90+ IT for Business and Management Solved MCQs


A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval is available on

A. save tab on options dialog box
B. save as dialog box
C. both of above
D. none of above
Answer» A. save tab on options dialog box

Portrait and Landscape are

A. page orientation
B. paper size
C. page layout
D. all of above
Answer» A. page orientation

The key F12 opens a

A. save as dialog box
B. open dialog box
C. save dialog box
D. close dialog box
Answer» A. save as dialog box

To insert a chart to excel, click on _______ tab.

A. insert
B. home
C. formulas
D. view
Answer» A. insert

_______ is used to specify both color and type of fill and line in one operation.

A. fill and stroke
B. fill
C. insert page
D. force justify
Answer» A. fill and stroke

________ is the line between two lines of type.

A. leading
B. tracking
C. formatting
D. editing
Answer» A. leading

The tool used to select any kind of object on the page is called ______.

A. rotate tool
B. text tool
C. pointer tool
D. crop tool
Answer» C. pointer tool

Which of the following is not of the merge process?

A. sort the data source records
B. format a main document
C. edit a data source
D. merge the two files to print or create a new document
Answer» A. sort the data source records

Which of the following is not true about Find and Replace in Excel

A. you can search for bold and replace with italics
B. you can decide whether to look for the whole word or not
C. you can search in formula too
D. you can search by rows or columns or sheets
Answer» D. you can search by rows or columns or sheets

A typical personal computer used for business purposes would have__ of RAM.

A. 4 kb
B. 16 k
C. 64 k
D. 256 k
Answer» D. 256 k

An example of a digital device can be

A. digital clock
B. automobile speed meter
C. clock with a dial and two hands
D. all of the above
Answer» A. digital clock

Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word screen?

A. on the left of horizontal scroll bar
B. on the right of horizontal scroll bar
C. on the top of vertical scroll bar
D. on the bottom of vertical scroll bar
Answer» C. on the top of vertical scroll bar

__________ is a table consisting of rows and columns.

A. worksheet
B. cell
C. workbook
D. range
Answer» A. worksheet

The spelling tool is placed on ______ toolbar

A. standard
B. formatting
C. drawing
D. reviewing
Answer» A. standard

Which of the following button will allow you to add, delete, or change records in your Data Source?

A. ‘data source’ button
B. ‘edit’ button
C. ‘edit data source’ button
D. ‘data editing’ button
Answer» C. ‘edit data source’ button

Which of the following operation is used if we are interested in only certain columns of a table?

A. projection
B. selection
C. union
D. join
Answer» A. projection

The language which has recently become the defacto standard for interfacing application programs with relational database system is

A. oracle.
B. sql.
C. dbase.
D. 4gl
Answer» B. sql.

The way a particular application views the data from the database that the application uses is a

A. module.
B. relational model.
C. schema.
D. sub schema.
Answer» D. sub schema.

In an E-R diagram an entity set is represent by a

A. rectangle.
B. ellipse.
C. diamond box.
D. circle.
Answer» A. rectangle.

A report generator is used to

A. update files.
B. print files on paper.
C. data entry.
D. delete files.
Answer» B. print files on paper.

The property / properties of a database is / are :

A. it is an integrated collection of logically related records.
B. it consolidates separate files into a common pool of data records.
C. data stored in a database is independent of the application programs using it.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

The DBMS language component which can be embedded in a program is

A. the data definition language (ddl).
B. the data manipulation language (dml).
C. the database administrator (dba).
D. a query language.
Answer» B. the data manipulation language (dml).

A relational database developer refers to a record as

A. a criteria.
B. a relation.
C. a tuple.
D. an attribute.
Answer» C. a tuple.

Architecture of the database can be viewed as

A. two levels.
B. four levels.
C. three levels.
D. one level.
Answer» C. three levels.

Which of the items below are considered removable storage media?

A. removable hard disk cartridges
B. (magneto-optical) disk
C. flexible disks cartridges
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Fifth generation computer is also known as

A. knowledge information processing system
B. very large scale integration (vlsi)
C. both of above
D. none of above
Answer» A. knowledge information processing system

The commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called

A. ascii
B. ebcdic
C. bcd
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

The full form of EEPROM is

A. electrically erasable programmable read only memory
B. easily erasable programmable read only memory
C. electronic erasable programmable read only memory
D. none of the above
Answer» A. electrically erasable programmable read only memory

The original ASCII code used__bits of each byte, reserving that last bit for error checking

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer» C. 7

MSI is the abbreviation of

A. medium scale integrated
B. medium system integrated
C. medium scale intelligent
D. medium system intelligent
Answer» A. medium scale integrated

Who invented the microprocessor?

A. marcian e huff
B. herman h goldstein
C. joseph jacquard
D. all of above
Answer» A. marcian e huff

MICR stands for

A. magnetic ink character reader
B. magnetic ink code reader
C. magnetic ink case reader
D. none of the above
Answer» A. magnetic ink character reader

Pagemaker is a ___________ software.

A. desktop publishing
B. word processor
C. spreadsheet
D. presentation
Answer» A. desktop publishing

________ is at the top of the window and it display the name of the application.

A. menu bar
B. title bar
C. tool bar
D. tool box
Answer» B. title bar

__________ is displayed below the title bar

A. menu bar
B. title bar
C. tool bar
D. tool box
Answer» A. menu bar

Layout is in _______ bar.

A. menu bar
B. title bar
C. tool bar
D. tool box
Answer» A. menu bar

Save option is present in _______ bar.

A. menu bar
B. title bar
C. tool bar
D. tool box
Answer» C. tool bar

The style is draw a vertical line through the middle of each word is called _____.

A. reverse
B. strike thru
C. italic
D. normal
Answer» B. strike thru

A worksheet range is a

A. a command used for data modeling
B. a range of values such as from 23 to 234
C. a group of cells
D. a group of worksheets
Answer» C. a group of cells

Excel uniquely identifies cells within a worksheet with a cell name

A. cell names
B. column numbers and row letters
C. column letters and row numbers
D. cell locator coordinates
Answer» C. column letters and row numbers

To drag a selected range of data to another worksheet in the same workbook, use the

A. tab key
B. alt key
C. shift key
D. ctrl key
Answer» D. ctrl key

Hyperlinks can be

A. text
B. drawing objects
C. pictures
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

To activate the previous cell in a pre-selected range, press

A. the alt key
B. the tab key
C. the enter key
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

Which button do you click to add up a series of numbers?

A. the autosum button
B. the formula button
C. the quicktotal button
D. the total button
Answer» A. the autosum button

An excel workbook is a collection of

A. workbooks
B. worksheets
C. charts
D. worksheets and charts
Answer» D. worksheets and charts

Excel files have a default extension of

A. xls
B. xlw
C. wk1
D. 123
Answer» A. xls

AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you type.

A. short, repetitive
B. grammatically incorrect
C. misspelled
D. none of the above
Answer» C. misspelled

The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage element called

A. semiconductor memory
B. registers
C. hard disk
D. magnetic disk
Answer» B. registers

Conceptual design

A. is a documentation technique.
B. needs data volume and processing frequencies to determine the size of the database.
C. involves modelling independent of the dbms.
D. is designing the relational model.
Answer» C. involves modelling independent of the dbms.

The method in which records are physically stored in a specified order according to a key field in each record is

A. hash.
B. direct.
C. sequential.
D. all of the above.
Answer» A. hash.

A subschema expresses

A. the logical view.
B. the physical view.
C. the external view.
D. all of the above
Answer» C. the external view.

Count function in SQL returns the number of

A. values.
B. distinct values.
C. groups.
D. columns.
Answer» A. values.

ODBC stands for

A. object database connectivity.
B. oral database connectivity.
C. oracle database connectivity.
D. open database connectivity.
Answer» D. open database connectivity.

First generation computer systems used

A. transistors
B. vacuum tubes
C. magnetic cores
D. silicon chips
Answer» B. vacuum tubes

.Which one of the following is a stored program machine?

A. micro-processor
B. calculator
C. analog-computer
D. micro-computer
Answer» D. micro-computer

Computers can be classified in which of the following hierarchical orders?

A. pc, large, super micro, super computer
B. super micro, pc, large, super computer
C. pc, super micro, large, super computer
D. large, super micro, super computer, pc
Answer» C. pc, super micro, large, super computer

The unit of hardware, which an operator uses to monitor computer processing, is the

A. card reader
B. cpu
C. line printer
D. console
Answer» D. console

Which one of the following a file?

A. floppy disk
B. magnetic drum
C. magnetic tape
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

An I/O device which provides photographic outputs for printing galleys, is the

A. camera printer
B. automatic typesetter
C. radix printer
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

A term used interchangeably with diskette is

A. disk cartridge
B. disk pack
C. floppy disk
D. packette disk4
Answer» C. floppy disk

Which is a type of Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory?

A. flash
B. flange
C. fury
D. fram
Answer» A. flash

When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are

A. hyperlinked
B. placed in a word table
C. linked
D. embedded
Answer» B. placed in a word table

‘.MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?

A. wordperfect document file
B. ms office document
C. animation/movie file
D. imagefile
Answer» C. animation/movie file

Who wrote the book ‘Computer Liberation and Dream Machine’, the first book on personal computers?

A. john mccarthy
B. ted nelson
C. niklaus wirth
D. karl capek
Answer» B. ted nelson

Charles Babbage invented

A. eniac
B. difference engine
C. electronic computer
D. punched card
Answer» B. difference engine

A computer programmer

A. enters data into computer
B. writes programs
C. changes flow chart into instructions
D. does total planning and thinking for a computer
Answer» D. does total planning and thinking for a computer

Terminal is a

A. device used to give supply to a computer
B. point at which data may leave or enter the computer
C. point where wires are interconnected
D. an input/output device
Answer» B. point at which data may leave or enter the computer

Errors in computer results could be due to

A. encoding of data
B. transmission of data
C. manipulation of data
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Register is a

A. set of capacitors used to register input instructions in a digital computer
B. set of paper tapes and cards put in a file
C. temporary storage unit within the cpu having dedicated or general purpose use
D. part of the auxiliary memory
Answer» C. temporary storage unit within the cpu having dedicated or general purpose use

WAN means –

A. wide area network
B. wine area network
C. woll area network
D. wide allen network
Answer» A. wide area network

Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers?

A. personal computers
B. supercomputers
C. laptops
D. notebooks
Answer» B. supercomputers

A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is -----------

A. disk
B. data
C. file
D. floppy
Answer» C. file

Which part of the computer helps to store information?

A. disk
B. drive
C. keyboard
D. monitor
Answer» A. disk

____ is the process of carrying out commands.

A. fetching
B. storing
C. executing
D. decoding
Answer» C. executing

What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?

A. report
B. field
C. record
D. file
Answer» B. field

......................... connects web pages.

A. connector
B. link
C. hyperlink
D. none of the above
Answer» C. hyperlink

Internet is ...............................

A. a network of networks
B. an ocean of resources waiting to be mined
C. a cooperative anarchy
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

.................. is suitable for remote administration of a computer.

A. ftp
B. shell
C. remote procedure call
D. telnet
Answer» D. telnet

Title tag is nested within the .......................tag.

A. body
B. head
C. list
D. table
Answer» B. head

....................is a web's native protocol.

A. slip
B. tcp/ip
C. http
D. ppp
Answer» C. http

The Internet uses the ........................ as the protocol engine.

A. slip
B. http
C. tcp/ip
D. ppp
Answer» C. tcp/ip

A .............................is a symbolic name a network administrator assigns to a machine.

A. url
B. dns
C. ip address
D. host name
Answer» D. host name

Which of the following protocol is used for e-mail services.

A. smap
B. smtp
C. smip
D. smop
Answer» B. smtp

...................... is the incoming e-mail server.

A. pop
B. smtp
C. smip
D. ppp
Answer» A. pop

.......................is a uniform naming scheme for locating resources on the web.

A. uri
B. http
C. webname
D. resourcename
Answer» A. uri

.......... command can be used to modify a column in a table

A. alter
B. update
C. set
D. create
Answer» A. alter

.......... keyword is used to find the number of values in a column.

A. total
B. count
C. add
D. sum
Answer» B. count

An advantage of the database management approach is

A. data is dependent on programs
B. data redundancy increases
C. data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs
D. none of the above
Answer» C. data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs

The collection of information stored in a database at a particular moment is called as ......

A. schema
B. instance of the database
C. data domain
D. independence
Answer» B. instance of the database

Data independence means

A. data is defined separately and not included in programs.
B. programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data
C. programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data
D. both b and c
Answer» D. both b and c

A ......... is used to define overall design of the database

A. schema
B. application program
C. data definition language
D. code
Answer» A. schema

Key to represent relationship between tables is called

A. primary key
B. secondary key
C. foreign key
D. none of the above
Answer» C. foreign key

Grant and revoke are ....... statements.

A. ddl
B. tcl
C. dcl
D. dml
Answer» C. dcl

DBMS helps achieve

A. data independence
B. centralized control of data
C. neither a nor b
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

To join the internet, the computer has to be connected to a

A. internet architecture board
B. internet society
C. internet service provider
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. internet service provider

Internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network is provided by

A. leased line
B. digital subscriber line
C. digital signal line
D. none of the above
Answer» B. digital subscriber line

Internet works on

A. packet switching
B. circuit switching
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. packet switching
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