140+ Indian Constitution - Institutions and Processes Solved MCQs


Which one of the following types of emergency can be declared by the President?

A. emergency due to threat of war, external aggression or internal disturbances.
B. emergency due to break-down of constitution machinery in a state .
C. financial emergency on account of threat to the financial credit of india.
D. all the three emergencies.
Answer» D. all the three emergencies.

A proclamation of emergency must be placed before the Parliament for its approval:

A. within one month.
B. within two months.
C. within six months.
D. within one year.
Answer» A. within one month.

With the approval of Parliament the National Emergency can continue for:

A. a maximum period of three years
B. a maximum period of one year
C. an indefinite period.
D. a maximum period of one year.
Answer» C. an indefinite period.

Which one of the following category of emergency has been declared maximum number of times?

A. national emergency.
B. emergency due to breakdown of constitutional machinery of states.
C. financial emergency.
D. all the three equal number of times.
Answer» B. emergency due to breakdown of constitutional machinery of states.

Which one of the following categories of emergency has not been declared so far?

A. national emergency.
B. emergency due to breakdown of constitutional machinery.
C. financial emergency.
D. none of the above .
Answer» C. financial emergency.

The Vice – President of India is elected :

A. by the people.
B. elected by the members of state legislative assemblies.
C. elected by the members of rajya sabha.
D. elected by the members of the two houses of parliament at a joint sitting .
Answer» D. elected by the members of the two houses of parliament at a joint sitting .

Which one of the following qualifications for the office of the Vice –President of India has been wrongly listed?

A. he must be citizen of india.
B. he must have completed the age of thirty five years.
C. he must be a member of rajyasabha.
D. he must not hold any office of profit under the government of india or the
Answer» C. he must be a member of rajyasabha.

The Vice-President of India holds office:

A. during the pleasure of the president .
B. for a term of four years.
C. for a term of five years.
D. for a term which is decided at the time of his appointment by the parliament.
Answer» C. for a term of five years.

With regard to the re-election of the Vice- President:

A. the constitution is absolutely silent .
B. the constitution places a clear ban.
C. the constitution permits re-election only once.
D. the constitution permits maximum of three terms.
Answer» A. the constitution is absolutely silent .

On the death of the President the Vice President Succeeds him as President for

A. the un-expired term
B. a maximum period of six months.
C. a maximum period of one year.
D. maximum period of three years.
Answer» B. a maximum period of six months.

In India the real executive authority rests with

A. president.
B. the prime minister.
C. the council of ministers.
D. the civil servants.
Answer» C. the council of ministers.

The council of ministers consist of

A. the prime minister, the president, the vice president and other ministers.
B. the prime minister, the president and other minister.
C. the prime minister and other ministers.
D. none of the above.
Answer» C. the prime minister and other ministers.

The formation of the council of ministers starts with

A. the ordering of the general election of parliament.
B. the appointment of the prime minister.
C. the appointment of the president.
D. the formal notification of the president.
Answer» B. the appointment of the prime minister.

The Prime Minister who is the head of the council of ministers

A. cannot be a member of either house of parliament.
B. must be a member of either house of parliament.
C. must be leader of the rajya sabha.
D. must be leader of the majority party in the lok sabha.
Answer» D. must be leader of the majority party in the lok sabha.

The strength of the council of ministers

A. has been fixed by the constitution.
B. has been fixed by the parliament under peoples representation act 1950.
C. is determined by the prime minister keeping in view the requirements of the time.
D. is determined by the president.
Answer» C. is determined by the prime minister keeping in view the requirements of the time.

The council of ministers is

A. identical with the cabinet.
B. a smaller body than the cabinet.
C. a larger body than the cabinet.
D. in no way related to the cabinet.
Answer» C. a larger body than the cabinet.

Generally all important decisions are taken by

A. the council of ministers .
B. the cabinet.
C. the council ministers and cabinet at a joint sitting.
D. the prime minister.
Answer» B. the cabinet.

Which one of the following categories of ministers are members of cabinet?

A. ministers with cabinet rank.
B. ministers of state.
C. deputy ministers.
D. all the above categories of ministers .
Answer» A. ministers with cabinet rank.

Constitutionally the member of the council of ministers hold office

A. during the pleasure of the president.
B. during the pleasure of the speaker.
C. during the pleasure of the parliament.
D. during the pleasure of the prime minister.
Answer» A. during the pleasure of the president.

In reality the council of ministers stay in office as long as it enjoys

A. the confidents of lok sabha.
B. the confidents of the prime minister.
C. the confidents of the president.
D. the confidents of the rajya sabha.
Answer» A. the confidents of lok sabha.

A person can be appointed a member of the council of ministers

A. only if he is not a member of either house4 of parliament.
B. only if he is a member of either house of parliament.
C. only if the president recommends his appointment to the prime minister.
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. only if he is a member of either house of parliament.

The council of ministers can be removed from office

A. by the president at his discretion .
B. by the rajya sabha if it passes a resolution to this effect.
C. by the lok sabha if it passes a vote of no confidents against it .
D. by the lok sabha and the rajya sabha jointly by passing a vote no confidents
Answer» C. by the lok sabha if it passes a vote of no confidents against it .

The Legislative Function of the Council of Ministers include

A. the right to summon and prorogue the two houses of parliament.
B. right of nominate two anglo-indian members of lok sabha.
C. right to nominate some members of rajya sabha.
D. right to introduce important bills and resolutions in the parliament.
Answer» D. right to introduce important bills and resolutions in the parliament.

The financial functions of the Council of ministers include the right:

A. to clarify whether a bill is a money bill or not.
B. to prepare and introduce the budget in the parliament.
C. to control expenditure out of the contingency fund of india.
D. to appoint finance commission from time to time.
Answer» B. to prepare and introduce the budget in the parliament.

As regards the powers of the Council of Ministers with regard to the foreign relations:

A. it receives the ambassadors and diplomats from foreign countries.
B. it determines the foreign policy of the country.
C. it helps in the recruitment of members of indian foreign service.
D. it concludes treaties and agreements with foreign countries.
Answer» B. it determines the foreign policy of the country.

The meetings of the Council of Members are presided over by:

A. the president.
B. the speaker.
C. the prime minister.
D. by all the ministers in rotation.
Answer» C. the prime minister.

The allocation of portfolios to the various members of the Council of Ministers is done:

A. according to the discretion of the president.
B. according to the discretion of the prime minister.
C. through draw of lots.
D. on the basis of preferences indicated by the ministers.
Answer» B. according to the discretion of the prime minister.

The office of the Prime Minister of India

A. has been created by the constitution .
B. rests on conventions .
C. he has been predicted by parliamentary statute .
D. is the result of the combination of the all the above three factors.
Answer» A. has been created by the constitution .

The Prime Minister is the head of

A. state.
B. government.
C. both state and government.
D. neither state nor government.
Answer» B. government.

The Prime Minister is

A. appointed by the president.
B. elected by the lok sabha.
C. elected by the both the houses of parliament at a joint sitting.
D. elected by an electoral collage containing representative of parliament and state
Answer» A. appointed by the president.

Generally the Prime Minister is

A. not a member of either house of parliament.
B. the leader of the majority party in the lok sabha.
C. leader of the majority party in both the house of parliament.
D. a trusted front of the president.
Answer» B. the leader of the majority party in the lok sabha.

The Prime Minister says in office as long as

A. he is in the good books of the president.
B. his party enjoys the confidence of the lok sabha.
C. his party enjoys the confidence of the both the houses of parliament.
D. for a fixed term of 5 years.
Answer» B. his party enjoys the confidence of the lok sabha.

The agenda for the meeting of the council of ministers is declared by

A. the prime minister .
B. a small committee of the council of ministers formed for this purpose.
C. all the members of the council at a formal meeting.
D. the prime minister in consultation with the president.
Answer» A. the prime minister .

The Government in India is known as Parliamentary because

A. parliament is elected by the people.
B. parliament consist of two houses.
C. parliament is a sovereigns body.
D. the executive is accountable to the legislature .
Answer» B. parliament consist of two houses.

The framers of the constitution drew inspiration for adoption of Parliamentary government from

A. britain.
B. switzerland.
C. france.
D. u.s.a.
Answer» A. britain.

The Parliamentary Government in the western sense was introduced in India by

A. the british in 1833.
B. the french in 1680.
C. the british in 1858.
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. the british in 1833.

The decision regarding adoption of Parliamentary Government was taken by the Constituent Assembly

A. unanimously .
B. by an overwhelming majority.
C. by the caste in votes of the president of the assembly.
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. by an overwhelming majority.

The constitution provided Parliamentary Governments

A. only at the centre .
B. both at the centre as well as states.
C. only at the centre but permitted it to introduce the same at the state level.
D. none of the above.
Answer» D. none of the above.

According to the constitution the Lok Sabha must meet at least

A. thrice each year with no more than two months between sessions.
B. twice each year with no more than three months between sessions.
C. twice each year with no more than four months between sessions.
D. twice each year with no more than six months between sessions.
Answer» D. twice each year with no more than six months between sessions.

Which of the following parliamentary Committees in India acts a ‘watch-dog’on departmental expenditures and irregularities

A. estimates committee.
B. committee on public undertakings.
C. public accounts committee.
D. committee on public assurances.
Answer» C. public accounts committee.
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