270+ Indian History Solved MCQs


Chapter: Medieval History

The Battle of Plassey took place in the year

A. 1757
B. 1772
C. 1864
D. 1870
Answer» A. 1757

The great poet Firdausi adorned the court of

A. Iltutmish
B. Alaud-din-khilji
C. Qutub-ud-din
D. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi
Answer» D. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi

Prithviraj, the Chauhan King, was finally defeated by Mohammad Gauri at

A. Thaneswar
B. Tirauri
C. Chausa
D. Panipat
Answer» A. Thaneswar

Who built the Jama Masjid at Delhi?

A. Sher Shah Suri
B. Jahangir
C. Babar
D. Shahjahan
Answer» D. Shahjahan

When was the Second Battle of Panipat fought?

A. 1556 AD
B. 1761 AD
C. 1857 AD
D. 1757AD
Answer» A. 1556 AD

Tamerlane invaded India during the reign of

A. Firoz Tughlak
B. Mahmud Tughlak
C. Muhammad-bin –Tuglak
D. Daulat Khan
Answer» B. Mahmud Tughlak

When did Sher Shah Suri overthrow Humayun?

A. 1540
B. 1539
C. 1526
D. 1556
Answer» A. 1540

From Delhi Muhammad-bin-Tughlak transferred his Capital to

A. Warrangal
B. Daultabad
C. Fatehpur Sikri
D. Ahmednagar
Answer» B. Daultabad

Who founded the city of Amritsar?

A. Guru Ramdas
B. Mian Mir
C. Guru Arjun Dev
D. Shahjahan
Answer» A. Guru Ramdas

When was the holy Guru Granth Sahib compiled?

A. 1604
B. 1606
C. 1696
D. 1675
Answer» A. 1604

Who built Humayun’s mausoleum at Delhi?

A. Haji Begum
B. Akbar
C. Sher Shah Suri
D. Jahangir
Answer» B. Akbar

Who was the most distinguished Hindi poet of Akbar’s court?

A. Birbal
B. Abdur Rahim Khan-I-Khana
C. Raja Bhagwan Das
D. Raja Man Singh
Answer» B. Abdur Rahim Khan-I-Khana

Who united all Sikhs to form a Sikh Kingdom in Punjab?

A. Banda Bahaur
B. Guru Gobind Singh
C. Nawab Jassa Singh
D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Answer» D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Which was the capital of Shivaji’s kingdom?

A. Raigad
B. Pune
C. Surat
D. Purandhar
Answer» A. Raigad

The G.T. Road was built during the reign of

A. East India Company
B. British Government
C. Sher Shah Suri
D. Hasan Khan Sur
Answer» C. Sher Shah Suri

Lachman Das, Lachman Dev and Madho Das are the name variants of which person?

A. Ranjit Singh
B. Maha Singh
C. Banda Singh Bahadur
D. Nawab Kapur Singh
Answer» C. Banda Singh Bahadur

The Mughal dynastry in India was founded in

A. 1556
B. 1536
C. 1526
D. 1546
Answer» C. 1526

The Battle of Plassey was won by the English due to the

A. Valour of Robert Clive
B. Treachery of Mir Jaffar
C. Superiority of the English troops
D. Withdrawal of the French support
Answer» B. Treachery of Mir Jaffar

Who was the first Muslim ruler of Delhi?

A. Iltutmish
B. Qutab-ud-din Aibek
C. Babar
D. Ala-ud-din Khilji
Answer» B. Qutab-ud-din Aibek

Who, among the following dynasties, had their capital at Madurai?

A. Cholas
B. Pallavas
C. Pandyas
D. Rashrakutas
Answer» C. Pandyas

Who amongst the following Mughals, is regarded more as an adventurer than a real ruler?

A. Jahangir
B. Akbar
C. Babar
D. Aurangzeb
Answer» C. Babar

Which of the following statements with regard to the Chola rule is correct?

A. Basic unit of the Chola administration was the village
B. The Chola Kingdom began to decline in the 9th century
C. Amoghvarsha is the best remembered of the Chola kings
D. None of these
Answer» A. Basic unit of the Chola administration was the village

Who, amongst the following saints of ‘Bhakti Cult,’ hailed from Bengal?

A. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
B. Kabir
C. Ramanand
D. Ramanujacharyulu
Answer» A. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

The Slave Dynasty Sultans were

A. Afghans
B. Arabs
C. Ilbari Turks
D. Persians
Answer» C. Ilbari Turks

‘Buland Darwaza’ was built by Akbar to commemorate his victory over

A. Gujarat
B. Bengal
C. Orissa
D. None of these
Answer» A. Gujarat

Who was the founder of the first Sufi order in India?

A. Khwaja Qutub-ud-din Bakhtiar Kaki
B. Sheikh Nizam-ud-din Auliya
C. Khwaja Muinud-din Chisti
D. Sheikh Nasir-ud-din Mahamud
Answer» A. Khwaja Qutub-ud-din Bakhtiar Kaki

The correct chronological order of the four dynasties is

A. Lodhi, Tughlak, Slave and Khilji
B. Tughlak, Slave, Khilji and Lodhi
C. Slave, Khilji, Tughlak and Lodhi
D. Khilji, Slave, Lodhi and Tughlak
Answer» B. Tughlak, Slave, Khilji and Lodhi

The name of Jahangir as a prince was

A. Shahjahan
B. Salim
C. Dara
D. Mirza
Answer» B. Salim

The Mughal Emperor in India who gave Surat to the British East India Company was

A. Babar
B. Akbar
C. Jahangir
D. Aurangzeb
Answer» C. Jahangir

Ranthambhor was

A. A Mughal palace
B. A Rajpur fort
C. Capital of the Khiljis
D. A Buddhist pilgrimage centre
Answer» B. A Rajpur fort

Tansen, the greatest musician of Akbar’s court, belonged to

A. Gwalior
B. Kannauj
C. Delhi
D. Agra
Answer» A. Gwalior

During whose reign was Moti Masjid built at Agra?

A. Iltutmish
B. Akbar
C. Aram Shah
D. Shaha Jahan
Answer» D. Shaha Jahan

Sir Thomas Roe was sent by the British to India during the reign of

A. Akbar
B. Humayun
C. Jahangir
D. Aurangzeb
Answer» C. Jahangir

Which of the following is the correct chronological order of the Slave dynasty rulers?

A. Iltutmish, Qutub-ud-din Aibak, Raziya Sultan, Balban
B. Qutub-ud-din Aibak, Iltutmish, Balban, Raziya Sultan
C. Qutub-ud-din Aibak, Iltutmish, Raziya sultan, Balban
D. Iltutmish, Balban, Qutub-ud-din Aibak, Razia Sultan
Answer» C. Qutub-ud-din Aibak, Iltutmish, Raziya sultan, Balban

Who, among the following, destroyed the group of Forty Nobles?

A. Baharam Shah
B. Iltutmish
C. Sultan Razia
D. Balban
Answer» D. Balban

The famous Brihadeswara Temple in Tanjore was built by

A. Pallavas
B. Cholas
C. Pandyas
D. Chalukyas
Answer» B. Cholas

‘Humayun-nama’ was written by

A. Humayun
B. Akbar
C. Abul Fazi
D. Gulbadan begam
Answer» D. Gulbadan begam

Who, among the following, is famous for introducing price control?

A. Ala-ud-din Khilji
B. Balban
C. Jalal-ud-din Khilji
D. Mumammad-bin Tughlak
Answer» A. Ala-ud-din Khilji

Who, amongst the following, was the first Sultan of Tughlak dynasty?

A. Firoz Shah Tughlak
B. Muhammad-bin Tughlak
C. Ghiyas-u-dinTughlak
D. Nasir-ud-din Muhammad Shah
Answer» C. Ghiyas-u-dinTughlak

When Timur invaded India, the ruling dynasty was that of the

A. Lodhis
B. Mughals
C. Tughlaks
D. Syeds
Answer» C. Tughlaks

Malik Kafur was a general of

A. Sikander Lodhi
B. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
C. Ala-ud-din Khilji
D. Humayun
Answer» C. Ala-ud-din Khilji

Who built the tomb of itimad-ud-daula at Agra?

A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Nur Jahan
D. Sher Shah
Answer» C. Nur Jahan

The most accomplished writer (Persian) of Akbar’s reign, a man of letters, a poet, an essayist, a critic and a historian was

A. Abul Fazi
B. Badauni
C. Faizi
D. None of these
Answer» A. Abul Fazi

During the reign of which of the following did Tulsidas, the author of ‘Rmacharitmanas’ flourish?

A. Akbar
B. Hamayun
C. Shahjahan
D. Sher Shah Suri
Answer» A. Akbar

The Sikh Guru who fought Mughals was

A. Guru Nanak Dev
B. Guru Gobind Singh
C. Guru Arjun Dev
D. Guru Teg Bahadur
Answer» B. Guru Gobind Singh

Which name, the Zahiruddin Muhammad took when he became the ruler was:

A. Humayun
B. Jahangir
C. Babar
D. Bahadurshah
Answer» C. Babar

Akbar’s religious policy was characterized by

A. tolerance towards all religions
B. an indifference to religions
C. a hostile attitude towards other religious communities
D. belief in secularism
Answer» A. tolerance towards all religions

Ibn Batuta visited India during the reign of

A. Ala-ud-din Khilji
B. Ghayas-ud-din Tughlak
C. Sher Shah Suri
D. Muhammad-bin Tughlak
Answer» D. Muhammad-bin Tughlak

Which Muslim emperor was attracted by the beauty of Queen Padmini?

A. Babar
B. Hmayun
C. Akbar
D. Ala-ud-din Khilji
Answer» D. Ala-ud-din Khilji

The Mughal painting reached its zenith during the reign of

A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Shahjahan
D. Aurangzeb
Answer» B. Jahangir

Which Mughal Emperor was also known as Alamgir?

A. Babar
B. Shahjahan
C. Aurangzeb
D. Jahangir
Answer» C. Aurangzeb

Where did Guru Gobind Singh baptize the first five members of the Khalsa Panth?

A. Larkana
B. Anandpur
C. Patna
D. Nanded
Answer» B. Anandpur

Which Mughal Emperor’s father- in-law Itmadud-daulah?

A. Aurangzeb
B. Shahjahan
C. Bahadur Shah
D. Jahangir
Answer» D. Jahangir

Which Mughal emperor re-imposed the jazia tax on the non-Muslims in the year 1679?

A. Akbar
B. Shah Jahan
C. Shah Alam I
D. Aurangzeb
Answer» D. Aurangzeb

Which Mughal Emperor’s first ten years rule does the ‘Padshahnama’ chronicle?

A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Aurangzeb
D. Shahjahan
Answer» D. Shahjahan

Which Mughal emperor handed over the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the East India Company?

A. Jahandar Shah
B. Mohammad Shah
C. Bahadur Shah Zafar
D. Shah Alam
Answer» D. Shah Alam

Which Rajpur hero became the king of Mewar in 1572?

A. Veer Hemu
B. Rana Sangha
C. Maharana Pratap
D. Bappa Rawal
Answer» C. Maharana Pratap

Who crowned himself king of Maratha kingdom in 1674?

A. Shahu
B. Balaji Baji Rao
C. Nana Saheb
D. Shivaji
Answer» D. Shivaji

Which of these Rajput princesses did Akbar marry?

A. Lakshmi Bai
B. Jodha Bai
C. Jadan Bai
D. Tara Bai
Answer» B. Jodha Bai

Which son succeeded Aurangzeb as the Emperor of India under the title of Bahadur Shah?

A. Mohammad Muazzam
B. Kam Baksh
C. Qutub-ud-din
D. Jahandar Shah
Answer» A. Mohammad Muazzam

Which of these queens died of battle wounds while fighting in male attire in the Battle of Kotah-ki-sarai?

A. Rani of Jhansi
B. Mumtaz Mahal
C. Jodha Bhai
D. Chand Bibi
Answer» A. Rani of Jhansi

In the Mughal court which of these was the hall for public audience?

A. Diwan-e-Aam
B. Diwan-e-khas
C. Hauz-khas
D. Hauz-Aam
Answer» A. Diwan-e-Aam

Which Mughal Emperor’s brother were Kamran, Handal and Askari?

A. Akbar
B. Shahjahan
C. Humayun
D. Aurangzeb
Answer» C. Humayun

Whom did Guru Gobind Singh nominated as his military deputy in September, 1708?

A. Hari Singh Nalwa
B. Zorawar Singh
C. Banda Bahadur
D. Ranjit Singh
Answer» C. Banda Bahadur

Ibadat Khana, where Akbar held discussions on religious matters, is a building at

A. Agra
B. Sikandra
C. Fatehpur Sikri
D. Delhi
Answer» C. Fatehpur Sikri

Which city in Madhya Pradesh is known for the legendary love story of Baz Bahadur and Rani Roopmati?

A. Khajuraho
B. Amravati
C. Mandu
D. Morbi
Answer» C. Mandu

Who is considered to be responsible for the decline of the Mughal Empire?

A. Ibrahim Lodhi
B. Mohammad Tughlak
C. Bahadur Shah Zafar
D. Aurangzeb
Answer» D. Aurangzeb

Amir Khusrau was a musician and_____.

A. Sufi saint
B. Persian and Hindi writer, and scholar
C. historian
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. Golden Temple - Patiala
B. Iron Pillar - Agra
C. Qutab Minar - Mathura
D. Humayun’s Tomb - Delhi
Answer» D. Humayun’s Tomb - Delhi

The Sufi saint who maintained that devotional music was one way of moving closer to the God was

A. Moin-ud-din-Chisti
B. Baba Farid
C. Saiyid Muhammed
D. Shah Alam Bukhari
Answer» A. Moin-ud-din-Chisti

The guerilla warfare was pioneered by

A. Aurangzeb
B. Akbar
C. Shivaji
D. Balaji Rao
Answer» C. Shivaji

‘Chauth’ was a tax collected by

A. Marathas
B. Mughals
C. Khiljis
D. Tughlaqs
Answer» A. Marathas

Who among the following Delhi Sultans made Agra the capital of his Empire?

A. Iltutmish
B. Balban
C. Feroz Shah Tughlaq
D. Sikander Lodhi
Answer» D. Sikander Lodhi

The Italian traveler, who left very praiseworthy account of the Vijaynagar Empire, was

A. E. Barbosa
B. Manucci
C. Marco Polo
D. Nicolo Conti
Answer» D. Nicolo Conti

Who said, “Ram and Rahim are the two different names of the same God?”

A. Kabir
B. Ramdas
C. Chatianaya
D. Ramanuja
Answer» A. Kabir
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