980+ Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Solved MCQs


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In           analysis the initial state is compared with the goal state and an operator is chosen to reduce the difference between two

A. means end analysis
B. median end analysis
C. mode end analysis
D. frequency analysis
Answer» A. means end analysis

Which among the below options is not an interdisciplinary field of HCI?

A. cognitive psychology
B. ergonomics
C. design
D. civil
Answer» D. civil

Which reasoning derives the logically conclusion from the given premises ?

A. abuductive reasoning
B. inductive reasoning
C. deductive reasoning
D. all the above
Answer» C. deductive reasoning

Which type of receptors responds to pressure?

A. mechano receptors
B. nociceptors
C. chemo receptors
D. thermo receptors
Answer» A. mechano receptors

is the process of selecting things to concentrate on, at a point in time, from the range of possibilities available

A. reasoning
B. decision making
C. attention
D. none
Answer» C. attention

Which of the following is not a main activity of Long Term Memory ?

A. forgetting
B. initiation
C. information retrival
D. storage
Answer» B. initiation

Which part of sensory memory is responsible to tactile stimuli?

A. iconic
B. echoic
C. haptic
D. rehersal
Answer» C. haptic

In human hearing process the middle ear is connected to inner ear by using

A. cochlea
B. ossicles
C. tympanic membrane
D. cilia
Answer» A. cochlea

In human hearing process, the middle ear is connected to outer ear by using

A. tympanic membrane
B. cilia
C. cochlea
D. ossicles
Answer» A. tympanic membrane

Cones help with ------- vision.

A. low light
B. peripheral
C. color
D. direct
Answer» C. color

The Structure of the ear attached to both sides of a Human Head is called

A. ossicles
B. cochlea
C. auditory canal
D. pinna
Answer» D. pinna

Through _________optic nerves enter the eye.

A. cornea
B. lens
C. blind spot
D. retina
Answer» C. blind spot

Which are called as the nerve cells of retina

A. rods and cons
B. fovea
C. blind spot
D. gangolian cells
Answer» D. gangolian cells

            memory may store information in a semantic network

A. long-term
B. short term
C. sensory buffers
D. none of these
Answer» A. long-term

Which of the following is highly sensitive to light and allows to see under a low level of illumination?

A. cones
B. x-cells
C. y-cells
D. rods
Answer» D. rods

Which of these denote the objects involved in the events described in the script.

A. props
B. roles
C. scenes
D. tracks
Answer» A. props

Once information passed from sensory to working memory, it can be encoded into                memory.

A. short term
B. sensory
C. long term
D. semantic
Answer» C. long term

In cathode ray tube, stream of electrons emitted from electron gun is focussed and directed by?

A. concave lens
B. concave mirror
C. convex lens
D. magnetic fields
Answer» D. magnetic fields

VR helmets or gogglers worn in some VR systems for the purpose(s)

A. displays the 3d world to each eye
B. allows the users head position to be tracked
C. both (1) and (2)
D. neither (1)nor(2)
Answer» C. both (1) and (2)

Identify the number of incorrect pairs.
(a) Iconic – Visual
(b) Haptic – Touch
(c) Echoic – Aural
(d) Sensory - STM

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
Answer» D. 1

If you change telephone numbers, learning your new number makes it more difficult to remember your old number.. This is an example of

A. retroactive interference
B. decay
C. forgetting
D. proactive inhibition
Answer» A. retroactive interference

        is used for detecting mouse motion

A. wheels
B. rollers
C. both a and b
D. sensor
Answer» B. rollers

Who developed mouse?

A. bill gates
B. douglas c. engelbart
C. ralph h. baer
D. yukio horie
Answer» B. douglas c. engelbart

In 3D mouse the rotation twisted on its own axis is known as

A. pitch
B. roll
C. yaw
D. orientation
Answer» B. roll

Which of the following is an example of haptic device application in real world

A. touch screen
B. electronic braille
C. screen gaze
D. speakers
Answer» B. electronic braille

A digitizing tablet can be used for?

A. editing maps
B. playing
C. reading bar- codes
D. tracing diagrams
Answer» A. editing maps

What are the several factors that can limit the speed of an interactive system?

A. computation bound
B. storage channel bound
C. graphics bound
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

What is the principal interaction mode for a microsoft kinect?

A. mouse pointer
B. haptic interface
C. exploring and browsing
D. gesture and body movements
Answer» D. gesture and body movements

____are unintentional while          occur through conscious deliberation.

A. slips, mistakes
B. errors,slips
C. mistakes, errors
D. mistakes, slips
Answer» A. slips, mistakes

                  acts as a shortcut to an action the computer performs.

A. menu
B. icon
C. window
D. pointer
Answer» B. icon

In virtual reality which of the senses cannot currently be portrayed?

A. touch
B. hearing
C. sight
D. smell
Answer» D. smell

The difference between the intentions and allowable actions is      

A. gulf of execution
B. gulf of evaluation
C. both (a) & (b)
D. . none of these
Answer» A. gulf of execution

What are the two major phases of Norman's model of interaction?

A. evaluation and execution
B. planning and execution
C. interpretation and execution
D. perception and decision
Answer» A. evaluation and execution

Which of the following was the first interactive dialog style to be commonly used?

A. wimp interface
B. menu
C. command line interface
D. natural language
Answer» C. command line interface

WYSIWYG stands for                         .

A. where you see is where you get
B. what you see is what you get
C. when you see it when you get
D. none of these
Answer» B. what you see is what you get

The haptic perception is that is about the awareness of the position of the body and limbs is                      

A. kinesthesis
B. receptors
C. touch
D. all of these
Answer» A. kinesthesis

The time taken to hit a target is a function of the _____ of the target and the                  that has to be moved.

A. length,width
B. pitch,angle
C. size,distance
D. none of these
Answer» C. size,distance

Which of the following where humans can pursue more than one task at a time?

A. personal computing
B. window systems and the wimp interface
C. multi-modality
D. time sharing
Answer» B. window systems and the wimp interface

Maier's pendulum problem is a illustration for                        

A. problem space theory
B. anderson\s act* model
C. gestalt theory
D. all of these
Answer» C. gestalt theory

Three important things that have to be understood in HCI are:

A. screen sizes, processor speeds and memory sizes
B. users, tasks, and context
C. location, age and education
D. none of these
Answer» B. users, tasks, and context

Identify the interaction component in the following Scenario: A doctor performs an ultrasound on the ultra sound machine using a handheld device.

A. doctor
B. performs an utlrasound
C. the ultra sound machine
D. handheld device
Answer» B. performs an utlrasound

Which of the following paradigm defines sharing of a single computer resource among multiple users?

A. context aware computing
B. ubiquitous computing
C. time sharing
D. batch processing
Answer» C. time sharing

Scenarios are used to

A. communicat e with others
B. validate models
C. express dynamics
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which one of these would not be found in a good HCI?

A. icons that can have specific meanings
B. common shortcuts, like ctrl+z for undo
C. sounds that convey meanings
D. a long command line to achieve a function
Answer» D. a long command line to achieve a function

What are the interaction design basics

A. scenarios
B. navigation design
C. users
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Where does the core of interaction design remember the user

A. index
B. top
C. end
D. platforms
Answer» C. end

_                              _ is a style for representing design and planning and where a hierarchical structure to a design rationale is created

A. questions, options and criteria (qoc) notation
B. decision representati on language
C. issue-based information system
D. none of the above
Answer» C. issue-based information system

Identify the evaluation technique that is useful to evaluate early design such as prototype and storyboard

A. heuristic evaluation
B. cognitive walkthrough
C. model based
D. review based
Answer» A. heuristic evaluation

The ultimate test of a product’s usability is based on

A. measuring concept
B. measuring method
C. measurement of user experience
D. none of these
Answer» C. measurement of user experience

The multiplicity of ways the user and system exchange information is called -------------.

A. learnability
B. flexibility
C. robustness
D. none of these
Answer» B. flexibility

The resources expanded in relation to the accuracy and completeness of goals achieved is called __                 

A. satisfaction
B. effectiveness
C. efficiency
D. usability
Answer» C. efficiency

The accuracy and completeness with which specified users can achieve specified goals in particular environments is called _                        

A. satisfaction
B. effectiveness
C. efficiency
D. usability
Answer» B. effectiveness

Usability testing is conducted in early phases of design.

A. true
B. false
C. ---
D. ----
Answer» B. false

Which of the following is not a component of the usability

A. effectiveness
B. efficiency
C. satisfaction
D. completeness
Answer» D. completeness

In which type of design rationale preserves order of deliberation and decision-making

A. process- oriented
B. structure- oriented
C. psychology oriented
D. -----
Answer» A. process- oriented

Which of the following checks if we are designing the right product?

A. verification
B. validation
C. testing
D. debugging
Answer» B. validation

Which of the following checks if we are designing the product right

A. verification
B. validation
C. testing
D. debugging
Answer» A. verification

The goal of interactive systems design is

A. reducing the cost
B. designing for maximum usability
C. working within the constraints
D. none of the above
Answer» B. designing for maximum usability

What are the components of usability?

A. efficiency, flexibility, effectiveness
B. efficiency, effectiveness , satisfaction
C. satisfaction, essentiality, flexibility
D. satisfaction, essentiality, effectiveness
Answer» B. efficiency, effectiveness , satisfaction

Which design rationale aims to make explicit consequences in order to better suit a product for the tasks user have?

A. design space analysis
B. psychological design
C. issue based information system
D. none of these
Answer» B. psychological design

The principles that gives the framework to develop universal design

A. equitable use
B. flexibility
C. simple and intuitive to use
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following is not a principle of learnability?

A. predictability
B. customizabil ity
C. synthesizability
D. familiarity
Answer» B. customizabil ity

Consistency is a principle of ___               

A. usability
B. learnability
C. flexibility
D. robustness
Answer» B. learnability

---------- is the degree to which system services support all the user's task

A. task migratability
B. observability
C. task conformance
D. robustness
Answer» C. task conformance

Which determines effect of future actions based on past interaction history

A. synthesizabil ity
B. predictability
C. familiarity
D. consistency
Answer» B. predictability

Which of the following principle of usability addresses multithreading?

A. learnability
B. flexibility
C. robustness
D. none of the above
Answer» B. flexibility

The multiplicity of ways the user and system exchange information.

A. flexibility
B. robustness
C. learnability
D. usability
Answer» A. flexibility

Support for the user to extend knowledge of specific interaction within and across applications to other similar situations is called as ----------------

A. predictability
B. generalizabil ity
C. synthesizability
D. none of the above
Answer» B. generalizabil ity

Which of the following is not a characteristics of design patterns?

A. capture design practice
B. capture essential properties
C. simplify tasks
D. represent design knowledge
Answer» C. simplify tasks

Which evaluation technique is said to "Discount Usability technique"?

A. review-based
B. heuristic evaluation
C. cognitive walkthrough
D. none of these
Answer» B. heuristic evaluation

_                    is as an attempt to introduce psychological theory into the informal and subjective walkthrough technique

A. heuristic evaluation
B. model based evaluation
C. cognitive walkthrough
D. review based
Answer» C. cognitive walkthrough

Universal design which means designing for diversity includes

A. people of same age group
B. people with sensory, physical or cognitive impairment
C. people from same cultures and backgrounds
D. none of the above
Answer» B. people with sensory, physical or cognitive impairment

It is the intervention, part of the goal and constraints when creating a software.

A. navigation
B. design
C. users
D. scenario
Answer» B. design

Aim of Evaluation is to test _                       _

A. functionality
B. usability of the design
C. acceptability
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Who proposed heuristic evaluation?

A. nielson and molich
B. allen newell
C. thomas p.moron
D. stuart k.card
Answer» A. nielson and molich

Identify the evaluation technique that is useful to evaluate early design

A. heuristic evaluation
B. cognitive walkthrough
C. model based
D. review based
Answer» A. heuristic evaluation

What are the things needed for cognitive walkthrough?

A. prototype of the system
B. description of the task
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both a and b

----------------- is the prediction of the outcome of an experiment

A. hypothesis
B. variables
C. participants
D. field studies
Answer» A. hypothesis

In which evaluation method "usability criteria" is identified?

A. review based evaluation
B. model based evaluation
C. heuristics evaluation
D. experimental evaluation
Answer» C. heuristics evaluation

"Using model of how a human would use a proposed system to obtain predict usability measure by calculation or simulation" choose the evaluation technique to describe the above statement

A. heuristic evaluation
B. cognitive walk- through
C. model-based evaluation
D. review-based evaluation
Answer» C. model-based evaluation

The goals of evaluation

A. to assess the extent and accessibility of the system’s functionality
B. to assess users’ experience of the interaction
C. to identify any specific problems with the system
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

In cognitive walkthrough, problem report should indicate

A. date
B. evaluators
C. severity of the problem
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following is golden rule for interface design?

A. strive for consistency
B. offer error prevention and simple error handling
C. reduce short-term memory load
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Educational software provides guidance and background information when the student makes an inappropriate response is an example of --------

A. flexibility in use
B. perceptible information
C. tolerance for error
D. none of these
Answer» C. tolerance for error

Which of the following is NOT a principle of universal design?

A. sustainabilit y
B. tolerance of error
C. low physical effort
D. equitable use
Answer» A. sustainabilit y

The smallest unit of language that has meaning is called

A. allophones
B. phonemes
C. morphemes
D. none of the above
Answer» C. morphemes

What is the major technology used to capture handwriting?

A. go-pen point computer
B. digitizing tablet
C. apple newton
D. pen-based computer
Answer» B. digitizing tablet

Which of the following is false about earcons?

A. motives combine to produce rich information
B. usage of analytic sounds to convey information
C. easily grouped and refined
D. structured approach to designing
Answer» B. usage of analytic sounds to convey information

Minimizing the impact and damage caused by mistakes or unintended behaviour is a principle related to __                 _

A. tolerance
B. flexibility
C. equity
D. perceptible
Answer» A. tolerance

What is the principal interaction mode for a Microsoft Kinect?

A. haptic interface
B. mouse pointer
C. exploring and browsing
D. gesture and body movements
Answer» D. gesture and body movements

Which of the following statements is true?

A. a good ui design doesn’t save money as it is expensive
B. bad ui design doesn’t really affect the reputation of the company
C. a good ui design saves time and effort
D. the ui design doesn’t matter as long as the product is great
Answer» C. a good ui design saves time and effort

Which of the following is true about good design?

A. good design is just cool graphics
B. good design is just common sense
C. good design comes from an iterative process with the user in loop
D. good design can come from fixing the ui at the end
Answer» C. good design comes from an iterative process with the user in loop

The process of making software suitable for different languages and cultures is called ---------------

A. internationali zation
B. interpolation
C. competition
D. cooperation
Answer» A. internationali zation

The following describes the Iterative Design process:

A. design-code- launch
B. design- prototype- launch
C. design-prototype- evaluate
D. design- evaluate-code
Answer» C. design-prototype- evaluate

Observe the image below and select the best corresponding option:

A. this is good design because the keyboard is compact
B. this is bad design because it easy to press the power off switch while trying to increase the volume
C. this is good design because the logos are aesthetically appealing
D. this is bad design because the buttons are too small
Answer» B. this is bad design because it easy to press the power off switch while trying to increase the volume

Observe the image below and select the best corresponding option

A. this is good design because this arrangement is aesthetically appealing
B. this is bad design because the buttons are too big
C. this is good design because the placement of otis improves the functionality
D. this is bad design because it is unintuitive and confusing
Answer» D. this is bad design because it is unintuitive and confusing

Observe the image below and select the best corresponding option

A. this is good design because the layout is original and new
B. this is bad design because the direction keys are unaligned
C. this is good design because the arrangement makes the keyboard compact
D. this is bad design because it is aethetically unappealing
Answer» B. this is bad design because the direction keys are unaligned

“Good Design is just cool graphics”.

A. true
B. false
C. -
D. -
Answer» B. false

The distinction between a process- and structure-oriented design rationale resides in what information the design rationale misses to capture

A. true
B. false
C. -
D. -
Answer» B. false

In grouping, If things are not logically together, then we should normally physically group them together

A. true
B. false
C. -
D. -
Answer» B. false
Question and answers in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Human Computer Interaction (HCI) multiple choice questions and answers, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Human Computer Interaction (HCI) MCQs with answers PDF download