
180+ Personality Development Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science FY (BSc CS) , Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) , Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc CS) .


Our memory for skills, such as riding a bike

A. implicit memory
B. explicit memory
C. echoic memory
D. iconic memory
Answer» A. implicit memory

Implicit memory is to the ______ as explicit memory is to the _____

A. hippocampus/ cerebellum
B. cerebellum/ hippocampus
C. corpus callosum/ hippocampus
D. hippocampus/ cerebellum
Answer» B. cerebellum/ hippocampus

The mental processing of retrieval of information from memory.

A. recognition
B. relearning
C. learning
D. recall
Answer» D. recall

When choices are given, it is much easier to identify genuine ones. A multiple choice test is a good example

A. recall
B. relearning
C. recognition
D. deja vu
Answer» C. recognition

This person studied memory retention by stringing together non sense syllable and memorizing them

A. herman ebbinghaus
B. skinner
C. thorndike
D. freud
Answer» A. herman ebbinghaus

Using the acronym VIBGYOR to studying the colors of the rainbow. This is a good example of

A. spacing effect
B. visual encoding
C. acoustic encoding
D. mnemonics
Answer» D. mnemonics

Encoding information by its meaning to us

A. semantic
B. echoic
C. iconic
D. chunking
Answer» A. semantic

This person studied the effects of misinformation and false memories

A. ebbinghaus
B. loftus
C. pavlov
D. bandura
Answer» B. loftus

Which factors were included in Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence

A. tacit, perceptual and interpersonal knowledge
B. analytic thought, creativity and practical knowledge
C. crystallized, fluid and artificial intelligence
D. general intelligence, crystallized knowledge and creativity
Answer» B. analytic thought, creativity and practical knowledge

How many factors did Thurstone associate with intelligence?

A. 12
B. 7
C. 2
D. 3
Answer» B. 7

Which of these factors was not included in Thurstone's theory of intelligence?

A. spacial ability
B. memory
C. inductive reasoning
D. deductive reasoning
Answer» D. deductive reasoning

Spiritual and existential intelligence were included in whose theory of intelligence?

A. gardner
B. sternberg
C. binet
D. lashley
Answer» A. gardner

Intrapersonal intelligence can be characterized by which of the following processes?

A. communication abilities
B. self- reflection and self- awareness
C. musical empathy
D. team cooperation
Answer» B. self- reflection and self- awareness

According to Carroll's model of intelligence, at which level are fluid ability and crystallized intelligence located?

A. highest level
B. lowest level
C. sub-intelligence level
D. intermediate level
Answer» D. intermediate level

Which of the following do Gardner's intelligence correlate with?

A. task capacities
B. each other
C. age
D. crystallized intelligence
Answer» B. each other

Which test provides scores for verbal IQ, performance IQ, verbal comprehension, working memory, perceptual organization and processing speed?

A. wais-iii
B. binet
C. sternberg\s intelligence quotient
D. stanford
Answer» A. wais-iii

Spearman devised which form of factor analysis?

A. structural
B. explorative
C. principle components
D. rotated
Answer» C. principle components

The concept of primary mental abilities was proposed by which of the following?

A. mcclelland
B. thurstone
C. simon
D. newell
Answer» B. thurstone

How many mental abilities were identified by Guildford?

A. 0
B. 44
C. 120
D. 32
Answer» C. 120

Cattell identified which two forms of intelligence?

A. artificial and natural intelligence
B. musical and tactile abilities
C. crystallized and fluid intelligence
D. mental abilities and skills
Answer» C. crystallized and fluid intelligence

Intelligence can be defined as

A. knowledge of a great many facts
B. ability to get good grades in school
C. all the factors that make one person different from another
D. ability to think abstractly and ;earn from experience
Answer» D. ability to think abstractly and ;earn from experience

. The leading cause of mental retardation is believed to be

A. inherited traits
B. environmental factors
C. organic brain syndrome
D. fetal alcohol syndrome
Answer» D. fetal alcohol syndrome

The first intelligence test was designed by two French men

A. binet and simon
B. allen and honzik
C. anastasi and forguson
D. weschlar and fechner
Answer» A. binet and simon

In the formula for IQ, CA stands for

A. comparative age
B. chronological age
C. computation argument
D. contrasting arrangements
Answer» B. chronological age

The belief that intelligence is a general ability is a result of the work of

A. binet
B. gardner
C. sternberg
D. spearman
Answer» D. spearman

In the normal distribution curve of intelligence test scores, the mean IQ score is set at

A. 110
B. 100
C. 90
D. what most people score
Answer» B. 100

In relation to the development of intelligence, the results of twin studies indicate that

A. genetic factors are more important than environmental factors
B. environmental factors are more important than genetic factors
C. neither genetic nor environmental factors are important
D. both genetic and environmental factors are important
Answer» D. both genetic and environmental factors are important

If it is demonstrated that an intelligence test discriminates against certain ethnic groups, then it can be said that the test

A. is reliable
B. has used standardisation sample
C. is valid
D. has culture bias
Answer» D. has culture bias

If an intelligence test measures consistently what it is supposed to be measuring each time it is used, then it is said that the test is

A. based on normal distribution
B. standardised
C. valid
D. reliable
Answer» D. reliable

Weschler's intelligence tests were designed to test

A. verbal intelligence
B. non-verbal intelligence
C. crystallized and fluid intelligence
D. verbal and non-verbal intelligence
Answer» D. verbal and non-verbal intelligence

Which of the following is not of Gardner's multiple intelligences?

A. spatial
B. linguistic
C. musical
D. creative
Answer» D. creative

What do the initials IQ stand for?

A. investment in education quotient
B. intellect quotient
C. intelligence question
D. intelligence quotient
Answer» D. intelligence quotient

According to Spearman, what does 'g' stand for?

A. general knowledge
B. group intelligence
C. green\s intelligence criteria
D. general intelligence
Answer» D. general intelligence

Which are the main components of Speaman's two factor theory of intelligence?

A. visual ability
B. spatial ability
C. specific intelligence and general intelligence
D. emotional abilities and cognitive abilities
Answer» B. spatial ability

Approximately how many trait words for personality are there in the English language?

A. 18000
B. 1000
C. 10000
D. 500
Answer» A. 18000

When analyzing a past president to describe his personality by coding letters or speeches he has written, you are using a process called

A. big five
B. content analysis
C. personality assumptions
D. cognitive approach
Answer» B. content analysis

Ancient Greeks hypothesized that there were four different personality characteristic. they are

A. irritability, optimism, pessimism, calmness
B. calmness, depression, pessimism, irritability
C. depression, irritability, pessimism, optimism
D. irritability, depression, optimism, calmness
Answer» D. irritability, depression, optimism, calmness

In the Big Five personality dimensions, behaviours such as speaking fluently, displaying ambition, and exhibiting a high degree of intelligence is

A. agreeableness
B. openness
C. extraversion
D. conscientiousness
Answer» D. conscientiousness

Psychologists seek to understand Rob's personality through his thoughts, beliefs and their impact on his behaviour in certain situations. This is known as

A. trait approach
B. humanistic approach
C. cognitive approach
D. psychoanalytic approach
Answer» C. cognitive approach

Personality trait model that researches three factors: extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism, is called

A. eyesenck\s trait model
B. myers-briggs type indication
C. cattell\s 16 pf
D. big five
Answer» A. eyesenck\s trait model

What is the trait approach to personality?

A. assumes that people are motivated by unconscious emotional conflicts
B. assumes that each individual has stable personality characteristics
C. assumes that people\s thoughts and beliefs are central to personality
D. assumes that people are motivated by conflicts originating in childhood
Answer» B. assumes that each individual has stable personality characteristics

According to William Sheldon's theory of Personality, which one best describes a person who is sensitive and intellectual?

A. conservative
B. endomorph
C. mesomorph
D. ectomorph
Answer» D. ectomorph

Eyesenck originally developed ___, a highly researched factor theory of personality.

A. interpersonal trait model
B. sixteen factor model
C. three factor model
D. big five
Answer» C. three factor model

The id, ego and superego can be best characterized as

A. part of neocortex
B. located in the occipital lobe
C. systems that make up personality
D. none of the above
Answer» C. systems that make up personality

The attribution of one's own unacceptable urges or qualities to others

A. regression
B. repression
C. projection
D. denial
Answer» C. projection

Albert Bandura was a proponent of which perspective of personality?

A. psychoanalytic
B. social cognitive
C. behaviourist
D. humanistic
Answer» B. social cognitive

People who rate high on the personality trait of ____ tend to be upbeat, optimistic and sociable.

A. introversion
B. neuroticism
C. extraversion
D. agreeableness
Answer» C. extraversion

A trait of personality that identifies extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness,
conscientiousness and openness to experience as the fundamental building blocks of
personailty is

A. five factor model
B. 16 personality factors
C. surface trait model
D. source trait model
Answer» A. five factor model

Personality characteristics or attributes that can easily be inferred from observable behaviour are

A. traits
B. source traits
C. surface traits
D. self-concepts
Answer» C. surface traits

Proponents of trait theory include

A. karen horney, albert bandura
B. raymond cattell, hans eyesenck
C. alfred adler, raymond cattell
D. hans eyesenck, albert bandura
Answer» B. raymond cattell, hans eyesenck

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