
Introduction to the Restoration Age and Age of Pope Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts (BA) .


                     was deposed from the English throne in the Bloodless Revolution of 1688.

A. Charles II
B. James II
C. William the Orange
D. Anna I
Answer» B. James II

As Alexander Pope said                      metrical form had brought perfection to the poetry of the neo classical period.

A. Heroic Couplet
B. Free Verse
C. Blank Verse
D. Rhymed Verse
Answer» A. Heroic Couplet

In honor of welcoming Charles II to the English throne, Dryden wrote                      work.

A. Annus Mirabilis
B. Religio Laici
C. Astrae Redux
D. All for love
Answer» C. Astrae Redux

              was the admirer of Pope in these words ‘If Pope be not a poet, where is poetry to be found’.

A. Dr. Samuel Johnson
B. Richard Steel
C. Joseph Addison
D. William Black
Answer» A. Dr. Samuel Johnson

In the periodical Spectator, out of 555 essays                    essays were written by Joseph Addison.

A. 274
B. 287
C. 234
D. 224
Answer» A. 274

Dryden satirised                  contemporary poet in his work Mac Flecknoe.

A. Thomas Shadwell
B. Samuel Butler
C. James Shirley
D. William Congreve
Answer» A. Thomas Shadwell

                       was appointed the Latin Secretary during the Puritan Government.

A. John Dryden
B. Ben Jonson
C. Francis Bacon
D. John Milton
Answer» D. John Milton

                   restored to the throne of England in Restoration Age.

A. Charles I
B. Charles II
C. James I
D. James II
Answer» B. Charles II

The Restoration marks the real moment of birth of our Modern English Prose;                    has mades this observation.

A. John Dryden
B. Mathhew Arnold
C. Joseph Addison
D. Ben Jonson
Answer» A. John Dryden

The 18th century in English Literature was also called                      .

A. Age of Reason
B. Age of Excessive Passion
C. Age of Sentimentalism
D. Age of Religion
Answer» A. Age of Reason

The 'Coffee House Culture' flourished in                   .

A. Augustan Age
B. Caroline Age
C. Romantic Age
D. Restoration Age
Answer» A. Augustan Age

The form of heroic tragedy was introduced by                      .

A. William Davenant
B. James Shirley
C. Nathaniel Lee
D. Thomas Fuller
Answer» B. James Shirley

                     group was known as Jacobites.

A. The Whigs
B. The Tories
C. The Metaphysicals
D. None
Answer» B. The Tories

Royal Society of London Was established in                      .

A. 1656
B. 1658
C. 1660
D. 1662
Answer» C. 1660

                     is recognised as the 'father of English prose'.

A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. John Milton
C. John Dryden
D. Richard Steele
Answer» C. John Dryden

                     does Dryden satirise in MacFlecknoe.

A. Duke Buckingham
B. Earl of Shaftsbury
C. Thomas Shadwell
D. Alexander Pope
Answer» C. Thomas Shadwell

In honour of welcoming Charles - Il to the English throne,Dryden wrote                    work.

A. Astrae Redux
B. Annus Mirabilis
C. Religio Laici
D. The Hind and The Panther
Answer» A. Astrae Redux

"Here lies my wife, here let her rest! Now she is at rest, and so am I"- this epitaph was engraved on the tomb stone of                  wife

A. Alexander Pope's
B. Samual Butler's
C. John Dryden's
D. Ben Jonson's
Answer» C. John Dryden's

In 17th century work "Battle of Books" erupted between                    groups.

A. Cavaliers and Roundheads
B. Abolitionists and Enthusiasts for slaves
C. Champions of Ancient and Modern learning
D. The Welsh and The Scots
Answer» C. Champions of Ancient and Modern learning

In Dryden's famous satirical allegory 'Absalom and Achitophel' ,                  is Absalom.

A. Earl of Shaftsbury
B. The Duke of Monmouth
C. Zimri
D. None
Answer» B. The Duke of Monmouth

Dryden's critical work 'The Essay of Dramatick Poesie' got published in                  

A. 1668
B. 1678
C. 1663
D. 1687
Answer» A. 1668

                     has been called 'the Shakespeare of divines'.

A. John Milton
B. George Herbert
C. Andrew Marvell
D. Jeremy Taylor
Answer» D. Jeremy Taylor

In vindication of his plea for liberty of the press, John Milton wrote                        .

A. Areopagitica
B. Lycidas
C. Ecclesiastical Pamphlets
D. None
Answer» A. Areopagitica

The period of 1625 to 1660 of English history is also recognised as                      .

A. Jacobean period
B. Caroline period
C. Georgian period
D. Elizabethan period
Answer» B. Caroline period

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