270+ Operating System Advanced Solved MCQs


The memory management, y one clock policy is applied then the page first loaded into a frame in memory its use bit is set to

A. Zero
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
Answer» B. One

In memory management Free page list is: A- A list of page frames available for reading in pages. B- A list where replaced page is assigned without modification. C-A list where replaced page is assigned with modification.

A. A, B, C are true
B. A and B are true
C. A and C are true
D. B and C are true.
Answer» B. A and B are true

A policy in memory management referred as clock policy because one can visualize the page frames as laid out in

A. Straight line
B. Rectangle
C. Circle
D. Square
Answer» C. Circle

In memory management :A-Fixed allocation policy, B-Variable allocation policy: 1-It gives a process a fixed number of frames in main memory within which to execute. 2-It allows the number of page frames allocated to a process to be varied over the life time of the process. 3-In it a number of allocated frames are decided at initial load time.

A. A – 1, 3, B – 2
B. A – 1, B – 3
C. A – 2, B – 1, 3
D. A – 1, 2, B – 3
Answer» A. A – 1, 3, B – 2

In uni-processor scheduling :A : Turnaround time, B : Response time, 1: A time interval between the submission of a process and its completion. 2: For interactive process, it is a time from the submission of a request until the response begins to received. 3: It includes actual execution time plus time spent waiting for resources.

A. A – 2, 2, B – 3
B. A – 1, 3, B – 2
C. A – 2, B – 1, 2
D. A – 2, B – 1, 3
Answer» B. A – 1, 3, B – 2

In uni-processor management processor through put

A. Is a measure of how much work is being performed
B. Is the percentage of time that the processor is busy
C. Is a time interval between the submission of a process and its completion
D. None of these
Answer» A. Is a measure of how much work is being performed

In uni-processor scheduling, a priorities enforcement is

A. When processes are assigned priorities and scheduling policy favor higher priority processes.
B. The scheduling keeps resources of system busy.
C. Here currently running process can be interrupted and moved to ready state by the operating system.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. When processes are assigned priorities and scheduling policy favor higher priority processes.

In uni-processor scheduling, if non- preemptive policy is applied then

A. Once a process is in running state, it continues to execute until it terminates or block itself.
B. Currently running process can be interrupted and moved to ready state by the operating system.
C. The clock interrupt is generated at periodic intervals.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Once a process is in running state, it continues to execute until it terminates or block itself.

In aperiodic (real time) tasks

A. The dead line for start is mandatory, but for finish it is not.
B. The dead line for finish is mandatory, but for start it is not.
C. The dead line for finish and start is mandatory.
D. The dead line for finish and start is not mandatory.
Answer» C. The dead line for finish and start is mandatory.

The time table of railway, and airline which defines arrival and departure can be considered as

A. Hard real time scheduling
B. Soft real time scheduling
C. None real time scheduling.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Hard real time scheduling

When preemptive policy is applied to uni- processor scheduling then

A. Once a process is in running state, it continues to execute until it terminates or block itself.
B. Currently running process can be interrupted and moved to ready state by the operating system.
C. The processes are assigned priorities.
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Currently running process can be interrupted and moved to ready state by the operating system.

The normalized turnaround time is

A. Ratio of turnaround time to service time
B. Ratio of turnaround time to waiting time
C. Ratio of service time to waiting time
D. Ratio of waiting time to service time.
Answer» A. Ratio of turnaround time to service time

In round robin (time slicing) policy applied on uni-processor scheduling

A. When interrupt occurs, the currently running process is placed in ready queue, and next ready job is selected in First come First serve basis.
B. When interrupt occurs, the currently running process is placed in ready queue and next ready job is selected in random order.
C. No interruption is entertain
Answer» A. When interrupt occurs, the currently running process is placed in ready queue, and next ready job is selected in First come First serve basis.

If normalized turnaround time of different process are given. Then Highest response ratio next policy in uni- processor scheduling policy selects.

A. The ready process with lowest normalized turnaround time.
B. The ready process with highest normalized turnaround time.
C. The process with shortest expected processing time.
D. The process with highest expected processing time.
Answer» B. The ready process with highest normalized turnaround time.

In multi processor scheduling, independent parallelism indicates

A. There is synchronization among processes at gross level.
B. There is no explicit synchronization among processes.
C. A parallel processing or multi tasking is done within a single application.
D. None of these.
Answer» B. There is no explicit synchronization among processes.

In round robin (time slicing) policy applied on uni processor scheduling

A. When interrupt occurs, the currently running process is placed in ready queue, and next ready job is selected in First come First serve basis.
B. When interrupt occurs, the currently running process is placed in ready queue and next ready job is selected in random order.
C. No interruption is entertain
Answer» A. When interrupt occurs, the currently running process is placed in ready queue, and next ready job is selected in First come First serve basis.

If normalized turnaround time of different process are given. Then Highest response ratio next policy in uni processor scheduling policy selects

A. The ready process with lowest normalized turnaround time.
B. The ready process with highest normalized turnaround time.
C. The process with shortest expected processing time.
D. The process with highest expected processing time.
Answer» B. The ready process with highest normalized turnaround time.

In multi processor scheduling, independent parallelism indicates

A. There is synchronization among processes at gross level.
B. There is no explicit synchronization among processes.
C. A parallel processing or multi tasking is done within a single application.
D. None of these.
Answer» B. There is no explicit synchronization among processes.

In multi processor scheduling; A: Coarse gained parallelism, B: Medium grained parallelism, C: Fine grained parallelism; 1- Concurrent processes running on a multi programmed uni processor, 2 Parallel processing or multi tasking is done within a single application, 3-Parallel processing is done within a single instruction stream.

A. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3
B. A – 2, B – 3, C – 1
C. A – 3, B – 2, C – 1
D. A – 1, B – 3, C – 2
Answer» A. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3

A situation where two or more processes coordinate their activities based on a condition is referred as

A. Synchronization
B. Dead lock
C. Starvation
D. Par begin
Answer» A. Synchronization

Par begin (P1)

A. Suspends main program, execute procedure P1 and after execution resume main program.
B. Procedure P1 is delayed infinitely due to other procedure are given preference.
C. Procedure P1 is not considered for execution.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Suspends main program, execute procedure P1 and after execution resume main program.

The mail box and ports are examples of

A. Indirect process communication
B. Direct process communication.
C. Both A and B true
D. None is true
Answer» A. Indirect process communication

In Dynamic partition of main memory in memory management, the sized of process and memory partition is

A. of exactly same size
B. of different size.
C. Both A and B true
D. None is true
Answer» A. of exactly same size

In the simple paging in memory management where

A. Process can be loaded into a partition of equal or greater size.
B. Process is loaded into a partition of exactly same size.
C. Process is divided into a number of equal size pages of same length as of frames.
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Process is divided into a number of equal size pages of same length as of frames.

A. Absolute Loading B. Relocatable Loading C. Dynamic Run-Time Loading; 1- It requires that a load module always be loaded into some location in main memory. 2- A load module can be located anywhere in main memory.

A. A – 2, B – 1, C – 1
B. A – 1, B – 1, C – 2
C. A – 1, B – 2, C – 2
D. A – 1, B – 2, C – 1
Answer» C. A – 1, B – 2, C – 2

The disk and tape devices are referred as

A. Block oriented I/O devices
B. Stream oriented I/O devices
C. Logical I/O devices
D. None of these
Answer» A. Block oriented I/O devices

Which of the following is not human readable I/O device ?

A. Video display terminals
B. Key board
C. Printers
D. Disk drives
Answer» D. Disk drives

Following is not the stream oriented I/O device

A. Printer
B. Mouse
C. Communication modules
D. Disk/tape
Answer» D. Disk/tape

The direct memory access (DM(A) module

A. Controls the data exchange between main memory and I/O module.
B. The processor issues I/O command, execute subsequent instructions and interrupt I/O module.
C. The processor issues I/O commands to an I/O module.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Controls the data exchange between main memory and I/O module.

The access time in disk scheduling is

A. The time taken to position the head at the track.
B. The time taken to reach the beginning of the sector of the track.
C. The sum of seek time and rotational delay.
D. None of these.
Answer» C. The sum of seek time and rotational delay.

The transfer time in disk scheduling is

A. Proportional to rotation speed.
B. Inversely proportional to rotation speed.
C. Equal to rotation spe
Answer» A. Proportional to rotation speed.

In last- in-first- out, disk scheduling policy

A. Recently received request is entertained at the last.
B. Recently received request is entertained first.
C. Requests are selected at random
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Recently received request is entertained first.

In disk scheduling, SCAN algorithm states

A. The arm is required to move in one direction only.
B. The arm can be moved in any direction.
C. The arm is fix
Answer» A. The arm is required to move in one direction only.

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) scheme consists of

A. Five levels from one to six.
B. Six levels, from zero to five.
C. Seven levels, from zero to six.
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Seven levels, from zero to six.

In RAID scheme, which of the RAID level does not use parity calculation in redundancy achievement

Answer» D. RAID 1

In system buffer cache, used in UNIX, following not true

A. It is a disk cache
B. It is not a disk cache
C. Data transfer between buffer cache and user process space always occurs using DMA.
D. I/O operations with disk are handled through buffer code.
Answer» B. It is not a disk cache

In disk scheduling, the shortest service time first policy selects the disk request that

A. In cure the maximum seek time
B. In cure the minimum seek time
C. Is received first
D. Is received at last.
Answer» B. In cure the minimum seek time

The C–SCAN, in disk scheduling states

A. The arm movement is uni directional
B. The arm movement is bidirectional
C. The are is to be state fixed
D. None of these.
Answer» C. The are is to be state fixed

RAID-O does not support the following characteristics: A: RAID is a set of physical disk drives viewed by the operating system as a single logical drive. B: Data distributed across the physical drives of an array. C: Re- demdant disk capacity is used to store parity information, which guarantees data recoverability in case of a disk failure.

A. A and B
B. A only
C. B only
D. C only
Answer» D. C only

The UNIX scheduling gives

A. Highest preference to real time processes
B. Highest preference to kernel mode processes
C. Highest preference to user mode processes
D. Highest preference to shared processes.
Answer» A. Highest preference to real time processes

In disk scheduling when SCAN (Look) policy is applied and when last track reached in one direction

A. The service direction is reversed and scan proceeds in opposite direction.
B. The arm returns to the opposite end of the disk and scan begins again.
C. A and B both true.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. The service direction is reversed and scan proceeds in opposite direction.

In RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) scheme, which of the following RAID level does not include redundancy to improve performance ?

A. RAID level 0
B. RAID level 1
C. RAID level 2
D. RAID level 4
Answer» A. RAID level 0

In which of the following RAID scheme, redundancy is achieved by the simple expedient of duplicating all the data ?

A. RAID level 0
B. RAID level 1
C. RAID level 2
D. RAID level 3
Answer» B. RAID level 1

In shortest service time first policy, applied on disk scheduling, the disk request is selected

A. That requires the least movement of disk arm from its current position.
B. That requires the maximum movement of disk arm from its current position.
C. That is recently receiv
Answer» A. That requires the least movement of disk arm from its current position.

The RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) level one requires

A. Same disk space of the logical disk that it support.
B. Twice disk space of the logical disk that it support.
C. Thrice disk space of the logical disk that it support.
D. Half disk space of the logical disk that it support.
Answer» B. Twice disk space of the logical disk that it support.

Match the following in RAID scheme : A- Parallel access array, B-Independent access array, 1- All member disks participate in the execution of every I/O request. 2- Each member disk participates separately in the execution of every I/O request. 3- Here spindles of the individual drives are synchronized so that each disk head is in the same position on each disk at any given time.

A. A – 1, 3 and B – 2
B. A – 1, and B – 2, 3
C. A – 2 and B – 1, 3
D. A – 1, 2 and B – 3
Answer» A. A – 1, 3 and B – 2

The following RAID level employer parallel access technique and single redundant disk

A. RAID level 0
B. RAID level 1
C. RAID level 2
D. RAID level 3
Answer» D. RAID level 3

The RAID scheme indicate

A. Random access of information data.
B. Random array of independent disks.
C. Redundant array of independent disks.
D. Redundant access of information data.
Answer» D. Redundant access of information data.

Which of the RAID level does not employ independent access technique ?

Answer» D. RAID 3

Which of the following RAID level uses independent access technique and distributes the parity strips across all disks?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Answer» D. Five

Cache memory is

A. Bigger and slower than main memory
B. Bigger and faster that main memory
C. Smaller and slower than main memory
D. Smaller and faster than main memory
Answer» D. Smaller and faster than main memory

By principle of locality, cache memory

A. Increases average memory access time.
B. Reduces average memory access time
C. Does not affect the average memory access time
D. None of these
Answer» B. Reduces average memory access time

Following is not true for disk cache

A. It is a buffer in main memory for disk sector
B. It contains the copy of some of the sector on the disk
C. It is bigger is size than main memory
D. It is smaller is size than main memory
Answer» C. It is bigger is size than main memory

In disk storage devices, data are recorded on and later retrieved from disk via a conducting coil named

A. Tail
B. Foot
C. Head
D. Hand.
Answer» C. Head

In disk storage devices during read and write operation

A. Head is rotate while platter is stationary
B. Head is stationary while platter rotates
C. Head and platter are both stationary
D. None is true
Answer» B. Head is stationary while platter rotates

In magnetic disk, density that is in bits per linear inch

A. Increases in moving from the outer most track to the inner most track.
B. Decreases in moving from the outer most track to the inner most track.
C. Remains same in moving from the outer most track to the inner most track.
D. Randomly distributed in moving from the outer most track to the inner most track.
Answer» A. Increases in moving from the outer most track to the inner most track.

Data from and to magnetic disk is transformed in

A. Continuation
B. Blocks
C. Block and Continuation both
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Blocks

On magnetic disks, the data on the platter is organized in a concentric sets of rings called

A. Sectors
B. Gaps
C. Rings
D. Tracks
Answer» D. Tracks

In disk storage devices the width of head is:

A. Same of the track
B. More than of the track
C. Less than of the track
D. None is true.
Answer» A. Same of the track

In a fixed head disk, the number of read/write head per track are

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four.
Answer» A. One

CD defines

A. Computer device
B. Computer disk
C. Compact disk
D. None of these
Answer» C. Compact disk

A-Fixed-Head disk, B-Movable-Head disk, 1- One head per track and al head are mounted on rigid arm that extends across all tracks. 2- Only one head and head is mounted on the arm, such that it can position the track.

A. A – 1, B – 2
B. A – 2, B – 1
C. A – 1, B – 1
D. A – 2, B – 2
Answer» A. A – 1, B – 2

The record is the collection of

A. Fields
B. Files
C. Data base
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Fields

In File system architecture which is the correct arrangement from lower level to higher.

A. Device drives, basic file system, basic I/ O supervisor, logical I/O.
B. Basic file system, basic I/O, logical I/O, device drives.
C. Basic I/O, basic file system, logical I/O, device drives.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Device drives, basic file system, basic I/ O supervisor, logical I/O.

In file management system the following communicate directly with periphing I/O devices.

A. Device drives
B. Basic file system
C. Basic I/O supervisor
D. Logical I/O.
Answer» A. Device drives

For file management, in file operations device drivers are

A. Disk drivers
B. Tape drivers
C. A and B both
D. None of these.
Answer» C. A and B both

In file management, the primary interface of computer system with external environment is done through

A. Device drivers
B. Basic file system
C. Basic I/O supervisor
D. Logical I/O.
Answer» B. Basic file system

In file management, users and applications access records via

A. Physical I/O
B. Basic I/O supervisor
C. Logical I/O
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Logical I/O

Match the following for file system architecture : A-Basic file system, B-Logical I/O module, 1- Deals with blocks of data, 2- Deals with file records, 3- Provides general purpose record I/O capacity.

A. A – 1, B – 2, 3
B. A – 1, 2, B – 3
C. A – 2, 3, B – 1
D. A – 1, 3, B – 2
Answer» A. A – 1, B – 2, 3

Match the following access rights :A-Specific user, B-User group, C-All ; 1- Individual user who are designated by user I, 2-A set of users who are individually defined, 3-Every user has access to the system.

A. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3
B. A – 2, B – 1, C – 3
C. A – 1, B – 3, C – 2
D. A – 3, B – 2, C – 1
Answer» A. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3

In file management, the pile

A. The collection of data in order which they arrive.
B. A fixed format used for records.
C. Records keep with some key sequence.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. The collection of data in order which they arrive.

In file management, in the following record blocking method, the optional use of space is made, without unused space left

A. Fixed blocking
B. Variable-length spanned blocking
C. Variable-length un-spanned blocking
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Variable-length spanned blocking

In secondary storage management, “If allocation of file is made on an individual block basis and each block contains a pointer to the next block in the chain” then it is referred as

A. Contiguous allocation
B. Chained allocation
C. Indexed allocation
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Chained allocation

In secondary storage management, bit table, for each block on disk a vector contains

A. One bit each block
B. Two bit each block
C. Three bit each block
D. Four bit each block.
Answer» A. One bit each block

In bit table used for Free space management in secondary storage

A. Bit zero corresponds to free block
B. Bit one corresponds to free block
C. Bit zero corresponds to block in use
D. None of these
Answer» A. Bit zero corresponds to free block

The amount of memory (in bytes) required for a block bitmap is

A. Disk size × 8
B. Disk size/ (8 × file system block size)
C. File system block size/disk size
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Disk size/ (8 × file system block size)

In 16 G byte disk with 512-bit block, the bit table requires

A. 1 M bytes
B. 2 M bytes
C. 3 M bytes
D. 4 M bytes.
Answer» D. 4 M bytes.

Application Programming Interface is

A. A set of function and call programs that allows clients and servers to intercommunicate.
B. A database, where information access is limited to the selection of rows that satisfy all search criteria.
C. A computer usually a high powered work station.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. A set of function and call programs that allows clients and servers to intercommunicate.

If in a computer networking environment when all the processing is done on single computer can be referred as

A. Host based processing
B. Server based processing
C. Client based processing
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Host based processing

In three tier client/server architecture application software match the following: A- User machine, 1-Client, B- Middle-tier, 2- Application server, C- Backend server, 3 Data servers.

A. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3
B. A – 1, B – 3, C – 2
C. A – 2, B – 1, C – 3
D. A – 3, B – 2, C – 1
Answer» A. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3

UNIX was developed by

A. Bell Labs for PDP-7 in 1970
B. Microsoft for IBM computers
C. Macintosh
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Bell Labs for PDP-7 in 1970

UNIX is a

A. Operating system
B. Hardware
C. Programming language
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Operating system

In UNIX process management, the system process runs in

A. Kernel mode only
B. Kernel and user mode both
C. User mode only
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Kernel mode only

In UNIX process management, the user processes runs in

A. Kernel mode only
B. Kernel and user mode both
C. User mode only
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Kernel and user mode both

In UNIX process management, the following is true

A. User process enters kernel mode by issuing a system call when interrupt occurs.
B. Kernel mode is executed in user process.
C. User process enters kernel mode with out issuing a system call when interrupt occurs.
D. None of these.
Answer» A. User process enters kernel mode by issuing a system call when interrupt occurs.

The number of process states recognized by UNIX

A. Two
B. Nine
C. Eight
D. Seven.
Answer» B. Nine

In process management of UNIX system, which of the following process states are running states in respect of whether the process is executing in user or kernel mode

A. Ready to run (in memory) state
B. Ready to run (in swappe(D) state
C. Preempted state
D. A and C are true
Answer» D. A and C are true

A task in a blocked state is

A. Executable
B. Waiting for some temporarily unavailable resource
C. Running
D. None of these
Answer» B. Waiting for some temporarily unavailable resource


A. are used to do I/O
B. Synchronize critical resources to prevent contention
C. synchronize critical resources to prevent deadlock.
D. allow processes to communicate with one another.
Answer» C. synchronize critical resources to prevent deadlock.


A. are used to schedule processes
B. increase as a process remains in the processor
C. are attached to each page in the system
D. are assigned by the user.
Answer» A. are used to schedule processes

Dijkstra’s banker’s algorithm in an operating-system solves the problem of

A. deadlock avoidance
B. deadlock recovery
C. mutual exclusion
D. context switching
Answer» A. deadlock avoidance

Which structure prohibits the sharing of files and directories

A. tree structure
B. one level structure
C. two level structure
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

With round-robin CPU scheduling in a time shared system

A. using very large time slices degenerates into First-Come First Served Algorithm
B. using extremely small time slices improves performance
C. using very small time slices degenerate into Last-In-First-Out algorithm
D. using medium sized time slices leades to Shortest Request Time First algorithm.
Answer» A. using very large time slices degenerates into First-Come First Served Algorithm

The portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches processes is concerned with

A. activating suspended I/O-bound processes
B. temporarily suspending processes when CPU load is too great
C. assigning ready processes to the CPU
D. all of the above
Answer» C. assigning ready processes to the CPU

Following is the correct definition of a valid process transition within an operating system

A. wake up : ready – running
B. dispatch: ready – running
C. block: ready – blocked
D. timer run out : ready – blocked
Answer» B. dispatch: ready – running

I/O redirection

A. implies changing the name of a file
B. can be employed to use an exiting file as input file for a program
C. implies connection to programs through a pipe
D. none of the above
Answer» B. can be employed to use an exiting file as input file for a program

When an interrupt occurs, an operating system

A. ignores the interrupt
B. always changes state of interrupted process after processing the interrupt
C. always resumes execution of interrupted process after processing the interrupt
D. may change state of interrupted process to blocked and schedule another process
Answer» D. may change state of interrupted process to blocked and schedule another process


A. reduces page I/O
B. decreases the degree of multi- programming
C. implies excessive page I/O
D. improve the system performance
Answer» C. implies excessive page I/O

Dirty bit for a page in a page table

A. helps avoid unnecessary writes on a paging device
B. helps maintain LRU information
C. allows only read on a page
D. none of the above
Answer» A. helps avoid unnecessary writes on a paging device

A set of resources allocations such that the system can allocate resources to each process is some order, and still avoid a dead lock is called

A. unsafe state
B. safe state
C. Starvation
D. Greedy allocation
Answer» B. safe state
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