
180+ Personality Development Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science FY (BSc CS) , Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) , Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc CS) .


Self- report inventories are ______ test, while projective tests are more ____

A. vague; clear
B. subjective; objective
C. objective; subjective
D. difficult; easy
Answer» C. objective; subjective

A model proposed by Albert Bandura that explains human functioning and
personality as caused by the interaction of behavioural, cognitive and environmental

A. reciprocal determinism
B. self-efficacy
C. trait theory
D. sublimination
Answer» A. reciprocal determinism

The Neo-Freudians include

A. hans eyesenck, karen horney, albert bandura
B. carl rogers, sigmund freud, alfred adler
C. carl jung, karen horney, alfred adler
D. alfred adler, albert bandura
Answer» C. carl jung, karen horney, alfred adler

A relatively stable, enduring predisposition to consistently behave in a certain way

A. trait
B. surface trait
C. self- concept
D. actualizing tendency
Answer» A. trait

The ______ is the set of perceptions and beliefs that you have about yourself, including your nature, your personal qualities and your typical behaviour.

A. actualizing tendency
B. conditional positive regard
C. self- concept
D. unconditional positive regard
Answer» C. self- concept

If you were to kick the dog after a hard day at office, you would be using

A. displacement
B. projection
C. reaction formation
D. rationalization
Answer» A. displacement

Allport's idea that the traits around which someone organizes their life are called _____ traits.

A. cardinal
B. secondary
C. central
D. source
Answer» A. cardinal

Both the terms 'emotion' and 'motivation' came from the same Latin root

A. movement
B. move
C. moment
D. movere
Answer» D. movere

People from differewnt cultures can recognize which facial expressions?

A. fear
B. anger
C. disgust
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Relatively high levels of physiological arousal would most likely interfere with effectively

A. enjoying a television football game
B. solving a crossword puzzle
C. washing dishes
D. riding a bicycle
Answer» B. solving a crossword puzzle

The author of the Hierarchical theory of motivation is

A. o.h. mowrer
B. mcclelland
C. j.w. atkinson
D. a.h. maslow
Answer» D. a.h. maslow

Social needs activate the organism to

A. provide for physiological deficits
B. seek pleasure
C. avoid pain
D. gain status and recognition
Answer» D. gain status and recognition

Gregariousness is a/ an

A. social motive
B. biological motive
C. psychological motive
D. personal motive
Answer» A. social motive

Individual's life goal is

A. social motive
B. biological motive
C. personal motive
D. an instinct
Answer» C. personal motive

The brain site most likely involved in fear is

A. midbrain
B. left hemisphere
C. right hemisphere
D. amygdala
Answer» D. amygdala

Which theory holds that we are afraid because we run or are angry because we strike?

A. attribution
B. james-lange
C. cannon-bard
D. cognitive
Answer» B. james-lange

Motivation can be understood as an interaction between

A. approach and avoidance gradient
B. wactor and valence
C. life space and approach gradient
D. arousal and effort
Answer» D. arousal and effort

As motivation is closely related to effort, the emotion is related to

A. happiness
B. instinct
C. displacement behaviour
D. conflict
Answer» A. happiness

According to Walter Cannon,

A. animals without a sympathetic nervous system can still experience emotion
B. animals without an amygdala cannot experience emotion
C. emotion can never be experienced until the body has time to react
D. the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the feeling of emotions
Answer» A. animals without a sympathetic nervous system can still experience emotion

The relative strength of the drives of hunger, thirst and sex have been studied experimentally in the white rat by

A. learning method
B. obstruction method
C. activity wheel
D. the choice and preference method
Answer» B. obstruction method

Maslow viewed that motivated behaviour is

A. need related
B. a vector
C. a valence
D. an approach gradient
Answer» A. need related

All the following emotions are universal except

A. hopefulness
B. surprise
C. happiness
D. contempt
Answer» A. hopefulness

According to William James High credibility, high word of mouth and news value are the features of_________.

A. public relations.
B. publicity.
C. advertising.
D. promotion.
Answer» B. publicity.

__________is a defamation in a tangible medium like print, internet or broadcast.

A. slander.
B. libel.
C. propaganda.
D. publicity.
Answer» B. libel.

_________is the measure of commitment in customer preferences, based on degree of satisfaction.

A. customer equity.
B. brand identity.
C. customer loyalty.
D. brand essence.
Answer» C. customer loyalty.

PR for a corporation integrated as part of the company's strategic objectives is called as_________.

A. global communications.
B. integrated communications.
C. corporate communications.
D. international communications.
Answer» C. corporate communications.

Having a communications plan in place that can be effectively put in to action when something goes wrong for a company or organization is called__________.

A. crisis management.
B. resource management
C. plan management.
D. market management.
Answer» A. crisis management.

__________also known as online PR involves communications using the internet or new technology to communicate with stakeholders.

A. internet pr.
B. e-pr.
C. web pr.
D. ip pr.
Answer» B. e-pr.

The following which is the four class model of PR__________.

A. press agentry/publicity.
B. one way asymmetrical model.
C. one way symmetrical model.
D. public model
Answer» A. press agentry/publicity.

A multi disciplinary approach which uses a number of marketing communications techniques in order to deliver a consistent set of messages is__________.

A. integrated campaign.
B. imc.
C. ad programs.
D. publicity.
Answer» A. integrated campaign.

The process of communicating an organization's point of view on issues or causes to political audiences like MP's and lobbying groups' is_________.

A. propaganda.
B. public opinion.
C. public affairs.
D. publicity.
Answer» C. public affairs.

A press release format designed for the online media world links, videos and pictures is called as_________.

A. social media release.
B. out door release.
C. web release.
D. club release.
Answer» A. social media release.

A media relating to different market sectors for a product or service is called as_______.

A. vertical media.
B. horizontal media.
C. straight media.
D. diverted media.
Answer» A. vertical media.

__________is the standard wording about a company that usually appears near the bottom of all company issued press releases.

A. boilerplate.
B. jump cut.
C. credit line.
D. by line.
Answer» A. boilerplate.

___________publicity is the publicity accompanying unplanned events.

A. spontaneous.
B. . grapevine.
C. corporate.
D. global.
Answer» A. spontaneous.

_________ experts will tell you that a well planned public relations campaign is often far more effective than advertising.

A. marketing.
B. planning.
C. advertising.
D. administrative.
Answer» A. marketing.

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