
110+ Business Ethics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) .


The principles of scientific Management were more concerned with the problems at the ………..levels

A. higher levels
B. middle
C. operating
D. none
Answer» C. operating

Father of Modern Management theory is ………………

A. henry fayol
B. f.w.taylor
C. henry gantt
D. none
Answer» A. henry fayol

………….suggests that each communication going up or coming down must flow through each position in the line of authority

A. communication pattern
B. horizontal communications
C. scalar chain
D. none of these
Answer» C. scalar chain

Management can be considered as………………..

A. exact science
B. inexact science
C. psuedo science
D. b or c
Answer» D. b or c

……….has defined the basic problem of managing as the art of “knowing exactly what you want men to do and then see that they do it in the best and cheapest way “

A. henry fayol
B. f.w. taylor
C. mary parker follet
D. none of these
Answer» B. f.w. taylor

According to functional foremanship, the speed boss, Inspector, foreman and gang boss are entrusted with the …………………aspect of work.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. doing
D. none of these
Answer» C. doing

The principle of Unity of command is contrary to Taylors……………………..

A. rule of thumb
B. unity of direction
C. functional foremanship
D. none of these
Answer» C. functional foremanship

According to …………..principle, each group of activities with the same objective must have one head and one plan

A. unity of direction
B. unity of command
C. either of these
D. none
Answer» A. unity of direction

Everything which goes to increase the importance of subordinates role is……………….

A. decentralization
B. centralization
C. either a or b
D. none
Answer» A. decentralization

………………..school of Management recognizes the existence of a centralized body of knowledge for the Management.

A. system approach
B. empirical
C. contingency
D. operational
Answer» D. operational

…………..school of thought has developed on the idea that there is no single best method to find solutions to Managerial problems

A. system approach
B. empirical
C. contingency
D. operational
Answer» C. contingency

Koontz and O’Donnel are the advocates of ……………….approach to management

A. system approach
B. empirical
C. contingency
D. operational
Answer» D. operational

……………….approach of management heavily concentrates on ‘People’ aspect of management.

A. human relations
B. system
C. empirical
D. management science
Answer» A. human relations

……………is the art of knowing exactly what you want men to do and then seeing that how they do it in the best and cheapest way.

A. general management
B. scientific management
C. administration
D. none
Answer» B. scientific management

………………….helps to determine a fair days work and rest period to complete it

A. work study
B. time study
C. motion study
D. all of these
Answer» A. work study

The main objective of ……………..study is to determine and eliminate unnecessary and wasteful movements

A. work study
B. time study
C. motion study
D. all of these
Answer» C. motion study

The author of the famous book “General and Industrial Management” is……………………

A. henry fayol
B. f.w. taylor
C. henry gantt
D. none
Answer» A. henry fayol

……………..is the right of a superior to give orders to subordinates, take decisions etc.

A. authority
B. responsibility
C. accountability
D. none
Answer» A. authority

Authority and responsibility are …………….to each other

A. supplementary
B. complementary
C. contradictory
D. none
Answer» B. complementary

………….is defined as a chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest ranks

A. structure
B. scalar chain
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» B. scalar chain

…………..developed the “Need Hierarchy Theory” to explain human behaviour within an organization.

A. a.h.maslow
B. douglas mc. gregor
C. herzberg
D. rensis likert
Answer» A. a.h.maslow

Theory X and Theory Y was developed by ……………….

A. a.h.maslow
B. douglas mc. gregor
C. herzberg
D. rensis likert
Answer» B. douglas mc. gregor

…………….treats the organization as a complex system based on the principles of supporting relationships in which decision making, leadership, motivation, communication and control move together

A. a.h.maslow
B. douglas mc. gregor
C. herzberg
D. rensis likert
Answer» D. rensis likert

……….has given the concept of administrative man as the model for decision making

A. a.h.maslow
B. douglas mc. gregor
C. herzberg
D. herbert simon
Answer» D. herbert simon

Motivation Hygiene theory was developed by ……..

A. a.h.maslow
B. herbert simon
C. herzberg
D. rensis likert
Answer» C. herzberg

Management according to ……….Approach is the study of practical experience of Managers and hence such a study would provide a better understanding to the effective way of Managing an enterprise

A. empirical
B. management science
C. contingency
D. operational
Answer» A. empirical

………..school of thought has developed on the idea that there is no single best method to find solutions to managerial problems

A. empirical
B. management science
C. contingency
D. operational
Answer» C. contingency

Koontz and O’Donnel are advocates of ………….approach to management

A. empirical
B. management science
C. contingency
D. operational
Answer» D. operational

………….approach attempts to understand managerial problems and to provide suitable solutions by the application of scientific methodology

A. empirical
B. management science
C. contingency
D. operational
Answer» B. management science

The advocates of …………..approach view management as the direction of the activities of a group of people towards the accomplishment of common Objectives

A. empirical
B. management science
C. contingency
D. human behavior
Answer» D. human behavior

The book “Practice of Management was written by …………

A. henry fayol
B. f.w.taylor
C. c.k. prahlad
D. peter f. drucker
Answer» D. peter f. drucker

…………………believed that leaders are not born but also developed through proper training in human behavior.

A. mary parker follet
B. f.w.taylor
C. c.k. prahlad
D. peter f. drucker
Answer» A. mary parker follet

The concept of Job enrichment is a contribution by……..

A. frederick herzberg
B. f.w.taylor
C. c.k. prahlad
D. peter f. drucker
Answer» A. frederick herzberg

MBO stands for?

A. management of business objectives
B. management by objectives
C. managing business operations
D. none of these
Answer» B. management by objectives

-------- is the process of selecting one best alternatives from different alternatives.

A. planning
B. organizing
C. decision making
D. forecasting
Answer» C. decision making

-------- is the process of identifying and grouping of work to be performed

A. organizing
B. staffing
C. division of labour
D. planning
Answer» A. organizing

-------- is a sequence of activities to be undertaken for implementing the policies and achieving the objectives of an enterprise.

A. procedures
B. programme
C. rule
D. plans
Answer» B. programme

-------- is an organizational structure which clearly defines duties, responsibilities, and authority.

A. formal
B. informal
C. c ) natural
D. none of these
Answer» A. formal

--------organisation arises voluntarily or due to social interaction of people

A. formal
B. informal
C. line organization
D. all of these
Answer» B. informal

A superior cannot delegate

A. authority
B. responsibility
C. duty
D. none of these
Answer» B. responsibility

If the orders instructions or directions are delegated to a particular person, then it is known as

A. general delegation
B. specific delegation
C. written delegation
D. informal delegation
Answer» B. specific delegation

--------- are certain assumptions about the future on the basis of which the plan will be formulated

A. programs
B. planning premises
C. planning issues
D. procedures
Answer» B. planning premises

----------- refers to the maximum number of subordinates a superior can effectively manage?

A. scalar chain
B. unity of direction
C. accountability
D. span of control
Answer» D. span of control

----------- is the obligation of a subordinate to perform the duty assigned by his superior

A. authority
B. responsibility
C. division of labour
D. accountability
Answer» B. responsibility

Military type of organization is also called

A. informal organization
B. line organization
C. line & staff
D. functional
Answer» B. line organization

Decentralization is

A. compulsory
B. optional
C. none of these
D. none of these
Answer» B. optional

---------- is a detailed and systematic study of jobs to know the nature and characteristics.

A. man power planning
B. job analysis
C. staffing
D. all of these
Answer» B. job analysis

----------is a statement showing the minimum acceptable qualities of the persons to be placed on a Job.

A. job analysis
B. job description
C. job specifications
D. staffing
Answer» C. job specifications

------------is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the Job.

A. selection
B. training
C. recruitment
D. induction
Answer» C. recruitment

---------- is considered as a negative function of management.

A. selection
B. recruitment
C. training
D. placement
Answer» A. selection

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