330+ Indian Financial System Solved MCQs


In hire purchase depreciation can be claimed by the

A. hirer
B. vendor
C. financiers
D. all of these
Answer» A. hirer

A merchant bank can claim a charge ------- % as the commission for the whole issue

A. 5%
B. 2.5%
C. 0.5%
D. 0.25%
Answer» C. 0.5%

Which of the following is not a quantitative credit control tool of RBI?

A. bank rate
B. open market operation
C. slr
D. margin requirements
Answer» D. margin requirements

Which of the following is a selective (qualitative) credit control method?

A. bank rate
B. open market operation
C. variable reserve ratio
D. credit rationing
Answer» D. credit rationing

Currency notes of rupee one and other lower subsidiary coins are issued by

A. rbi
B. commercial banks
C. ministry of finance
D. bank note press
Answer» C. ministry of finance

American Depository Receipts (ADRs) are issuing by

A. indian company
B. american company
C. overseas depository
D. international exchange
Answer» C. overseas depository

----------- is the process of converting security in electronic form into physical form

A. rematerialisation
B. dematerialisation
C. demutualisation
D. mutualisation
Answer» A. rematerialisation

----------- is dealing in securities done by those who having access to price sensitive information.

A. margin trading
B. insider trading
C. price rigging
D. wash sales
Answer» B. insider trading

--------- is a calculated move with an expectation to reap huge profit from market fluctuations

A. gambling
B. speculation
C. genuine investment
D. none of the above
Answer» B. speculation

---------- speculators are optimistic in nature

A. bull
B. bear
C. stag
D. wolves
Answer» A. bull

---------- speculators are Pessimistic in nature

A. bull
B. bear
C. stag
D. wolves
Answer» B. bear

The scheme in which company can allot shares not more than 15% of the issue size, to the public in addition to the shares already offered- is called

A. right issue
B. esops
C. green shoe option
D. bonus issue
Answer» C. green shoe option

The merchant banker coordinating a public issue is called as

A. syndicator
B. lead manager
C. post issue manager
D. none of these
Answer» B. lead manager

-------- is a shortened form of prospectus

A. red herring prospectus
B. abridged prospectus
C. statement in lieu of prospectus
D. shelf prospectus
Answer» B. abridged prospectus

-------- is an offer document is used in public issue made under book building method.

A. red herring prospectus
B. abridged prospectus
C. statement in lieu of prospectus
D. shelf prospectus
Answer» A. red herring prospectus

In technical sense, short sellers (bears) will be “squeezed” through

A. wash sales
B. cornering
C. rigging
D. arbitrage
Answer» B. cornering

---------- is known as ‘Traffic in securities’

A. wash sales
B. cornering
C. rigging
D. arbitrage
Answer» D. arbitrage

A system of security trade in which one is allowed to invest in excess of his financial capacity by borrowing funds

A. margin trading
B. cornering
C. rigging
D. arbitrage
Answer» A. margin trading

Which of the following speculative transactions are unfair and prohibited?

A. margin trading
B. option deals
C. rigging
D. arbitrage
Answer» C. rigging

Which of the following is not a prohibited act in security market?

A. insider trading
B. price rigging
C. cornering
D. margin trading
Answer» D. margin trading

------- is undertaken for making a dishonest claim for tax deduction.

A. wash sales
B. price rigging
C. cornering
D. margin trading
Answer» A. wash sales

-------- means temporary halt of trade in stock exchanges whenever index moves upward or downward beyond the specified limits

A. laddering
B. cornering
C. circuit breaking
D. side by siding
Answer» C. circuit breaking

Unsecured debentures are also known as...........

A. registered debentures
B. bearer debentures
C. naked debentures
D. collateral debentures
Answer» C. naked debentures

Non-voting shares were introduced by Companies (Amendment) bills in the year

A. 1997
B. 1999
C. 2000
D. 2002
Answer» A. 1997

in the case of -------- bonds, the value is inversely related to short term interest rates.

A. fixed rate bonds
B. inverse float bonds
C. perpetual bonds
D. option bonds
Answer» B. inverse float bonds

“D vs. P” system for government securities market means

A. delivery and payment settlement
B. dividend and principal settlement
C. dollar and pound settlement
D. delaying and postponement
Answer» A. delivery and payment settlement

Non banking financial institutions (NBFIs) are registered under

A. rbi act
B. banking regulation act
C. companies act
D. sebi act
Answer» C. companies act

According to IFRS, the term financial asset includes

A. cash or cash equivalent
B. equity shares
C. contractual right to receive cash
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following is /are example of primary or direct financial instrument

A. fixed deposit receipt
B. insurance policies
C. mutual fund unit
D. debentures
Answer» D. debentures

Which of the following is /are example of Secondary or indirect financial instrument

A. equity shares
B. preference shares
C. post office saving deposit
D. bonds
Answer» C. post office saving deposit

A Non Banking Financial Institution

A. can accept demand deposit
B. can issue cheques to customers
C. cannot accept fixed deposit
D. cannot accept demand deposit and cannot issue cheques
Answer» D. cannot accept demand deposit and cannot issue cheques

Kerala State Financial Enterprises ltd (KSFE) is an example of

A. banking institution
B. investment institution
C. nbfi
D. state level development banks
Answer» C. nbfi

UTI, LIC etc are examples of

A. banking institution
B. investment institution
C. nbfi
D. development banks
Answer» B. investment institution

SFC is an example of

A. banking institution
B. investment institution
C. nbfi
D. development institution
Answer» D. development institution

Which of the following is /are not regulatory institutions

A. rbi
B. sebi
C. irda
D. ifci
Answer» D. ifci

Which of the following is not a negotiable instrument?

A. adr
B. gdr
C. fdr
D. idr
Answer» C. fdr

‘Follow on Public Offer’ is also known as

A. further public offer
B. seasoned public offer
C. subsequent public offer
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

“Uberrimae Fidei” means

A. indemnity
B. insurable interest
C. good faith
D. mitigation of loss
Answer» C. good faith

........... is the oldest insurance

A. fire insurance
B. life insurance
C. marine insurance
D. social insurance
Answer» C. marine insurance

In ---------------- , insurable interest is enough at the time of loss

A. fire insurance
B. life insurance
C. burglary insurance
D. marine insurance
Answer» D. marine insurance

In life insurance, instalment policy is also known as

A. annuity policy
B. endowment policy
C. whole life policy
D. lump sum policy
Answer» A. annuity policy

In insurance, “Causa Proxima” means

A. utmost good faith
B. contribution
C. prevent the causes of loss
D. closely connected perils
Answer» D. closely connected perils

_______ is a financial service which pooling risks of people

A. mutual fund
B. venture capital
C. insurance
D. all of these
Answer» C. insurance

In India Insurance business are regulated by

A. irbi
B. rbi
C. irda
D. irdp
Answer» C. irda

Except life insurance maximum term of other insurance is_______

A. 12 months
B. 6 months
C. 24 months
D. 36 months
Answer» A. 12 months

Central office of Life Insurance Corporation of India is located at

A. new delhi
B. kolkata
C. mumbai
D. bangalore
Answer» A. new delhi

There are........ associated companies of GIC

A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 5
Answer» B. 4

“Native Stock and Share Brokers Association” is the old name of............

A. sebi
B. nse
C. bse
D. nasdaq
Answer» C. bse

General insurance business nationalised in the year----------

A. 1956
B. 1972
C. 1969
D. 1982
Answer» B. 1972

Principle of Indemnity does not apply to----------

A. fire insurance
B. marine insurance
C. life insurance
D. none of these
Answer» C. life insurance

A nation consists of ————— economic units.

A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
Answer» C. 3

————— functions as an intermediary between savers and investors.

A. economic system
B. financial system
C. monetary system
D. barter system
Answer» B. financial system

Financial markets are markets that deal in ————— assets and credit instruments.

A. fixed assets
B. financial assets
C. current assets
D. all of these
Answer» B. financial assets

————— represent claims for the payment of a sum of money sometimes in the future and/or a periodic payment in the form of interest or dividend.

A. physical asset
B. fixed asset
C. financial asset
D. none of these
Answer» C. financial asset

RBI started functioning on —————.

A. 1-4-1935
B. 1-4-1948
C. 1-4-1882
D. 1-4-1945
Answer» A. 1-4-1935

————— has the statutory powers to regulate and promote the Indian capital market.

A. Registrar of issue
B. Merchant banks
Answer» C. SEBI

Any company making a public issue of value of more than Rs. ———— is required to file a draft offer document with SEBI.

A. 100 lakh
B. 25 lakh
C. 50 lakh
D. 10 lakh
Answer» C. 50 lakh

————— Committee was constituted by SEBI for deciding about derivatives trading.

A. L.C.Gupta
B. R. L. Gupta
C. Vaghul
D. Malhotra
Answer» A. L.C.Gupta

…………………… facilitate the transfer of funds from savers to the borrowers.

A. goods market
B. money market
C. financial market
D. consumer market
Answer» C. financial market

Which of the following is a financial asset

A. gold
B. silver
C. share
D. Land
Answer» C. share

................... are drawn by contractors on the Govt. departments for the goods supplied to them

A. treasury bills
B. supply bill
C. bill of lading
D. documentary bill
Answer» B. supply bill

..................... are an important instrument of short term borrowing by the Govt.

A. National saving certificate
B. Bonds
C. Treasury bill
D. Any of the above
Answer» C. Treasury bill

..................... are short term deposits of specific maturity similar to fixed deposits.

A. commercial paper
B. interbank participation certificate
C. Repo
D. Certificate of deposit
Answer» D. Certificate of deposit

..................... is an unsecured short term promissory note issued by creditworthy companies?

A. commercial paper
B. interbank participation certificate
C. Repo
D. Certificate of deposit
Answer» A. commercial paper

Discount and Finance House of India was set up in pursuance of the recommendations of .....................Committee

A. Malegam
B. Malhotra
C. Vaghul
D. Narasimham
Answer» C. Vaghul

..................... has been set up mainly to provide a secondary market in Govt. Securities

Answer» C. STCI

Right shares are offered to.....................

A. Debenture holders
B. Existing shareholders
C. List 2 contributories
D. Liquidators
Answer» B. Existing shareholders

..................... is a process of admitting securities for trading on a recognised stock exchange.

A. registration
B. filing
C. listing
D. admission
Answer» C. listing

..................... is a preferential independent broker who deals in securities on his own behalf.

A. Jobber
B. sub broker
C. Remisiers
D. Arbitragers
Answer» A. Jobber

The facility to carry forward a transaction from one settlement period to another is known as ..................... transaction

A. Badla
B. arbitrage
C. cornering
D. trading inside
Answer» A. Badla

The device adopted to make profit out of the differences in prices of a security in to different markets is called.....................

A. cornering
B. prise rigging
C. arbitrage
D. margin trading
Answer» C. arbitrage

The central depositary ..................... the security on behalf of the investors

A. hold
B. transfer
C. both a & b above
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a & b above

........................ is an apex institution to coordinate, supplement and integrate the activities of all existing specialised financial institutions.

Answer» B. IDBI

ICICI was set up in ........................

A. 1955
B. 1964
C. 1989
D. 1935
Answer» A. 1955

........................ assists mainly to industrial undertakings in the private sector

Answer» C. ICICI

LIC was established in........................

A. 1956
B. 1964
C. 1989
D. 1935
Answer» A. 1956

The process of managing the sales ledger of a client by a financial service company is called

A. forfaiting
B. factoring
C. leasing
D. None of these.
Answer» B. factoring

In India, the company which actually deals with the corpus of the mutual fund is called

A. sponsor company
B. trustee company
C. asset management company
D. Mutual fund Company.
Answer» C. asset management company

........... is a product whose value is derived from the value of underlying asset

A. Repo
B. T-bills
C. G.sec
D. Derivatives
Answer» D. Derivatives

--------------is also known as “G.Secs”

A. Gold Traded Fund (GTF)
B. General Securities
C. Govt. Securities
D. Growth oriented fund
Answer» C. Govt. Securities

................ bonds permit the bond holder to invest the interest income again in host bonds

A. Deep discount bond
B. Junk bonds
C. Bearer bond
D. Bunny bonds
Answer» D. Bunny bonds

What you mean by “STRIPS”

A. Separate Trade Register of Initial Public Securities offer
B. Stock Trading Register of Interest and Principal Securities
C. Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
D. Share Transfer and Registrar of Indian Public Securities issues
Answer» C. Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities

The idea of providing factoring services in India was first thought by ——

A. Vaghul committee
B. Malhotra Committee
C. Tanden Committee
D. None of these
Answer» A. Vaghul committee

---------- bills are drawn by contractors on the government departments for the goods supplied by them.

A. Usance bills
B. T-bills
C. Clean bills
D. Supply bills
Answer» D. Supply bills

The market which helps commercial banks to maintain their SLR requirement is

A. Call loan market
B. T-bills market
C. Acceptance market
D. Commercial bill market
Answer» A. Call loan market

The certificate which evidences an unsecured corporate debt of short term maturity

A. Certificate of Deposit
B. Commercial paper
C. Secured Premium Notes
D. Interbank participation Certificate
Answer» B. Commercial paper

-------- is a permission to quote securities officially on the trading floor of stock exchange

A. Origination
B. Underwriting
C. Distribution
D. Listing
Answer» D. Listing

The facility to carry forward a transaction from one settlement period to another is called --------- transaction

A. Hand delivery
B. Badla
C. Cornering
D. Arbitrage
Answer» B. Badla

The device adopted to make profit out of price differences in two different markets

A. Cornering
B. Wash sales
C. Rigging
D. Arbitrage
Answer» D. Arbitrage

A person appointed by a stock broker to assist to him in the business of securities trading at trading floor of stock exchanges is

A. Sub-broker
B. Commission broker
C. Authorised clerk
D. Remisiers
Answer» C. Authorised clerk

Speculator who neither buy nor sell securities in the market, but still trade on them are called

A. Wolves
B. Stag
C. Bull
D. Bear
Answer» B. Stag

The process of holding the entire supply of a particular security with a view to dictating terms is called

A. Cornering
B. Wash sales
C. Rigging
D. Arbitrage
Answer» A. Cornering

When purchases of securities are more than sales of securities, the market is called

A. Bullish
B. Bearish
C. Grey
D. Odd
Answer» A. Bullish

When sales of securities are more than purchases of securities, the market is called

A. Bullish
B. Bearish
C. Grey
D. Odd
Answer» B. Bearish

--------- is the charges paid by a bull speculator to the other party for obtaining carry over facility

A. Backwardation
B. Contango
C. Spread
D. Margin
Answer» B. Contango

--------- is the amount paid by bear to facilitate him to renew a bargain until next settlement date

A. Backwardation
B. Contango
C. Spread
D. Margin
Answer» A. Backwardation

Those who provides finance for carry forward transactions in securities is called

A. Tharawaniwalas
B. Tejiwalas
C. Mandiwalas
D. Badliwalas
Answer» B. Tejiwalas

The speculator who observes very fast the trends and changes in market is

A. Bull
B. Bear
C. Stag
D. Wolves
Answer» D. Wolves

------is the bear speculator who struggling to complete his commitments because of wrong foot

A. Bull
B. Lame duck
C. Stag
D. Wolves
Answer» B. Lame duck

An option (right) to purchase shares in future at predetermined price is called

A. Hedging
B. Put option
C. Push option
D. Call option
Answer» D. Call option
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