Chapter: Respiratory

Which is the most common organism causing community acquired pneumonia?

A. pneumococcus
B. hemophilus influenzi
C. viral
D. gm negatives
E. mycoplasma
Answer» A. pneumococcus

which organism causing pneumonia has an increased association with COPD

A. pneumococcus
B. hemophilus influenzi
C. viral
D. gm negatives
E. mycoplasma
Answer» B. hemophilus influenzi

Which organism causing pneumonia has an increased incidence in IV drug users and those post-influenza?

A. pneumococcus
B. staph aureus
C. viral
D. gm negatives
E. mycoplasma
Answer» B. staph aureus

Which drug/s should be used in adult mild-mod. Community acquired pneumonia?

A. amoxycillin
B. doxycycline
C. rulide
D. any of the above as a single drug
E. amoxycillin and rulide
Answer» D. any of the above as a single drug

Which drug regimen is suggested for severe community acquired pneumonia initially?

A. benzyl penicillin and gentamicin and erythromycin
B. benzyl penicillin and gentamicin
C. ceftriaxone and gentamicin
D. gentamicin and erythromycin
E. flucloxacillin and gentamicin
Answer» A. benzyl penicillin and gentamicin and erythromycin

Which bug makes up 50% of hospital acquired pneumonia?

A. pneumococcus
B. staph aureus
C. gm –ve bacilli
D. legionella
E. chlamydia psittici
Answer» C. gm –ve bacilli

What is the largest size spontaneous primary pneumothorax that can be managaed without aspiration or thoracostomy?

A. 10%
B. 15%
C. 20%
D. 30%
E. 35%
Answer» C. 20%

In which sort of pneumoathorax is aspiration likely to be most successful?

A. traumatic
B. secondary
C. primary
D. iatrogenic
E. equally effective in all of the above
Answer» C. primary

What if the role of aspiration in traumatic pneumothoraces?

A. there is no role
B. first line management in small pneumathoraces only
C. it should be tried in all pneumathoraces as long as there is no respiratory compromise
D. it can be repeated twice before thoracostomy tube is considered
E. none of the above
Answer» A. there is no role

Whatis the recurrence rate of primary spontaneous pneumathoraces?

A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
E. 50%
Answer» E. 50%

Which is not a biochemical feature of transudative pleural effusions?

A. protein<30g/l
B. pleural protein:serum protein <0.5
C. pleural LDH : seurm LDH < 0.6
D. pleural glucose< serum glucose
E. none of the above are biochemical features
Answer» D. pleural glucose< serum glucose

Which of the list below is not the cause of an exudative pleural effusion?

A. viral pneumonia
B. pancreatitis
D. Malignancy
E. Nephrotic syndrome
Answer» E. Nephrotic syndrome

Which of the list below is not a cause of a transudative pleural effusion?

D. Cirrhosis
E. Nephritic syndrome
Answer» C. SLE/RA

Which is not a possible cause of haemoptysis?

B. Mitral stenosis
C. Pneumonia
D. Aortic stenosis
E. Neoplasm
Answer» D. Aortic stenosis

Which statement is false about haemoptysis?

A. massive haemoptysis is greater than 600ml in 24 hours
B. a CXR is normal in about 25 % of cases
C. in any four cases, one is likely to be due to nonteuberculous infection, one due to neoplasia, one due to rarer causes and one idiopathic
D. in massive hemoptysis the pt should be nursed bleeding lung up
E. if possible a double lumen tube should be reserved for post brochoscopy as a rigid bronchoscope cannot be passed down it
Answer» D. in massive hemoptysis the pt should be nursed bleeding lung up

Which drug/intervention is of no proven benefit in management of acute severe asthma in adults?

A. steroids
B. magnesium
C. steroids
E. Aminophylline
Answer» E. Aminophylline

As a generalization, at what PEFR should someone be admitted?

A. PEFR<25% pretreatment and <40% posttreatment
B. PEFR<10% pretreatment and <20% posttreatment
C. PEFR<40% pretreatment and <60% posttreatment
D. PEFR<50% pretreatment and <70% posttreatment
E. PEFR is of no value in this decision
Answer» A. PEFR<25% pretreatment and <40% posttreatment

Which statement is false?

A. Ipratropium is of definite proven benefit in asthma when used with B agonists
B. Ketamine is the intubation agent of choise but in ongoing therapy in acute asthma no benefit has yet been proven in the few studies done
C. Oral steroids are as effective as parenteral steroids
D. Aminophylline may have a role in acute treatment in children but not in adults
E. No studies have been done to see whether adrenaine is better than parenteral salbutamol
Answer» A. Ipratropium is of definite proven benefit in asthma when used with B agonists

Which is FALSE regarding CPAP in acute asthma?

A. it decreases the work of breathing
B. it causes bronchodilation and decreases airway resistance
C. it improves gas exchange if used alone in severe asthma
D. it may be an effective alternative to ETT when maximal pharmacotherapy is used
E. it reduces the cardiovascular impact of changes in pressures caused by asthma
Answer» C. it improves gas exchange if used alone in severe asthma

Which drug/intervention is rarely used acutely in the acute setting of exacerbation of COAD?

A. salbutamol
C. Aminophylline
D. Steroids
E. Ipratropium
Answer» C. Aminophylline

Which statement is incorrect regarding the acute management of exacerbation of COAD?

A. support for the widespread use of steroids is limited
B. support for the use of salbutamol combined with ipratropium is limited
C. B agonists are widely used assuming the possiblility of a small reversible component to the airflow obstruction
D. Support for the widespread use of CPAP and BiPAP is minimal
E. Theophylline is rarely used acutely
Answer» D. Support for the widespread use of CPAP and BiPAP is minimal

Regarding pulmonary emboli, which statement is correct?

A. a normal Aa gradient excludes a PE
B. a paO2>80 excludes a PE
C. a normal CXR excludes a PE
D. anticoagulation reduces mortality from PE from 30% to 10%
E. all of the above are correct
Answer» D. anticoagulation reduces mortality from PE from 30% to 10%

With regards to PE which statement is CORRECT?

A. embolectomy has a better outcome than thrombolysis in massive PE
B. streptokinase is more effective with lower side effects than tPA in massive PE
C. LMWH is probably as effective as unfractionated heparin
D. TOE is sensitive for peripheral emboli
E. Spiral CT angiography is better at detecting peripheral clots than central
Answer» C. LMWH is probably as effective as unfractionated heparin
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