to 1000
D. 1000 to 1200.
Answer» A. 12 to 70

Cavitation damage in turbine runner occurs near the

A. Inlet on the convex side of blades
B. Outlet on the convex side of blades
C. Inlet on the concave side of blades
D. Outlet on the concave side of blades.
Answer» B. Outlet on the convex side of blades

Which of the following serious problems arise from cavitation?

A. Noise and vibration.
B. Damage to blade surface.
C. Fall in efficiency.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

A Kaplan turbine is

A. An inward flow impulse turbine
B. Low head axial flow turbine
C. High head axial flow turbine
D. High head mixed flow turbine.
Answer» B. Low head axial flow turbine

An impulse turbine requires

A. High head and small quantity of flow
B. Low head and small quantity of flow
C. Low head and high rate of flow
D. None of the above
Answer» A. High head and small quantity of flow

......of a turbine is defined as the ratio of power available at the turbine shaft to the power supplied by the water jet.

A. Mechanical efficiency
B. Hydraulic efficiency
C. Overall efficiency
D. Volumetric efficiency.
Answer» C. Overall efficiency

The ratio of power developed by the runner to the power supplied by the jet at entrance to the turbine is known as

A. Hydraulic efficiency
B. Mechanical efficiency
C. Volumetric efficiency
D. Overall efficiency.
Answer» A. Hydraulic efficiency

The water which acts on the runner blades of a reaction turbine is under a pressure

A. Equal to atmospheric
B. Below atmospheric
C. Above atmospheric
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Above atmospheric

The runner passages of a reaction turbine are

A. Partially filled with water
B. Always completely filled with water
C. Never filled with water
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Always completely filled with water

The value of speed ratio (Ku) in case of a Francis turbine ranges from

A. 0.2 to 0.3
B. 0.4 to 0.5
C. 0.6 to 0.9
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. 0.6 to 0.9

The value of flow ratio (Kf) in case of a Francis turbine varies from:

A. 0.1 to 0.14
B. 0.15 to 0.30
C. 0.35 to 0.5
D. 0.6 to 0.9.
Answer» B. 0.15 to 0.30

A Kaplan turbine claims which of the following advantages over a Francis turbine?

A. More compact in construction and smaller in size.
B. Partload efficiency is considerably high.
C. Low frictional losses.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

Which of the following draft tubes is suited particularly for helical flow?

A. Conical type draft tube.
B. Elbow type draft tube.
C. Moody’s spreading draft tube.
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Moody’s spreading draft tube.

Which of the following surge tank is also called a throttled surge tank?

A. Inclined surge tank.
B. Expansion chamber surge tank.
C. Restricted orifice surge tank.
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Restricted orifice surge tank.

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