110+ Advertising and Salesmanship Solved MCQs


Another name for a company’s marketing communications mix is:

A. the advertising program.
B. the sales force.
C. the image mix.
D. the promotion mix.
Answer» D. the promotion mix.

Which tool of the promotional mix is defined as any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor?

A. advertising
B. public relations
C. direct marketing
D. sales promotion
Answer» A. advertising

The _______________________ is the specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing tools that the company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives.

A. value mix
B. integrated dealer mix
C. marketing communications mix
D. marketing control mix
Answer» C. marketing communications mix

Which tool of the promotional mix consists of short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service?

A. advertising
B. public relations
C. direct marketing
D. sales promotion
Answer» D. sales promotion

If a company wants to build a good “corporate image,” it will probably use which of the following marketing communications mix tools?

A. advertising
B. public relations
C. direct marketing
D. sales promotion
Answer» B. public relations

_________________ is direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response.

A. Personal selling
B. Public relations
C. Direct marketing
D. Sales promotion
Answer» C. Direct marketing

There is an increasing amount of commerce being done via the Internet. With respect to the promotional mix, which of the following categories would be most directly concerned with Internet commerce?

A. advertising
B. public relations
C. direct marketing
D. sales promotion
Answer» C. direct marketing

The personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships is called:

A. personal selling.
B. public relations.
C. direct marketing.
D. sales promotion.
Answer» A. personal selling.

Which of the following major promotional tools use press relations, product publicity, corporate communications, lobbying, and public service to communicate information?

A. advertising
B. public relations
C. direct marketing
D. sales promotion
Answer» B. public relations

Which of the following major promotional tools use the telephone, mail, fax, e-mail, and the Internet to communicate directly with specific consumers?

A. advertising
B. public relations
C. direct marketing
D. sales promotion
Answer» C. direct marketing

Although the promotion mix is the company’s primary communication activity, the __________________ must be coordinated for greatest communication impact.

A. organizational culture
B. entire marketing mix
C. demand mix
D. profit variables in a company
Answer» B. entire marketing mix

Two major factors are changing the face of today’s communications. One of these factors is the fact that:

A. costs of promotion are rising.
B. mass markets are fragmented and marketers are shifting away from mass marketing.
C. global communications are not growing rapidly enough.
D. marcom managers have achieved more power and control.
Answer» B. mass markets are fragmented and marketers are shifting away from mass marketing.

The shift from ________________________ has had a dramatic impact on marketing communications.

A. brand management to value management
B. media manipulation to media control
C. mass marketing to segmented marketing
D. mass marketing to global marketing
Answer» C. mass marketing to segmented marketing

____________ fragmentation has resulted in media fragmentation.

A. Market
B. Purchasing
C. Product
D. Public relations
Answer» A. Market

For many years mass-media advertising was king among promotion variables. Today, this form of advertising appears to be giving way to:

A. product differentiation.
B. other elements of the promotion mix.
C. nonmanipulative variables.
D. a move away from promotion.
Answer» B. other elements of the promotion mix.

Current trends in communications and promotions indicate that companies are doing less:

A. marketing and more promotion.
B. broadcasting and more narrowcasting.
C. selling and more advertising.
D. communication and more manipulation.
Answer» B. broadcasting and more narrowcasting.

IMC, as presented in the text and in context with promotion, stands for:

A. international manufacturing capacity.
B. international monetary consistency.
C. integrated marketing communications.
D. integrated marketing corporations.
Answer» C. integrated marketing communications.

_________________ is the concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products.

A. The promotion mix
B. Integrated international affairs
C. Integrated marketing communications
D. Integrated demand characteristics
Answer» C. Integrated marketing communications

All of the following are cited by the text as limitations or challenges to marketers trying to use the Web to build brands EXCEPT:

A. the higher expense of Web advertising versus traditional advertising.
B. the Internet doesn’t build mass brand awareness.
C. the Web’s format and quality constraints.
D. difficulty in achieving advertising-like solutions on the Web.
Answer» A. the higher expense of Web advertising versus traditional advertising.

Integrated marketing communications involves identifying the target audience and shaping a well-coordinated promotional program to elicit the desired audience response. Too often, however: (Select the MOST CORRECT statement.)

A. costs are too high and profits are too low.
B. personnel cannot cope with these responsibilities.
C. marketing communications focus on overcoming immediate awareness, image, or preference problems.
D. integrated communications do not work in the global environment because of regulations.
Answer» C. marketing communications focus on overcoming immediate awareness, image, or preference problems.

The communications process should start with:

A. a basic belief about the communication piece.
B. an audit of all the potential contacts target customers have with the company and its brands.
C. an evaluation of the history of advertising used by the firm.
D. hiring communications experts to handle the communication problems of the firm.
Answer» B. an audit of all the potential contacts target customers have with the company and its brands.

The concept of ______________ suggests that the company must blend the promotion tools carefully into a coordinated promotion mix.

A. public relations
B. integrated market planning
C. integrated marketing communications
D. global cultural imperatives
Answer» C. integrated marketing communications

If a company’s objective were to reach masses of buyers that were geographically dispersed at a low cost per exposure, the company would likely choose which of the following promotion forms?

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. public relations
D. sales promotion
Answer» A. advertising

Which of the following promotional forms is often described as being too impersonal and only a one-way communication form?

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. public relations
D. sales promotion
Answer» A. advertising

Which of the following promotional tools is often the most effective tool at certain stages in the buying process, particularly in building up buyers’ preferences, convictions, and actions?

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. public relations
D. sales promotion
Answer» B. personal selling

Which of the following promotional tools is thought to be the most expensive to use?

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. public relations
D. sales promotion
Answer» B. personal selling

Personal selling is an expensive form of promotion. For example, research shows that personal selling costs companies _______ per sales call.

A. $170
B. $140
C. $100
D. $75
Answer» A. $170

The promotion tool that may include coupons, contests, premiums, and other means of attracting consumer attention is best described as being which of the following?

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. public relations
D. sales promotion
Answer» D. sales promotion

Which of the following promotional tools can reach many prospects who otherwise avoid salespeople and is received as news rather than as a sales-directed communication?

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. public relations
D. sales promotion
Answer» C. public relations

The promotional tool that marketers tend to underuse or use only as an afterthought is best described as being which of the following?

A. advertising
B. personal selling
C. public relations
D. sales promotion
Answer» C. public relations

No matter which form of direct marketing might be used by a promotional manager, all of the forms have several characteristics in common. Which of the following WOULD NOT be among those characteristics?

A. nonpublic
B. immediate
C. producer controlled
D. interactive
Answer» C. producer controlled

__________________ is well suited to highly targeted marketing efforts and to building one-to-one customer relationships.

A. Advertising
B. Public relations
C. Sales promotion
D. Direct marketing
Answer» D. Direct marketing

A ________________ is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade promotion to move the product through channels.

A. push strategy
B. pull strategy
C. blocking strategy
D. integrated strategy
Answer» A. push strategy

A __________________ is a promotion strategy that calls for spending a lot on advertising and consumer promotion to build up consumer demand. If the strategy is successful, consumer demand will move the product through the channel.

A. push strategy
B. pull strategy
C. blocking strategy
D. integrated strategy
Answer» B. pull strategy

Which of the following strategies is usually followed by B2C companies with respect to promotion strategy?

A. push strategy
B. pull strategy
C. blocking strategy
D. integrated strategy
Answer» B. pull strategy

Which of the following strategies is usually followed by B2B companies with respect to promotion strategy?

A. push strategy
B. pull strategy
C. blocking strategy
D. integrated strategy
Answer» A. push strategy

Some of the earliest traces of what could be called advertising were found in:

A. Colonial New York.
B. 16th century England.
C. 2nd century China.
D. ancient Rome.
Answer» D. ancient Rome.

Advertising reaches almost all facets of business in the United States. It has been estimated that advertising runs an annual bill of ________________ in the United States alone.

A. $2 billion
B. $244 billion
C. $25 billion
D. $150 billion
Answer» B. $244 billion

Marketing management must make four important decisions when developing an advertising program. All of the following would be among those decisions EXCEPT:

A. setting advertising objectives.
B. setting the advertising budget.
C. setting procedures for an advertising culture audit.
D. developing advertising strategy.
Answer» C. setting procedures for an advertising culture audit.

The first step in developing an advertising program should be to:

A. set advertising objectives.
B. set the advertising budget.
C. evaluate advertising campaigns.
D. develop advertising strategy.
Answer» A. set advertising objectives.

A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time is called an:

A. advertising campaign.
B. advertising objective.
C. advertising criterion.
D. advertising evaluation.
Answer» B. advertising objective.

Which of the following WOULD NOT be one of the primary advertising objectives as classified by primary purpose?

A. to inform
B. to persuade
C. to remind
D. to make profits
Answer» D. to make profits

___________________ is used heavily when introducing a new product category.

A. Persuasive advertising
B. Inferential advertising
C. Reminder advertising
D. Informative advertising
Answer» D. Informative advertising

Building selective demand is the objective of which type of advertising?

A. informative advertising
B. persuasive advertising
C. reminder advertising
D. demand-driven advertising
Answer» B. persuasive advertising

If Sony tries to convince consumers that its brand of computer disks is the best quality for the money, it is using which of the following forms of advertising?

A. informative advertising
B. psychological advertising
C. reminder advertising
D. persuasive advertising
Answer» D. persuasive advertising

When Avis positioned itself against market-leading Hertz by claiming, “We’re number two, so we try harder,” it was using which of the following forms of advertising?

A. informative advertising
B. psychological advertising
C. reminder advertising
D. comparative advertising
Answer» D. comparative advertising

Keeping consumers thinking about the product is the objective for which type of advertising?

A. informative advertising.
B. psychological advertising.
C. reminder advertising.
D. persuasive advertising.
Answer» C. reminder advertising.

After determining its advertising objectives, a company next sets its ____________ for each product.

A. advertising strategy
B. advertising budget
C. advertising goals
D. advertising format
Answer» B. advertising budget

All of the following are commonly recognized promotion budget formats EXCEPT:

A. the affordable method.
B. the LIFO method.
C. the percentage-of-sales method.
D. the objective-and-task method.
Answer» B. the LIFO method.

Determining the promotion budget on the basis of financial availability of capital is characteristic of which of the following budget methods?

A. affordable method
B. percentage-of-sales method
C. competitive-parity method
D. objective-and-task method
Answer» A. affordable method

Which of the following budget methods ignores the effects of promotion on sales?

A. affordable method
B. percentage-of-sales method
C. competitive-parity method
D. objective-and-task method
Answer» A. affordable method

Which of the following promotional budget methods wrongly views sales as the cause of promotion rather than as the result?

A. affordable method
B. percentage-of-sales method
C. competitive-parity method
D. objective-and-task method
Answer» B. percentage-of-sales method

Setting the promotion budget so as to match the budgets of the competition is characteristic of which of the following budget methods?

A. affordable method
B. percentage-of-Sales method
C. competitive-parity method
D. objective-and-task method
Answer» C. competitive-parity method

One of the arguments that supports the competitive-parity method for budgeting promotions is that:

A. it is the fairest budget method.
B. it is generally the cheapest method of allocating funds.
C. competitor’s budgets represent the collective wisdom of the industry.
D. it is the easiest budget method to use on a global basis.
Answer» C. competitor’s budgets represent the collective wisdom of the industry.

The most logical budget setting method is found in the list below. Which is it?

A. affordable method
B. percentage-of-sales method
C. competitive-parity method
D. objective-and-task method
Answer» D. objective-and-task method

The first step in using the objective-and-task promotional budgeting method is to:

A. define specific advertising tools that can be afforded.
B. analyze competitive budgets for perceived weaknesses.
C. calculate last year’s sales percentages.
D. define specific objectives.
Answer» D. define specific objectives.

According to the chapter, all of the following have promoted the importance of the media-planning function EXCEPT:

A. media fragmentation.
B. the development of the Internet.
C. soaring media costs.
D. more focused target marketing strategies.
Answer» B. the development of the Internet.

No matter how big the advertising budget, advertising can succeed only if commercials:

A. are economically feasible.
B. gain attention and communicate well.
C. are acceptable on a global level.
D. are artistically pleasing.
Answer» B. gain attention and communicate well.

Developing an effective message strategy begins with identifying customer ___________ that can be used as advertising appeals.

A. demographics
B. lifestyles
C. psychographics
D. benefits
Answer» D. benefits

Advertising appeals should have three characteristics. All of the following are among those characteristics EXCEPT:

A. be meaningful.
B. be tasteful.
C. be believable.
D. be distinctive.
Answer» B. be tasteful.

In evaluating messages for advertising, pointing out the benefits that make the product more desirable or interesting to consumers ensures that the message will be:

A. meaningful.
B. distinctive.
C. believable.
D. remembered.
Answer» A. meaningful.

In evaluating messages for advertising, telling how the product is better than the competing brands aims at making the ad:

A. meaningful.
B. distinctive.
C. believable.
D. remembered.
Answer» B. distinctive.

In terms of execution styles, a family seated at the dinner table enjoying the advertised product would be an example of which of the following types of advertising?

A. slice of life
B. lifestyle
C. mood or imagery
D. personality symbol
Answer» A. slice of life

In terms of execution styles, which type of advertising might show how a product contributes to a person’s workout and health regime?

A. slice of life
B. lifestyle
C. mood or imagery
D. personality symbol
Answer» B. lifestyle

In terms of execution styles, which type of advertising makes no claim about the product except to suggest that the product is part of such feelings as love or beauty?

A. slice of life
B. lifestyle
C. mood or imagery
D. personality symbol
Answer» C. mood or imagery

When a company chooses to use an animated character such as the Jolly Green Giant or Garfield the Cat in their commercial, they are using which of the following advertising execution formats?

A. testimonial evidence
B. lifestyle
C. mood or imagery
D. personality symbol
Answer» D. personality symbol

The first thing a reader notices in a printed advertising is the:

A. headline.
B. illustration.
C. copy.
D. format.
Answer» B. illustration.

The measure of the percentage of people in the target market who are exposed to the ad campaign during a given period of time is called:

A. reach.
B. frequency.
C. impact.
D. performance.
Answer» A. reach.

The measure of how many times the average person in the target market is exposed to the message is called:

A. reach.
B. frequency.
C. impact.
D. performance.
Answer» B. frequency.

Media planners consider many factors when making their media choices. According to the text, all of the following factors would be considered EXCEPT:

A. the fashionability of the media.
B. the media habits of target consumers.
C. the nature of the product.
D. the type of message to be used.
Answer» A. the fashionability of the media.

If an advertiser wants flexibility, timeliness, good local market coverage, broad acceptability, and high believability, the advertiser will probably choose which of the following mass media types?

A. newspapers
B. television
C. direct mail
D. radio
Answer» A. newspapers

_________________ combine(s) sight, sound, and motion; appeals to the senses; and, has a low cost per exposure as advantages.

A. Newspapers
B. Television
C. Direct mail
D. Radio
Answer» B. Television

The advantages of audience selectivity, no ad competition, and personalization apply to which type of media?

A. newspapers
B. television
C. direct mail
D. radio
Answer» C. direct mail

________________ has the advantage of being high in selectivity, low cost, immediacy, and interactive capabilities.

A. Direct mail
B. Outdoor
C. Online
D. Radio
Answer» C. Online

Which of the following mass media forms has the disadvantages of long ad-purchase lead time, high cost, no guarantee of position?

A. newspapers
B. television
C. magazines
D. radio
Answer» C. magazines

To be effective, ads should have some form of pattern (given that more than one ad is going to be used). If an advertiser were to schedule ads evenly over a given period of time, this pattern would be called:

A. pulsing.
B. flow.
C. rollout.
D. continuity.
Answer» D. continuity.

A marketing services firm that assists companies in planning, preparing, implementing, and evaluating all or portions of their advertising programs is called a(n):

A. marketing control group.
B. product services unit.
C. advertising agency.
D. situation consultant.
Answer» C. advertising agency.

The largest U.S. advertising agency is ____________ with an annual gross income of $1.8 billion on billings.

A. J. Walter Thompson
B. Saatchi & Saatchi
C. BBD&O Global
D. McCann-Erikson Worldwide
Answer» D. McCann-Erikson Worldwide

All of the following are benefits of a standardization policy in global advertising EXCEPT:

A. lower advertising costs.
B. greater global advertising coordination.
C. an attention to local differences in various global markets.
D. more consistent worldwide image.
Answer» C. an attention to local differences in various global markets.

_________________ is short-term incentives to encourage purchase or sales of a product or service.

A. Advertising
B. Sales promotion
C. Online advertising
D. Public relations
Answer» B. Sales promotion

Several factors have contributed to the rapid growth of sales promotion. All of the factors listed below have played a part in that growth EXCEPT:

A. greater pressure to increase sales.
B. more competition and a decline in differentiation of brands.
C. a relaxing of government regulations governing sales promotion.
D. advertising efficiency has declined.
Answer» C. a relaxing of government regulations governing sales promotion.

Which type of sales promotion uses free samples, coupons, and rebates?

A. consumer promotion
B. trade promotion
C. sales force promotion
D. place promotion
Answer» A. consumer promotion

All of the following are considered to be consumer-promotion tools EXCEPT:

A. samples.
B. push money.
C. coupons.
D. patronage reward.
Answer» B. push money.

Which of the following consumer-promotion tools is the most effective, but most expensive, way to introduce a new product?

A. coupons
B. price packs
C. contests
D. samples
Answer» D. samples

___________ are certificates that give buyers a saving when they purchase specified products.

A. Samples
B. Premiums
C. Coupons
D. Patronage rewards
Answer» C. Coupons

If a retailer were to offer the consumer a “two for one” deal in purchasing merchandise, which of the following sales promotional techniques would have been used?

A. samples
B. premiums
C. coupons
D. price packs
Answer» D. price packs

If Cheerios includes a free toy from a Disney movie in its cereal boxes as an incentive to purchase cereal, which of the following forms of sales promotion was used?

A. samples
B. premiums
C. coupons
D. price packs
Answer» B. premiums

If an advertiser were to give consumers useful articles (imprinted with the advertiser’s name) as gifts (such a pen or calendar), which of the following sales promotional forms would the advertiser be using?

A. samples
B. premiums
C. point-of-purchase promotions
D. advertising specialties
Answer» D. advertising specialties

Manufacturers direct most of their sales promotional dollars toward which of the following groups?

A. consumers
B. retailers and wholesalers
C. lobbyists
D. publics such as shareholders
Answer» B. retailers and wholesalers

__________ is defined as being cash or gifts to dealers or their sales forces to “push” the manufacturer’s goods.

A. A display allowance
B. A price-off
C. A spiff
D. Push money
Answer» D. Push money

Which type of promotion uses buying allowances, push money, and free goods?

A. consumer promotion
B. trade promotion
C. sales force promotion
D. place promotion
Answer» B. trade promotion

The type of trade-promotion tool in which the manufacturer takes a fixed amount off the list price on each case purchased during a stated period of time is called a(n):

A. discount.
B. allowance.
C. premium.
D. rebate.
Answer» A. discount.

The type of trade-promotion discount in which manufacturers agree to reduce the price to the retailer in exchange for the retailer’s agreement to feature the manufacturer’s products in some way is called a(n):

A. discount.
B. allowance.
C. premium.
D. rebate.
Answer» B. allowance.

________________ is a major promotion function whose objective is to build good relations with the company’s various publics.

A. Advertising
B. Direct marketing
C. Public relations
D. Specialty events
Answer» C. Public relations

All of the following would be considered to be functions performed in public relations EXCEPT:

A. press relations.
B. public affairs.
C. bribery (when necessary).
D. lobbying.
Answer» C. bribery (when necessary).

Despite its potential strengths, public relations is often described as a(n):

A. unethical business.
B. marketing stepchild.
C. corrupt practice.
D. cost drain that is not fruitful.
Answer» B. marketing stepchild.

All of the following would be considered to be major public relations tools EXCEPT:

A. news.
B. speeches.
C. testifying.
D. special events such as news conferences.
Answer» C. testifying.

If an advertiser were to use corporate stationery, brochures, signs, and business cards to advance the public relations interests of the company, they would be using which of the following forms of PR?

A. slick-back materials
B. audiovisual materials
C. corporate identity materials
D. public service materials
Answer» C. corporate identity materials

Which of the following is Vocational attributes of a salesman ?

A. Knowledge of the product (
B. Capacity of hard labour (
C. Eloquence (
D. None of these .
Answer» A. Knowledge of the product (

Which one of the following is the correct answer ?

A. Payment is the second stage of Purchase and sale transaction (
B. Payment is the first stage of Purchase and sale transaction (
C. Payment is the final stage of Purchase and sale transaction (
D. All of these.
Answer» C. Payment is the final stage of Purchase and sale transaction (
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